1. Priložnosti in izzivi digitalizacije računovodstva na primeru računovodskega servisaLara Felbar, 2024, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Vstopamo v dobo, kjer digitalizacija postaja ključnega pomena za vse panoge, vključno z računovodstvom, saj spreminja način kako poslujemo. Vedno več računovodskih servisov se odloča za uvajanje digitalnih tehnologij. Ta prehod pa odpira številne priložnosti, kot so avtomatizacija procesov, ki omogoča učinkovito izvajanje rutinskih nalog, kot so knjiženje prejetih in izdanih računov in priprava poročil; računovodstvo v oblaku, ki omogoča podjetjem dostop do računovodskih podatkov in aplikacij preko spleta; e-računi in e-fakturiranje omogočajo elektronsko izmenjavo računov med podjetji in zmanjšuje stroške tiskanja, pošiljanja in arhiviranja; in pa umetna inteligenca v računovodstvu, ki lahko samodejno knjiži transakcije, omogoča izdelavo podrobnih in točnih finančnih poročil itd. Kljub temu, pa se pojavljajo tudi številni izzivi, s katerimi se računovodski servisi soočajo. Med najpomembnejšimi so skrb za varnost in zaščito podatkov, potreba po dodatnem usposabljanju zaposlenih za upravljanje novih tehnoloških orodij in procesov, visoki stroški implementacije digitalnih sistemov ter tehnične težave pri uvajanju digitalnih rešitev.
Glavni problem, ki ga naloga obravnava je, kako uspešno upravljati s prehodom na digitalno računovodstvo ter izkoristiti njegove priložnosti, obenem pa obvladovati morebitne izzive, ki jih prinaša. Keywords: Priložnosti, izzivi, digitalizacija, računovodstvo. Published in DKUM: 11.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 12 Full text (1,61 MB) |
2. Distribucijski baterijski hranilnik v nizkonapetostnem omrežju : diplomsko deloMarko Timošek, 2024, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Zanesljivost oskrbe z električno energijo predstavlja za distribucijska podjetja izjemno pomembno nalogo. Zaradi načrtovanih del in v zadnjem času čedalje bolj zaradi raznih okvar so odjemalci pogosto brez električne energije. Začasno rešitev za ublažitev posledic prekinitve napajanja predstavljajo razni mobilni generatorji ali agregati. V nalogi pa bomo obravnavali baterijski sistem, ki je v transformatorski postaji Luče Urtelj zasnovan in priključen tako, da lahko otočno napaja štiri izvode nizkonapetostnega podeželskega omrežja. Na ta način lahko baterijski sistem napaja odjemalce v primeru raznih vzdrževalnih del, ko je transformator izklopljen. Prav tako lahko baterijski hranilnik samodejno vzpostavi otočno obratovanje v primeru nenačrtovanih dogodkov, ki povzročijo izpad srednje napetostnega napajanja in s tem motnjo v dobavi električne energije. Keywords: otočno obratovanje, baterijski hranilnik električne energije, nizkonapetostno omrežje, razpršeni viri, merilne točke Published in DKUM: 20.09.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 15 Full text (5,74 MB) |
3. Acceptance of GIS within ERP system : research study in higher educationSimona Sternad Zabukovšek, Polona Tominc, Zdenko Deželak, Gaik Nalbandyan, Samo Bobek, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: GIS is often used in companies where employees already use enterprise information systems/enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems and where both systems are used simultaneously. This article is a research study of GIS acceptance by users using GIS, not as a stand-alone tool, but as an integrated tool into the ERP system. The research was conducted using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), one of the most often used research models for researching behavioral intention and actual use of information systems. For this research study, TAM has been modified and extended with external factors. The main research objective is to identify determinants of GIS acceptance and the attitude of individuals toward using GIS integrated with ERP systems. The structural equation model with partial least squares (PLS) method was used to analyze collected survey data. The study researched 12 external factors in the TAM model, out of which 10 were found significant. The most important factors that impact behavioral intention to use ERP-GIS systems are perceived usefulness of ERP-GIS systems and attitude toward using GIS, followed by education and training about ERP-GIS systems and perceived enjoyment using ERP-GIS systems. Keywords: geographic information systems (GIS), enterprise resource planning (ERP), GIS and ERP integration, GIS acceptance, technology acceptance model (TAM) Published in DKUM: 09.07.2024; Views: 103; Downloads: 13 Full text (1,27 MB) This document has many files! More... |
4. Attractiveness of collaborative platforms for sustainable e-learning in business studiesSimona Sternad Zabukovšek, Zdenko Deželak, Silvia Parusheva, Samo Bobek, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: E-learning platforms have become more and more complex. Their functionality included in learning management systems is extended with collaborative platforms, which allow better communication, group collaboration, and face-to-face lectures. Universities are facing the challenge of advanced use of these platforms to fulfil sustainable learning goals. Better usability and attractiveness became essential in successful e-learning platforms, especially due to the more intensive interactivity expected from students. In the study, we researched the user experience of students who have used Moodle, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet. User experience is, in most cases, connected with a person’s perception, person’s feelings, and satisfaction with the platform used. Data were collected using a standard UEQ questionnaire. With this research, we examined whether user experience factors: perceived efficiency, perceived perspicuity, perceived dependability, perceived stimulation, and perceived novelty affect perceived attractiveness, which is an important factor in the sustainability of e-learning tools. The collected data were processed using SmartPLS. The research study showed that all studied factors have a statistically significant impact on perceived attractiveness. Factor perceived stimulation has the strongest statistically significant impact on the perceived attractiveness of e-learning platforms, followed by perceived efficiency, perceived perspicuity, perceived novelty, and perceived dependability. Keywords: e-learning platform, collaboration platform, usability, user experience Published in DKUM: 09.07.2024; Views: 116; Downloads: 9 Full text (969,15 KB) This document has many files! More... |
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7. Experimental validation of a thermo-electric model of the photovoltaic module under outdoor conditionsKlemen Sredenšek, Bojan Štumberger, Miralem Hadžiselimović, Sebastijan Seme, Klemen Deželak, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: An operating temperature of the photovoltaic (PV) module greatly affects performance and its lifetime. Therefore, it is essential to evaluate operating temperature of the photovoltaic module in different weather conditions and how it affects its performance. The primary objective of this paper is to present a dynamic thermo-electric model for determining the temperature and output power of the photovoltaic module. The presented model is validated with field measurement at the Institute of Energy Technology, Faculty of Energy Technology, University of Maribor, Slovenia. The presented model was compared with other models in different weather conditions, such as clear, cloudy and overcast. The evaluation was performed for the operating temperature and output power of the photovoltaic module using Root-Mean-Square-Error (RMSE) and Mean-Absolute-Error (MAE). The average RMSE and MAE values are 1.75C and 1.14C for the thermal part and 20.34 W and 10.97 W for the electrical part. Keywords: dynamic modeling, thermo-electric model, accuracy, measuring device, temperature, output power, PV module Published in DKUM: 13.11.2023; Views: 380; Downloads: 33 Full text (9,51 MB) This document has many files! More... |
8. Proportional-integral controllers performance of a grid-connected solar PV system with particle swarm optimization and Ziegler-Nichols tuning methodKlemen Deželak, Peter Braciník, Klemen Sredenšek, Sebastijan Seme, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: This paper deals with photovoltaic (PV) power plant modeling and its integration into the medium-voltage distribution network. Apart from solar cells, a simulation model includes a boost converter, voltage-oriented controller and LCL filter. The main emphasis is given to the comparison of two optimization methods-particle swarm optimization (PSO) and the Ziegler-Nichols (ZN) tuning method, approaches that are used for the parameters of Proportional-Integral (PI) controllers determination. A PI controller is commonly used because of its performance, but it is limited in its effectiveness if there is a change in the parameters of the system. In our case, the aforementioned change is caused by switching the feeders of the distribution network from an open-loop to a closedloop arrangement. The simulation results have claimed the superiority of the PSO algorithm, while the classical ZN tuning method is acceptable in a limited area of operation. Keywords: photovoltaic power plant, optimization, PI controllers, distribution system Published in DKUM: 10.11.2023; Views: 349; Downloads: 19 Full text (3,36 MB) This document has many files! More... |
9. E-obvladovanje procesov v podjetju XKristjan Bercko, 2023, undergraduate thesis Abstract: E-obvladovanje procesov je temelj za povečanje učinkovitosti organizacije. Omogoča učinkovitejšo komunikacijo, poročanje in nadzor. Prav tako zagotavlja optimalno podporo procesom in obstoječi organizacijski strukturi.
V diplomskem delu bomo prikazali rešitev problema v podjetju X s pomočjo e-platforme, ki bo namenjena vzpostavitvi portalov za skupinsko delo. Z njeno uvedbo bodo pridobili izjemno učinkovito orodje za razvoj prilagojenih programskih rešitev, ki bodo izpolnile zahteve uporabnika.
Podjetje X ima v svoji strategiji zapisano, da želi biti vodilno hitro rastoče podjetje. S tem, ko se je podjetje X razvijalo, so se pokazale potrebe po uvedbi naprednejšega in učinkovitejšega sistema, in sicer v obliki e-platforme, s katero bo mogoče procese službe učinkoviteje obvladovati. Vpeljava e-obvladovanja bo na področjih proizvodnje, obratovanja in vzdrževanja omogočala učinkovitejše in lažje obvladovanje procesov, večji nadzor ter ustrezno dokumentiranje izvajanja del.
Zaradi specifike dela in potreb po dostopu do vseh potrebnih podatkov je podjetje X izbralo platformo SharePoint. Ta omogoča delo na dokumentih iz različnih lokacij in zagotavlja nemoten potek dela.
Platforma Microsoft SharePoint je namenjena vzpostavitvi portalov za skupinsko delo. Predstavlja izjemno učinkovito orodje za razvoj prilagojenih programskih rešitev na podlagi specifičnih zahtev uporabnika. Z avtomatizacijo prenosa informacij omogoča produktivnejše in učinkovitejše delo. Posledici uvedbe sta racionalizacija in optimizacija delovnih procesov. Keywords: delovni procesi, poslovni procesi, informatizacija poslovanja, programske rešitve Published in DKUM: 02.11.2023; Views: 368; Downloads: 38 Full text (1,65 MB) |
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