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Road traffic safety in conjunction with in-vehicle ITS
Darja Topolšek, Suzana Hribar, Marjan Sternad, 2014, original scientific article

Abstract: Interest in Intelligent Transportation Systems comes from the problems caused by traffic congestion, road accidents and air pollution. Traffic congestion continues to grow worldwide as a result of increased motorization, population growth, changes in population density and urbanization. Interest in ITS can also be attributed to reducing road accidents and increasing traffic safety. The most common causes for road accidents are excessive speed, inattentive driving and ignorance of the right-of-way rules. To eliminate these causes, experience, knowledge of traffic regulations and a new car are not enough % vehicle safety systems have to take part as well. Therefore, the European Union issued a directive on the installation of intelligent systems, whose functions are active support during driving, warning the driver in dangerous situations and alerting passengers of the car in case of irregularities in motor function or actions carried out by the driver that may cause danger, such as swerving while falling asleep. These systems help drivers to avoid accidents, and in the event of a collision, an emergency call is automatically made. Furthermore, they can be used to regulate traffic patterns or to reduce engine performance, which would reduce pollution. With these benefits in mind, the EU has indicated to the automotive industry that installation of these new Intelligent Transportation Systems should be mandatory in their new vehicles.
Keywords: traffic, road traffic, road safety, road accidents, intelligent systems, directives, regulations
Published in DKUM: 17.07.2017; Views: 2332; Downloads: 218
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Suzana Hribar, 2012, master's thesis

Abstract: Skrb za varnost v cestnem prometu bi morala biti prva misel vsakega udeleženca. A žal o varnosti velikokrat razmišljamo šele takrat, ko nek vzrok že pripelje do prometne nesreče. Med najpogostejšimi vzroki za prometne nesreče so prekomerna hitrost, nepravilna smer vožnje in neupoštevanje pravil prednosti. Za odpravo teh vzrokov niso dovolj le izkušnje, znanje o prometnih predpisih in novo vozilo, ampak tudi varnostni sistemi tega vozila. Zato je Evropska unija izdala direktivo o vgradnji inteligentnih sistemov, katerih naloga je aktivna podpora pri vožnji, skrb za obveščanje o nevarnostih in opozarjanje v primeru nepravilnosti, izvedenih s strani voznika. Sedaj je prepuščeno avtomobilskim proizvajalcem, da pričnejo svoje sisteme množično vgrajevati v prevozna sredstva in da so ti sistemi v večji meri del serijske opreme. Na strani uporabnika pa je, da ta opozorila sprejme in skladno z njimi in s svojim znanjem ukrepa, še pred nesrečo.
Keywords: Direktive, projekti Evropske unije, inteligentni sistemi, prometna varnost.
Published in DKUM: 16.04.2012; Views: 1877; Downloads: 205
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