1. Vpliv pogostosti spreminjanja ocenitvene funkcije v dinamični optimizaciji z evolucijskimi algoritmiTadej Vac, 2024, undergraduate thesis Abstract: V diplomskem delu smo raziskali optimizacijo algoritmov ABC, DE in PSO na dinamičnem problemu MPB. Namen dela je bil raziskati in preizkusiti strategije zaznavanja sprememb in prilagajanje algoritmov v dinamičnih okoljih. Delo je razdeljeno v tri glavne dele: pregled področja, predstavitev uporabljenih algoritmov in pristopov optimizacije ter analiza rezultatov. Najprej smo opisali osnove evolucijskih algoritmov in dinamične optimizacije. Nato smo predstavili dinamičen problem, algoritme in pristope optimizacije. Na koncu smo primerjali uspešnost algoritmov pri iskanju optimalnih rešitev v problemu MPB. Keywords: evolucijski algoritmi, dinamična optimizacija, zaznavanje sprememb Published in DKUM: 06.02.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 1
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2. Computer science education in ChatGPT Era: experiences from an experiment in a programming course for novice programmersTomaž Kosar, Dragana Ostojić, Yu David Liu, Marjan Mernik, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: The use of large language models with chatbots like ChatGPT has become increasingly popular among students, especially in Computer Science education. However, significant debates exist in the education community on the role of ChatGPT in learning. Therefore, it is critical to understand the potential impact of ChatGPT on the learning, engagement, and overall success of students in classrooms. In this empirical study, we report on a controlled experiment with 182 participants in a first-year undergraduate course on object-oriented programming. Our differential study divided students into two groups, one using ChatGPT and the other not using it for practical programming assignments. The study results showed that the students’ performance is not influenced by ChatGPT usage (no statistical significance between groups with a p-value of 0.730), nor are the grading results of practical assignments (p-value 0.760) and midterm exams (p-value 0.856). Our findings from the controlled experiment suggest that it is safe for novice programmers to use ChatGPT if specific measures and adjustments are adopted in the education process. Keywords: large language models, ChatGPT, artificial intelligence, controlled experiment, object-oriented programming, software engineering education Published in DKUM: 12.08.2024; Views: 59; Downloads: 6
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3. The Impact of Code Bloat on Genetic Program Comprehension: Replication of a Controlled Experiment on Semantic InferenceTomaž Kosar, Željko Kovačević, Marjan Mernik, Boštjan Slivnik, 2023, original scientific article Keywords: genetic programming, controlled experiment, program comprehension, replication, semantic inference, attribute grammars Published in DKUM: 22.05.2024; Views: 171; Downloads: 13
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4. A graph pointer network-based multi-objective deep reinforcement learning algorithm for solving the traveling salesman problemJeewaka Perera, Shih-Hsi Liu, Marjan Mernik, Matej Črepinšek, Miha Ravber, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: Traveling Salesman Problems (TSPs) have been a long-lasting interesting challenge to researchers in different areas. The difficulty of such problems scales up further when multiple objectives are considered concurrently. Plenty of work in evolutionary algorithms has been introduced to solve multi-objective TSPs with promising results, and the work in deep learning and reinforcement learning has been surging. This paper introduces a multi-objective deep graph pointer network-based reinforcement learning (MODGRL) algorithm for multi-objective TSPs. The MODGRL improves an earlier multi-objective deep reinforcement learning algorithm, called DRL-MOA, by utilizing a graph pointer network to learn the graphical structures of TSPs. Such improvements allow MODGRL to be trained on a small-scale TSP, but can find optimal solutions for large scale TSPs. NSGA-II, MOEA/D and SPEA2 are selected to compare with MODGRL and DRL-MOA. Hypervolume, spread and coverage over Pareto front (CPF) quality indicators were selected to assess the algorithms’ performance. In terms of the hypervolume indicator that represents the convergence and diversity of Pareto-frontiers, MODGRL outperformed all the competitors on the three well-known benchmark problems. Such findings proved that MODGRL, with the improved graph pointer network, indeed performed better, measured by the hypervolume indicator, than DRL-MOA and the three other evolutionary algorithms. MODGRL and DRL-MOA were comparable in the leading group, measured by the spread indicator. Although MODGRL performed better than DRL-MOA, both of them were just average regarding the evenness and diversity measured by the CPF indicator. Such findings remind that different performance indicators measure Pareto-frontiers from different perspectives. Choosing a well-accepted and suitable performance indicator to one’s experimental design is very critical, and may affect the conclusions. Three evolutionary algorithms were also experimented on with extra iterations, to validate whether extra iterations affected the performance. The results show that NSGA-II and SPEA2 were greatly improved measured by the Spread and CPF indicators. Such findings raise fairness concerns on algorithm comparisons using different fixed stopping criteria for different algorithms, which appeared in the DRL-MOA work and many others. Through these lessons, we concluded that MODGRL indeed performed better than DRL-MOA in terms of hypervolumne, and we also urge researchers on fair experimental designs and comparisons, in order to derive scientifically sound conclusions. Keywords: multi-objective optimization, traveling salesman problems, deep reinforcement learning Published in DKUM: 28.03.2024; Views: 184; Downloads: 26
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5. On parsing programming languages with Turing-complete parserBoštjan Slivnik, Marjan Mernik, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: A new parsing method based on the semi-Thue system is described. Similar to, but with more efficient implementation than Markov normal algorithms, it can be used for parsing any recursively enumerable language. Despite its computational power, it is meant to be used primarily for parsing programming and domain-specific languages. It enables a straightforward simulation of a number of existing parsing algorithms based on context-free grammars. The list includes both top-down shift-produce methods (such as SLL and LL) and bottom-up shift-reduce methods (such as LALR and LR), as well as mixed top-down-and-bottom-up methods such as LLLR. To justify the use of the new parsing method, the paper provides numerous examples of how a parser can actually be made in practice. It is advised that the main part of the parser is based on some simple well-established approach, e.g., SLL(1), while syntactically more complicated phrases can be parsed by exploiting the full power of the new parser. These phrases may either be extensions to the original language or some embedded domain-specific language. In all such and similar cases, no part of the language is restricted to be context-free. In fact, context-sensitive languages can be handled quite efficiently. Keywords: Turing-complete parsing, context-sensitive, error recovery Published in DKUM: 14.02.2024; Views: 325; Downloads: 25
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6. Strategije za premagovanje stresa pri športnikihEva Mernik, 2023, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Športniki, sploh vrhunski so vsakodnevno izpostavljeni stresu, ki dolgoročno ne prinaša pozitivnih posledic. Zato je bil namen naše diplomske naloge raziskati in pojasniti načine, ki bi lahko športniku pozitivno pripomogli pri borbi s stresom. Prav tako je namen tega dela, da bi športniki le tega prebrali in se v primeru stresa odločili za strategije in tehnike, ki so opisane v nalogi, ter bi si pobližje pogledali kako slabo je ne ukrepati, med tem ko že vse kaže na, da je čas, da nekaj ukrenejo. Keywords: Strategije, tehnike, stres, športniki, premagovanje stresa Published in DKUM: 25.09.2023; Views: 536; Downloads: 40
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7. Vključevanje didaktičnih iger v kontekst izvedbe prometnovarnostnih vsebin v 4. in 5. razredu osnovne šole : magistrsko deloNuša Mernik, 2023, master's thesis Abstract: Magistrsko delo Vključevanje didaktičnih iger v kontekst izvedbe prometno varnostnih vsebin v 4. in 5. razredu osnovne šole je sestavljeno iz treh delov. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili promet, vrste prometa, otroka kot udeleženca v prometu in opisali otroka kot pešca in otroka kot kolesarja, opisali vidike prometne varnosti, prometne nesreče in navedli značilnosti otrokovega razvoja z vidika prometne varnosti, navedli vsebine prometne vzgoje pri pouku, opisali igro, uporabo iger pri pouku in predstavili didaktične igre. V empiričnem delu smo s pomočjo empirične raziskave ugotovili, kaj učitelji menijo o vključevanju didaktičnih iger v kontekst prometno varnostnih vsebin. Ugotovili smo, da večina učiteljev vključuje didaktične igre v kontekst izvedbe prometno varnostnih vsebin, da najpogosteje vključujejo igre vlog in igre s pravili, da večina učiteljev izdela svoje didaktične igre in da so vsi sodelujoči učitelji opazili večjo motivacijo učencev za sodelovanje pri didaktičnih igrah. Slaba plat vključevanja didaktičnih iger pa so pomanjkanje časa in problem zagotavljanja discipline in reda v razredu. V praktičnem delu smo zasnovali in preskusili didaktične igre kviz Kolo sreče o prometu, kviz Pravilno ali nepravilno, namizno igro Promet in prometni znaki in karte Poišči par. Igre smo prikazali učencem in ti so jih preizkusili. Keywords: prometna vzgoja, didaktične igre, razredni pouk Published in DKUM: 05.09.2023; Views: 406; Downloads: 53
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8. Razvoj orodja za orkestracijo mikrostoritev v spletnih trgovinah : diplomsko deloLuka Mernik, 2023, undergraduate thesis Abstract: V diplomskem delu smo opisali razvoj produkta TRONintegration. Produkt služi kot orodje za izdelavo integracije dveh sistemov (na primer TRONoffice in spletne trgovine Shopify). Orodje v osnovi temelji na podobnih funkcionalnostih obstoječega produkta Tray.io, vendar z veliko več možnostmi in dodelavami ter samostojno implementacijo. Opisali smo uporabljene tehnologije, raziskali smo knjižnico Syncfusion, ki nam je zelo pripomogla pri vizualnem prikazu diagrama. Ta najbolj pomembni del predstavlja potek same integracije in je sestavljen iz gradnikov: vozlišč in povezav. Raziskali smo področje orkestracije mikrostoritev in nato razvijali produkt po fazah ter ga na koncu testirali. S pomočjo dokumentacije smo uspešno izdelali orodje, ki omogoča izdelavo integracije dveh sistemov na intuitiven vizualen način in zanj ni potrebno veliko predznanja. Keywords: integracija, diagram, korak, Angular, Syncfusion Published in DKUM: 12.07.2023; Views: 679; Downloads: 124
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9. Uporaba knjižnjice React z React hooks ter React razrednimi komponentami : diplomsko deloKlemen Plaznik, 2022, undergraduate thesis Abstract: V diplomskem delu sta primerjani dve metodi razvijanja spletnih aplikacij v knjižnici React. Primerjana sta načina izdelovanja razrednih komponent in način izdelovanja komponent s funkcionalnostmi React hooks. Primerjave so izvedene s kriteriji hitrosti razvijanja, enostavnosti razvijanja in hitrosti izvajanja same komponente. Praktičen del vsebuje dve implementaciji enake spletne aplikacije – eno, narejeno s klasičnimi razrednimi komponentami, in drugo, narejeno s funkcionalnimi komponentami React hooks. Keywords: ReactJS, React hooks, spletne tehnologije Published in DKUM: 25.10.2022; Views: 481; Downloads: 55
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10. Vpliv programskih jezikov na primerljivost rezultatov evolucijskih algoritmov : magistrsko deloŽan Sovinc, 2022, master's thesis Abstract: V magistrskem delu smo primerjali rezultate implementacij algoritmov ABC in WOA, napisanih v različnih programskih jezikih. Primerjali in analizirali smo vsega skupaj osem implementacij, ki so bile napisane v petih programskih jezikih. Rezultate za primerjavo implementacij smo pridobivali z desetimi optimizacijskimi funkcijami.
Glavni cilj je bil odkriti in odpraviti razlike v izvornih kodah implementacij algoritmov, zaradi katerih je prihajalo do razlik v rezultatih. Tako smo dobili rezultate, v katerih so bile vse implementacije enako uspešne. Keywords: evolucijski algoritmi, primerjava rezultatov, optimizacijske funkcije, ABC, WOA Published in DKUM: 25.10.2022; Views: 595; Downloads: 55
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