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English Financial Loanwords in Slovenian Texts
Robert Gašpar, 2013, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: The diploma thesis focuses on financial loanwords used in Slovenian texts and the collocations in which they appear. The main source for the research was the internet. I used five corpora (two English and three Slovenian), where I searched for the terms. By comparing the use of the terms in Slovenian and English I focused on how the terms collocate in both languages. My goal was not only to find where the differences lie, but also what is common in both languages. I made a list of tables containing 43 terms some of which are used in both languages, whilst some are not. In the theoretical part of the thesis I discussed the linguistic theory connected with my research. Because my work deals with loanwords and their collocations, I dedicated a part of my thesis to their theoretical background. It is important for a translator to recognise them; otherwise the end result can be a bad translation. Terminology is an important area of the theoretical background for my research; therefore I also discussed the importance of terms, term creation, the analysis of terms, concepts, and the connection of translation and terminology. In the second part of the theoretical part of the thesis I discussed corpus theory and reference books. The main part of my graduation thesis is my research. I researched how selected financial loanwords and their original equivalents collocate in both languages and which are the most common collocations. This was done by using five different corpora. I discovered that some collocations are common in both languages, whilst some are not. The collocations are similar in many of the terms researched. Off course, there are differences. Some terms collocate just with verbs in one language, whilst in the other with nouns or adjectives as well. Nouns, adjectives, and verbs are the most common parts of speech found in collocations. In the last chapter I discuss my findings more thoroughly and precisely.
Keywords: loanword, collocation, term, corpus, dictionary, translation.
Published in DKUM: 18.11.2013; Views: 2704; Downloads: 146
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Robert Gašpar, 2013, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Bolgari so eno tistih evropskih ljudstev, ki je svojo državo ustvarilo že v srednjem veku. To državo so slabili notranji boji med fevdalci, šibka osrednja oblast, vpadi Tatarov ter vojne s sosednjimi državami. Kljub temu so vzpostavili močno pravoslavno cerkev, bolgarska kultura pa je temeljila na kronikah, analih in letopisih vladarjev, patriarhov itd. Vse to pa se je spremenilo s prihodom močnega Osmanskega imperija. Bolgarija je postala prva balkanska država, ki si jo je Osmanski imperij popolnoma podredil. Pod novo oblastjo so Bolgari kot kristjani postali drugorazredni državljani z manj pravicami kot muslimani. V prvih stoletjih osmanske oblasti večjih uporov ni bilo. Kmalu so se med Bolgari začeli pojavljati posamezniki, ki so ljudi spodbujali k uporom, tuje vladarje pa k pomoči. Večja upora sta se tako zgodila med avstrijsko-turškimi vojnami konec 16. in konec 17. stoletja v Trnovu in Čiprovcih. Upora nista bila uspešna, represalije pa so bile grozljive. V 17. in 18. stoletju sta gospodarski napredek in odpiranje imperija tujim vplivom prispevala k večji ozaveščenosti Bolgarov. Razvijalo se je šolstvo v obliki celičnih šol. Pomembna osebnost tega obdobja pa je bil menih Paisij.
Keywords: Bolgarija, Osmanski imperij, upor, pravoslavna cerkev, katoliška cerkev, Paisij.
Published in DKUM: 18.11.2013; Views: 2204; Downloads: 115
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