1. The effect of supplementing pig diet with chestnut wood extract or hops on fresh meat and dry-cured productsUrška Tomažin, Martin Škrlep, Maja Prevolnik Povše, Nina Batorek Lukač, Danijel Karolyi, Matjaž Červek, Marjeta Čandek-Potokar, 2020, original scientific article Abstract: Oxidation is one of the major reasons for impaired quality of meat and meat products but can be prevented by the addition of antioxidants. In the present study, the effect of dietary sweet chestnut wood extract and hop cones on the quality and oxidative stability of meat and dry-cured products was investigated. Control pigs (N = 11) were fed a commercial diet (13.1 MJ metabolizable energy, 15.5% crude protein), while the other two experimental groups were supplemented with 3% of sweet chestnut wood extract (Tannin; N = 12) or 0.4% of hop cones (Hops; N = 11). The quality of meat and dry-cured products was evaluated by means of chemical composition, water holding capacity, objective color, and lipid and protein oxidation. No major effects of sweet chestnut wood extract or of hops supplementation were observed, nevertheless, some indications of improved water holding capacity could be attributed to antioxidants supplementation. The color evolution of dry-cured bellies from Tannin and Hops groups of pigs during refrigerated storage was also indicative of an improved oxidative stability. Keywords: pig meat, meat quality, pig diet, tannin extract, hops, dry-cured products, oxidation, pigs Published in DKUM: 23.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 3 Full text (8,88 MB) This document has many files! More... |
2. Agonistic interactions between littermates reappear after mixing multiple litters at weaning in pigsMaja Prevolnik Povše, Nikolina Mesarec, Janko Skok, Dejan Škorjanc, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: Weaning involves mixing of unfamiliar litters and is accompanied by an outbreak of aggression, which is usually attributed to between-litter (BL) interactions. In the present study, we thus focused on post-weaning agonism (fighting and mounting) between littermates (within-litter, WL). Two litters were weaned into two pens separated by an empty pen and connected by narrow passages that were opened 24 h after weaning. WL interactions accounted for 38% and 68% of all fights and mounts, respectively, during a 7-day experimental period. After the passages were opened, not only BL, but also WL interactions increased significantly (by 6- to 7-fold on the first day of mixing). WL fights then gradually decreased, while WL mounts continued to increase. During the experimental period, the proportion of both WL fights and mounts decreased. The majority of WL fights (%80%) and mounts (%65%) occurred in home pens. A significantly higher percentage of draws was found in WL fights (50% of initiator wins and 41% of draws) compared to BL fights (80% of initiator wins and 11% of draws). Results also showed less asymmetry in the body weight of piglets involved in WL interactions. Mixing of litters at weaning was shown to involve not only intense interactions between unfamiliar piglets but also the recurrence of agonistic interactions between littermates, which is something we should keep in mind when pursuing the highest standards of weaner welfare. Keywords: pig, weaning, within-litter interactions, fighting, mounting Published in DKUM: 06.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 3 Full text (1,20 MB) This document has many files! More... |
3. Testing the 'parasite-mediated domestication' hypothesis: a comparative approach to the wild boar and domestic pig as model speciesRenat Oleinic, Janez Posedi, Relja Beck, Nikica Šprem, Dubravko Škorput, Boštjan Pokorny, Dejan Škorjanc, Maja Prevolnik Povše, Janko Skok, original scientific article Keywords: domestication, domestication syndrome, endoparasites, helminths, protozoa, sus scrofa Published in DKUM: 04.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 5 Full text (4,02 MB) |
4. Short communication: The orientation of cubicles plays a role – greater deviation from the north-south direction, more technopathies in dairy cowsMaja Prevolnik Povše, David Slatinek, Ines Kramberger, Doris Filipič, Jože Starič, Andrej Toplak, Urška Erker, Andrej Mergeduš, Dejan Škorjanc, Janko Skok, 2024, original scientific article Keywords: cattle, magnetic alignment, stall equipment, animal welfare Published in DKUM: 04.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 7 Full text (537,91 KB) This document has many files! More... |
5. Odziv drobnice na uvedbo prehranske novosti na pašniku : diplomsko deloNik Bajić, 2024, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Koze in ovce so izrazito čredne živali in čeprav gre za evolucijsko sorodni vrsti, je med njima precej etoloških razlik. V reji se pogosto pojavijo spremembe (novi predmeti, situacije, prehranski vir ipd.), na katere se živali vrstno specifično odzovejo. Koze in ovce običajno obravnavamo ločeno, v posamičnih čredah, medtem ko so njihovi vedenjski odzivi v mešanih čredah manj proučeni. Cilj naloge je bil proučiti odziv živali na uvedene prehranske novosti na pašniku in vpliv tega na njihov cirkadiani ritem zadrževanja v območju hleva oz. zavetja. Raziskava je bila izvedena v jesensko-zimskem času, v mešani čredi 19 ženskih živali (9 koz, 10 ovc), na pašniku FKBV PRE Drobnica v Pivoli. Uvedene prehranske novosti (NO – cisterna, prevleka za cisterno, bala in solni kamen) so bile nameščene na območje odprtega hleva oz. staje, kjer se živali zadržujejo med hranjenjem in počitkom. Odziv živali smo spremljali in analizirali s pomočjo lovskih sledilnih kamer, ki so pokrivale različne zorne kote in zabeležile kratke posnetke dogajanja v območju. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali močan vpliv NO na aktivnost živali ter potrdili predvidevanja o značajskih razlikah med obema vrstama. Ovce so se na uvedene novosti odzvale previdno in zadržano, v času prisotnosti NO so k hlevu prihajale kasneje, z okrog 30-minutnim zamikom (p<0,0001), medtem ko so koze pokazale izrazitejšo stopnjo raziskovalnega vedenja in v času prisotnosti NO k hlevu prihajale prej, okoli 30 minut bolj zgodaj (p<0,0001). Po habituaciji na predmet sta obe vrsti pokazali povečano stopnjo aktivnosti na območju hleva (npr. manipulacija NO, zadrževanje pri NO, hranjenje, pitje itd.). Prehranske novosti v okolju imajo velik vpliv na obnašanje živali, ki imajo glede na vrsto različen adaptacijski čas. Glede na naše rezultate je pri uvajanju sprememb na pašniku potrebno upoštevati vrstno specifične značilnosti pašne živine. Keywords: ovce, koze, etologija, neofobija, prehrana Published in DKUM: 08.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 12 Full text (945,99 KB) |
6. Dobro počutje telic različnih starosti v dveh sistemih reje : magistrsko deloErnest Plemenitaš, 2024, master's thesis Abstract: Dobro počutje domačih živali, ki je premisa sodobne živinoreje, je močno odvisno od sistema reje. V govedoreji je sistem vezane reje še vedno zelo pogost, čeprav zaradi omejene možnosti gibanja velja za manj primernega. Alternativa temu sistemu je kot minimalni standard predlagana hlevska prosta reja, ki živalim omogoča prosto gibanje na omejenem območju. Čeprav se zdi samoumevno, da je prosta reja boljša od vezane, še vedno ni raziskav o tem, ali to velja za vse kategorije in starosti govedi. Namen raziskave je bil primerjati dobro počutje telic v vezani in prosti reji v obdobju pitanja pri različnih starostih. Raziskava je vključevala pet telic v vsakem sistemu na ponovitev (skupaj 20 živali). Počutje telic smo ocenili z uporabo protokola Welfare Quality®, ki vključuje oceno štirih opazovalnih področij: krmljenje, bivalni pogoji, zdravje in obnašanje. Meritve in opazovanja živali in hleva se pretvorijo/preračunajo v ocene dobrega počutja od 0 (neprimerno stanje) do 100 (optimalno stanje). Ocenjevanja so bila izvedena sedemkrat v obdobju pitanja (7–27 mesecev starosti) v trimesečnih intervalih. Rezultati so pokazali značilne razlike v ocenah dobrega počutja živali med vezano in prosto rejo le pri bivalnih pogojih ter tendenco razlik pri obnašanju. Pri obeh področjih so bile ocene razmeroma nizke v primerjavi s področjem krmljenja in zdravja živali, kjer med sistemoma reje ni bilo ugotovljenih razlik. Tudi časovna dinamika ocen meril in področij je bila značilno različna le pri bivalnih pogojih. Pri obeh sistemih reje so se vrednosti s starostjo zmanjševale. V sistemu proste reje so bile ocene pri mladih živalih skoraj optimalne (> 90), a so se s starostjo hitro znižale, v sistemu vezane reje pa ocene niso bile optimalne že pri mladih živalih (≈ 40). Rezultati kažejo, da je vezana reja manj primerna z vidika dobrega počutja živali zlasti za mlade živali. Zaradi tega je priporočljivo, da se mlade živali, če sta v vzrejnih objektih na voljo oba sistema, nastanijo v ograde s prosto rejo. Keywords: dobro počutje živali, govedo, telice, sistem reje, protokol ocenjevanja Published in DKUM: 07.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 12 Full text (1,38 MB) |
7. Antimicrobial properties of different hop (Humulus lupulus) genotypesZala Kolenc, Tomaž Langerholc, Gregor Hostnik, Miha Ocvirk, Sara Štumpf, Maša Pintarič, Iztok Jože Košir, Andreja Čerenak, Alenka Garmut, Urban Bren, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: The antimicrobial activity of hop extracts obtained from different hop genotypes were investigated against Staphylococcus aureus and Lactobacillus acidophilus. In this study the pure xanthohumol, purified β-acids rich fraction, as well as α-acids with β-acids rich fraction were used to test antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Lactobacillus acidophilus; whereby, the antimicrobial activity of different hop extracts against Lactobacillus acidophilus was studied for the first time. Microbial susceptibility to purified hydroacetonic extracts from different hop varieties was investigated by the broth microdilution assay to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and the minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC). The hop hydroacetonic extracts were more effective against Staphylococcus aureus than against Lactobacillus acidophilus. Strong inverse correlations of MIC and MBC values were obtained with xanthohumol, cohumulone, n+adhumulone, colupulone and n+adlupulone contents, suggesting that the identified chemical hop compounds are directly responsible for antimicrobial effects. Moreover, the effect of the growth medium strength on the MIC values of hop extracts against Staphylococcus aureus was systematically investigated for the first time. The current study also reveals the effect of different hop extracts on Staphylococcus aureus, which responds to their presence by lag phase extension and generation time prolongation. Keywords: hop extract, xanthohumol, Staphylococcus aureus, Lactobacillus acidophilus, minimum inhibitory concentration, minimum bactericidal concentration Published in DKUM: 09.05.2024; Views: 203; Downloads: 18 Full text (2,03 MB) This document has many files! More... |
8. Chronobiology of free-ranging domestic cats: Circadian, lunar and seasonal activity rhythms in a wildlife corridorNeva Merčnik, Maja Prevolnik Povše, Dejan Škorjanc, Janko Skok, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: Among domestic animals, the domestic cat (Felis catus) probably has the highest proportion of free-ranging individuals in the population and as such is an important component (i.e. predator) in ecosystems. Due to their potential impact on wildlife, the management of domestic cats is a hot topic today. However, there are few studies on the chronobiology and activity of domestic cats in relation to natural cycles. Therefore, the aim of our research was to investigate their circadian, lunar and seasonal rhythms. We monitored the activity of free-ranging cats in a selected corridor within an approximately 800 m2 patch of shrubs and trees in an agricultural landscape that is regularly used by wildlife in the surrounding area. Monitoring was carried out for two consecutive years using a trail camera. Data collection was based on video analysis of all recorded video clips (n = 2081 from 732 camera trap nights). A total of at least 15 individuals were identified in the area. Cats were most frequently observed in spring and summer (a total of 70% of all observations). Cats with prey were mostly observed in summer (∼56%) and never in winter. Circadian activity of domestic cats was nocturnal/crepuscular (p < 0.0001) with two peaks of activity, one in the late evening (∼21.00 h) and another in the early morning (∼5.00 h). The appearance of the cats with the prey corresponded to the general circadian activity. Slight shifts in activity due to day length (sunset/sunrise) were observed when comparing circadian rhythms in relation to seasons, especially in winter when there was a pronounced peak in activity in the early evening. For cat activity in relation to the lunar cycle, we found a tendency for higher nocturnal activity around new moon (p = 0.065), with this pattern being significant in spring (p < 0.05). However, the appearance of cats with prey was not related to the lunar cycle. Understanding the circadian, lunar and seasonal activity rhythms of domestic cats is an important prerequisite for developing an optimal cat management strategy that takes into account both welfare aspects (especially natural behaviour) and minimising the impact of domestic cats on wildlife. Keywords: domestic cat, farm cat, chronobiology, free-roaming, cat management, activity Published in DKUM: 11.04.2024; Views: 193; Downloads: 13 Link to file |
9. Antioxidant activity of different hop (Humulus lupulus L.) genotypesZala Kolenc, Tamara Hribernik, Tomaž Langerholc, Maša Pintarič, Maja Prevolnik Povše, Urban Bren, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: The antioxidant activity (AA) of hop extracts obtained from different hop genotypes (n = 14) was studied. For comparison, the purified β-acids-rich fraction and α-acids-with-β-acids-rich fraction were also used to test the antioxidative potential. The AA of purified hydroacetonic hop extracts was investigated using the Ferric Reducing Ability of Plasma (FRAP), Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity (ORAC) and Intracellular Antioxidant (IA) methods. The FRAP values in different hop genotypes ranged between 63.5 and 101.6 μmol Trolox equivalent (TE)/g dry weight (DW), the ORAC values ranged between 1069 and 1910 μmol TE/g DW and IA potential values ranged between 52.7 and 118.0 mmol TE/g DW. Significant differences in AA between hop genotypes were observed with all three methods. AAs were determined using three different methods, which did not highly correlate with each other. We also did not find significant correlations between AA and different chemical components, which applies both to AA determined using individual methods as well as the total AA. Based on this fact, we assume that the synergistic or antagonistic effects between hop compounds have a more pronounced effect on AA than the presence and quantity of individual hop compounds. Keywords: hop, antioxidant activity, FRAP, ORAC, intracellular antioxidative potential, genotypes Published in DKUM: 20.03.2024; Views: 271; Downloads: 15 Full text (1,23 MB) This document has many files! More... |
10. The Influence of Chestnut Extract and Its Components on Antibacterial Activity against Staphylococcus aureusSara Štumpf, Gregor Hostnik, Tomaž Langerholc, Maša Pintarič, Zala Kolenc, Urban Bren, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: Increasing antimicrobial resistance has caused a great interest in natural products as alternatives or potentiators of antibiotics. The objective of this study was to isolate individual tannins from crude chestnut extract as well as to determine the influence of both crude extracts (tannic acid extract, chestnut extract) and individual pure tannins (gallic acid, vescalin, vescalagin, castalin, castalagin) on the growth of Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. Their antibacterial activity was monitored by measuring the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) as well as the duration of the lag phase, growth rate and generation time. The effect of growth medium strength on the MIC of different tannins was also investigated. Bacterial growth was followed spectrophotometrically, and MIC values were determined by the microdilution method. The MIC values of various isolated compounds allowed us to determine the bioactive compounds and their contribution to antimicrobial activity. It was found that MIC values increase with increasing growth medium strength and that the lag phase lengthens with increasing tannin concentrations, while the growth rates decrease. Comparing the results of the two studies, the antimicrobial activity of tannins against S. aureus was not as pronounced as in the case of E. coli, which may indicate that a different mechanism of action is responsible for the antimicrobial effects of tannins on Gram-positive than on Gram-negative bacteria, or that a different mechanism is more pronounced. Keywords: tannins, antibacterial activity, MIC, MBC, Staphylococcus aureus, lag phase, generation time Published in DKUM: 20.02.2024; Views: 363; Downloads: 66 Full text (1,19 MB) This document has many files! More... |