1. Kvantnokemijsko modeliranje fotokatalitične pretvorbe ogljikovega dioksida v spojine z višjo dodano vrednostjo : doctoral dissertationŽan Kovačič, 2024, doctoral dissertation Abstract: Zajem in pretvorba CO2 sta v zadnjih desetletjih požela veliko pozornost tako industrije kot znanstvene skupnosti, predvsem zaradi prispevka CO2 k globalnemu segrevanju Obstaja že ogromno študij fotokatalitične redukcije CO2, večina katerih je podprta z eksperimentalnimi tehnikami, medtem ko so teoretične metode pogosto prezrte. Teoretične metode se večinoma uporabljajo le kot dodatna razlaga eksperimentalnih podatkov, redko so teoretične študije glavni predmet raziskave. Zaradi naglega razvoja računalniške moči v zadnjih desetletjih in postavitve več modernih, zmogljivih računalniških centrov se povečuje tudi interes za teoretične metode. Razvoj teoretičnih orodij, kot je na primer teorija gostotnega funkcionala (DFT), dodatno pospešuje in izboljšuje teoretične izračune, ki nam lahko služijo za analizo reakcijskih mehanizmov, lastnosti materialov in napoved izboljšav na ogromno področjih, predvsem pri razvoju novih katalizatorjev.
Namen doktorske naloge je bila karakterizacija TiO2 za fotoredukcijo CO2 s teoretičnimi metodami in primerjava različnih pristopov za pravilen opis različnih lastnosti katalizatorja. Rezultati kažejo, da je izbira funkcionalov in popravkov odvisna od fenomenov, ki jih želimo obravnavati. Analiza adsorpcije in aktivacije CO2 na več nemodificiranih in modificiranih površinah anataza in rutila je pokazala, da je aktivacija CO2 pomemben, a kompleksen proces, saj je aktivacija CO2 predpogoj za fotoredukcijo. Aktivacija se odraža kot prenos elektronov s površine na molekulo CO2, medtem ko se to geometrijsko izrazi kot deformacija molekule ob adsropciji (zmanjša se kot v molekuli). Sledila je preučitev reakcijskega mehanizma fotoredukcije CO2 na čisti in z bakrom dopirani površini anataza (101) in rutila (110) ter na s Pd dopirani površini anataza. Izkazalo se je, da reakcija v osnovnem stanju zaradi visokih aktivacijskih energij praktično ne poteka na nobeni od preučevanih površin, kar je bilo podkrepljeno z mikrokinetičnim modelom.
V sistem smo nato uvedli fotovzbujen elektron, ki smo ga iz najvišje zasedene molekulske orbitale (HOMO) prestavili v najnižjo nezasedeno molekulsko orbitalo (LUMO), medtem ko je elektronska vrzel ostala v valenčnem pasu (VB), kar smo dosegli z uporabo metode ∆SCF. Rezultati so pokazali, da se aktivacijske energije v nekaterih primerih znatno znižajo. Mikrokinetični model je napovedal, da v primeru dopiranja anataza (101) s Cu lahko pričakujemo H2 kot produkt, medtem ko je v primeru dopiranja rutila (110) s Cu glavni produkt CO. Slednje kaže ujemanje z obstoječo literaturo.
Preizkusili smo tudi računsko intenzivnejšo metodo, in sicer časovno odvisen DFT (TDDFT). Zaradi računske in pomnilniške zahtevnosti je metoda primerna le za manjše sisteme. Na površino anataza (101) smo dodali atome Pd in izvedli izračune za določitev reakcijskega mehanizma. Rezultati so pokazali, da se aktivacijske energije znižajo, vendar ne dovolj, da bi bil katalizator primeren za fotoredukcijo CO2. Na istem sistemu smo izvedli ∆SCF, ki je pokazal, da se izračunane vrednosti aktivacijske barier med pristopoma razlikujejo za približno 10 %, kar upravičuje uporabo ∆SCF na večjih sistemih, kjer TDDFT ni izvedljiv.
Doktorska disertacija prikazuje možnost uporabe najnovejših metod za teoretično modeliranje vzbujenih stanj na primeru fotoredukcije CO2 in je glede na trenuten pregled literature prva izmed takšnih raziskav, predvsem zaradi kompleksnosti metodologije in računske zahtevnosti. Keywords: Mikrokinetika, CO2, vzbujena stanja, TDDFT, ∆SCF, fotokataliza Published in DKUM: 07.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 12 Full text (8,06 MB) |
2. Clinical pharmacist recommendations in daily interdisciplinary ward rounds at a psychiatric hospital: a retrospective pre-post study on drug-related problems focused in somatic comorbiditiesMatej Štuhec, Anteja Gorjan Gazdag, Zala Čuk, Robert Oravecz, Borjanka Batinic, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: Objective: One potential strategy to address inadequate screening for somatic comorbidities among patients with mental disorders is to integrate a clinical pharmacist into the inpatient team for daily interdisciplinary ward rounds. This approach remains under-researched in psychiatric hospitals. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of a clinical pharmacist on drug-related problems (DRPs) during daily ward rounds within an interdisciplinary team in a psychiatric hospital. Methods: A retrospective observational pre-post study was conducted at the Ormož Psychiatric Hospital in Slovenia, including patients treated between 2019 and 2020, during which clinical pharmacists offered recommendations during daily ward rounds. The primary outcomes assessed the difference in the total number of DRPs observed at the time of hospital discharge compared to previous stage, as well as the recommendations and their continuation rate after three months. The secondary outcomes evaluated adherence to treatment guidelines. Results: The study included 186 patients (mean age: 58.1 years, SD=17.0). During ward rounds, 280 recommendations related to DRPs were conducted (1.5 recommendations per patient). Regarding the nature of DRPs, 154 (55.0%) were identified as expressed DRPs, while 127 (45.0%) were deemed potential DRPs. Following pharmacist recommendations, 133 (86.4%) of the expressed DRPs were successfully resolved. The majority of DRPs pertained to treatment effectiveness (N=179, 63.9%), followed by unnecessary treatments (N=86, 30.7%) and patient safety (N=15, 5.4%). Initially, the acceptance rate of recommendations was 88.9% (N=249) at discharge, declining to 63.2% (N=177) three months after discharge. The acceptance rate for somatic conditions at discharge was 87.8% (N=122), declining to 59.0% (N=82) three months after discharge. Adherence to treatment guidelines for somatic comorbidities increased (p < 0.05). Conclusions: The results indicate that this approach led to fewer DRPs, a high rate of acceptance, and better adherence to treatment guidelines. This is the first retrospective pre-post study in the European Union to include this collaboration in daily rounds at psychiatric hospitals, focusing on somatic comorbidities. However, the study also has significant limitations, such as its non-randomized design and short monitoring period, which should be addressed in future research. Keywords: psychiatry, clinical pharmacy, hospital, ward rounds, drug-related problem Published in DKUM: 07.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 4 Full text (733,03 KB) This document has many files! More... |
3. Prevalence of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) : systematic review and meta-analysisSara Popit, Klara Šerod, Igor Locatelli, Matej Štuhec, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: Background: The estimates of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) prevalence across various studies are significantly variable, contributing to uncertainty in ADHD prevalence estimation. Previous systematic reviews and meta-analyses have attributed this variability primarily to the methodological characteristics of the studies, including the diagnostic criteria, source of information, and impairment requirement for the diagnosis. Methods: Review identified studies reporting ADHD prevalence in representative samples of children and adults in Europe and worldwide. Studies that were conducted in the general population were included. We focused on studies that report ADHD prevalence based on clinical diagnosis (clinical diagnostic criteria based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and International Classification of Diseases criteria, other diagnostic tools, such as various scales or interviews based on clinical diagnostic criteria). PubMed/Medline was searched to identify relevant articles published until 2024/2/01. The study was registered in PROSPERO (CRD42020200220) and followed Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses 2020 guidelines for systematic review and meta-analysis. Results: In total, 117 studies were subjected to full evaluation. In the meta-analysis, 103 studies representing 159 independent datapoints were included. The overall prevalence of ADHD in register studies was 1.6%, 95% CI [0.9; 3.0], in survey studies 5.0%, 95% CI [2.9; 8.6], in one-stage clinical studies 4.2%, 95% CI [2.9; 6.0], and in two-stage clinical studies 4.8%, 95% CI [4.0; 5.8]. Conclusions: Exact comparisons among studies with different diagnostic criteria and types of sampling can impact prevalence estimates. When comparing data from methodologically different studies, these factors need to be considered. Keywords: attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), epidemiology, prevalence, systematic review, meta-analysis Published in DKUM: 18.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 4 Full text (572,60 KB) This document has many files! More... |
4. Positive evidence for clinical pharmacist interventions during interdisciplinary rounding at a psychiatric hospitalMatej Štuhec, Valentina Tement, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: Clinical pharmacists have not yet become an integral part of interdisciplinary ward rounds in most psychiatric hospitals across the European Union. This retrospective observational pre-post study examined the impact of clinical pharmacist recommendations in an interdisciplinary medical team during psychiatric hospital rounding. The study included all patients in a Slovenian psychiatric hospital who were hospitalized 2019-2020. The clinical pharmacist made 315 recommendations for a total of 224 participants (average age M = 59.4, median = 56). Psychiatrists accepted 295 (93.7%) of the recommendations. After the recommendations, the number of expressed and potential drug-related problems decreased in 166 (93.8%) and 129 (93.8%) interventions, respectively. Three months after discharge, 222 accepted recommendations were continued (70.5%). The most common recommendations were related to antipsychotics (19.4%, N = 61) followed by antidepressants (16.8%, N = 53). Including a clinical pharmacist in the interdisciplinary ward rounds at a psychiatric hospital reduced the number of expressed and potential drug-related problems with a very high recommendation acceptance rate. These results are the first in Central Europe to explore the benefits of including a clinical pharmacist in ward rounding. Keywords: clinical pharmacist, clinical pharmacy, psychiatry Published in DKUM: 10.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 2 Full text (953,71 KB) This document has many files! More... |
5. Development of novel hybrid TPMS cellular lattices and their mechanical characterisationNejc Novak, Oraib Al-Ketan, Matej Borovinšek, Lovre Krstulović-Opara, Reza Rowshan, Matej Vesenjak, Zoran Ren, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: Uniform lattices composed of one type of lattice structure repeated periodically have been extensively investigated in literature for their mechanical and physical properties. Their promising properties, which include a desirable combination of high strength, stiffness and toughness, suggest that hybrid structures made of two or more lattice types can exhibit even more advantageous and desired properties. In this work, the mechanical properties of hybrid cellular structures designed using implicit functions are investigated both experimentally and numerically. Two proposed samples are investigated comprised of a Gyroid and a Diamond unit cells hybridised linearly and radially. First, a finite element computational model was utilised in LS-DYNA to capture the mechanical properties of the additively manufactured constituent lattices (i.e., Gyroid and Diamond) made of stainless steel 316L and tested under dynamic and quasi-static loading conditions. The model was validated for three different relative densities. Then, the validated computational model was then tested to predict the mechanical behaviour of the proposed hybrid lattices. Finally, the proposed hybrid lattices were fabricated and mechanically tested to obtain their mechanical properties. A good agreement between experimental and computational results was achieved. The validated computational models will be used to evaluate other designs of TPMS lattices and their crashworthiness performance for protective equipment applications. Keywords: cellular materials, triply periodical minimal surface, hybrid lattices, experimental testing, computational modelling, multi-morphology Published in DKUM: 27.11.2024; Views: 3; Downloads: 4 Full text (3,99 MB) This document has many files! More... |
6. Optimizacija skladiščenja v podjetju ZETA GmbH : magistrsko deloMatej Ivanek, 2024, master's thesis Abstract: V raziskavi smo si pogledali in raziskali problematiko skladiščenja in skladiščnih procesov v podjetju ZETA Holding na avstrijskem Štajerskem, natančneje v Liebochu, kjer proizvodni proces temelji na projektnih delih, kar pomeni potrebo po veliki prilagodljivosti skladiščenja. Ker se podjetje v zadnjih letih srečuje z rastjo in povečano proizvodnjo, je prišlo do težav in pomanjkanja skladiščnih prostorov ter ustrezne manipulacije. Pomanjkljivosti se odražajo tudi v samih skladiščnih sistemih in načinih skladiščenja. V ta namen smo raziskali različne pristope k reševanju omenjenega problema in trg sodobnih skladiščnih sistemov ter možnosti za njihovo uporabo. Hkrati potrebujemo za sodobne skladiščne sisteme različne vrste manipulativnih sredstev, ki smo jih s pomočjo izkušenj in znanj poiskali pri različnih dobaviteljih ter s tem poiskali najprimernejše izvedbe le-teh. Na koncu smo raziskave združili in poiskali optimizirano rešitev skladiščenja z najprimernejšimi manipulativnimi sredstvi tako, da smo maksimalno izkoristili velikost razpoložljivih skladiščnih prostorov. Keywords: skladiščni proces, skladiščenje, MRP, manipulacijska sredstva Published in DKUM: 27.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 4 Full text (6,83 MB) |
7. Effects of a serious smartphone game on nursing students` theoretical knowledge and practical skills in adult basic life support : randomized wait list-controlled trialNino Fijačko, Ruth Masterson Creber, Špela Metličar, Matej Strnad, Robert Greif, Gregor Štiglic, Pavel Skok, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: Background: Retention of adult basic life support (BLS) knowledge and skills after professional training declines over time.To combat this, the European Resuscitation Council and the American Heart Association recommend shorter, more frequent BLS sessions. Emphasizing technology-enhanced learning, such as mobile learning, aims to increase out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) survival and is becoming more integral in nursing education.
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate whether playing a serious smartphone game called MOBICPR at home can improve and retain nursing students’ theoretical knowledge of and practical skills in adult BLS.
Methods: This study used a randomized wait list–controlled design. Nursing students were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to either a MOBICPR intervention group (MOBICPR-IG) or a wait-list control group (WL-CG), where the latter received the MOBICPR game 2 weeks after the MOBICPR-IG. The aim of the MOBICPR game is to engage participants in using smartphone
gestures (eg, tapping) and actions (eg, talking) to perform evidence-based adult BLS on a virtual patient with OHCA. The participants’ theoretical knowledge of adult BLS was assessed using a questionnaire, while their practical skills were evaluated on cardiopulmonary resuscitation quality parameters using a manikin and a checklist.
Results: In total, 43 nursing students participated in the study, 22 (51%) in MOBICPR-IG and 21 (49%) in WL-CG. There were differences between the MOBICPR-IG and the WL-CG in theoretical knowledge (P=.04) but not in practical skills (P=.45) after MOBICPR game playing at home. No difference was noted in the retention of participants’ theoretical knowledge and practical
skills of adult BLS after a 2-week break from playing the MOBICPR game (P=.13). Key observations included challenges in response checks with a face-down manikin and a general neglect of safety protocols when using an automated external defibrillator.
Conclusions: Playing the MOBICPR game at home has the greatest impact on improving the theoretical knowledge of adult BLS in nursing students but not their practical skills. Our findings underscore the importance of integrating diverse scenarios into adult BLS training. Keywords: serious smartphone game, adult basic life support, teaching, games, gaming, education, nurses, nursing, educational, mHealth, mobile health, applications, smartphones, randomized controlled trial, technology-enhanced learning, life support, knowledge retention, practical Published in DKUM: 27.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 1 Full text (778,28 KB) |
8. Trajnostna rešitev za delovanje skladišča podjetja BTC d.d. : diplomsko deloMatej Žunko, 2024, undergraduate thesis Abstract: V našem diplomskem delu bomo pisali o samem delovanju podjetja BTC d. d., o njegovi zgodovini, o trenutnem stanju podjetja BTC d. d., predstavili bomo tudi zaznani problem delovanja enega od skladišč podjetja BTC d. d. ter za dani problem predstavili možne rešitve.
V uvodu bomo predstavili delovanje podjetja BTC d. d. ter njegovo zgodovino. Prav tako bomo predstavili vizijo podjetja in na podlagi le-te predstavili, zakaj smo se odločili za reševanje tovrstnega problema.
Opisali bomo trenutno stanje podjetja in na podlagi le tega predstavili problem v samem delovanju skladišča. Rešitev oziroma možne rešitve za dani problem pa bomo podprli s pomočjo znanstvenih člankov, knjig in raziskovalnih del, ki pišejo o tematiki trajnosti in ekonomičnega delovanja.
Proti koncu same raziskovalne naloge se bomo podrobno spustili v možne rešitve za podjetje BTC d. d. ter predstavili, kakšne spremembe bi predlagane rešitve imele na samo delovanje podjetja oziroma skladišča.
V zaključku bomo povzeli, kaj vse smo ugotovili v sami diplomski nalogi ter podali najboljše rešitve za podjetje. Predstavili bomo tudi nekaj problemov, ki se tičejo naših rešitev in zakaj bi lahko le te vplivale na možne spremembe v delovanju. Keywords: rešitev, podjetje, problem, skladišče, delovanje Published in DKUM: 25.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 11 Full text (833,36 KB) |
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10. Usmerjenost triažnega procesa na skrb za pacienta in njegovo varnostZvonka Fekonja, 2024, doctoral dissertation Abstract: Izhodišča: Triaža na urgenci je dinamičen proces, kjer triažni zdravstveni strokovnjak analizira pacientovo zdravstveno stanje in določa stopnjo nujnosti obravnave, pri čemer se mora osredotočiti na skrbno ravnanje in zagotavljanje varnosti.
Namen: Raziskati kulturo varnosti in skrb za pacienta v triažnem procesu ter njuno povezavo z izvajanjem triažnega procesa pri urgentnem pacientu.
Metode: Izvedli smo dvostopenjski zaporedni pojasnjevalni načrt mešanih metod med zaposlenimi triažnimi zdravstvenimi strokovnjaki v 11 slovenskih urgentnih centrih med majem 2020 in julijem 2022. Kvantitativne podatke smo zbrali s pomočjo vprašalnikov ter analizirali z opisno in sklepno statistiko. V kvalitativnem delu smo uporabili metodo utemeljene teorije ter podatke pridobili z delno strukturiranimi intervjuji. Rezultate obeh faz smo povezali s pilarnim integracijskim procesom.
Rezultati: Identificirali smo sedem ključnih elementov: (1) usposobljenost in znanje, (2) delovni pogoji in okolje, (3) timska dinamika in sodelovanje, (4) skrb za pacienta, (5) triažni proces in sistem triažiranja, (6) značaj triažnih zdravstvenih strokovnjakov in (7) sinergija skrbi in varnosti.
Razprava in zaključki: Rezultati raziskave poudarjajo nujnost izboljšanja varnostne kulture v procesu triaže. Zaznavanja triažnih zdravstvenih strokovnjakov jasno kažejo, da je varnost pacientov neločljivo povezana z skrbnim ravnanjem med triažnim procesom in poudarjajo, da sta skrb za pacienta in njegovo varnost med procesom triaže prepletena. Keywords: triaža, varnost pacientov, mešane metode, skrb, urgentna služba Published in DKUM: 22.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 17 Full text (4,65 MB) |