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Strah potrošnikov glede prehranske varnosti v Sloveniji v obdobju prvega vala COVID-19 krize
Maja Turnšek, Ranka Junge-Berberovic, Vesna Miličić, Martina Bavec, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: Raznovrstne krize znatno vplivajo na celoten prehranski sektor in spreminjajo stališča Evropejcev in politik o pomenu prehranske varnosti, trajnostno pridelane, kakovostne in varne hrane za zdravje potrošnikov. Prispevek se osredotoča na strah glede prehranske varnosti v času prvega vala COVID-19 krize v Sloveniji, na z njim povezan strah glede prehranske varnosti v prihodnje in na spremembe potrošnih vedenj. Spletno anketiranje je bilo v Sloveniji izvedeno v juniju 2020 na način »snežene kepe« in je zajelo 490 posameznikov. Rezultati so pokazali, da sta obe merjeni obliki strahu (i) strah o prehranski varnosti med prvim valom COVID-19 krize in (ii) strah o prehranski varnosti v prihodnosti statistično značilno, srednje močno in pozitivno povezani s skoraj vsemi samozaznanimi spremembami lastnega vedenja zaradi pojava COVID-19 krize. Anketiranci so se najbolj osredotočili na nakup živil, ki so pridelana in predelana v Sloveniji, na ustvarjanje večjih prehranskih zalog ter na večjo pazljivost pri tem, koliko hrane zavržejo. Zgolj manjše spremembe pa so izrazili glede nakupnih kanalov, pri čemer so neposredno od kmetov pogosteje nakupovali starejši, višje izobraženi in ti, ki se samouvrščajo v višji družbeni razred. V prihodnje bi bilo treba vključiti reprezentativen vzorec in primerjati rezultate z rezultati v drugih državah in podrobneje analizirati vpliv posameznikovega ekonomskega položaja in vpliv promocijskih kampanj na spremembo potrošnih vedenj.
Keywords: samooskrba s hrano, prehranska varnost, COVID-19, potrošnik, prehranska veriga, statistična analiza, nakupovalne navade
Published in DKUM: 10.10.2023; Views: 376; Downloads: 38
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Commercial aquaponics approaching the European market: to consumers' perceptions of aquaponics products in Europe
Vesna Miličić, Ragnheidur Thorarinsdottir, Maria Dos Santos, Maja Turnšek, 2017, original scientific article

Abstract: The first commercial aquaponics companies are starting up in Europe. The main focus has been on solving technology issues and optimizing production. However, increasing attention is now being paid to certification and regulations linked to aquaponics, as well as the marketing of products and services. The paper presents the results of a study whose main aim was to estimate consumers’ knowledge about aquaponics and their acceptance of aquaponics products in different European regions. An on-line questionnaire was administered to the general public through the aquaponics network of Food and Agriculture COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Action FA1305 “The EU Aquaponics Hub—Realising Sustainable Integrated Fish and Vegetable Production for the EU” in 16 European countries. The methodology includes univariate and multivariate statistical techniques. The results show that, on average, attitudes towards aquaponics were positive, showing no significant differences between those who already knew about aquaponics and those who only heard about it through the survey. More than 50% of respondents had never heard of aquaponics, whilst more than 70% had already heard of hydroponics. No more than 17% of respondents were willing to pay more for aquaponically produced products and no more than 40% more when compared to the price of products from conventional farming. The results confirm three different clusters of potential consumers of aquaponics products. They also suggest an urgent need for implementing integrated and holistic approaches involving all stakeholders in aquaponics, in order to define a marketing plan and efficient communication strategies. This COST action, other projects and public decision makers must invest in educating consumers about aquaponics through the organization of guided tours, thematic workshops and tastings of aquaponics products in order to raise their awareness about this new technology. It is absolutely urgent that public decision makers, in cooperation with aquaponics stakeholders, address the main institutional constraints, namely the introduction of aquaponics as an economic activity and the organic certification of aquaponics products.
Keywords: aquaponics, hydroponics, aquaponics products, consumers' acceptance, questionnaire, multivariate statistics, Europe
Published in DKUM: 22.06.2017; Views: 1552; Downloads: 383
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