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Webinar: Data Management and Ethics
Milan Ojsteršek, Matjaž Divjak, 2024, scientific film, scientific sound or video publication

Abstract: Video recording and presentation slides of a lecture by Milan Ojsteršek and Matjaž Divjak for the HybridNeuro webinar "Data Management and Ethics", which was held online on April 8th 2024 at Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor, Slovenia. More info including additional materials (slides, example dataset): https://www.hybridneuro.feri.um.si/webinars/data_management_and_ethics.html The HybridNeuro project combines the expertise of leading European partners in the field of Neural Interfaces to set up new pathways of analyzing human motor system and human movements and transfer the academic research into clinical and industrial practice. Link: https://www.hybridneuro.feri.um.si/ This project has received funding from the Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme under GA No. 101079392, as well as UK Research and Innovation organisation (GA No. 10052152). This video is available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence (CC BY 4.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Keywords: HybridNeuro project, webinar, presentation, data management, data annotation, open science, open access, data repository, FAIR data, metadata
Published in DKUM: 09.05.2024; Views: 201; Downloads: 6
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EOSC interoperability framework : Report from the EOSC Executive Board Working Groups FAIR and Architecture
Oscar Corcho, Magnus Eriksson, Krzysztof Kurowski, Milan Ojsteršek, Christine Choirat, Mark van de Sanden, Frederik Coppens, 2021, scientific monograph

Abstract: This document has been developed by the Interoperability Task Force of the EOSC Executive Board FAIR Working Group, with participation from the Architecture WG. Achieving interoperability within EOSC is essential in order for the federation of services that will compose EOSC to provide added value for service users. In the context of the FAIR principles, interoperability is discussed in relation to the fact that “research data usually need to be integrated with other data; in addition, the data need to interoperate with applications or workflows for analysis, storage, and processing”. Our view on interoperability does not only consider data but also the many other research artefacts that may be used in the context of research activity, such as software code, scientific workflows, laboratory protocols, open hardware designs, etc. It also considers the need to make services and e-infrastructures as interoperable as possible. This document identifies the general principles that should drive the creation of the EOSC Interoperability Framework (EOSC IF), and organises them into the four layers that are commonly considered in other interoperability frameworks (e.g., the European Interoperability Framework - EIF): technical, semantic, organisational and legal interoperability. For each of these layers, a catalogue of problems and needs, as well as challenges and high-level recommendations have been proposed, which should be considered in the further development and implementation of the EOSC IF components. Such requirements and recommendations have been developed after an extensive review of related literature as well as by running interviews with stakeholders from ERICs (European Research Infrastructure Consortia), ESFRI (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures) projects, service providers and research communities. Some examples of such requirements are: “every semantic artefact that is being maintained in EOSC must have sufficient associated documentation, with clear examples of usage and conceptual diagrams”, or “Coarse-grained and fine-grained dataset (and other research object) search tools need to be made available”, etc. The document finally contains a proposal for the management of FAIR Digital Objects in the context of EOSC and a reference architecture for the EOSC Interoperability Framework that is inspired by and extends the European Interoperability Reference Architecture (EIRA), identifying the main building blocks required.
Keywords: technical interoperability, semantic interoperability, organizational interoperability, legal interoperability, EOSC, metadata crosswalk, reference architecture
Published in DKUM: 21.09.2021; Views: 1050; Downloads: 56
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EOSC Interoperability Framework Reference Architecture (Version 2.0)
Magnus Eriksson, Mark van de Sanden, Krzysztof Kurowski, Frederik Coppens, Oscar Corcho, Milan Ojsteršek, Christine Choirat

Abstract: The EOSC Interoperability Framework Reference Architecture contains framework definitions and uses abstract Building Blocks as a tool to group functionality that will be needed to meet the requirements for the EOSC Interoperability Framework (EOSC-IF). The base of the EOSC-IF Reference Architecture has been derived from the European Interoperability Reference Architecture (EIRA) developed by ISA2. This is made available as an Archimate file.
Published in DKUM: 21.09.2021; Views: 1013; Downloads: 22
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Crosswalk of most used metadata schemes and guidelines for metadata interoperability (Version 1.0)
Milan Ojsteršek, 2021, complete scientific database of research data

Abstract: This resource provides crosswalks among the most commonly used metadata schemes and guidelines to describe digital objects in Open Science, including: - RDA metadata IG recommendation of the metadata element set, - EOSC Pilot - EDMI metadata set, - Dublin CORE Metadata Terms, - Datacite 4.3 metadata schema, - DCAT 2.0 metadata schema and DCAT 2.0 application profile, - EUDAT B2Find metadata recommendation, - OpenAIRE Guidelines for Data Archives, - OpenAire Guidelines for literature repositories 4.0, - OpenAIRE Guidelines for Other Research Products, - OpenAIRE Guidelines for Software Repository Managers, - OpenAIRE Guidelines for CRIS Managers, - Crossref 4.4.2 metadata XML schema, - Harvard Dataverse metadata schema, - DDI Codebook 2.5 metadata XML schema, - Europeana EDM metadata schema, - Schema.org, - Bioschemas, - The PROV Ontology.
Keywords: crosswalk, metadata, EDMI metadata set, Dublin CORE, Datacite 4.3 metadata schema, DCAT 2.0 metadata schema, UDAT B2Find metadata recommendation, OpenAIRE Guidelines for Data Archives, OpenAire Guidelines for literature repositories 4.0, OpenAIRE Guidelines for Other Research Products, OpenAIRE Guidelines for Software Repository Managers, OpenAIRE Guidelines for CRIS Managers, Crossref 4.4.2 metadata XML schema, Harvard Dataverse metadata schema, DDI Codebook 2.5 metadata XML schema, Europeana EDM metadata schema, Schema.org, Bioschemas, The PROV Ontology
Published in DKUM: 21.09.2021; Views: 2030; Downloads: 71
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Izdelava pogovornega robota z rekurentno nevronsko mrežo LSTM : diplomsko delo
Tomaž Piko, 2020, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: V diplomskem delu so v prvem delu najprej predstavljeni pogovorni roboti in njihovi tipi, nato rekurentne nevronske mreže ter delovanje različnih celic, ki jih pri njih najpogosteje srečujemo. V drugem delu pa je prikazan primer implementacije in učenja rekurentne nevronske mreže LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) ter izdelava mobilne aplikacije, v kateri lahko pisno komuniciramo z izdelano mrežo oziroma našim pogovornim robotom v slovenskem ali angleškem jeziku.
Keywords: pogovorni roboti, rekurentne nevronske mreže, celica LSTM, obdelava naravnih jezikov
Published in DKUM: 03.11.2020; Views: 1115; Downloads: 78
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Primerjava algoritmov za določanje sopojavnosti besed v besedilih : diplomsko delo
Klemen Pal, 2020, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Glavna tema diplomske naloge je raziskovanje in primerjava nekaterih najbolj razširjenih algoritmov za določanje sopojavnosti besed v besedilih. Teoretično so razloženi pojavi kolokacij, njihova osnova in statistično ozadje. Nato so opisani trije najpogostejši algoritmi, ki slonijo na različnih pristopih: T-test, Pearsonov hi-kvadrat in algoritem PMI. Ti opisi so podprti s primeri izračuna vrednosti algoritmov. Praktični del vsebuje implementacijo predobdelave besedila in iskanja statističnih podatkov, sledi pa uporaba algoritmov nad temi podatki. Za konec je podana še primerjava teh algoritmov na osnovi dobljenih rezultatov.
Keywords: algoritem, sopojavnost besed, besedilo, primerjava
Published in DKUM: 02.11.2020; Views: 973; Downloads: 63
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Priporočilni sistem in mobilna aplikacija za ustvarjanje fitnes treninga
Dejan Zajc, 2018, bachelor thesis/paper

Abstract: Priporočilni sistemi se zaradi velikega števila informacij vedno bolj uveljavljajo. Enako velja na fitnes področju, kjer ljudje nimajo časa, denarja ali motivacije za obisk fitnes centrov. V diplomskem delu predstavimo priporočilni sistem za ustvarjanje fitnes treninga. Pri tem uporabimo vsebinsko priporočanje. Uporabo priporočilnega sistema omogočimo z implementacijo spletne storitve, ki jo kličemo v mobilni aplikaciji. V teoretičnem delu opišemo uporabljen pristop vsebinskega priporočanja in samo logiko priporočanja. V praktičnem delu implementiramo spletno storitev in mobilno aplikacijo.
Keywords: priporočilni sistem, vsebinsko priporočanje, hibridna mobilna aplikacija, Ionic
Published in DKUM: 26.08.2020; Views: 1869; Downloads: 188
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Orodje za avtomatizacijo optimizacije SEO : magistrsko delo
Gašper Gračner, 2019, master's thesis

Abstract: S tem magistrskim delom smo želeli predstaviti področje optimizacije spletnih strani ter opisati dejavnike, ki vplivajo na boljše iskalne rezultate. Avtorji del, povezanih z optimizacijo spletnih strani, največkrat poudarijo pomembnost ključnih besed. Naloga opisuje tradicionalne in moderne načine iskanja ključnih besed. Med moderne načine lahko prištevamo tudi avtomatizirano iskanje le-teh. Pristopi iskanja se med sabo močno razlikujejo, nekateri temeljijo na statističnih podatkih, drugi na oblikovnih lastnostih besedila, tretji pa na strojnem učenju. Predstavljen je po en algoritem iz posamezne kategorije ter primerjava uspešnosti s podatki, ki smo jih pridobili iz storitve DataForSEO.
Keywords: algoritmi iskanja ključnih besed, SEO-optimizacija, spletni iskalniki, obdelava naravnega jezika
Published in DKUM: 23.11.2019; Views: 1523; Downloads: 119
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Izdelava programske opreme za vizualizacijo pomenskih slovarjev : diplomsko delo
Nino Petrovič, 2019, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Pomenski slovarji so sami po sebi, kadar so zapisani v knjižni obliki, težko berljivi. V prvem delu diplomske naloge opišemo, kaj so pomenski slovarji oz. tezavri, ter predstavimo format SKOS, v katerem so zapisani, da so berljivi za računalnike. Sledita opis in primerjava tezavrov, ki smo jih izbrali za razpoznavanje in shranjevanje v podatkovno bazo. Na koncu sledi praktični del, v katerem smo opisali, implementacijo razpoznavalnika in metodi za vizualizacijo pomenskih slovarjev.
Keywords: računalništvo, pomenski slovarji, tezavri, razpoznavalnik formata SKOS, vizualizacija, D3.js
Published in DKUM: 22.11.2019; Views: 1131; Downloads: 54
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Primerjava in ovrednotenje ogrodij CSS : diplomsko delo
Žiga Požun, 2019, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: V diplomski nalogi smo se ukvarjali s primerjavo in ovrednotenjem ogrodij CSS. Ta ogrodja so bila Bulma CSS, Foundation in Semantic UI. Najprej smo obrazložili, kaj razumemo pod pojmom ogrodje CSS, in našteli prednosti, slabosti in uporabnost ogrodij. V nadaljevanju smo izvedli raziskavo vsakega ogrodja, kjer smo pokazali različne lastnosti ogrodja in njegovo uporabo. Na koncu smo opravili primerjavo in ovrednotenje ogrodij. Med seboj smo jih primerjali po različnih kriterijih in glede na podporo, ki jo njihovi razvijalci nudijo.
Keywords: ogrodja CSS, Bulma CSS, Foundation, Semantic UI
Published in DKUM: 22.11.2019; Views: 1002; Downloads: 111
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