1. Completely resected stage III melanoma controversy : 15 years of national tertiary centre experienceBarbara Perić, Sara Milićević, Andraž Perhavec, Marko Hočevar, Janez Žgajnar, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: Background: Two prospective randomized studies analysing cutaneous melanoma (CM) patients with sentinel lymph node (SLN) metastases and rapid development of systemic adjuvant therapy have changed our approach to stage III CM treatment. The aim of this study was to compare results of retrospective survival analysis of stage III CM patients% treatment from Slovenian national CM register to leading international clinical guidelines.
Patients and methods: Since 2000, all Slovenian CM patients with primary tumour % TIb are treated at the Institute of Oncology Ljubljana and data are prospectively collected into a national CM registry. A retrospective analysis of 2426 sentinel lymph node (SLN) biopsies and 789 lymphadenectomies performed until 2015 was conducted using Kaplan-Meier survival curves and log-rank tests.
Results: Positive SLN was found in 519/2426 (21.4%) of patients and completion dissection (CLND) was performed in 455 patients. The 5-year overall survival (OS) of CLND group was 58% vs. 47% of metachronous metastases group (MLNM) (p = 0.003). The 5-year OS of patients with lymph node (LN) metastases and unknown primary site (UPM) was 45% vs. 21% of patients with synchronous LN metastasis. Patients with SLN tumour burden < 0.3 mm had 5-year OS similar to SLN negative patients (86% vs. 85%; p = 0.926). The 5-year OS of patients with burden > 1.0 mm was similar to the MLNM group (49% vs. 47%; p = 0.280).
Conclusions: Stage III melanoma patients is a heterogeneous group with significant OS differences. CLND after positive SLNB might still remain a method of treatment for selected patients with stage III. Keywords: cutaneous melanoma, surgery treatment, sentinel node biopsy, completion lymph node dissection, overall surviva Published in DKUM: 08.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 2 Full text (412,50 KB) This document has many files! More... |
2. Analiza odnosov z javnostmi na primeru organizacije in izvedbe Merilne konference 2024 v visokotehnološkem podjetjuJan Hočevar, 2024, undergraduate thesis Abstract: V diplomskem delu sem analiziral, kako se visokotehnološko podjetje v okviru Merilne konference obnaša do svojih javnosti, katere izmed njih so jim najpomembnejše in katerim morajo v prihodnosti dati več poudarka. V teoretičnem delu sem najprej zapisal nekaj o marketingu in komuniciranju v marketingu, nato pa definiral termina javnost in odnosi z javnostmi, zapisal nekaj o zgodovini odnosov z javnostmi po svetu in tudi v Sloveniji sami, nadaljeval z vrednotenjem in razdelitvijo javnosti, kako z javnostmi komuniciramo, katere komunikacijske tehnike poznamo in katere aktivnosti izvajamo v njenih okvirih ter kje vidim prihodnost oz. do zdaj še neizkoriščene ali vsaj premalo izkoriščene priložnosti na področju odnosov z javnostmi. Nato sem nadaljeval na primeru visokotehnološkega podjetja in najprej opisal podjetje, kaj proizvaja in kaj ga dela tako uspešnega v svoji panogi, potem pa še njegovo Merilno konferenco in vse, kar je potrebno za to, da ta dogodek poteka nemoteno in po načrtih. Nadaljeval sem s tremi analizami, in sicer z osnovno analizo posledic, ki jih ima udeležba na Merilni konferenci za vsako izmed ključnih javnosti, SWOT-analizo prednosti, slabosti, priložnosti in groženj ter analizo medijskega pojavljanja Merilne konference v sodelovanju s podjetjem PressClipping, d. o. o. Na koncu pa sem oblikoval še priporočilo za implementacijo pridobljenih spoznanj v naslednjih izvedbah Merilne konference za visokotehnološko podjetje in hkrati tudi splošna priporočila za podjetja pri organiziranju podobnih dogodkov. Keywords: odnosi z javnostmi, merilna konferenca, ključne javnosti, SWOT-analiza, analiza medijskega pojavljanja. Published in DKUM: 03.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 13 Full text (2,98 MB) |
3. Zagotavljanje požarne varnosti v objektih kritične infrastrukture - študija primera skladišč naftnih derivatov : diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko deloMatej Hočevar, 2024, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Požarna varnost ima v objektih kritične infrastrukture pomembno vlogo predvsem v skladiščih naftnih derivatov, kjer obstaja veliko tveganje za požare in eksplozije. Skladiščenje naftnih derivatov predstavlja specifično nevarnost za okolje ter vse udeležence, ki so povezani z njimi. Najpogostejši vzroki za požare so operativne napake in napake pri vzdrževanju. Požari lahko povzročijo veliko okoljsko škodo, kot so onesnaženje zraka, tal in vode, ter dolgoročno vplivajo na zdravje prebivalcev in lokalne skupnosti. Smernice za preprečevanje in obvladovanje izrednih dogodkov zajemajo izvajanje varnostnih ukrepov za preprečevanje in obvladovanje nesreč. Uporaba sistemov za zaznavanje in avtomatsko gašenje požarov znatno izboljšata varnost. Nadgradnja sistemov za nadzor in avtomatizacijo procesov zmanjšuje človeške napake in povečuje učinkovitost. Skladišča uporabljajo napredne varnostne sisteme za zmanjšanje tveganja okoljske škode. Kljub varnostnim ukrepom lahko pride do potencialnih okoljskih škod, saj požari in izlitja lahko povzročijo obsežno ekološko škodo. Področje požarne varnosti je marsikje pomanjkljivo, kar lahko vodi do nejasnosti pri izvajanju varnostnih ukrepov. Raziskava izpostavlja omejen dostop do nekaterih pomembnih informacij, kar ovira celovito analizo varnosti. V določenih primerih je infrastruktura za gašenje požarov in varnostnih naprav zastarela ali neustrezno vzdrževana. Zagotavljanje požarne varnosti v skladiščih naftnih derivatov zahteva stalno posodabljanje varnostnih praks in tesno sodelovanje med institucijami in obrati. Le tako je mogoče učinkovito zmanjšati tveganja in zaščititi ljudi, okolje ter kritično infrastrukturo. Keywords: požarna varnost, kritična infrastruktura, naftni derivati, diplomske naloge Published in DKUM: 27.09.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 22 Full text (1,55 MB) |
4. Study of V[sub]2CT[sub]x-MXene Based Immunosensor for Sensitive Label-Free Impedimetric Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Spike ProteinNikola Tasić, Ivan Konjević, Alnilan Cristina Barros Lobato, Dino Metarapi, Matjaž Finšgar, Filipa M. Oliveira, Zdeněk Sofer, Rui Gusmão, Xueji Zhang, Samo B. Hočevar, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: Rapid and reliable immunosensing is undoubtedly one of the priorities in the efficient management and combat against a pandemic, as society has experienced with the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak; simple and cost-effective sensing strategies are at the forefront of these efforts. In this regard, 2D-layered MXenes hold great potential for electrochemical biosensing due to their attractive physicochemical properties. Herein, we present a V$_2$CT$_x$ MXene-based sensing layer as an integral part of a label-free immunosensor for sensitive and selective detection of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. The sensor was fabricated on a supporting screen-printed carbon electrode using Nafion as an immobilizing agent for MXene and glutaraldehyde, the latter enabling effective binding of protein A for further site-oriented immobilization of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies. A thorough structural analysis of the sensor architecture was carried out, and several key parameters affecting the fabrication and analytical performance of the immunosensor were investigated and optimized. The immunosensor showed excellent electroanalytical performance in combination with an impedimetric approach and exhibited a low detection limit of only 45 fM SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. Its practical applicability was successfully demonstrated by measuring the spike protein in a spiked artificial nasopharyngeal fluid sample. Keywords: imunosenzorji, polprevodniške nanostrukture, proteini, spike protein, immunosensors, SARS-CoV-2, V2CTxMXene Published in DKUM: 29.08.2024; Views: 42; Downloads: 3 Link to full text |
5. Vine canopy reconstruction and assessment with terrestrial lidar and aerial imagingIgor Petrović, Matej Sečnik, Marko Hočevar, Peter Berk, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: For successful dosing of plant protection products, the characteristics of the vine canopies should be known, based on which the spray amount should be dosed. In the field experiment, we compared two optical experimental methods, terrestrial lidar and aerial photogrammetry, with manual defoliation of some selected vines. Like those of other authors, our results show that both terrestrial lidar and aerial photogrammetry were able to represent the canopy well with correlation coefficients around 0.9 between the measured variables and the number of leaves. We found that in the case of aerial photogrammetry, significantly more points were found in the point cloud, but this depended on the choice of the ground sampling distance. Our results show that in the case of aerial UAS photogrammetry, subdividing the vine canopy segments to 5 × 5 cm gives the best representation of the volume of vine canopies. Keywords: precision agriculture, remote sensing, 3D point clouds, vineyard, canopy reconstruction, terrestrial lidar, aerial photogrammetry, manual defoliation Published in DKUM: 15.07.2024; Views: 123; Downloads: 10 Link to full text This document has many files! More... |
6. The impact of COVID-19 on the orthopaedic patient in Slovenia : HIP and knee replacement surgery, 90-day mortality, outpatient visits and waiting timesVesna Levašič, Denia Savarin, Simon Kovač, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: Introduction
The purpose of the study was to analyse the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the healthcare of the orthopaedic patient, i.e. numbers of hip and knee replacement surgeries, 90-day mortality, waiting times and outpatient clinic visits.
The Hip (HR) and Knee Replacement (KR) records from The National Arthroplasty Registry of Slovenia in the pandemic year 2020 were compared to the year 2019. To compare reasons for revision and 90-day mortality the Chi-square test was used. The median values of the number of operations and waiting times were compared with the 95% confidence intervals. The number of outpatient clinic visits was tested with the Wilcoxon Signed Ranked test.
All operations fell by 19%, from 7825 to 6335. The number of Primary Total HR declined from 3530 to 2792 (21%) and the number of Primary KR from 3191 to 2423 (24%). The number of hip revisions declined by 10% and knee revisions by 25%. We did not find differences in 90-day mortality (p=0.408). Outpatient clinic visits fell from 228682 to 196582 (14%) per year. Waiting times increased by 15% for HR and by 12% for KR.
There was an inevitable drop in the number of surgeries and outpatient clinic visits in the spring and autumn lockdown. With the reorganisation of the orthopaedic service in Slovenia, the number of KR and HR stayed at a relatively high level despite the pandemic. An epidemiological model and mechanisms for the reduction of waiting times could overcome the impact of the epidemic. Keywords: COVID-19, hip replacements, knee replacements, 90-day mortality, outpatient clinics, waiting times Published in DKUM: 26.06.2024; Views: 163; Downloads: 13 Full text (563,33 KB) This document has many files! More... |
7. Dual-modular versus single-modular stems for primary total hip arthroplasty : a long-term survival analysisSamo K. Fokter, Nejc Noč, Vesna Levašič, Marko Hanc, Jan Zajc, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: Background and Objectives: Increased revision rate of dual-modular (DM) femoral stems in primary total hip arthroplasty (THA) because of modular-neck breakage and adverse local tissue reactions (ALTRs) to additional junction damage products is well established and some designs have been recalled from the market. However, some long-term studies of specific DM stems did not confirm the inferiority of these stems compared to standard single-modular (SM) stems, and a head-to-head comparison THA is missing. The objectives of this multicentre study were to determine the survivorship and complication rates of a common DM stem design compared to a similar SM stem. Materials and Methods: In a time frame from January 2012 to November 2015, a cohort of 807 patients (882 hips) consecutively underwent primary cementless THAs at two orthopaedic centres. 377 hips were treated with a Zweimüller-type DM stem THA system and 505 hips with a similar SM stem THA system, both including a modern press-fit acetabulum. Kaplan-Meier survivorship and complication rates were compared between both groups in a median follow-up of 9.0 years (maximum, 9.9 years). Results: The 9-year survivorship of the DM stem THA system (92.6%, 95% CI 89.9–95.3) was significantly lower than that of the SM stem THA system (97.0%, 95% CI 95.2–98.8). There were no differences in revision rates for septic loosening, dislocation, and periprosthetic fractures between the two groups. One ceramic inlay and one Ti-alloy modular neck breakage occurred in the DM stem THA system group, but the main reason for revision in this group was aseptic loosening of components. Conclusions: The survivorship of the DM stem THA system was lower than the similar SM stem THA system in a comparable clinical environment with long-term follow-up. Our results confirmed that no rationale for stem modularity exists in primary THAs. Keywords: total hip arthroplasty, modular necks, exchangeable necks, survival rate, complications, revision rate, primary hip replacement, prosthesis, Ti-alloy Published in DKUM: 18.03.2024; Views: 320; Downloads: 5 Full text (1,09 MB) This document has many files! More... |
8. Izolacija maščobnih kislin iz bučnih semen vrste cucurbita pepo : magistrsko deloNika Hočevar, 2024, master's thesis Abstract: V magistrskem delu smo izvedli različne metode ekstrakcij bučnih semen, raziskali biološki pomen maščobnih kislin, preučevali izolacijo le-teh iz bučnih semen vrste Cucurbita pepo. Bučna semena že dolgo veljajo za prehransko bogato in zdravo sestavino, ki vsebujejo esencialne hranilne snovi, med njimi tudi pomembne maščobne kisline.
Za pridobivanje ekstrakta bučnih semen smo uporabili konvencionalne ekstrakcije, s topilom petrol eter in superkrične ekstrakcije z uporabo ogljikovega dioksida pri različnih pogojih. Izvedli smo saponifikacijo ter določili vsebnost maščobnih kislin z metodo GC-MS. Ugotavljamo, da ekstrakcija s Soxhletovim aparatom prinese največji izkoristek pri konvencionalnih ekstrakcijah, medtem ko je superkrična ekstrakcija najvišji izkoristek prinesla pri tlaku 400 bar in temperaturi 60 °C. Analiza maščobnih kislin je razkrila, da je najbolj zastopana oleinska kislina, sledita ji linolna in palmitinska kislina. Pri konstantni temperaturi 60 °C smo z višanjem tlaka pridobili večjo vsebnost oleinske in linolne kisline. Vsebnost maščobnih kislin v ekstraktih je bila primerljiva, ne glede na uporabljeno metodo. Zaključek poudarja pomembnost esencialnih maščobnih kislin, še posebej linolne ter oleinske kisline v bučnih semenih ter odpira poti novim možnostim v prehrambeni in medicinski industriji. Raziskava prispeva k razvoju znanja na področju izolacije in uporabe ekstraktov bučnih semen ter poziva k nadaljnjim raziskavam za izboljšanje prehranskih dopolnil in splošnega zdravja ljudi. Keywords: bučna semena, superkritična ekstrakcija, maščobne kisline, saponifikacija, GC-MS Published in DKUM: 06.02.2024; Views: 379; Downloads: 43 Full text (2,84 MB) |
9. Professional and organisational commitment in the hospitality sectorMarjetka Rangus, Bojana Radenković-Šošić, Srđan Milošević, Jože Hočevar, Iva Škrbić, Mladen Knežević, 2020, original scientific article Abstract: The purpose of the study is to examinewhether two differentwork commitment profiles influence service quality in the hospitality sector in Slovenia and Serbia and how the implications of the differences can be used in the tourism and hospitality industry. Combining a qualitative and quantitative approach, two new instruments were developed for this study. The first instrumentwas created on the basis of short, structured interviews with employees. Two factors explaining the two different commitment profiles were determined with statistical analysis and with themethod of clustering, four dimensions of commitment profiles formingwere extracted. The second instrument was developed on the basis of existing evaluation forms for employees in the tourism industry and interviews with leading and middle managers of hotels. The findings of the study show that there is a small proportion of professionallyoriented employees in the tourism sector, and the difference among employees is evident in the ranking of working values. These results could be useful formanagers in planning and organising their human resources and also in planning further development of their companies% human resource policies. The original contribution of the article is the ranking of working values and the perception of quality work by employees in the hospitality sector. The study also reveals new evidence on different types of commitment profiles. Keywords: tourism, hospitality, organisational commitment, professional commitment, human resources management, HRM Published in DKUM: 29.01.2024; Views: 270; Downloads: 19 Full text (167,12 KB) This document has many files! More... |
10. Turizem 4.0 in platforma "Digitalizacija in varnost v turizmu"Boštjan Brumen, Marjetka Rangus, Mitja Gorenak, 2021, published scientific conference contribution Abstract: Evropska unija je opredelila ključna področja, na katerih zaostaja za glavnimi svetovnimi konkurenti, ZDA, Japonsko in hitro rastočimi azijskimi gospodarstvi. Ta področja so sprejetje IKT v poslovanje, dostop do investicijskih skladov in inovacijske politike. Ena izmed ključnih konkurenčnih panog v Evropi je turizem, ki ima skupne probleme z drugimi panogami. Evropski turizem temelji predvsem na malih in srednje velikih podjetjih, ki imajo razdrobljen in razpršen potencial rasti, nizko sposobnost pridobivanja in uporabe znanja ter imajo omejen dostop do rizičnega kapitala. Evropska strategija pametne specializacije naslavlja te probleme v okviru panoge turizem z oblikovanjem tematske platforme "Digitalizacija in varnost v turizmu". Njeno poslanstvo je ustvariti skupne in participativne storitve za povečanje medregionalnih naložb v digitalizacijo v turističnem sektorju. Namen platforme je služiti kot osnova za razvoj prihodnjega digitalnega evropskega turizma. V prispevku opisujemo platformo in njeno navezavo na Turizem 4.0 v Sloveniji. Keywords: turizem, digitalizacija, platforma, varnost, strategija, pametna specializacija Published in DKUM: 24.01.2024; Views: 235; Downloads: 14 Full text (24,52 MB) This document has many files! More... |