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The role of vascular lesions in diabetes across a spectrum of clinical kidney disease
Rosa Rodriguez-Rodriguez, Radovan Hojs, Francesco Trevisani, Enrique Morales, Gema Fernández, Sebastjan Bevc, Clara Maria Cases Corona, Josep Maria Cruzado, María Quaro, Maruja Navarro Díaz, Mads Hornum, Beatriz Fernandez-Fernandez, Arianna Bettiga, Federico Di Marco, Marina López Martínez, Francisco J. Moreso, Clara García Garro, Khaled Khazim, Fedaa Ghanem, Manuel Praga, Meritxell Ibernón, Ivo Laranjinha, Luís Mendonça, Miguel Bigotte Vieira, Bo Feldt-Rasmussen, Patricia Fox Concepción, Natalia Negrín Mena, Alberto Ortiz, Esteban L. Porrini, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: Introduction: The clinical-histologic correlation in diabetic nephropathy is not completely known. Methods: We analyzed nephrectomy specimens from 90 patients with diabetes and diverse degrees of proteinuria and glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Results: Thirty-six (40%) subjects had normoalbuminuria, 33 (37%) microalbuminuria, and 21 (23%) non-nephrotic proteinuria. Mean estimated GFR (eGFR) was 65±23 (40% <60 ml/min per 1.73 m2). About 170 glomeruli per patient were analyzed, and all samples included vascular tissue. Six subjects (7%) were classified in diabetic nephropathy class I, 61 (68%) in class II-a, 13 (14%) in class II-b, 9 (10%) class III, and 1 (1%) in class IV. Eighty percent to 90% of those with normoalbuminuria or microalbuminuria were classified in class II-a or II-b and <10% in class III; 52% of those with proteinuria were in class II-a, 15% in class II-b, and 19% in class III. Nodular sclerosis (57%) and mesangial expansion (15%) were more frequent in cases with proteinuria than in normoalbuminuria (28% and 8%; P = 0.028 and 0.017). About 20% to 30% of all cases, regardless the level of albuminuria or proteinuria or the histologic class had tubular atrophy, interstitial fibrosis, or inflammation in >10% to 20% of the sample. Moderate hyalinosis and arteriolar sclerosis were observed in 80% to 100% of cases with normoalbuminuria, microalbuminuria, proteinuria, as well as in class I, II, or III. Conclusions: Weak correspondence between analytical parameters and kidney histology was found. Thus, disease may progress undetected from the early clinical stages of the disease. Finally, vascular damage was a very common finding, which highlights the role of ischemic intrarenal disease in diabetes.
Keywords: albuminuria, chronic kidney disease, diabetes, diabetic nephropathy, histology, normoalbuminuria
Published in DKUM: 06.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 3
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Atherosclerosis, epigenetic modifications, and arterial stiffness
Nejc Piko, Robert Ekart, Sebastjan Bevc, Radovan Hojs, 2017, review article

Keywords: ateroskleroza, epigenetika, togost arterij
Published in DKUM: 09.04.2024; Views: 218; Downloads: 19
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The role of oxidative stress in kidney injury
Nejc Piko, Sebastjan Bevc, Radovan Hojs, Robert Ekart, 2023, review article

Abstract: Acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease are among the most common non-communicable diseases in the developed world, with increasing prevalence. Patients with acute kidney injury are at an increased risk of developing chronic kidney disease. One of kidney injury’s most common clinical sequelae is increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. In recent years, new insights into the pathophysiology of renal damage have been made. Oxidative stress is the imbalance favoring the increased generation of ROS and/or reduced body’s innate antioxidant defense mechanisms and is of pivotal importance, not only in the development and progression of kidney disease but also in understanding the enhanced cardiovascular risk in these patients. This article summarizes and emphasizes the role of oxidative stress in acute kidney injury, various forms of chronic kidney disease, and also in patients on renal replacement therapy (hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, and after kidney transplant). Additionally, the role of oxidative stress in the development of drug-related nephrotoxicity and also in the development after exposure to various environmental and occupational pollutants is presented.
Keywords: acute kidney injury, acute tubular necrosis, chronic kidney disease, oxidative stress, reactive oxygen species
Published in DKUM: 19.03.2024; Views: 210; Downloads: 32
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Pospešena ateroskleroza pri bolnicah z revmatoidnim artritisom in pomen metaloproteaz ter novejših biokemičnih kazalcev
Metka Koren Krajnc, 2023, doctoral dissertation

Abstract: Bolniki z revmatoidnim artritisom (RA) imajo krajšo pričakovano življenjsko dobo, glavni vzrok smrti predstavljajo srčno-žilna obolenja. Povečanega tveganja ni mogoče pojasniti zgolj s klasičnimi dejavniki tveganja (debelost, povišan krvni tlak, hiperlipidemija, kajenje). Vedno več je dokazov, da bi lahko kronično vnetje povečevalo tveganje za srčno žilna obolenja. V naši prospektivni raziskavi smo 15 let opazovali 70 bolnic z RA in 40 zdravih kontrol, brez klasičnih dejavnikov tveganja, ob vključitvi so bile vse premenopavzalne. Spremljali smo klasične dejavnike tveganja, vnetne pokazatelje (sedimentacijo, C reaktivni protein), citokine (interlevkin-6 (IL-6), tumorje nekrotizirajoči faktor alfa (TNF alfa)) in adhezijske molekule (ICAM in VCAM). Prisotnost aterosklerotičnega procesa smo ocenjevali z ultrazvočno preiskavo karotidnih arterij. Preiskovanke z RA so imele enako debelino intimo medije kot zdrave kontrole, potrdili pa smo statistično višje število plakov pri bolnicah z RA, kot pri zdravih kontrolah. Med skupinama ni bilo razlik v primerjavi klasičnih dejavnikov tveganja, potrdili smo statistično pomembne razlike v neklasičnih dejavnikov tveganja. Rezultati podpirajo teorijo vnetja kot dejavnika tveganja za pospešeno aterosklerozo pri bolnicah z RA.
Keywords: revmatoidni artritis, ateroskleroza, metaloproteainaze
Published in DKUM: 24.10.2023; Views: 541; Downloads: 44
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Subklinična ateroskleroza pri bolnikih z recidivno-remitentno obliko multiple skleroze – pomen klasičnih dejavnikov tveganja, vnetja in genetskih polimorfizmov
Tomaž Omerzu, 2021, doctoral dissertation

Abstract: Multipla skleroza (MS) je kronična in vnetna bolezen osrednjega živčevja. Vnetje je prisotno v vseh stopnjah multiple skleroze in lahko povzroči dovzetnost za razvoj subklinične ateroskleroze. Ateroskleroza je zapleten proces z etiologijo, ki zajema več dejavnikov in vključuje vnetne, fibroproliferativne in angiogene odzive. Gre za kronični vnetni proces arterijske (žilne) stene in debelina karotidne intimne medije (IMT) velja za njen zgodnji označevalec. Namen te študije je bil primerjati subklinično aterosklerozo, vlogo vnetnih citokinov in pomen genetskih polimorfizmov med skupino bolnikov z recidivno-remitentno multiplo sklerozo (RR MS) in skupino zdravih posameznikov, ki so primerljivimi po starosti in spolu.
Keywords: multipla skleroza, ateroskleroza, debelina karotidne intime medije, cistatin C, intelevkin 6, genetski polimorfizmi
Published in DKUM: 31.01.2022; Views: 1065; Downloads: 144
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