1. Transforming smartphones into microscopes for teaching anatomyAndrej Šorgo, Vida Lang, 2023, published scientific conference contribution Abstract: A group of prospective biology teachers were given the task of building a microscope out of home appliances and a smartphone. At the end of the course, they built their own microscopes in different designs and took photos of different animal tissues and other material objects. They showed great creativity and tested a variety of solutions. Their work can be seen as a model for their future work with students during their professional careers. An important point is that applying the principles of smartphone microscopy to other school and extracurricular activities can be considered a lifelong skill not only for prospective teachers but also for their future students. Keywords: biology education, human anatomy, microscopy, prospective teachers, smartphone Published in DKUM: 25.09.2024; Views: 1; Downloads: 2 Link to file |
2. The role of computerized laboratory exercises in development of key competencesAndrej Šorgo, Vida Lang, 2023, published scientific conference contribution Abstract: Over the past 20 years, the first author and numerous collaborators have attempted to introduce computer-based laboratory exercises in science, particularly in biology classes. While working with secondary and post-secondary students, it was realised that it was possible to simultaneously develop cross-cutting competencies that bridged several key competences of the European framework of eight key competences for lifelong learning. These were (a) Collecting, analysing, and organising information; (b) Communication of ideas; (c) Planning and organising activities; (d) Working with others in teams; (e) The use of mathematical ideas and techniques; (f) Problem solving; and (g) The use of technology. When inquiry and problem-solving strategies are used, student achievement is much higher compared to explanatory and expository labs. Keywords: biology education, computer based laboratory, key competences, laboratory work, science education Published in DKUM: 25.09.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 1 Link to file |
3. Views of students, parents, and teachers on smartphones and tablets in the development of 21st-century skills as a prerequisite for a sustainable futureVida Lang, Andrej Šorgo, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: It is no longer just an opinion but a fact that the only way to prevent a catastrophic future for
humanity on a planetary scale is to introduce sustainable practices in all areas of human endeavour. The key role in these processes is activity to education. The aim of this study is to investigate the perceptions of Slovenian secondary school students, parents, and teachers (SPTs) regarding the role of smartphones and tablets in promoting 21st-century skills. This study explores the views of Slovenian secondary school students, parents, and teachers (SPTs) on the value of smartphones and tablets in 21st-century skills education. The results show a consensus among participants that smartphones and tablets make a positive contribution to various aspects of 21st-century skills as a Prerequisite for Sustainable Future. Participants consistently rated the suggested benefits of smartphones and tablets above the middle of the scale, with a focus on internet, digital, and information literacy. However, there is still room for improvement in basic skills and higher-order thinking skills. The factorial analysis revealed three correlated factors: Holistic Learning skills, Higher-Level Cognitive skills, and Digital Information Literacy skills. Subsequent analysis revealed significant differences between the focus groups, with students showing stronger agreement with the positive impact of smartphones and tablets on a wide range of skills. While teachers recognized the value of smartphones and tablets for students’ digital literacy and engagement, the differences between teachers and other groups were
relatively small. These findings underscore the importance of integrating smartphone strategies and technology tools to promote 21st-century skills as a Prerequisite for Sustainable Future. Educators and policymakers can use these findings to promote effective teaching and learning practices that meet the demands of the 21st century. Keywords: 21st-century skills, smartphone, mobile learning Published in DKUM: 18.09.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 2 Full text (260,81 KB) This document has many files! More... |
4. Recognition of the perceived benefits of smartphones and tablets and their influence on the quality of learning outcomes by students in lower secondary biology classesVida Lang, Andrej Šorgo, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: After the appearance of the first smartphones in 2007 and shortly thereafter, tablets became
not only useful communication tools, but also objects that function as life organisation units. However,
although they are ubiquitous, their actual and potential role in biology education has not been
sufficiently explored. The objectives of the survey were to investigate the recent use of smartphones in
the last two grades of Slovenian comprehensive school by 14- to 15-year-old students, their satisfaction
with them for educational purposes, and the perceived impact on the quality of schoolwork in biology
classes. Based on the responses of 313 lower secondary school students, we can conclude that
by the end of compulsory education, almost all of them have used smartphones and tablets for
educational purposes to some extent, even if the reported use in different school subjects is low.
Based on structural equation modelling, which examines the influence of the constructs of support,
perceived usability, perceived ease of use, attitudes, and perceived pedagogical impact on the quality
of smartphone-based schoolwork, it can be concluded that only perceived pedagogical impacts and
perceived usability impacted quality, leading to the conclusion that additional efforts should be
made to explore their full potential and the gaps that should be addressed through formal education.
Leaving students to their own devices is the worst solution, resulting in a permanent lack of skills,
such as the ability to select and interpret information provided through the media. Keywords: attitudes, biology education, quality of schoolwork, secondary school students, smartphones, tablets Published in DKUM: 05.06.2024; Views: 136; Downloads: 8 Full text (1,60 MB) This document has many files! More... |
5. Exploring factors afecting elementary school teachers' adoption of 3D printers in teachingBranko Anđić, Andrej Šorgo, Christoph Helm, Robert Weinhandl, Vida Lang, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: Owing to its advantages such as producing durable models and easy accessibility, 3D modeling and printing (3DMP) has become increasingly popular in educational practice and research. However, the results of many studies have shown that the adoption rate of 3DMP among teachers is still low, especially in elementary schools. Therefore, research is needed to expand current knowledge about what influences teachers' decisions to start and continue using 3DMP in elementary schools. To investigate factors that affect elementary school teachers' decisions to use 3D printing in teaching, this study uses a mixed methods research approach combining binary logistic regression with a qualitative thematic analysis approach. Both approaches assembled predictive constructs from a range of theories on (1) technology acceptance and (2) intentions to continue or abandon 3DMP use. Using a sample of 225 elementary teachers from Montenegro, this study empirically concluded that intentions to discontinue 3DMP was slightly more strongly correlated with the predictors (i.e., performance expectancy, effort expectancy, perceived pedagogical impact, personal innovativeness, management support, user interface quality, technology compatibility, social influence, student expectations) than was intentions to continue using 3DMP. Performance expectancy was a significant determinant of teachers’ continued use of a 3DMP approach. The remaining seven factors (constructs) were found to be insignificant predictors. Perceived pedagogical impact and technology compatibility were significantly associated with teachers' decisions to discontinue using 3DMP. Our results also suggest that the time required to use 3DMP during instruction, the impact of 3DMP on the implementation of curriculum activities, and the availability of 3D printers are all relevant factors that influence teachers’' decision to use or abandon 3DMP. Keywords: elementary school, binary logistic regression, continuance intentions, thematic analysis approach, 3D modelling and printing Published in DKUM: 26.03.2024; Views: 268; Downloads: 197 Full text (807,43 KB) This document has many files! More... |
6. Motivacija slovenskih dijakov za pouk biologijeVida Lang, 2017, master's thesis Abstract: Kakšna je motivacija slovenskih dijakov za pouk biologije, kakšna mnenja in občutke imajo dijaki o pouku biologija, kaj menijo o pomembnosti znanja biologije in kam uvrščajo predmet biologija po priljubljenosti in zahtevnosti? V magistrskem delu smo iskali odgovore na zgoraj navedena vprašanja. Zanimalo nas je tudi, ali obstajajo statistično pomembne razlike v motivaciji in odnosu do predmeta med fanti in dekleti, med dijaki različnih letnikov in med dijaki iz različnih slovenskih regij. Na osnovi 625 rešenih spletnih vprašalnikov, ki smo jih pridobili od dijakov različnih srednjih šol iz različnih slovenskih regij, lahko izpeljemo ugotovitve. Z uporabo neparametričnih testov smo ugotovili, da pri motivaciji za pouk biologije obstajajo statistične razlike med spoloma, med dijaki različnih srednjih šol in med dijaki iz različnih regij. Pomembnejše statistične razlike smo ugotovili med dijaki 1. in 4. letnika. Dijake 1. letnika pogosteje bolj skrbi ocenjevanje znanja. Dijakom 4. letnika je snov, ki so se je naučili, pogosteje pomembnejša kakor pridobljena ocena. Pogosteje tudi menijo, da je znanje biologije pomembno za njihovo življenje in da jim bo to znanje pomagalo pri karieri. Faktorske analize so pokazale, da so slovenski dijaki svojo motivacijo za učenje predmeta biologija zasnovali v smislu petih faktorjev: notranja motivacija in osebni pomen, strah do ocenjevanje, samoučinkovitost pri ocenjevanju, karierna motivacija in odgovornost. Rezultati kažejo, da so dijaki biologijo uvrstili med najbolj priljubljeni, hkrati pa med zahtevnejši predmet. Keywords: motivacija za učenje, pouk biologije, slovenski srednješolci, notranja motivacija, zunanja motivacija, osebni pomen, samoučinkovitost, strah, priljubljenost predmetov, zahtevnost predmetov. Published in DKUM: 19.10.2017; Views: 2074; Downloads: 254 Full text (1,93 MB) |
7. Pridobivanje transglutaminaze iz bakterije streptomyces platensisVida Lang, 2017, master's thesis Abstract: Streptomyces platensis je bakterija iz rodu Streptomyces. V rod Streptomyces spadajo nitaste bakterije, ki jih najdemo v prsti. Bakterije Streptomyces uspevajo pri pH 6,5 – 8,0 in v temperaturnem območju med 25 °C in 35 °C. Za S. platensis je značilna proizvodnja zunajceličnih encimov, ki se uporabljajo za industrijske namene. Namen magistrske naloge je bil ugotoviti kako sprememba pH v celični suspenziji S. platensis vpliva na maso celic S. platensis, aktivnost encima transglutaminaza in koncentracijo skupnih proteinov v bakterijski suspenziji S. platensis. Celično suspenzijo S. platensis smo inkubirali v inkubacijskem stresalniku 8 dni pri temperaturi 28 °C in ob rahlem stalnem stresanju. Naredili smo 3 izvedbe, pri katerih smo v procesu inkubiranja celične suspenzije S. platensis spreminjali pogoje pH. Pri vseh 3 izvedbah inkubiranja celične suspenzije S. platensis v odvisnosti od inkubacijskega časa smo ugotovili, da medtem ko se je pH celične suspenzije zniževal, so koncentracija proteinov, aktivnost transglutaminaze in prirast suhe mase celic naraščale. Po treh različnih izvedbah se je izkazalo, da je za gojenje celične suspenzije S. platensis najugodnejši začetni pH 6,7 in inkubiranje pri temperaturi 28 °C ob rahlem stresanju ter brez dodatnega spreminjanja pH. Spreminjanje oziroma uravnavanje pH na začetku procesa ali med celotnim procesom inkubiranja celične suspenzije S. platensis ni ugodno za uspešno gojenje bakterije S. platensis, saj se celoten proces pospeši in bakterije hitreje propadejo. Keywords: S. platensis, aktivnost transglutaminaze, koncentracija proteinov, pH, masa celic. Published in DKUM: 22.09.2017; Views: 2425; Downloads: 224 Full text (3,08 MB) |