1. Gibalna aktivnost predšolskih otrok in njihovih staršev v mestnem okolju : diplomsko deloAndrej Farazin, 2024, undergraduate thesis Abstract: V diplomskem delu je predstavljen pomen gibalne/športne aktivnosti v predšolskem obdobju, pri čemer je sprva predstavljen gibalni razvoj otroka, faze in dejavniki razvoja. Zanimal nas je vpliv družine na gibalne aktivnosti otrok ter sama gibalna dejavnost staršev. Predstavljene so tudi smernice s priporočili za gibalno aktivnost otrok in odraslost. Preučevali smo povezanost časa, ki ga otroci preživijo za zasloni s gibalnimi dejavnostmi.
Diplomsko delo je raziskovalnega tipa. V raziskavi smo preverili tri zastavljene hipoteze, raziskavo pa smo izvedli s pomočjo anonimnega vprašalnika, ki so ga izpolnili starši predšolskih otrok (3-6 let). Ugotovitve raziskave so prikazane v grafih, ki jih spremljajo razlage.
Ugotavljali smo, da so predšolski otroci redno gibalno aktivni na prostem, večina jih ni vključenih v organizirano vadbo, tisti ki pa so, pa obiskujejo predvsem splošno telovadbo. Otroci v povprečju dosegajo priporočeno količino dnevnih gibalnih aktivnosti. Starši so v prostem času po večini vključeni tako v zmerno, predvsem pa visoko intenzivne gibalne dejavnosti, pri čemer pa se na našem vzorcu ne potrdi povezanost med pogostostjo gibalnih/športnih aktivnosti staršev in otrok. Ugotavljamo, da se starši pri otrocih večinoma držijo smernic glede zaslonskega časa, hkrati pa se ne potrdi povezanost zaslonskega časa in gibalno aktivnostjo otrok.
Na podlagi rezultatov smo vse tri hipoteze zavrnili. Keywords: gibalni razvoj, predšolski otroci, gibalna/športna aktivnost, družina, čas za zasloni, mestno okolje Published in DKUM: 08.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 6
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2. Lower-limb muscle contractile properties, explosive power and the subjective response of elite soccer players to the Covid-19 lockdownArmin Paravlić, Boštjan Šimunič, Saša Pišot, Matej Kleva, Kaja Teraž, Matjaž Vogrin, Uroš Marušič, Rado Pišot, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: The present study examined the effects of the lockdown period on basic anthropometric measures, countermovement jumping performance, skeletal muscle contractile properties derived from tensiomyography (TMG), injury incidence, and self-assessed general well-being in elite soccer players. A total of 266 players were assessed before (PRE) and 32 players were reassessed 11 days after (POST) the COVID-19 period. Significant changes in the TMG parameters were observed POST compared to PRE: contraction time (Tc) increased from 6% to 50% in vastus lateralis [VL] (p = 0.009) and biceps femoris [BF] (p < 0.001), respectively; whereas radial displacement (Dm) increased for 19% in BF (p = 0.036) and 17% in VL (p < 0.001), respectively. Jumping performance remained unchanged from PRE to POST In addition, athletes rated the lockdown period as a positive event and felt psychologically better during the lockdown, primarily because they spent more time with family members and friends. Although there were no differences in any of the variables describing lower limb muscle power following the two-month lockdown, the altered contractile properties of the assessed muscles suggest suboptimal conditioning of the football players. Keywords: football, male football, power, explosive power, CMJ, tensiomyography, SJ, coronavirus, pandemics, lockdown Published in DKUM: 11.07.2024; Views: 80; Downloads: 9
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3. Consequences of COVID-19 lockdown restrictions on children physical activity : a Slovenian StudyJurij Planinšec, Črtomir Matejek, Saša Pišot, Rado Pišot, Boštjan Šimunič, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: During the COVID-19 pandemic, countries took several restrictions to contain the spread of coronavirus. In the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, primary schools in Slovenia were closed for a period long time (from October 19th 2020 until January 18th 2021 when they were partially reopened for 6–9 year olds until February 15th 2021 when they were reopened for all children) and organized sport activities for children and adolescents under the age of 15 was not allowed during this period. The aim of the study was to examine how these restrictions were reflected in the amount of different forms of physical activity (PA) of 6–12-year old children (N = 3,936). Data were collected using an online questionnaire (International Physical Activity Questionnaire Short Form) comparing different forms of PA before (BEFORE) and during (DURING) remote schooling. The results show that there has been a decline in children’s PA DURING, specifically, only 4.3% of children had their physical education ≥ 45 min (or 77.7% ≤ 30 min), as is the usual duration in Slovenia. There was also a remarkable decline in extracurricular sports activities (p < 0.001), which BEFORE had been participated by 72.2% of children, while DURING remote schooling, as many as 83.5% of children did not participate these activities. 69.7% of children participated in organized sports in clubs at least once a week, while DURING remote schooling, as many as 88.1% (p < 0.001) did not participate in such form of activities. Furthermore, the time spent exercising in moderate to vigorous PA also decreased (BEFORE 8.2% vs. DURING 24.9%; p < 0.001). We found that during lockdown there has been an alarming decrease in the frequency and duration of organized PA at school and at sports clubs. These findings are a good starting point for designing (developing) an effective strategy for promoting health-enhancing PA of children in the event of a future lockdown or similar situations. The strategy should focus on the appropriate implementation of PA curriculum and motivate young people to participate regularly in extracurricular organized and non-organized activities. Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic, physical activity, children, remote schooling, physical education Published in DKUM: 01.07.2024; Views: 134; Downloads: 9
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4. Sarcopenia, obesity, and their association with selected behavioral factors in active older adultsKaja Teraž, Miloš Kalc, Manca Peskar, Saša Pišot, Boštjan Šimunič, Rado Pišot, Primož Pori, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: Introduction: The number of obese people in the world is increasing, as is the number of sarcopenic people among the older adults. Although both states are concerning, they can be positively influenced by selected behavioral factors such as adequate nutrition and physical activity. We were interested in the prevalence of sarcopenic obesity in active older people and the influence of behavioral factors on this phenomenon.
Methods: The study included 38 older adults (21 women) with a mean age of 75.3 ± 5.0 years. Sarcopenic parameters were determined with different tests: Handgrip Test, Chair Stand Test, Gait Speed, Timed Up and Go Test, and Short Physical Performance Battery. Body composition was measured by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. Physical activity level was measured using accelerometers, and nutritional status was assessed using the Mini-Nutritional Assessment and MEDLIFE Index questionnaire.
Results: Of all included active participants (the average number of steps per day was 8,916 ± 3,543), 47.4% of them were obese. Of all included women, 52.4% were obese. Sarcopenic obesity was found in three (7.9%) participants. Nutritional status correlated with strength of lower extremities and physical performance tests (gait speed, Timed Up and Go Test and Short Physical performance battery). Higher number of steps per day positively correlates with physical performance.
Discussion: Interestingly, we did not find any correlation between the main obesity parameter such as percent body fat or body mass index (and thus sarcopenic obesity) and any of the selected behavioral factors (physical activity, sedentary behavior, or dietary habits). In conclusion, reaching the recommended levels of physical activity in older adults may not be sufficient to prevent the occurrence of obesity and sarcopenic obesity. Keywords: aging, physical activity, nutrition, healthy lifestyle, body composition, sarcopenia Published in DKUM: 27.05.2024; Views: 174; Downloads: 14
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