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Laserski vir z nastavljivo valovno dolžino za branje optičnih senzorjev
Matic Vajda, 2024, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Laserski viri z nastavljivo valovno dolžino, ki se uporabljajo za branje optičnih vlakenskih senzorjev imajo pogosto zelo kompleksno zgradbo, uporabljajo gonilna vezja, ki so kompleksna in zahtevna za uporabo, obenem pa so zelo draga. S pojavom VCSEL laserske diode z nastavljivo valovno dolžino se je pojavila cenovno ugodnejša različica, ki ima manj kompleksno zgradbo in je enostavnejša za uporabo. V diplomskem delu je predstavljena izgradnja gonilnika VCSEL lasersko diodo z nastavljivo valovno dolžino vse od načrtovanja in izgradnje sistema pa do programiranja algoritmov za nastavljanje valovne dolžine in prikaza rezultatov.
Keywords: Nastavljiv laserski vir, nastavljiva VCSEL, Gonilnik laserske diode
Published in DKUM: 14.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 10
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Gas sensing system based on an all-fiber photothermal microcell
Matej Njegovec, Jure Javornik, Simon Pevec, Vedran Budinski, Tomaž Gregorec, Benjamin Lang, Manuel Tanzer, Alexander Bergmann, Denis Đonlagić, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: This article presents an all-fiber, miniature Fabry-Perot gas sensor based on photothermal absorption spectroscopy with a custom-made and cost-efficient interrogation system. The sensing gas microcell has a diameter of 125 μ m and a length of 1 mm, and allows for free gas exchange within the optical resonator through micromachined slits. High light intensity and confinement are ensured by delivering the excitation light directly into the gas microcell through a lead-in single-mode fiber. This enhances the photothermal effect and provides a short system response time. The interrogation system utilizes the modulation of an excitation laser diode with a fixed frequency while locking the probe laser onto the gas microcell’s quadrature point (QP) and observing the variations of the reflected optical power. To show the potential of the proposed system, nitrogen dioxide (NO2 was measured in dry air. Thereby, a limit of detection of 20 ppm could be achieved for 10 s integration time. Furthermore, the small dimensions of the sensor allow for improved dynamic performance with photothermal modulation frequencies as high as 7 kHz.
Keywords: Fabry–Perot interferometer, FPI, fiber gas cell, fiber gas sensor, nitrogen dioxide, NO2, photothermal effect
Published in DKUM: 29.08.2024; Views: 96; Downloads: 11
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High-Order Fiber Bragg Grating Corrosion Sensor Based on the Detection of a Local Surface Expansion
Vedran Budinski, Matej Njegovec, Simon Pevec, Boris Macuh, Denis Đonlagić, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: This paper presents a fiber optic sensor for the detection of corrosion processes that occur on metal surfaces. In the proposed sensor design, a sensing fiber with an inscribed high-order Bragg grating is attached to the observed metal surface. A broadening of high-order Bragg grating spectral characteristics is observed and used to detect small and highly localized longitudinal strain variations that occur along the fiber as a result of corrosive rust flakes' formations beneath the sensing fiber. The proposed approach provides a straightforward fabrication method, the possibility for unobtrusive mounting, including mounting of the sensor beneath the corrosion-protective layers, and consistent corrosion detection yields.
Keywords: optical fiber sensors, corrosion, impact of corrosion, optic sensors
Published in DKUM: 09.02.2024; Views: 320; Downloads: 21
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An All-Fiber Fabry–Pérot Sensor for Emulsion Concentration Measurements
Simon Pevec, Janez Kunaver, Vedran Budinski, Matej Njegovec, Denis Đonlagić, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: This paper describes a Fabry-Perot sensor-based measuring system for measuring fluid composition in demanding industrial applications. The design of the sensor is based on a two-parametric sensor, which enables the simultaneous measurement of temperature and refractive index (RI). The system was tested under real industrial conditions, and enables temperature-compensated online measurement of emulsion concentration with a high resolution of 0.03 Brix. The measuring system was equipped with filtering of the emulsion and automatic cleaning of the sensor, which proved to be essential for successful implementation of a fiber optic RI sensor in machining emulsion monitoring applications.
Keywords: optical fiber sensors, Fabry–Pérot interferometer, refractive index, temperature, emulsion concentration
Published in DKUM: 06.02.2024; Views: 336; Downloads: 26
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All Silica Micro-Fluidic Flow Injection Sensor System for Colorimetric Chemical Sensing
Vedran Budinski, Denis Đonlagić, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: This paper presents a miniature, all-silica, flow-injection sensor. The sensor consists of an optical fiber-coupled microcell for spectral absorption measurements and a microfluidic reagent injection system. The proposed sensor operates in back reflection mode and, with its compact dimensions, (no more than 200 µm in diameter) enables operation in small spaces and at very low flow rates of analyte and reagent, thus allowing for on-line or in-line colorimetric chemical sensing.
Keywords: optical fiber sensor, spectral absorption microcell, colorimetry
Published in DKUM: 31.07.2023; Views: 457; Downloads: 22
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Prenos moči in podatkov preko optičnega vlakna z lasersko diodo : diplomsko delo
Tomaž Poženel, 2023, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Diplomsko delo obsega načrtovanje in izdelavo cenovno učinkovite rešitve za prenos moči in podatkov preko optičnega vlakna izključno z uporabo telekomunikacijskih laserskih diod, s katerim dosežemo enosmeren prenos moči in enosmeren prenos podatkov. Sistem temelji na optičnem napajanju merilnega vezja z izjemno nizko energijsko porabo, s katerim zajemamo podatke o temperaturi in jih preko istega optičnega vlakna in laserske diode pošiljamo nazaj do tako imenovane napajalne postaje, kjer optični signal o meritvi pretvorimo v digitalno obliko in ga preko USB povezave prikažemo v uporabniškem vmesniku.
Keywords: laserska dioda, prenos moči in podatkov, optično vlakno, merilno vezje
Published in DKUM: 23.05.2023; Views: 580; Downloads: 50
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Miniature magneto-optic angular position sensor
Vedran Budinski, Simon Pevec, Stanislav Čampelj, Alenka Mertelj, Darja Lisjak, Denis Đonlagić, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: This Letter describes a miniature Fabry–Perot, contactless, magneto-optic sensor for angular position measurement. The sensor utilizes a magneto-optic fluid comprising barium hexaferrite nanoplatelets that become birefringent in the presence of an external magnetic field and a compact fiber-optic sensor system for tracking the liquid’s optical axis direction. An efficient temperature compensation system is provided which allows the use of otherwise highly temperature-sensitive magneto-optic liquids. An unambiguous measurement range of 90° and a resolution of better than 0.05° are demonstrated experimentally.
Keywords: Fiber optic sensor, magneto-optic sensor, angular position measurement
Published in DKUM: 12.05.2023; Views: 623; Downloads: 86
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Optični osciloskop : diplomsko delo
Jan Bezgovšek, 2022, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Diplomsko delo obsega načrtovanje optičnega osciloskopa, ki temelji na analogno-digitalnem pretvorniku ADC08B200, hitri transimpedančni stopnji in mikrokrmilniku z vgrajenimi funkcijami digitalnega signalnega procesiranja. Analogno digitalni pretvornik vsebuje pomnilnik, v katerega lahko shranjuje tipan signal, nato pa te podatke posreduje mikrokrmilniku. S tem smo dosegli visoke frekvence vzorčenja analogno-digitalnega pretvornika, hkrati pa ohranili sistem, ki je združljiv z mikrokrmilnikom. Celoten sistem je zaradi tega cenovno učinkovit, hkrati pa omogoča različne tehnike signalnega procesiranja zajetih signalov. Zajeti in obdelani optični signali so prikazani v uporabniškem vmesniku, ki je narejen v programskem okolju LabVIEW.
Keywords: krmilnik, programiranje, analogno digitalni pretvornik
Published in DKUM: 16.01.2023; Views: 822; Downloads: 101
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Optično linearno polje za spektralno analizo svetlobe : diplomsko delo
Luka Grah, 2022, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Diplomsko delo opisuje realizacijo linearnega polja fotodetektorjev, ki se bo uporabljalo za spektralno razločanje optičnih vlakenskih senzorjev. Sistem temelji na uklonski mrežici, ki projicira posamezne spektralne komponente vpadne svetlobe na linearno polje fotodetektorjev. Projekcija z uporabo ustreznih algoritmov omogoča rekonstrukcijo spektra vpadne svetlobe, prav tako pa sistem omogoča nadaljnjo obdelavo signalov z namenom izluščevanja merjene veličine iz zajetega spektra. Realiziran optični spektrometer ne vsebuje gibljivih delov in predstavlja cenovno učinkovito rešitev za spektralno razločanje optičnih vlakenskih senzorjev, kot je npr. Fabry-Perotov interferometer.
Keywords: linearno polje, optični spektrometer, optični vlakenski senzorji
Published in DKUM: 25.10.2022; Views: 544; Downloads: 77
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