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Gadecomp model: model konkurenčnosti gastronomske destinacije
Nuša Basle, 2024, doctoral dissertation

Abstract: Konkurenca med restavracijami in destinacijami se povečuje skupaj s hitro spreminjajočimi se preferencami potrošnikov. Hrana ni več zgolj sredstvo za zadovoljevanje osnovnih človekovih potreb; že dolgo časa nazaj je postala glavna motivacija za potovanje. Turiste, katerih sila potega na destinacijo je gastronomija, imenujemo gastronomski turisti ali s tujko foodie-ji. Čeprav je primarna funkcija restavracij zagotavljanje visokokakovostne gastronomske ponudbe, samo vidik kakovosti ne zadostuje; zahtevni sodobni gostje nenehno iščejo inovativnost, kreativnost in pristnost, kar zagotavlja edinstveno kulinarično izkušnjo. Restavracije morajo zato nenehno uvajati novosti in biti kreativne, da pritegnejo pozornost gostov in tako pridobijo konkurenčno prednost. Poskrbeti morajo za ustrezen ambient (fizični izgled) restavracije, kakor tudi za nesnovne elemente, kot so zagotavljanje visokokakovostne strežbe, prijetnega vzdušja z razsvetljavo in glasbo, ali z organiziranjem posebnih dogodkov in razvedrila. Ker se je v zadnjem času povečala tudi okoljska ozaveščenost potrošnikov, je le-ta prisilila ponudnike gastronomije, da se prilagodijo trajnostnim vzorcem delovanja. Vse omenjene značilnosti so restavracijske kompetence, ki ustvarjajo zaznano kakovost ponudbe in iz nje izvirajočo zaznano vrednost; vse zgoraj navedene kompetence vplivajo tako na konkurenčnost restavracij kot gastronomskih destinacij. V teoretičnem delu te doktorske disertacije smo opredelili koncept konkurenčnosti destinacije in njene modele, koncept kakovosti storitev in njene modele in koncept destinacijskih kompetenc. Sledila je opredelitev gastronomskega turizma kot kreativnega dela kulturnega turizma. V nadaljevanju se teoretična raziskava osredotoča na motivacijo gastronomskih turistov, njihovo tiplogijo in ključne značilnosti. Govorimo tudi o imidžu gastronomske destinacije skupaj s prihodnjimi trendi, tako na strani povpraševanja kot na strani ponudbe. Pri razvoju modela smo se najprej osredotočili na restavracijsko (podjetniško) raven, ki je povezana z različnimi kompetencami, in sicer s kakovostjo, inovativnostjo, kreativnostjo, trajnostjo in lokalnimi značilnostmi. Predpostavili smo, če ponudniki gastronomije (t. j. restavracije) razvijejo kompetence, bodo gostje restavracij zaznali višjo kakovost storitev, s tem pa tudi višjo zaznano vrednost teh restavracij in tako izboljšali svojo konkurenčnost, kakor tudi konkurenčnost celotne destinacije. Kar zadeva destinacije, samo prizadevanja restavracij kot ponudnikov gastronomije, ki se nahajajo v destinaciji, niso dovolj. Poleg gastronomske ponudbe morajo destinacije zagotavljati pestro, a hkrati celostno ponudbo, ki bo zadovoljila potrebe turističnega trga kot celote. To vključuje učinkovito upravljanje destinacije, infrastrukturo, nastanitve, prostočasne dejavnosti znotraj destinacije itd. Gostom, ki prihajajo v destinacijo, je namreč vseeno, kdo so lastniki edinstvenih objektov – želijo le dobiti celostno ponudbo in preživeti odlične počitnice. Da bi destinacijam poiskali način, kako delovati kot enoten (meta) ponudnik, smo kompetence in znanje prenesli z ravni restavracije na raven destinacije. Pri tem smo celotno destinacijo obravnavali kot virtualno podjetje, kar je bilo v skladu z našo trditvijo, da mora destinacija delovati holistično in kot celota. Če je gastronomija osrednji vir destinacije in glavni motiv za obisk destinacije, lahko takšno destinacijo imenujemo gastronomska destinacija in mora, seveda, odražati kompetence gastronomske destinacije: kakovost, inovativnost, kreativnost, trajnostnost in lokalne značilnosti. Tako smo razvili teoretični model GADECOMP (GAstronomic DEstination COMPetitiveness, konkurenčnost gastronomske destinacije) za merjenje konkurenčnosti izbranih gastronomskih destinacij.
Keywords: gastronomski turizem, gastronomija višjega ranga, kompetence (gastronomske) destinacije, konkurenčnost (gastronomske) destinacije, GADECOMP model.
Published in DKUM: 20.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 19
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Evaluating gastronomic destination competitiveness through upscale gastronomy
Nuša Basle, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: Food has evolved from a basic necessity to a primary motivation for travel. While providing a high-quality gastronomic offer is still a restaurant's primary function, quality is no longer enough; today's demanding guests seek unique and memorable dining experiences. A restaurant's competences play a significant role in shaping the guests' overall perception of the quality and derived perceived value, both of which ultimately impact the competitiveness of both the restaurant and the gastronomic destination. The main contribution of this article is the development of a novel theoretical model-GADECOMP-which is designed to measure a gastronomic destination's competitiveness by centering it around the destination's gastronomic offer. Exploratory factor analyses confirmed that the instrument is reliable and valid. The model was tested on upscale restaurant guests in Slovenia, Italy, and Croatia. Additionally, the SERVQUAL model of quality measurement was transferred from the entrepreneurial level to the destination level. Our method uses a unique competence approach and expands and diversifies the existing quality concepts by using elements of innovativeness, creativity, sustainability, and local features. The GADECOMP model measures the perceived quality of a gastronomic destination through its competences, which are reflected in the gastronomic destination offer. A regression analysis was used to identify the strength of the effect that perceived value has on the gastronomic destination offer and gastronomic destination competences.
Keywords: gastronomic tourism, upscale gastronomy, quality, gastronomic destination competences, GADECOMP model, Slovenia, Italy, Croatia
Published in DKUM: 19.02.2024; Views: 423; Downloads: 18
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The impact of market knowledge and institutional incentives on the internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises in Slovenia
Nuša Basle, 2015, master's thesis

Abstract: The internationalization of firms is an important part of globalization. Firms are looking for their opportunities in foreign markets. For this reason, they need to have specific market knowledge. They can create it themselves by primary market research and/or gain it from available secondary sources. Companies need to be aware that market knowledge is crucial for the internationalization process. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are the most valuable part of both European and Slovenian economy. SMEs substantially contribute to economic growth and job creation and are considered the present and future backbone of the European and Slovenian economy. Because of the importance of SMEs, various programs and mechanisms for SMEs support were developed at the level of the European Union (EU) and Slovenia. These constitute Institutional Support and contain, among other things, financial and non-financial mechanisms to support the internationalization of SMEs.
Keywords: Internationalization, Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), Entrepreneurship, Market knowledge, Institutional Support, Slovenia
Published in DKUM: 20.11.2015; Views: 2258; Downloads: 246
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Nuša Basle, 2013, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: In this diploma seminar I investigate world cultures and present their features, similarities and differences. Based thereon, I attempt to find out the possible ways to conduct business in different cultures. My aim was also to prove if all the literature information can be used in real life experience. I interviewed people who work in international firms that operate aboard, specifically in Austria, Brazil and Russia for my empirical part. On the basis of their information I could conclude that theory applies to practice and can serve as a useful guideline for international companies who want to conduct international business.
Keywords: Culture, cultural differences, international business, communication, negotiation, resolving conflicts.
Published in DKUM: 24.10.2013; Views: 1935; Downloads: 171
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