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Managing IT services : aligning best practice with a quality method
Miha Kastelic, Peter Peer, 2012, original scientific article

Abstract: Managing information technology services is becoming an increasingly difficult task. To support the management of IT services, different standards and methodologies have been developed. ITIL (short for IT Infrastructure Library) is the most commonly used best practice approach to effective IT Service Management to date. ITIL focuses primarily on what to do in order to ensure value of IT services, but it does not explain how to achieve this effectively. This shortcoming can be overcome by complementing the framework with other quality approaches to service management. In this context several methodologies are mentioned including the use of Six Sigma (6s) methodology. The statistical nature of the Six Sigma methodology enables us to analyze the vast amount of data gathered from the field of IT. Only after these value-based metrics are obtained can the overall health of the IT service be determined and the necessary improvement measures made. The aim of this paper is to analyze in detail the two approaches. We will establish a common link between them, with it the opportunity to complement ITIL with the Six Sigma methodology, and consequently set foundations for introduction of necessary measurable changes.
Keywords: IT service management, ITIL, Six Sigma methodology, DMAIC, continual improvement
Published in DKUM: 04.12.2017; Views: 1299; Downloads: 195
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Racionalizacija transportnega parka podjetja Orbico d.o.o.
Miha Kastelic, 2012, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: V diplomskem delu smo se osredotočili na predstavitev trenutnega stanja dostave v podjetju Orbico d.o.o. V omenjenemu podjetju povzroča proces dostave velike težave zaradi nepravilnosti v procesu, posledično s tem pa naraščajo tudi stroški, ki bi bili lahko nižji. Tu se postavlja vprašanje, kdo je, če temu tako lahko rečemo, krivec za nastale težave ter kdo bi lahko pripomogel k reševanju le-teh. Poudarek diplomskega dela je na iskanju odgovora na vprašanje: »Kako zmanjšati stroške dostave?« Vse podatke smo pridobili s pomočjo literature, strokovnih člankov in internetnih virov. Pridobljeni podatki so bili sicer znani že v preteklosti, s pomočjo omenjenih virov pa smo svoje znanje še poglobili, kar je omogočilo določene ugotovitve.
Keywords: Dostava, stroški, racionalizacija
Published in DKUM: 14.02.2013; Views: 2362; Downloads: 143
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