1. Measuring the intellectual capital of international carriers as logistic operatorsSabina Kamnik Zebec, Ratko Zelenika, Slobodan Zečević, 2007, other scientific articles Abstract: The age of knowledge has come and the enterprises present themselves as "knowledge enterprises" and their employees as sources of knowledge - "knowledge workers". Knowledge has become a merchandise, to be on the knowledge market. In an enterprise knowledge becomes the capital, important for achieving competitive advantage on the market but it cannot be measured easily. The field of intellectual capital is very complex, mostly because it is difficult to categorize it. The important concepts and definitions for intellectual capital include an emphasis that intellectual capital is based on knowledge and is usable in any enterprise. Knowledge and skills determine the possibilities of an individual to actively influence the social development and ensure their quality of life. Keywords: enterprises, intellectual capital, tertiary logistics, balance sheet, income statement Published in DKUM: 02.06.2017; Views: 1522; Downloads: 191 Full text (5,33 MB) This document has many files! More... |
2. Logistic operator - fundamental factor in rational production of services in multimodal transportRatko Zelenika, Drago Sever, Sabina Kamnik Zebec, Bojan Pirš, 2005, review article Abstract: From its theoretical and practical point of view, traffic is one of the fundamental factors of the economy in a state. In the developed European countries, a rational production of transport services is presented by multimodal transport and the correct selection of a logistic operator. The aim of multimodal transport is to link together different forms of traffic in the most effective way, as well as all operations considering transport. The logistic operator is the only professional to perform complete services in multimodal transport, therefore it was necesarry to enable its further development and, in accordance with that, to suggest suitable solutions. An increase of the existing and the creation of new traffic currents can only be achieved with the development of multimodal transport, the correct selection of logistic operator and better organisation of the traffic system. In the future, the Republic of Slovenia should continue developing multimodal transport in order to decrease the differences in forms of transport in the developed European countries in the shortest time possible.The main task of the Republic of Slovenia is to integrate into the European flows as soon as possible, engage in a reciprocal cooperation by liberalization of flows of commodities and services, and create conditions for the inflow of foreign capital where all advantages of multimodal transport come into consideration. The result of the research is a model of multimodal transport logistic operator connecting the basic elements of that transport. Keywords: logistical operator, rationalization, multimodal infrastructure, multimodal suprastructure, multimodal technologies, multimodal movement of goods, logistical information systems Published in DKUM: 02.06.2017; Views: 1408; Downloads: 128 Full text (5,25 MB) This document has many files! More... |
3. Introduction and affirmation of car trains in the European UnionSabina Kamnik Zebec, Bojan Pirš, Hugo Maučec, 2008, review article Abstract: We live in a time of continuous technical and technological development. It is the time of globalization which is the main driver of the technological procedures in the process of executing transport services. Railway transport in Europe requires special attention, since it has a number of attributes which are not being effectively used. Measures to reduce the use of road network have been prepared, which would consequently increase railway transport. Individuals in personal vehicles could reduce transport costs with the increasing use of railway transport.The introduction of car trains in Europe is also supported by the European Union, but there has been very little done in the European car train system. The first goal of the European union seems to be understandable : using piggyback transport to redirect as much road freight transport as possible to the European railway system. Car trains in the integrated European rail system are one of numerous possibilities of how to offer a user of personal vehicle and his fellow passengers a safe, comfortable,economical and ecologically acceptable way of travel on a specific distance in the local or global sense of combined transport of vehicles and passengers. Keywords: road transport, railway transport, car trains, European Union Published in DKUM: 02.06.2017; Views: 1884; Downloads: 153 Full text (5,68 MB) This document has many files! More... |
4. Global logistic network of courier services for the 21st centuryRatko Zelenika, Sabina Kamnik Zebec, Helga Pavlić, 2006, review article Abstract: The development of logistics has contributed a lot to all the branches of economy. A successful economic subject cannot exist without a well-developed logistic branch. The organization of logistics has become a strategic element of the policy making of enterprises. Modern logistics enables us to bring into line different interests in material flow management. Global organizers of logistic services are developing and specialising in some essential services, such as combining of cargo into assembly consignements and also their distribution. The biggest global tenderers of logictic services are considered (DHL, TNT, FEDEX, UPS, etc). Keywords: traffic, transportation, logistics, logistic services, TNT, DHL, FEDEX, UPS, global logistic networks Published in DKUM: 02.06.2017; Views: 1472; Downloads: 188 Full text (5,29 MB) This document has many files! More... |
5. Nacionalne družbe za kombinirani transport v EvropiRatko Zelenika, Sabina Kamnik Zebec, Nedeljko Tegeltija, 2006, polemic, discussion, commentary Abstract: Družbe za kombinirani transport v Evropi so pomemben dejavnik, ki vpliva na razvoj in širitev kombiniranega transporta na tem področju. Interes teh družb je preusmeriti čim večji delež cestnega transporta na železnico, saj si samo na tak način družbe lahko zagotovijo obstoj na trgu. Kombinirani transport je nedvomno transport sedanjosti in prihodnosti, ki je s pomočjo družb UIRR-ja in prometne politike Evropske unije vedno bolj v uporabi. Keywords: promet, transport, železnice, ceste, Evropa Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1272; Downloads: 57 Link to full text |
6. Logistički sustavi : Ratko ZelenikaSabina Kamnik Zebec, 2006, review, book review, critique Keywords: logistika, distribucija, sistemi, mreže, optimizacija, struktura, terciarne dejavnosti, promet, skladišča, špedicija, recenzije Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1831; Downloads: 72 Link to full text |
7. Merjenje intelektualnega kapitala v podjetjih terciarne logistikeRatko Zelenika, Slobodan Zečević, Sabina Kamnik Zebec, 2007, review article Abstract: In enterprises, knowledge has become the capital that helps achieve competitive advantage on the market. The field of intellectual capital is very complex, and therefore difficult to measure. The purpose of this paper is to explore the impact of intellectual capital on the success of logictic companies, to present theoretical characteristics of logistic capital in a simple way, and to give important guidelines for logictics. Keywords: podjetja, intelektualni kapital, terciarna logistika, bilanca stanja, izkaz poslovnega izida Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1809; Downloads: 59 Link to full text |
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