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Control of sliding entrance door with radio frequency identification
Matija Pribanić, 2024, master's thesis

Abstract: This master's thesis addresses the issue of surveillance and the right of access to protected zones. NFC technology was selected as a solution for identifying and monitoring sliding doors. The monitoring system is connected to the web server via an Internet connection, which enables easier data processing and more straightforward data access. In this master's thesis, a scaled sliding door model was used that was made using a 3D printer. The thesis also addresses the issue of powering the system using an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system in the event of a power outage. The monitoring and control system is designated and implemented as a modular system consisting of a UPS, NFC, and the main module. The UPS module powers the system and ensures an uninterrupted power supply. The NFC module is used to communicate between the user of the NFC key and the system. The main module is intended for processing the data received from other modules and components in the security system, managing the sliding doors, and sending the processed data to the controller.
Keywords: access control system, near-field communication, ISO/IEC 14443 standard, radio frequency identification, sliding door
Published in DKUM: 06.02.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 0
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Razvoj vremenske postaje : diplomsko delo
Anže Jošovc, 2024, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Namen diplomskega dela je bil razviti in izdelati vremensko postajo, ki bi delovala neodvisno od omrežja z uporabo vgrajene baterije in sončnega panela kot vira energije. Cilj vremenske postaje je merjenje ključnih meteoroloških parametrov, kot so temperatura, vlaga, tlak, osvetljenost, jakost UV žarkov in smer ter hitrost vetra. Izmerjeni podatki so nato z uporabo modula GSM in protokola MQTT poslani in prikazani na spletni strani. V zaključnem delu je predstavljeno teoretično ozadje tehnike MPPT, protokola I2C in protokola MQTT. Opisane so glavne komponente in uporabljeni senzorji. V nadaljevanju je predstavljeno načrtovanje vezja in izbira komponent. Opisana je programska koda za spletno stran in koda, ki se nahaja na mikrokrmilniku. Na koncu so predstavljeni še potek izdelave projekta in meritve vezja ter končni rezultati.
Keywords: mikrokrmilnik STM, protokol MQTT, vremenska postaja, senzorji, sončni panel
Published in DKUM: 03.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 40
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Uvajanje segmentnega usmerjanja v sodobna podatkovna omrežja ponudnikov storitev : magistrsko delo
Enej Unterajter, 2024, master's thesis

Abstract: Magistrsko delo obravnava nadgradnjo omrežja MPLS s segmentnim usmerjanjem. Tehnologijo segmentnega usmerjanja lahko obravnavamo kot nadaljevanje razvoja tehnologije MPLS, zato je najprej podrobno raziskana tehnologija MPLS. Ker nadgradnja omrežja MPLS s segmentnim usmerjanjem prinaša številne prednosti, se magistrsko delo podrobno osredotoči na raziskovanje te tehnologije, njene prednosti in strategije prehoda z MPLS na segmentno usmerjanje. Ugotovljeno je, da je tehnologija segmentnega usmerjanja zanesljiva in učinkovita, zato jo je smiselno vpeljati v sodobna omrežja. Ker ima enostavnejšo krmilno oziroma signalizacijsko ravnino, se zmanjša obsežnost protokolnega sklada. Podpira tudi koncept programsko krmiljenih omrežij SDN za učinkovito interakcijo storitev in omrežnega sloja. Pri segmentnem usmerjanju robni usmerjevalnik definira celotno pot paketa, zato pri vzpostavitvi in upravljanju povezav ne sodelujejo vsi usmerjevalniki na poti, kar omogoča izvedbo učinkovitih rešitev za prometno inženirstvo.
Keywords: segmentno usmerjanje, omrežje MPLS, prometno inženirstvo MPLS, prometno inženirstvo segmentnega usmerjanja, izvorno usmerjanje
Published in DKUM: 29.03.2024; Views: 274; Downloads: 56
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Modeling, simulation, and verification of a Bounded Retransmission Protocol using Spin model checker and SpinRCP integrated development environment : master's thesis
Pero Buden, 2022, master's thesis

Abstract: Simple Promela Interpreter (Spin) is a model checker that uses Protocol Meta Language (PROMELA) to describe systems. Unfortunately, PROMELA does not support any time constructs, limiting the implementation of a Bounded Retransmission Protocol (BRP) in Spin's integrated development environment called Spin Rich Client Platform (SpinRCP). In the master's thesis, we model, simulate, and verify four versions of BRP. The first two versions are modeled without a timer, and with the others we show two different ways to simulate timers in PROMELA. The tests we run will show the time and space complexity of verifying each version depending on the size of the file sent and the number of retries to send each chunk.
Keywords: model checker, Bounded Retransmission Protocol, Spin, SpinRCP, timer
Published in DKUM: 20.10.2022; Views: 462; Downloads: 39
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Deep Learning on Low Power Embedded Devices Using RISC-V Cores with an Extended Instruction Set : master's thesis
Jure Vreča, 2020, master's thesis

Abstract: This thesis explores the possibility of running neural networks on microcontrollers and how to optimize their performance using instruction set extensions. Microcontrollers are seen as too weak to run neural networks. We challenge this view and show that stripped-down neural networks can run and be useful for some applications. We used an open-source microcontroller called PULPino to run our neural network. The benefit of various instructions and optimizations for minimizing energy consumption to run deep learning algorithms was evaluated. Hardware loops, loop unrolling, and the dot-product unit were implemented and tested. We developed an FPGA-based testing system to evaluate our hardware. We also developed a deep learning library and a test neural network for our hardware. We wrote two versions of the deep learning library. One version is the reference code, and the other is the optimized code that uses the dot product unit. Using the testing system, we tested the performance of the two versions. The synthesis was run to determine the power and energy consumption. We also tried out various optimizations to see if the performance could be improved. Using instruction set extensions and algorithmic optimizations we reduced the clock cycle count by 72% for the convolutional layers and by 78% for fully-connected layers. This reduced power consumption by 73%. We compare our results with related research.
Keywords: deep learning, embedded system, instruction set, RISC-V
Published in DKUM: 03.11.2020; Views: 1556; Downloads: 163
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Programska knjižnica vhodno/izhodnega razširitvenega modula vodila I2C za tehtalno napravo DPA7-R : diplomsko delo
Oskar Žveglič, 2020, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: V diplomski nalogi smo razvili programsko knjižnico za vhodno/izhodni razširitveni modul, ki komunicira s tehtalno napravo DPA7-R prek komunikacije I2C. V knjižnici se nahaja več funkcij za upravljanje z vhodi in izhodi. Narejena in predstavljena sta tehtalna naprava DPA7-R in vhodno/izhodni razširitveni modul ter njuna komunikacija prek vodila I2C. Razširitveni modul vhodov/izhodov s programsko knjižnico je namenjen za uporabo v večjih tehtalnih sistemih.
Keywords: tehtalna naprava, vhodno/izhodni modul, LPC1768, PCA9555, I2C
Published in DKUM: 03.11.2020; Views: 876; Downloads: 63
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Design of an Embedded Position Sensor with Sub-mm Accuracy : magistrsko delo
Matej Nogić, 2019, master's thesis

Abstract: This master’s thesis presents the development of a machine-vision based localization unit developed at Robert Bosch GmbH, Corporate Sector Research and Advance Engineering in Renningen, Germany. The localization unit was developed primarily for position detection purposes with three degrees of freedom in highly versatile manufacturing systems but has an immense potential to be used anywhere where a precise, low-cost localization method on a two-dimensional surface is required. The complete product development cycle was carried out, from the components selection, schematic and optical system design, to the development of machine vision algorithms, four-layer Printed Circuit Board design and evaluation using an industrial robot. Thanks to the use of a patented two-dimensional code pattern, the localization unit can cover a surface area of 49 km2. The size and speed optimized, self-developed machine-vision algorithms running on a Cortex-M7 microcontroller allow achieving an accuracy of 100 µm and 60 Hz refresh rate.
Keywords: localization, machine-vision, code pattern, image sensor, embedded system
Published in DKUM: 14.01.2020; Views: 1340; Downloads: 56
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Samovozeči sobni sesalnik : diplomsko delo
Peter Vrbančič, 2019, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Namen diplomskega dela je čiščenje prostora s pomočjo sestavljenega samovozečega sobnega sesalnika. Razvili smo tiskano vezje, ki vsebuje mikrokrmilnik in vso potrebno periferijo. Za procesiranje podatkov smo uporabili mikrokrmilnik STM32L152RC. Sesanje smo realizirali z BLDC-motorjem. Za zaznavo ovir smo uporabili dva ultrazvočna senzorja HC-SR04. Programsko kodo s knjižnico vseh potrebnih funkcij smo napisali v jeziku C. Razvili smo aplikacijo za Android za vnos dneva, časa in trajanja sesanja. Sistem se je med sesanjem v prostoru izkazal za učinkovitega.
Keywords: vgrajeni sistem, samovozeči sesalnik, brezkrtačni enosmerni motor, ultrazvočni senzor
Published in DKUM: 25.11.2019; Views: 1535; Downloads: 203
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Upgrading the Management of Electronic Systems in a Passenger Car : magistrsko delo
Josip Sučec, 2019, master's thesis

Abstract: The master's thesis introduces the process of modernizing an older model of a passenger car. The mechanical, electrical and programming solutions were required to upgrade the existing car. Upgrades have been made to improve safety, comfort and performance. The safety upgrades contain the development and implementation of the brake temperature and the tire pressure monitoring system, respectively. The comfort upgrades include the car’s light system and accessory improvements, such as “follow me home” function and automatic window closing. The performance upgrades include installation of racing coilovers and the development of remote damping ratio adjustment system. For the central logic unit, a vehicle specific Android device was installed. It controls the local electronic control units made for each specific task and displays tire pressures and brake temperatures. The Android device communicates with the electromechanical car systems by using several serial buses. The communication protocols and their messages in the original car had to be reverse engineered to establish proper communication among the systems in the upgraded car.
Keywords: passenger car, serial buses, reverse engineering, adjustable suspension, sensors
Published in DKUM: 02.08.2019; Views: 1177; Downloads: 144
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Tridimenzionalna ponazoritev gibanja modela izdelka z uporabo inercijske merilne enote
Gašper Košak Pevec, 2018, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: V diplomskem delu smo razvili sistem za določanje orientacije tridimenzionalnega modela v navideznem okolju. Temelji na principu delovanja inercijske merilne enote, ki zaznava svojo orientacijo v prostoru. Slednjo v našem primeru predstavlja razvojna plošča STM32L476 Discovery Board z vgrajenim žiroskopom in merilnikom pospeška. Razvojno ploščo smo povezali z računalnikom, kjer smo s tridimenzionalnim modelom prikazovali orientacijo inercijske merilne enote v realnem času.
Keywords: tridimenzionalni model, merilnik pospeška, žiroskop, inercijska merilna enota
Published in DKUM: 07.11.2018; Views: 1413; Downloads: 113
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