1. Mednarodni kazenski pregon storilcev, ki niso državljani pogodbenic Rimskega statuta : magistrsko deloLejla Veladžić, 2024, master's thesis Abstract: Magistrska naloga se osredotoča na problematiko izvajanja mednarodnega kazenskega pregona storilcev, ki niso državljani držav pogodbenic Rimskega statuta. Ključna naloga je analizirati alternativne mehanizme, ki omogočajo uspešen pregon posameznikov in vpliv Varnostnega sveta Združenih narodov.
V nalogi se najprej obravnavajo štiri temeljna kazniva dejanja, kot so genocid, zločin proti človeštvu, vojni zločini ter agresija in njihov pravni okvir. Nato se obravnava zgodovinski vpliv nekdanjih mednarodnih sodišč, ki so pripomogla k vzpostavitvi prvega stalnega Mednarodnega sodišča v Haagu na podlagi sprejetja Rimskega statuta, tj. temeljnega dokumenta, ki ureja delovanje in strukturo sodišča.
V nadaljevanju naloga analizira in ovrednoti Rimski statut ter njegovo vlogo pri pregonu storilcev, ki niso državljani držav pogodbenic. Posebna pozornost je namenjena tudi Varnostnemu svetu, enemu izmed temeljnih organov Organizacije združenih narodov, ki ima v okviru pregona štirih temeljnih mednarodnih kaznivih dejanj pomembno vlogo v zvezi z uporabo svojih pooblastil na podlagi VII. Poglavja Ustanovne listine. Hkrati se naloga osredotoča na druga mednarodna sodišča in na sodelovanje držav, ki je poglavitnega pomena za učinkovito izvajanje pregona in preprečevanja nekaznovanosti. Keywords: Mednarodno kazensko sodišče, Rimski statut, univerzalna jurisdikcija, ad hoc, Varnostni svet. Published in DKUM: 04.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 1 Full text (745,92 KB) |
2. Diplomatic protection of dual nationals : magistrsko deloZala Heric, 2024, master's thesis Abstract: This master’s thesis presents a comprehensive and detailed analysis of the concept of diplomatic protection of dual nationals. It primarily draws upon the ILC’s Draft Articles on Diplomatic Protection, with a particular emphasis on Articles 6 and 7. Additionally, it considers the case law of international courts and tribunals as a secondary source of insight. Although the concept of diplomatic protection and dual nationality are not novel in the context of international law, the relationship between them has recently attracted greater scrutiny due to the influence of evolving geopolitical and social factors. Accordingly, the master’s thesis examines the notion of diplomatic protection and its relationship to dual nationals, with particular emphasis on pivotal turning points and rulings that have shaped contemporary perceptions of the issue.
The concept of diplomatic protection as defined by international law enables a State to assert the rights of its citizens who have suffered injury abroad as a result of an infringement of international law. This is predicated on the connection between the nationality and the State, as well as the injured individual, since the right to diplomatic protection is usually extended to the State of nationality of an individual. Furthermore, the prerequisite of exhaustion of local remedies must be satisfied. In the case of diplomatic protection of dual nationals, two options are available under Draft Articles: a claim can be made against a third State in which the individual does not hold nationality, or against the other State of nationality.
Article 7 of the Draft Articles stipulates that a State of nationality is precluded from providing diplomatic protection to a dual national against another State of nationality unless the former State’s nationality is predominant. In determining the factors that shape the predominance of one’s nationality, the Merge case is instructive. These factors include individual residence, family ties and the centre of one’s interest. With regard to claims for diplomatic protection against a third State, Article 6 of the Draft Articles stipulates that both States of nationality may jointly exercise diplomatic protection against a third State in which the dual national does not hold nationality, relying on the Salem case. Furthermore, in the absence of a genuine link to a State of nationality, third States are unable to contest the claims. Keywords: diplomatic protection of dual nationals, dual nationality, the Nottebohm case, the Flegenheimer case, the Merge case, the Salem case, the Canevaro case, diplomatic protection, ILC Draft articles on Diplomatic Protection, Article 6, Article 7, nationality of the claim, predominant nationality Published in DKUM: 04.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 2 Full text (2,99 MB) |
3. Compatibility of unilateral sanctions with public international law : magistrsko deloAndrej Stanišić, 2024, master's thesis Abstract: This master’s thesis systematically analyses the possible obligations and rules of public international law that must be respected when States impose sanctions without the authorisation of the United Nations Security Council or unilateral sanctions. This type of sanctions has been used throughout history and States are increasingly resorting to imposing them within international conflicts. However, they have never been regulated by any authoritative act, and the decisions of international judicial organs are scarce.
In the absence of specific rules regulating the use of unilateral sanctions, this thesis focuses on the general provisions and obligations of public international law that States must respect when imposing sanction regimes against other States. One of the fundamental principles of international relations is the principle of sovereign equality of States, under which States must refrain from intervening in the domestic affairs of other States and must respect their sovereign immunity. Furthermore, States are obligated to respect treaty provisions they have consented to, one of them being the World Trade Organisation’s Marrakesh Treaty, under which States need to respect the rules enshrined General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, like most favoured nation principle. Unilateral sanctions such as freezing of assets of States and central banks, travel bans for State representatives, import and export bans and trade embargos all constitute a threat to breach these obligations of public international law. However, even if States impose unlawful unilateral sanctions, their unlawfulness may be precluded under the rules of lawful countermeasures.
Inconsistent State practice, divergent opinions of various scholars and lack of codifications make all these rules and prohibitions difficult to determine. However, given the recent increase in the use of unilateral sanctions, this grey area of international law is beginning to be clarified. Keywords: State sovereignty, sanctions, legal countermeasures, coercion, national matters, human rights, immunities, inviolability, security exception, most favoured nation. Published in DKUM: 24.06.2024; Views: 198; Downloads: 45 Full text (1,08 MB) |
4. Weighted wiener indices of molecular graphs with application to alkenes and alkadienesSimon Brezovnik, Niko Tratnik, Petra Žigert Pleteršek, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: There exist many topological indices that are calculated on saturated hydrocarbons since they can be easily modelled by simple graphs. On the other hand, it is more challenging to investigate topological indices for hydrocarbons with multiple bonds. The purpose of this paper is to introduce a simple model that gives good results for predicting physico-chemical properties of alkenes and alkadienes. In particular, we are interested in predicting boiling points of these molecules by using the well known Wiener index and its weighted versions. By performing the non-linear regression analysis we predict boiling points of alkenes and alkadienes. Keywords: weighted Wiener index, alkenes, alkadienes, boiling point Published in DKUM: 30.05.2024; Views: 115; Downloads: 14 Full text (1,12 MB) This document has many files! More... |
5. Szeged-like entropies of graphsMatthias Dehmer, Frank Emmert-Streib, Niko Tratnik, Petra Žigert Pleteršek, 2022, original scientific article Keywords: Szeged entropy, Mostar entropy, PI entropy, cut method, quotient graphs, sensitivity of a topological descriptor Published in DKUM: 20.05.2024; Views: 164; Downloads: 13 Full text (3,17 MB) This document has many files! More... |
6. A method for computing the edge-Hosoya polynomial with application to phenylenesMartin Knor, Niko Tratnik, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: The edge-Hosoya polynomial of a graph is the edge version of the famous Hosoya polynomial. Therefore, the edge-Hosoya polynomial counts the number of (unordered) pairs of edges at distance $k \ge 0$ in a given graph. It is well known that this polynomial is closely related to the edge-Wiener index and the edge-hyper-Wiener index. As the main result of this paper, we greatly generalize an earlier result by providing a method for calculating the edge-Hosoya polynomial of a graph $G$ which is obtained by identifying two edges of connected bipartite graphs $G_1$ and $G_2$. To show how the main theorem can be used, we apply it to phenylene chains. In particular, we present the recurrence relations and a linear time algorithm for calculating the edge-Hosoya polynomial of any phenylene chain. As a consequence, closed formula for the edge-Hosoya polynomial of linear phenylene chains is derived. Keywords: edge-Hosoya polynomial, graphs, phenylenes Published in DKUM: 15.04.2024; Views: 160; Downloads: 176 Link to full text This document has many files! More... |
7. Generalized cut method for computing Szeged-like polynomials with applications to polyphenyls and carbon nanoconesSimon Brezovnik, Niko Tratnik, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: Szeged, Padmakar-Ivan (PI), and Mostar indices are some of the most investigated distance-based Szeged-like topological indices. On the other hand, the polynomials related to these topological indices were also introduced, for example the Szeged polynomial, the edge- Szeged polynomial, the PI polynomial, the Mostar polynomial, etc. In this paper, we introduce a concept of the general Szeged-like polynomial for a connected strength-weighted graph. It turns out that this concept includes all the above mentioned polynomials and also infinitely many other graph polynomials. As the main result of the paper, we prove a cut method which enables us to efficiently calculate a Szeged-like polynomial by using the corresponding polynomials of strength-weighted quotient graphs obtained by a partition of the edge set that is coarser than ▫$\Theta^*$▫-partition. To the best of our knowledge, this represents the first implementation of the famous cut method to graph polynomials. Finally, we show how the deduced cut method can be applied to calculate some Szeged-like polynomials and corresponding topological indices of para-polyphenyl chains and carbon nanocones. Keywords: graph theory, carbon nanocone, topological indices Published in DKUM: 25.03.2024; Views: 234; Downloads: 3 Link to full text |
8. Izgradnja nove transformatorske postaje Varpolje Kamp Menina : diplomsko deloMihael Tratnik, 2024, undergraduate thesis Abstract: V diplomskem delu smo se osredotočili na predstavitev, načrtovanje in izdelavo nove transformatorske postaje Varpolje Kamp Menina s priključnim 20 kV kablovodom in nizkonapetostnim kabelskim izvodom. Nova transformatorska postaja se gradi zaradi širitve dejavnosti v Kampu Menina in premajhne razpoložljive priključne moči na že obstoječem nizkonapetostnem kabelskem izvodu ter neekonomičnosti izgradnje nizkonapetostnega kablovoda. S tem bi zagotovili boljše napetostne razmere in več priključne moči za obstoječe in predvidene uporabnike ter izboljšali kakovost oskrbe z električno energijo na tem območju. Keywords: transformatorska postaja, transformator, kablovod, nizka napetost Published in DKUM: 18.03.2024; Views: 414; Downloads: 73 Full text (2,22 MB) |
9. Outerplane bipartite graphs with isomorphic resonance graphsSimon Brezovnik, Zhongyuan Che, Niko Tratnik, Petra Žigert Pleteršek, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: We present novel results related to isomorphic resonance graphs of 2-connected outerplane bipartite graphs. As the main result, we provide a structure characterization for 2-connected outerplane bipartite graphs with isomorphic resonance graphs. Three additional characterizations are expressed in terms of resonance digraphs, via local structures of inner duals, as well as using distributive lattices on the set of order ideals of posets defined on inner faces of 2-connected outerplane bipartite graphs. Keywords: distributive lattice, inner dual, isomorphic resonance graphs, order ideal, 2-connected outerplane bipartite graph Published in DKUM: 29.02.2024; Views: 290; Downloads: 9 Link to full text |
10. The multivariable Zhang-Zhang polynomial of phenylenesNiko Tratnik, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: The Zhang-Zhang polynomial of a benzenoid system is a well-known counting polynomial that was introduced in 1996. It was designed to enumerate Clar covers, which are spanning subgraphs with only hexagons and edges as connected components. In 2018, the generalized Zhang-Zhang polynomial of two variables was defined such that it also takes into account 10-cycles of a benzenoid system. The aim of this paper is to introduce and study a new variation of the Zhang-Zhang polynomial for phenylenes, which are important molecular graphs composed of 6-membered and 4-membered rings. In our case, Clar covers can contain 4-cycles, 6-cycles, 8-cycles, and edges. Since this new polynomial has three variables, we call it the multivariable Zhang-Zhang (MZZ) polynomial. In the main part of the paper, some recursive formulas for calculating the MZZ polynomial from subgraphs of a given phenylene are developed and an algorithm for phenylene chains is deduced. Interestingly, computing the MZZ polynomial of a phenylene chain requires some techniques that are different to those used to calculate the (generalized) Zhang-Zhang polynomial of benzenoid chains. Finally, we prove a result that enables us to find the MZZ polynomial of a phenylene with branched hexagons. Keywords: Zhang-Zhang polynomial, phenylene, Clar cover, Kekulé structure Published in DKUM: 09.02.2024; Views: 320; Downloads: 16 Full text (719,26 KB) This document has many files! More... |