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Napovedniki nacionalizma in evroskepticizma med mladimi v Jugovzhodni Evropi : primerjalna analiza dvanajstih držav
Vanesa Korže, 2024, master's thesis

Abstract: Temeljni namen magistrske naloge je bila preučitev napovednikov nacionalizma in evroskepticizma med mladimi iz dvanajstih držav Jugovzhodne Evrope. Empirični del naloge temelji na sekundarni analizi anketnih podatkov, ki so bili zbrani v okviru projekta »FES Youth Study Southeast Europe 2024« na nacionalno reprezentativnih vzorcih mladih, starih med 14 in 29 let. Izkazalo se je, da na ravni skupnega vzorca vseh obravnavanih držav skoraj vsi napovedniki nacionalizma in evroskepticizma tendenčno kažejo v predvidene smeri. Pri tem kot ključno ugotovitev izpostavljamo zelo visoko meddržavno variacijo napovednikov nacionalizma in evroskepticizma. Edina delna izjema je odnos med nacionalizmom in politično avtoritarnostjo, pri katerem smo ugotovili statistično značilne pozitivne korelacije v skoraj vseh obravnavanih državah. Nekoliko presenetljiva je ugotovitev, da so bolj avtoritarno nagnjeni mladi v večini držav bolj verjetno naklonjeni Evropski uniji. Presenetila nas je tudi ugotovitev, da se je le v Sloveniji pojavila pričakovana negativna korelacija med najvišjo doseženo stopnjo izobrazbe staršev in nacionalizmom. Mladi iz Slovenije sicer izrazito odstopajo tudi po moči povezave med nenaklonjenostjo priseljencem in višjo stopnjo nacionalizma.
Keywords: nacionalizem, Evropska unija, evroskepticizem, Jugovzhodna Evropa, avtoritarnost
Published in DKUM: 12.09.2024; Views: 10; Downloads: 29
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Predictors of meat reduction : the case of Slovenia
Andrej Kirbiš, Vanesa Korže, Maruša Lubej, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Health, environmental, and animal advocacy organisations emphasise reducing or eliminating high meat consumption due to its adverse effects on health, sustainability, climate change, and animal welfare. Increasingly, people are deciding to reduce their meat consumption frequency. Our study aimed to examine predictors of meat reduction among Slovenian consumers, focusing on gender, age, partner and children status, size of residential settlement, socioeconomic status, and political orientation. We conducted a survey using non-probability sampling. We examined demographic, socioeconomic, and political predictors of individuals’ self-assessed intent to reduce meat consumption in the month following the survey. Additionally, we analysed respondents’ meat reduction during the three years prior. A correlation analysis revealed that higher age and education levels were significantly positively correlated with meat reduction patterns. An ordinal logistic regression analysis indicated that age was the only significant predictor of meat reduction intentions and past behaviour. Our findings suggest that middle-aged and elderly individuals are more likely than younger adults to report meat reduction behaviours. Future public health interventions should tailor approaches to different age groups, and, in particular, target younger individuals. Educational campaigns should highlight the health and environmental benefits of reducing meat and animal product consumption, particularly in primary and secondary schools.
Keywords: meat consumption, meat reduction, food, health, diet
Published in DKUM: 20.08.2024; Views: 106; Downloads: 9
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