1. The physical, emotional and behavioral symptoms of health problems among employees before and during the COVID-19 epidemicMaja Rožman, Polona Tominc, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: Purpose: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) epidemic has caused stress for everyone and impacted the lives of people globally. Such stress increases troubles for the employees. Therefore, the aim of the paper isto identify symptoms of health problems that employees face during the COVID-19 epidemic. Also, the aim ofthe paper is to examine if there are statistically significant differences in the physical, emotional and behavioral symptoms of health problems among employees before the COVID-19 epidemic and employees during theCOVID-19 epidemic.
Design/methodology/approach: The research is based on a survey of 950 employees in Slovenian companies. The factor analysis and thet-test for two independent samples were used to test the hypotheses ofthe research.
Findings: The results show that physical, emotional and behavioral symptoms of health problems ofemployees during the COVID-19 epidemic are intensified as compared to the before COVID-19 epidemic era.
Originality/value: The results highlight the measures with which companies can reduce the problem of different symptoms of employees during the COVID-19 epidemic. The results can be useful for employers and for managers who want to create an adequate working environment for employees during the COVID-19epidemic. Keywords: physical symptoms, emotional symptoms, behavioral symptoms, COVID-19 epidemic Published in DKUM: 09.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 0 Full text (275,79 KB) This document has many files! More... |
2. Statistika z raziskovalnimi metodamiMaja Rožman, Polona Tominc, 2024 Abstract: V današnjem hitro spreminjajočem se poslovnem okolju je ključnega pomena sposobnost razumevanja in uporabe statistike za sprejemanje utemeljenih poslovnih odločitev. Napredovanje tehnologije in povečevanje obsega podatkovnih baz omogoča podrobno analizo in interpretacijo podatkov, ki so temelj za prepoznavanje ključnih prihodnjih trendov in oblikovanje strategij na tej osnovi. V pričujoči zbirki obravnavamo statistična metodološka orodja, ki pomagajo pri razumevanju vpliva različnih dejavnikov na posamezne ekonomske in poslovne kategorije in odločitve, analiziramo sezonske komponente v časovnih vrstah ter opredeljujemo napovedovanje vrednosti v prihodnjih časovnih enotah, analiziramo večdimenzionalne spremenljivke in pristopamo k statističnim konceptom preverjanja domnev o različnih lastnostih statistične množice na osnovi slučajnega vzorca. Z razumevanjem teh procesov lahko posamezniki oblikujejo učinkovite strategije, ki temeljijo na dejstvih in podatkih, ter se pripravijo na prihodnje izzive in izkoristijo dinamiko tržnih sprememb. Keywords: statistične metode, deskriptivna statistika, inferenčna statistika, univariatna statistika, multivariatna statistika Published in DKUM: 22.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 11 Full text (8,12 MB) This document has many files! More... |
3. Gender differences in work satisfaction, work engagement and work efficiency of employees during the COVID-19 pandemic : the case in SloveniaMaja Rožman, Simona Sternad Zabukovšek, Samo Bobek, Polona Tominc, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic and the resultant lockdown has caused massive economic disruption, leading businesses to make a rapid transition and take a new approach to business strategy. Therefore, the aim of the paper is to examine if there are statistically significant gender differences in work satisfaction, work engagement, and work efficiency among employees who work from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Further, the paper aims to identify the importance of individual dimensions of work satisfaction, work engagement, and work efficiency, and gender differences perspective. The research is based on a survey of 785 employees in Slovenian companies. The factor analysis and the t-test for two independent samples were used to test the research hypotheses. Findings: The results show significant gender differences in work satisfaction, work engagement, and work efficiency among employees who work from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. The paper provides change management insights and recommendations to assist companies in minimizing the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their employees. Keywords: work satisfaction, work engagement, work efficiency, employees, COVID-19 Published in DKUM: 14.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 11 Full text (308,77 KB) This document has many files! More... |
4. The human capital of the freelancers and their satisfaction with the quality of lifeIvona Huđek, Polona Tominc, Karin Širec, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: Digital technologies are underpinning a wide range of products, services, processes, and business model innovations that are significantly transforming industries, organizations, and society. They are increasingly permeating every aspect of our daily lives. In this paper, we looked at the challenges of digitalization, leading to a new way of working in the market and new business models, such as the gig economy. Individuals are becoming more mobile and self-directed in their careers, as opposed to traditional careers. We investigated the demographic characteristics of the new, growing group of self-employed, so-called freelancers, at the national level in Slovenia and investigated the relationships between human capital and their subjective (job and career satisfaction, life satisfaction) and objective success (income satisfaction). The survey was conducted among 200 freelancers (respondents). The empirical results show that most Slovenian freelancers working from home work in professional, scientific, and technical occupations; are between 35 and 44 years old; have completed the second level of tertiary education; work more than 40 hours per week; and have 16 years or more of work experience. To explore the quality of life of freelancers, empirical analysis showed that human capital factors are important for the success of a new career as a freelancer. The results show that freelancers’ human capital factors (education and experience, skills, and training) positively influence subjective and objective success. Using structural equation modeling, we also confirmed that human capital has a greater impact on freelancers’ subjective success (life satisfaction, career satisfaction) than on objective success (income satisfaction), suggesting that job and life satisfaction should be considered an important resource that freelancers rely on to determine their quality of life. Keywords: digitalization, work engagement, freelancers' human capital, quality of life, subjective success, objective success Published in DKUM: 19.08.2024; Views: 137; Downloads: 12 Full text (1,10 MB) This document has many files! More... |
5. The impact of social and cultural norms, government programs and digitalization as entrepreneurial environment factors on job and career satisfaction of freelancersIvona Huđek, Polona Tominc, Karin Širec, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: At the end of the last century, digital technology emergence enabled millions of people to compete globally by remotely offering their knowledge and skills. In addition, business processes are becoming fragmented into smaller components, so-called short-term projects. These work arrangements are often carried out by so-called independent professionals (contractors), better known as freelancers. A literature review has shown that the research topic of freelancing from an entrepreneurial perspective is relatively new and has its assumptions and gaps. Different stakeholders and institutions connect, mediate and manage the services of the entrepreneurial ecosystem to support entrepreneurs. As freelancers belong to the self-employed entrepreneurial category, they are engaged in business activities and need support from their environment. To contribute to this topic, we have analyzed the relationships between freelancers’ job and career satisfaction, digitalization and entrepreneurial ecosystem factors, with the aim of making policy recommendations. Regarding the entrepreneurial environment, we analyzed the cultural and social norms and government programs that provide support, based on the measurement instrument, developed in the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) research. We surveyed 200 freelancers (respondents) in Slovenia. Using factor analysis and structural equation modelling, the empirical results suggest that digitalization and cultural and social norms are significant factors that promote the success of new careers as freelancers in terms of job and career satisfaction. The results show that both positively influence job and career satisfaction, while government programs indirectly influence the job and career satisfaction of freelancers. This explains how the entrepreneurial ecosystem, plays a special role in supporting freelancers on their career path. Keywords: digitalization, freelancers, government programs, cultural and social norms, job and career satisfaction Published in DKUM: 19.08.2024; Views: 118; Downloads: 11 Full text (702,18 KB) This document has many files! More... |
6. Acceptance of GIS within ERP system : research study in higher educationSimona Sternad Zabukovšek, Polona Tominc, Zdenko Deželak, Gaik Nalbandyan, Samo Bobek, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: GIS is often used in companies where employees already use enterprise information systems/enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems and where both systems are used simultaneously. This article is a research study of GIS acceptance by users using GIS, not as a stand-alone tool, but as an integrated tool into the ERP system. The research was conducted using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), one of the most often used research models for researching behavioral intention and actual use of information systems. For this research study, TAM has been modified and extended with external factors. The main research objective is to identify determinants of GIS acceptance and the attitude of individuals toward using GIS integrated with ERP systems. The structural equation model with partial least squares (PLS) method was used to analyze collected survey data. The study researched 12 external factors in the TAM model, out of which 10 were found significant. The most important factors that impact behavioral intention to use ERP-GIS systems are perceived usefulness of ERP-GIS systems and attitude toward using GIS, followed by education and training about ERP-GIS systems and perceived enjoyment using ERP-GIS systems. Keywords: geographic information systems (GIS), enterprise resource planning (ERP), GIS and ERP integration, GIS acceptance, technology acceptance model (TAM) Published in DKUM: 09.07.2024; Views: 103; Downloads: 13 Full text (1,27 MB) This document has many files! More... |
7. Enhancing PLS-SEM-Enabled research with ANN and IPMA : research study of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems’ acceptance based on the technology acceptance model (TAM)Simona Sternad Zabukovšek, Samo Bobek, Uroš Zabukovšek, Zoran Kalinić, Polona Tominc, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: PLS-SEM has been used recently more and more often in studies researching critical factors influencing the acceptance and use of information systems, especially when the technology acceptance model (TAM) is implemented. TAM has proved to be the most promising model for researching different viewpoints regarding information technologies, tools/applications, and the acceptance and use of information systems by the employees who act as the end-users in companies. However, the use of advanced PLS-SEM techniques for testing the extended TAM research models for the acceptance of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems is scarce. The present research aims to fill this gap and aims to show how PLS-SEM results can be enhanced by advanced techniques: artificial neural network analysis (ANN) and Importance–Performance Matrix Analysis (IPMA). ANN was used in this research study to overcome the limitations of PLS-SEM regarding the linear relationships in the model. IPMA was used in evaluating the importance and performance of factors/drivers in the SEM. From the methodological point of view, results show that the research approach with ANN artificial intelligence complements the results of PLS-SEM while allowing the capture of nonlinear relationships between the variables of the model and the determination of the relative importance of each factor studied. On other hand, IPMA enables the identification of factors with relatively low performance but relatively high importance in shaping dependent variables. Keywords: traditional PLS-SEM, artificial neural network (ANN) analysis, Importance–Performance Matrix Analysis (IPMA), ERP system acceptance, TAM model Published in DKUM: 09.07.2024; Views: 103; Downloads: 14 Full text (2,52 MB) This document has many files! More... |
8. SME top management perception of environmental uncertainty and gender differences during COVID-19Sabina Veršič, Polona Tominc, Tjaša Štrukelj, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: Environmental scanning has become increasingly crucial for an organisation’s existence and a matter of interest for scholars and professionals. This research presents an outline of the situation in the field of multidimensional environmental scanning, focusing on Slovenian micro, small and medium sized organisations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, the paper aims to examine if top managers perceive the multidimensional (external) environment as uncertain and if there have been gender differences in multidimensional (external) environmental uncertainty perception during the COVID-19 pandemic. We researched the field of ecological, social, technological, economic, and political–legal environments. The nonparametric Mann–Whitney U test and descriptive statistics were used to test the research hypotheses. The results show that top managers are not aware enough of multidimensional environmental uncertainty. They do not perceive the ecological and social environment as unpredictable at all. Among the studied environments, they perceive the political–legal environment as most unpredictable. There are no statistically significant gender differences in perceptions of ecological, social, technological, economic, and political–legal environmental uncertainty. We suggest SME top managers pay more attention to environmental uncertainty and use environmental scanning methods to achieve more sustainable development. Keywords: strategic management, environmental uncertainty, ecological environment, social environment, technological environment, economic environment, political–legal environment, SME top managers, COVID-19 pandemic, Slovenia Published in DKUM: 05.07.2024; Views: 146; Downloads: 24 Full text (688,83 KB) This document has many files! More... |
9. Healthy and entrepreneurial work environment for older employees and its impact on work engagement during the COVID-19 pandemicMaja Rožman, Polona Tominc, Katja Crnogaj, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: Managing older employees is a major challenge for companies, especially during COVID-19. Therefore, creating a healthy and entrepreneurial work environment as well as an inclusive culture within organizations is crucial for companies to maintain their sustainable advantage. The main objective of this paper is to develop a multidimensional model of a healthy and entrepreneurial work environment for older employees and determine its impact on their work engagement during COVID-19. Structural equation modeling was used for data analysis. The results show that workplace health promotion, entrepreneurial working conditions, and leadership lead to better well-being of older employees. In addition, entrepreneurial working conditions that promote intergenerational synergy lead to higher work engagement of older employees, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. For the elderly, the entrepreneurial work environment is therefore particularly important, even though entrepreneurship is mostly attributed to younger men. In addition, older employees’ well-being and the promotion of intergenerational synergy have a positive impact on their work engagement. The results will help companies better manage their older employees, shape their workplace, and increase the sustainable benefits of their businesses during and after the COVID-19 crisis. Keywords: older employees, health promotion, entrepreneurial work environment, business competitiveness, COVID-19 pandemic Published in DKUM: 04.07.2024; Views: 123; Downloads: 17 Full text (445,44 KB) This document has many files! More... |
10. Integrating artificial intelligence into a talent management model to increase the work engagement and performance of enterprisesMaja Rožman, Dijana Oreški, Polona Tominc, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to create a multidimensional talent management model with embedded aspects of artificial intelligence in the human resource processes to increase employees' engagement and performance of the enterprise. The research was implemented on a sample of 317 managers/owners in Slovenian enterprises. Multidimensional constructs of the model include several aspects of artificial intelligence implementation in the organization's activities related to human resource management in the field of talent management, especially in the process of acquiring and retaining talented employees, appropriate training and development of employees, organizational culture, leadership, and reducing the workload of employees, employee engagement and performance of the enterprise. The results show that AI supported acquiring and retaining a talented employees, AI supported appropriate training and development of employees, appropriate teams, AI supported organizational culture, AI supported leadership, reducing the workload of employees with AI have a positive effect on performance of the enterprise and employee engagement. The results will help managers or owners create a successful work environment by implementing artificial intelligence in the enterprise, leading to increased employee engagement and performance of the enterprise. Namely, our results contribute to the efficient implementation of artificial intelligence into an enterprise and give owners or top managers a broad insight into the various aspects that must be taken into account in business management in order to increase employee engagement and enterprise’s competitive advantage. Keywords: artificial intelligence, talent management, employees, employee engagement, performance of the company Published in DKUM: 03.07.2024; Views: 128; Downloads: 11 Full text (1,63 MB) This document has many files! More... |