1. Climate change in the Western Balkans and EU green deal : status, mitigation and challengesSandi Knez, Snežana Štrbac, Iztok Podbregar, 2022, review article Abstract: Background: The European Commission (EC), based on the European Green Deal (2019) and the Recovery plan for Europe (2021), envisages investing 30% of the budget in climate-related programs, projects, and initiatives, which clearly shows Europe's commitment to becoming the first climate-neutral region by 2050. Activities are also planned for countries that are not members of the European Union (EU), which require complex changes in the field of legislation, strategic planning, implementation, and monitoring. To successfully plan short-term and long-term activities on these grounds, it is necessary to have a realistic picture of the state of climate change in each country—as they spill over into the entire region of Europe. The main objective of this paper is to answer the following questions: (i) is climate change observed in Western Balkans? (ii) how are certain sectors vulnerable to climate change in Western Balkans? (iii) what are the climate change adaptation strategies in the six countries of the Western Balkans? The answers to these questions can help in planning activities and initial alignment of Western Balkan countries with the EU plan to achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050.
Main body: The main results of the research show that in all countries of the region, the average annual temperature increased by 1.2 °C compared to 1970, with stabilization and the beginning of the decline which can be expected around 2040. The main reasons for climate change in the region are: industry, energy, and heating sector based on coal exploitation, low energy efficiency, etc.
Conclusions: It can be concluded that Croatia as a member of the EU has adopted, and other five Western Balkans countries are in the process of adopting the necessary regulations and strategies towards climate change mitigation, but the implementation of specific activities is at a low level. The reason for this most often lies in the insufficient commitment of decision-makers to make significant changes in the field of climate change transition (lower level of economic development, lack of investment, and preservation of social peace). Finally, this paper provides an overview of climate change by country, scenario analysis, and policy recommendations. Keywords: climate change, Western Balkans, European union, European green deal Published in DKUM: 11.07.2024; Views: 85; Downloads: 9
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2. Prices of conventional and renewable energy as determinants of sustainable and secure energy development : regression model analysisSandi Knez, Goran Šimić, Anica Milovanović, Sofia Starikova, Franc Željko Županič, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: Background
The prices of energy resources are important determinants of sustainable energy development, yet associated with significant unknowns. The estimates of the impact of prices of energy products in the domestic market (for domestic consumers) are rare—hence the importance and novelty of this research. Therefore, the main goal of the paper is to assess the impact of domestic prices of gasoline, gas, coal, and solar energy on sustainable and secure energy future.
The research includes 14 countries (of which 7 are developed and 7 are developing countries) and a period of 5 years (2014–2018). The model also includes discrete variables: level of development (developing or developed), and the fact as to whether the country is an energy exporter or not. For the purposes of analysis, the following elements were used: Panel Data Analysis, Linear regression (with random and fixed effects), Durbin–Wu–Hausman test, and Honda test, with the use of R-studio software for statistical computing.
The research showed that the biggest negative impact on energy sustainability was recorded by an increase in the price of coal and the smallest one by an increase in the price of solar energy. An increase in the price of gasoline has a positive impact, while an increase in the price of gas has no impact. The basic methodological result showed that the fixed effects linear model is more accurate than the random effect model.
The results of the paper, important as a sustainable energy policy recommendation, showed that the impact of changes in energy product prices is significantly greater in developing countries, but that the status of the country as an energy exporter has no significance. In addition, the paper points to the need to intensify the research on the assessment of the impact of energy product prices for domestic consumers on their ability to pay that price, because with a certain (so far undefined) increase in energy product prices, a certain group of domestic consumers moves into a category that is not in line with sustainable energy development and is extremely undesirable in every respect—energy poverty. Keywords: sustainable energy development, conventional energy prices, solar prices, developing countries, R-studio Published in DKUM: 26.06.2024; Views: 133; Downloads: 14
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3. Model kompetenc managementa v letalskih mikro podjetjihSandi Knez, 2022, doctoral dissertation Abstract: Na področju letalstva in praktično v vseh organizacijah, je za ustrezno delovanje, učinkovito in uspešno doseganje ciljev, potrebno ustrezno znanje zaposlenih. Ob znanjih, ki se predvidevajo v naboru potrebnih in izhajajo iz formalnega izobraževanja, je vedno bolj v ospredju nabor znanj, spretnosti, veščin in sposobnosti, ki jih je moč združiti v okviru kompetenčnega modela. Še posebej na področju letalstva, ki predstavlja zahtevno obvladovanje kompetenc zaposlenih, je pomembno izpostaviti pomen vključevanja zaposlenih z ustreznim naborom znanj, spretnosti, veščin in sposobnosti. Keywords: model kompetenc, management, letalska industrija, integrirani sistem managementa, letalska mikro podjetja Published in DKUM: 12.04.2022; Views: 1102; Downloads: 114
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