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An Image of a Horseman in Gothic Poetry
Nejc Drnovšek, 2017, master's thesis

Abstract: The paper analyses the image of a horseman in literary works during Romanticism with an emphasis on Gothic poetry. A horseman represents an important literary motif, which was used by numerous poets from the discussed period, although his depiction expands through the whole literary history. At the end of the eighteenth century, in times when the readers were particularly excited about Gothic literature and especially ballads, a horseman was being depicted by popular poets and writers of this genre, such as Matthew Lewis, Walter Scott and Robert Southey, and in the early years of nineteenth century, by the giants of Romanticism, such as Lord Byron and Mikhail Lermontov. The selection of numerous literary works of the aforementioned and other authors served as a recognition of patterns that were repeated in such works. The comparative analysis addresses the movement of a horseman, usually at high velocity, the relation between him and a particular literary genre, and literary devices that accompany the depiction of a horseman. Two literary works, Robert Southey’s Gothic ballad The Old Woman of Berkeley and Lermontov’s poem Demon, are analysed in detail. In both cases, particular parts of a literary work consist of a description of a rider and his horse, which follows the characteristics from previous works discussed in the paper. However, substantial deviations in the depiction of a horseman are present in both works as well. These differences, which influenced the manner in which a horseman is depicted, arose as a consequence of numerous factors, such as past life experiences, the influence of other poets and their literary works, religious and political convictions, and discrepancies in translations, namely in the poem Demon. The examples from the Southey’s ballad and Lermontov’s poem confirm such thinking. On the basis of numerous examples of the depiction of a horseman in the discussed period and reccurring patterns, it was possible to draw conclusions about the universal features of a horse, both its personality and physical characteristics, about the interpersonal relationship between a rider and his steed, about their relation based on the structural level and about the role of the context and its influence on the findings.
Keywords: horseman, Gothic ballad, Romantic literature, Robert Southey, Mikhail Lermontov, The Demon
Published in DKUM: 11.10.2017; Views: 1451; Downloads: 111
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Politično delovanje in vloga Ruske pravoslavne cerkve od vpada Batu kana do padca Konstantinopla (1237-1453)
Nejc Drnovšek, 2016, master's thesis

Abstract: V delu je obravnavano politično delovanje Ruske pravoslavne cerkve v obdobju od vpada Mongolov in njihovega zavojevanja večjega dela ruskih kneževin do padca Konstantinopla. Tematika je razdeljena na več poglavij, v katerih se z različnih vidikov preučujeta vloga in vpliv Cerkve v obravnavanem obdobju. V prvem poglavju so predstavljeni in analizirani dokumenti, imenovani »jarliki«, ki so jih predstavniki duhovščine prejemali od mongolskih vladarjev za potrjevanje njihovega političnega položaja. V njih so opredeljeni privilegiji in dolžnosti Cerkve, kar je ključnega pomena pri razumevanja njenih političnih dejanj in dejanj posameznih metropolitov v tem obdobju. V nadaljevanju je vloga Cerkve razložena na dva načina: z vidika institucije in z vidika dejanj posameznih, najpomembnejših cerkvenih predstavnikov, predvsem metropolitov. Prvi vidik je pomemben, saj je v okvirih obravnavanega časovnega obdobja imela Cerkev že sama po sebi poseben prestiž in vlogo, ker je številne privilegije ohranila iz časov, ko še ni bilo stikov z Mongoli na tem ozemlju. Mongoli so tudi imeli univerzalno pozitiven odnos do Cerkve in vere nasploh, kar se odraža v verski strpnosti znotraj imperija. Z drugega vidika so predvsem pomembni odnosi med metropoliti in glavami treh večjih političnih sil, to je s konstantinopelskim patriarhom, kanom Zlate horde in z velikim knezom najpomembnejše ruske kneževine. Posebna pozornost je namenjena tudi zgodovinopiscem, ki so zaradi političnega in ideološkega ozadja ter številnih nejasnosti v zvezi z obravnavano tematiko vlogo Cerkve obravnavali na najrazličnejše načine. Izpostaviti velja dve večji zgodovinopisni smeri, in sicer predrevolucijsko zgodovinopisje, ki je razlagalo delovanje metropolitov in Cerkve v pozitivni luči, in sovjetsko zgodovinopisje, ki je tematiko skušalo umestiti v okvire marksistične razredne teorije.
Keywords: Ruska pravoslavna cerkev, metropolit, Zlata horda, veliki knez, bizantinska cerkev, jarlik
Published in DKUM: 10.10.2017; Views: 1435; Downloads: 154
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