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Ultrafast multicellular calcium imaging of calcium spikes in mouse beta cells in tissue slices
Jurij Dolenšek, Viljem Pohorec, Maša Skelin, Marko Gosak, Andraž Stožer, 2025, original scientific article

Abstract: Background: The crucial steps in beta cell stimulus-secretion coupling upon stimulation with glucose are oscillatory changes in metabolism, membrane potential, intracellular calcium concentration, and exocytosis. The changes in membrane potential consist of bursts of spikes, with silent phases between them being dominated by membrane repolarization and absence of spikes. Assessing intra- and intercellular coupling at the multicellular level is possible with ever-increasing detail, but our current ability to simultaneously resolve spikes from many beta cells remains limited to double-impalement electrophysiological recordings. Methods: Since multicellular calcium imaging of spikes would enable a better understanding of coupling between changes in membrane potential and calcium concentration in beta cell collectives, we set out to design an appropriate methodological approach. Results: Combining the acute tissue slice method with ultrafast calcium imaging, we were able to resolve and quantify individual spikes within bursts at a temporal resolution of >150 Hz over prolonged periods, as well as describe their glucose-dependent properties. In addition, by simultaneous patch-clamp recordings we were able to show that calcium spikes closely follow membrane potential changes. Both bursts and spikes coordinate across islets in the form of intercellular waves, with bursts typically displaying global and spikes more local patterns. Conclusions: This method and the associated findings provide additional insight into the complex signaling within beta cell networks. Once extended to tissue from diabetic animals and human donors, this approach could help us better understand the mechanistic basis of diabetes and find new molecular targets.
Keywords: beta cell, calcium imaging, calcium oscillations, calcium spikes, physiology
Published in DKUM: 24.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 5
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Network representation of multicellular activity in pancreatic islets : Technical considerations for functional connectivity analysis
Marko Šterk, Yaowen Zhang, Viljem Pohorec, Eva Paradiž, Jurij Dolenšek, Richard K. P. Benninger, Andraž Stožer, Vira Kravets, Marko Gosak, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Within the islets of Langerhans, beta cells orchestrate synchronized insulin secretion, a pivotal aspect of metabolic homeostasis. Despite the inherent heterogeneity and multimodal activity of individual cells, intercellular coupling acts as a homogenizing force, enabling coordinated responses through the propagation of intercellular waves. Disruptions in this coordination are implicated in irregular insulin secretion, a hallmark of diabetes. Recently, innovative approaches, such as integrating multicellular calcium imaging with network analysis, have emerged for a quantitative assessment of the cellular activity in islets. However, different groups use distinct experimental preparations, microscopic techniques, apply different methods to process the measured signals and use various methods to derive functional connectivity patterns. This makes comparisons between findings and their integration into a bigger picture difficult and has led to disputes in functional connectivity interpretations. To address these issues, we present here a systematic analysis of how different approaches influence the network representation of islet activity. Our findings show that the choice of methods used to construct networks is not crucial, although care is needed when combining data from different islets. Conversely, the conclusions drawn from network analysis can be heavily affected by the pre-processing of the time series, the type of the oscillatory component in the signals, and by the experimental preparation. Our tutorial-like investigation aims to resolve interpretational issues, reconcile conflicting views, advance functional implications, and encourage researchers to adopt connectivity analysis. As we conclude, we outline challenges for future research, emphasizing the broader applicability of our conclusions to other tissues exhibiting complex multicellular dynamics.
Keywords: islets of Langerhans, beta cells, calcium signaling, intercellular communication, functional networks, myosin model
Published in DKUM: 09.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 3
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The role of cAMP in beta cell stimulus-secretion and intercellular coupling
Andraž Stožer, Eva Paradiž, Viljem Pohorec, Jurij Dolenšek, Lidija Križančić Bombek, Marko Gosak, Maša Skelin, 2021, review article

Abstract: Pancreatic beta cells secrete insulin in response to stimulation with glucose and other nutrients, and impaired insulin secretion plays a central role in development of diabetes mellitus. Pharmacological management of diabetes includes various antidiabetic drugs, including incretins. The incretin hormones, glucagon-like peptide-1 and gastric inhibitory polypeptide, potentiate glucose-stimulated insulin secretion by binding to G protein-coupled receptors, resulting in stimulation of adenylate cyclase and production of the secondary messenger cAMP, which exerts its intracellular effects through activation of protein kinase A or the guanine nucleotide exchange protein 2A. The molecular mechanisms behind these two downstream signaling arms are still not fully elucidated and involve many steps in the stimulus-secretion coupling cascade, ranging from the proximal regulation of ion channel activity to the central Ca2+ signal and the most distal exocytosis. In addition to modifying intracellular coupling, the effect of cAMP on insulin secretion could also be at least partly explained by the impact on intercellular coupling. In this review, we systematically describe the possible roles of cAMP at these intra- and inter-cellular signaling nodes, keeping in mind the relevance for the whole organism and translation to humans.
Keywords: cAMP, beta cells, stimulus-secretion coupling, intercellular coupling, PKA, Epac2A
Published in DKUM: 16.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 4
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Glucose-dependent activation, activity, and deactivation of beta cell networks in acute mouse pancreas tissue slices
Andraž Stožer, Maša Skelin, Marko Gosak, Lidija Križančić Bombek, Viljem Pohorec, Marjan Rupnik, Jurij Dolenšek, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: Many details of glucose-stimulated intracellular calcium changes in [beta] cells during activation, activity, and deactivation, as well as their concentration-dependence, remain to be analyzed. Classical physiological experiments indicated that in islets, functional differences between individual cells are largely attenuated, but recent findings suggest considerable intercellular heterogeneity, with some cells possibly coordinating the collective responses. To address the above with an emphasis on heterogeneity and describing the relations between classical physiological and functional network properties, we performed functional multicellular calcium imaging in mouse pancreas tissue slices over a wide range of glucose concentrations. During activation, delays to activation of cells and any-cell-to-first-responder delays are shortened, and the sizes of simultaneously responding clusters increased with increasing glucose concentrations. Exactly the opposite characterized deactivation. The frequency of fast calcium oscillations during activity increased with increasing glucose up to 12 mM glucose concentration, beyond which oscillation duration became longer, resulting in a homogenous increase in active time. In terms of functional connectivity, islets progressed from a very segregated network to a single large functional unit with increasing glucose concentration. A comparison between classical physiological and network parameters revealed that the first-responders during activation had longer active times during plateau and the most active cells during the plateau tended to deactivate later. Cells with the most functional connections tended to activate sooner, have longer active times, and deactivate later. Our findings provide a common ground for recent differing views on [beta] cell heterogeneity and an important baseline for future studies of stimulus-secretion and intercellular coupling. NEW & NOTEWORTHY: We assessed concentration-dependence in coupled [beta] cells, degree of functional heterogeneity, and uncovered possible specialized subpopulations during the different phases of the response to glucose at the level of many individual cells. To this aim, we combined acute mouse pancreas tissue slices with functional multicellular calcium imaging over a wide range from threshold (7 mM) and physiological (8 and 9 mM) to supraphysiological (12 and 16 mM) glucose concentrations, classical physiological, and advanced network analyses.
Keywords: beta cells, calcium imaging, glucose-dependence, network analysis
Published in DKUM: 15.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 16
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Glucose-stimulated calcium dynamics in beta cells from male C57BL/6J, C57BL/6N, and NMRI mice : a comparison of activation, activity, and deactivation properties in tissue slices
Viljem Pohorec, Lidija Križančić Bombek, Maša Skelin, Jurij Dolenšek, Andraž Stožer, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: Although mice are a very instrumental model in islet beta cell research, possible phenotypic differences between strains and substrains are largely neglected in the scientific community. In this study, we show important phenotypic differences in beta cell responses to glucose between C57BL/6J, C57BL/6N, and NMRI mice, i.e., the three most commonly used strains. High-resolution multicellular confocal imaging of beta cells in acute pancreas tissue slices was used to measure and quantitatively compare the calcium dynamics in response to a wide range of glucose concentrations. Strain- and substrain-specific features were found in all three phases of beta cell responses to glucose: a shift in the dose-response curve characterizing the delay to activation and deactivation in response to stimulus onset and termination, respectively, and distinct concentration-encoding principles during the plateau phase in terms of frequency, duration, and active time changes with increasing glucose concentrations. Our results underline the significance of carefully choosing and reporting the strain to enable comparison and increase reproducibility, emphasize the importance of analyzing a number of different beta cell physiological parameters characterizing the response to glucose, and provide a valuable standard for future studies on beta cell calcium dynamics in health and disease in tissue slices.
Keywords: beta cell, mouse models, calcium imaging, glucose-dependence, tissue slice
Published in DKUM: 15.07.2024; Views: 148; Downloads: 22
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The effect of forskolin and the role of Epac2A during activation, activity, and deactivation of beta cell networks
Maša Skelin, Jurij Dolenšek, Lidija Križančić Bombek, Viljem Pohorec, Marko Gosak, Marjan Rupnik, Andraž Stožer, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: Beta cells couple stimulation by glucose with insulin secretion and impairments in this coupling play a central role in diabetes mellitus. Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) amplifies stimulus-secretion coupling via protein kinase A and guanine nucleotide exchange protein 2 (Epac2A). With the present research, we aimed to clarify the influence of cAMP-elevating diterpene forskolin on cytoplasmic calcium dynamics and intercellular network activity, which are two of the crucial elements of normal beta cell stimulus-secretion coupling, and the role of Epac2A under normal and stimulated conditions. To this end, we performed functional multicellular calcium imaging of beta cells in mouse pancreas tissue slices after stimulation with glucose and forskolin in wild-type and Epac2A knock-out mice. Forskolin evoked calcium signals in otherwise substimulatory glucose and beta cells from Epac2A knock-out mice displayed a faster activation. During the plateau phase, beta cells from Epac2A knock-out mice displayed a slightly higher active time in response to glucose compared with wild-type littermates, and stimulation with forskolin increased the active time via an increase in oscillation frequency and a decrease in oscillation duration in both Epac2A knock-out and wild-type mice. Functional network properties during stimulation with glucose did not differ in Epac2A knock-out mice, but the presence of Epac2A was crucial for the protective effect of stimulation with forskolin in preventing a decline in beta cell functional connectivity with time. Finally, stimulation with forskolin prolonged beta cell activity during deactivation, especially in Epac2A knock-out mice.
Keywords: pancreas, tissue slices, beta cells, calcium imaging, amplifying pathway, forskolin, Epac2A KO, intercellular network
Published in DKUM: 27.05.2024; Views: 193; Downloads: 14
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Segmentacija slik celic z algoritmi globokega učenja : magistrsko delo
Gregor Gorjanc, 2022, master's thesis

Abstract: V magistrskem delu smo se spoznali s problematiko sladkorne bolezni, ki se odraža z nepravilnim obnašanjem celic beta v trebušni slinavki. Seznanili smo se s postopkom označevanja slik Langerhansovih otočkov, ki vsebujejo celice beta. S ciljem avtomatizacije procesa ročnega označevanja slik smo se odločili za uporabo globoke nevronske mreže za segmentacijo slik. Po analizi podatkovnih množic in preobrazbi slikovnih vrst s postopki agregacije v obliko, primerno za strojno učenje slik, smo s pomočjo nenadzorovanega učenja naučili nevronsko mrežo W-Net in ovrednotili rezultate. Mreža je uspešno identificirala zanimiva območja na slikah, vendar s premalo natančnostjo in prevelikimi območji lažno pozitivnih slikovnih točk.
Keywords: segmentacija slik, nenadzorovano učenje, W-Net, nevronska mreža, celice beta
Published in DKUM: 23.01.2023; Views: 739; Downloads: 126
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Spremembe znotrajcelične koncentracije kalcijevih ionov v akutnih tkivnih rezinah trebušne slinavke glodavskih modelov
Viljem Pohorec, 2022, doctoral dissertation

Abstract: Sladkorna bolezen tipa 2 globalno predstavlja vse večji javnozdravstveni problem, številne raziskave pa se posledično osredotočajo na mehanizme normalnega in motenega delovanja Langerhansovih otočkov trebušne slinavke. Laboratorijske miši zaradi strukturnih in funkcionalnih podobnosti Langerhansovih otočkov s človeškimi predstavljajo pomemben model v raziskavah fizioloških procesov trebušne slinavke. Z razvojem genetskih, prehranskih, farmakoloških in kirurških mišjih modelov bolezni pa nudijo tudi vpogled v patofiziološke mehanizme od začetnih sprememb v tarčnih tkivih pri sladkorni bolezni tipa 2 do razvoja adaptacije Langerhansovih otočkov, dekompenzacije in dolgoročnih posledic sladkorne bolezni tipa 2. V zadnjem času postaja vse bolj jasno, da je pri razvoju mišjega modela sladkorne bolezni tipa 2 zelo pomembno genetsko ozadje, oziroma linija in podlinija miši, ki je osnova za model, saj lahko razlika v genetskem ozadju vodi do razlik v fenotipu, ki jih posledično napačno pripišemo učinkom proučevane intervencije raziskave. V doktorskem delu smo zato proučili z glukozo stimulirane spremembe znotrajcelične koncentracije kalcijevih ionov v celicah beta treh pogosto uporabljenih linij in podlinij miši, in sicer pri outbridirani podliniji NMRI in dveh inbridiranih podlinijah C57BL/6J in C57BL/6N. V ta namen smo uporabili metodo akutnih tkivnih rezin trebušne slinavke in fluorescenčno konfokalno mikroskopijo, ki omogoča zajemanje sprememb v kalcijevih signalih, ki nastanejo kot posledica stimulacije z glukozo, v številnih celicah beta sočasno. Tako smo neposredno primerjali vpliv koncentracijske odvisnosti glukoze na kalcijevo signalizacijo v omenjenih treh linijah miši, razlike med posameznimi linijami in variabilnost odzivov, in sicer v fazi aktivacije, kjer smo proučevali zamike od izpostavitve stimulacijski koncentraciji glukoze do odzivov, v fazi platoja, kjer smo proučevali trajanja in frekvence oscilacij kalcijevih ionov ter aktivni čas, in v fazi deaktivacije, kjer smo proučevali zamike od prenehanja izpostavitve stimulacijske koncentracije glukoze do prenehanja kalcijevih odzivov. Ugotovili smo razlike v vseh treh proučevanih fazah odziva kalcijevih ionov na stimulacijo z glukozo, pri čemer velja posebej izpostaviti desnostranski premik krivulje odnosa med odmerkom in odzivom v fazi aktivacije v primeru inbridiranih podlinij in levostranski premik te krivulje v fazi deaktivacije v primeru linije C57BL/6J. V fazi platoja smo opazili kvantitativne in kvalitativne razlike v dinamiki koncentracije kalcijevih ionov, ki so nastale med linijami in tudi znotraj posamezne linije ob stimulaciji z različnimi koncentracijami glukoze. Pomembno pa je poudariti, da se je aktivni čas, to je produkt med frekvenco in trajanjem kalcijevih oscilacij, izkazal za zelo robustno mero, ki narašča z naraščajočo koncentracijo glukoze pri vseh linijah z enako dinamiko. Opažene razlike med inbridiranimi in outbridiranimi linijami kot tudi znotraj obeh genetsko podobnih si inbridiranih podlinij govorijo v prid pomembnosti izbire in ustreznega poročanja genetskega ozadja miši v načrtovanju in pri objavljanju izsledkov raziskav nasploh, za mišje modele sladkorne bolezni tipa 2 pa pričujoče delo predstavlja pomemben referenčni okvir, ki ga doslej v tej obliki v literaturi ni bilo.
Keywords: celice beta, mišji model, slikanje kalcija, glukozna odvisnost, tkivna rezina
Published in DKUM: 27.10.2022; Views: 826; Downloads: 125
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