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Slovenia's trade with Pacific rim countries, notably Australia
Dejan Romih, 2014, professional article

Abstract: Slovenia is dependent on trade with the rest of the world, especially with the rest of Europe, its most important foreign buying and selling market. European countries account for 90% of the value of Slovenia’s trade with the rest of the world. There are several reasons for this, such as the relatively short distance between Slovenia and other European countries. If Slovenia wants to increase the value of its trade with non-European countries, it should adopt a number of measures such as increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of its trade promotion. In this paper, the author discusses opportunities for increasing the value of Slovenia’s trade with Pacific Rim countries, notably Australia.
Keywords: Australia, export partner, import partner, Pacific Rim country, buying market, selling market, Slovenia, trade, trading partner
Published in DKUM: 02.08.2018; Views: 876; Downloads: 38
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An analysis of interaction effects of China–South Korea and China–Australia FTAs and the expanding TPP
Sun Yuhong, Mu Yifei, Jun Yang, 2016, original scientific article

Abstract: On 5 October 2015, the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) led by the U.S. was signed. Already, 12 countries1 have joined the agreement, but China has not. Thus, lots of research has focused on the negative effect of the TPP on China’s foreign trade. On the other hand, China is moving forward in its own efforts to establish bilateral free trade agreements (FTAs) and free trade zones. In June 2015, China-South Korea and China-Australia signed bilateral FTAs which went into effect in December 2015. Several questions were raised: Since South Korea and Australia are the major trade partners in the Pacific area and the bilateral FTAs will be effective before the TPP, will these FTAs’ positive effects on China’s foreign trade offset some of the negative effects of the TPP? If China and the U.S. adopted a competitive trade policy, which countries would benefit? If China and the U.S. adopted a cooperative trade policy, how would the trade value and economic welfare change? This paper simulates and analyses the mutual effects of China-South Korea and China-Australia FTAs and the enlarging TPP using the computable general equilibrium model. The major conclusions drawn suggest that China-South Korea and China-Australia FTAs will significantly offset the TPP’s negative effect on China’s foreign trade. If China is not included, the U.S. economic benefit from the TPP will be limited. The economic welfare for a country like Australia, which joined both the bilateral FTA and the TPP, will be increased the most. In the long run, China joining the TPP would be the most beneficial decision for its national interest. However, if the TPP cannot be approved by the US congress, the U.S.’s economic indicators and export would be decreasing sharply. China’s economy and export will benefit from FTAs.
Keywords: China-South Korea FTA, China-Australia FTA, TPP, interaction effects
Published in DKUM: 03.05.2018; Views: 1175; Downloads: 306
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Farms and mines: a conflicting or complimentary land use dilemma in western Australia?
Fiona Haslam McKenzie, 2009, review article

Abstract: The Western Australian economy has always been underpinned by farming and mining. Over the last five years the economy has experienced phenomenal growth due to unprecedented global demand for resources and increasingly, agricultural land is being given up for mining. Changing land uses challenge industry and community leaders; some communities are overwhelmed by a new population connected with mining, bringing with it a range of social and economic tensions that small communities struggle to cope with. This paper will discuss the conflicting issues regarding land use planning, local and environmental governance and sense of place while also canvassing positive developments that have enhanced community and regional economic development, thus building a resilient future.
Keywords: regional economic development, mining and energy sector, agricultural production, Australia
Published in DKUM: 26.03.2018; Views: 2670; Downloads: 93
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Rural amenity and rural change in temperate Australia : implications for development and sustainability
Neil Argent, Matthew Tonts, Roy Jones, John Hubert Holmes, 2009, original scientific article

Abstract: Many rural areas in the developed world are experiencing planning and development challenges related to processes of population change. The nature, direction and regional manifestations of these changes are strongly related to the varying levels of local amenity. These result from the qualities of the local social, economic and physical environments and contribute to the ability of rural regions to attract and retain residents. In turn the presence or absence of this attractive ability is likely to engender development and sustainability challenges related to growth, decline or (where the attractive forces are demographically specific) social mix. This paper considers these challenges in the context of high amenity rural regions in temperate Australia.
Keywords: rural amenity, migration, temperate Australia, counter urbanisation, demographic change
Published in DKUM: 20.03.2018; Views: 1412; Downloads: 84
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Slovenia's trade in goods and services with Australia and New Zealand
Dejan Romih, Andreja Primec, 2015, original scientific article

Abstract: This paper analyses Slovenia´s trade in goods and services with Australia and New Zealand, two of Slovenia´ s less important trading partners. In 2012, the value of Slovenia´s trade in goods and services with Australia and New Zealand amounted to EUR 85.1 million, 0.2 % of the value of Slovenia´s trade in goods and services with the world and an increase of 46.3 % over the previous year. In the same year, the value of Slovenia´s exports of goods and services to Australia and New Zealand amounted to EUR 74.9 million, 0.3 % of the value of Slovenia´s exports of goods and services to the world and an increase of 69.2 % ov er the previous year, while the value of Slovenia´s imports of goods and services from Australia and New Zealand amounted to EUR 10.2 million, 0.4 % of the value of Slovenia´s imports of goods and services from the world and a decrease of 26.8 % over the prev ious year. Therefore, a number of (additional) measures should be taken by Slovenia in order to further enhance its trade in goods and services with these two countries.
Keywords: Australia, New Zealand, trade, trading partner, international relations, international trade, Slovenia
Published in DKUM: 07.07.2017; Views: 1442; Downloads: 123
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Opportunities to increase the value of Slovenia's trade in goods with the Pacific Rim countries : the case of Australia
Dejan Romih, Maša Mikola, Klavdij Logožar, 2014, original scientific article

Abstract: Slovenia is, like many other countries, especially small ones, dependent on exports and imports of goods and services. European countries are Slovenia´s main trade partners, together accounting for almost 90 per cent of the value of Slovenia´s trade in goods. There are various reasons for this, such as the relatively short distance between Slovenia and other European countries. If Slovenia wants to increase the value of its trade with non-European countries, it should adopt a number of measures, such as increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of its trade promotion. In this paper the authors discuss opportunities to increase the value of Slovenia´s trade in goods with the Pacific Rim countries by focusing on the specific case of Australia.
Keywords: trade, trade relations, international trade, Pacific Rim countries, Australia, Slovenia
Published in DKUM: 07.07.2017; Views: 1218; Downloads: 90
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Australia's trade in goods with Slovenia and the Western Balkan countries
Dejan Romih, 2014, other scientific articles

Abstract: This paper deals with Australia´s trade in goods with Slovenia and the Western Balkan countrie s (i.e., Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia) 1 ; Australia´s less important trade partners that together account for less than 0.1 per cent of the value of Australia´s total trade in goods. In 2013, the value of Australias trade in goods with Slovenia and the Western Balkan countries amounted to 188.6 million dollars, of which the value of Australia´s exports of goods to these countries amounted to 45.9 million dollars, less than 25 per cent of the total value.
Keywords: trade, trade relations, Australia, Slovenia, Western Balkan countries
Published in DKUM: 07.07.2017; Views: 1517; Downloads: 127
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