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Factors affecting tourism activity selection among silver hair tourists
Mihaela Kežman, Jana Goriup, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: Demographic changes are visible in many areas of life, including tourism. Silver hair tourism is on the rise and this target group is becoming an increasingly important segment of the tourism market. The market for silver hair tourists is growing. They have high purchasing power, relatively higher than younger groups. Therefore, tourism needs to respond to new demographic challenges in society, such as population aging and active longevity, with new types and forms of tourism. The travel experience of silver hair tourists also has a significant impact on the quality and satisfaction of life in general. In many ways it adds value in the life of elderly adults, in the field of well-being, gaining new experiences, learning, expanding the social network, improving health and much more. Therefore, knowing the demographic characteristics of silver hair tourists is all the more important and necessary for the creation of good tourist offers. Within this paper we have conducted a survey among silver hair tourists aged between 65 and 75 years inclusive. Data was collected in Multigenerational Centres across Slovenia with a paper-pencil survey. We obtained 405 valid questionnaires. In the analysis of empirical data, we looked for statistically significant differences in five socio-demographic and economic variables. We found statistically significant differences between men and women and between the age groups of silver hair tourists regarding the choice of tourism activities. In terms of demographic factors such as education, income and assessment of health status, we find a connection between tourism activities and demography. Travel raises the quality of life of ‘silver hair tourists,’ so it is important to offer them programs that will be more tailored to them. This article provides some answers that can help us create programmes like that.
Keywords: silver hair tourists, tourist activities, elderly tourism, demography
Published in DKUM: 18.01.2024; Views: 343; Downloads: 19
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Pomen prenosa vrednot med generacijami
Mihaela Kežman, Jana Goriup, Mitja Gorenak, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: Demografske spremembe vplivajo tudi na sodobno družino. Ta se namreč spreminja. Medgeneracijsko sodelovanje kot del skupnega bivanja ni več samoumevno. Zdi se, da se vrednote družinskega življenja v procesih, ki jih družina doživlja v postmoderni družbi, nekako izgubljajo. Slednje nas je vodilo v raziskovanje, kako se vrednote prenašajo skozi medgeneracijski odnos starih staršev in njihovih vnukov. S tehniko anketnega vprašalnika smo na vzorcu 405 starih staršev v starosti od 65 do vključno 75 let ugotavljali, katere vrednote so obema populacijama pomembne in katere ter v kolikšni meri lahko stari starši prenašajo na svoje vnuke. Uporabljen instrumentarij je bil zasnovan na podlagi Muskove lestvice vrednot (MLV). Na osnovi dobljenih empiričnih podatkov smo ugotovili, da so vrednote, ki so osebno pomembne starim staršem, pomembne tudi za prenos na njihove vnuke. Vera se je izkazala kot najpomembnejša vrednota (vrednost korelacije 0,812),saj jo stari starši, ki jim je ta vrednota pomembna, prenašajo tudi na svoje vnuke. Odkrili smo tudi nekatere razlike glede na spol starih staršev, medtem ko pri večini vrednot, ki smo jih raziskovali, vpliva starosti nismo zaznali. Raziskava je gotovo spodbuda za nadaljnje raziskovanje – posebej v času krize, ko je družina toliko bolj pomembna in vrednote še toliko bolj nujne.
Keywords: družina, vrednote, vera, vnuki, stari starši
Published in DKUM: 16.01.2024; Views: 392; Downloads: 36
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