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Use of active elements for providing suitable voltage profiles and prevent overloads in radial distribution networks
Marko Vodenik, Matej Pintarič, Gorazd Štumberger, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: The article deals with the issue of providing suitable voltage profiles and preventing congestion of network elements in distribution networks. Active network elements and network users’ energy flexibility services are used to provide a suitable voltage profile and prevent congestion in distribution networks. The discussed active network elements include a transformer with on-load tap changer, reactive power compensation devices, energy storage systems, distributed energy resources, and network users’ energy flexibility services, where the active consumers adjust their consumption, production and storage of energy. Based on the Backward Forward Sweep load flow computation method, the case studies are performed for the discussed low voltage distribution network, where the measurement results were available. The case studies for preventing overload of the distribution transformer are performed using a battery energy storage system and network users’ energy flexibility services. The case studies for providing suitable voltage profiles are performed using all listed active elements and a combination of different active elements. In addition, to provide suitable voltage profiles, the existing conductors are replaced with conductors of a larger cross-section. Technically acceptable solutions that can provide a suitable voltage profile and prevent the overloading of network elements in the most demanding operating conditions are presented in this article.
Keywords: voltage profile, radial distribution network, load flow calculations, active network elements, energy flexibility
Published in DKUM: 30.10.2023; Views: 537; Downloads: 6
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Uporaba aktivnih elementov za zagotavljanje ustreznih napetostnih profilov v distribucijskih omrežjih : magistrsko delo
Marko Vodenik, 2021, master's thesis

Abstract: Cilj zaključnega dela je preveriti ustreznost uporabe aktivnih elementov omrežja in storitev prožnosti energije uporabnikov omrežja za zagotavljanje ustreznih napetostnih profilov in preprečevanje preobremenitev v distribucijskih omrežjih. Za izbrano distribucijsko omrežje, za katerega smo imeli podane rezultate meritev, smo izvedli izračune pretokov energije z metodo BFS (Backward Forward Sweep). Omejili smo se na upoštevanje tehničnih kriterijev za sprejemljivost rešitev, ki zagotovijo ustrezen napetostni profil in preprečujejo preobremenitve elementov omrežja v najtežjih obratovalnih pogojih.
Keywords: napetostni profil, distribucijsko omrežje, izračun pretokov energije, aktivni elementi, prožnost energije
Published in DKUM: 24.05.2021; Views: 1207; Downloads: 146
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Nadgradnja merilnega sistema za testiranje univerzalnih motorjev
Marko Vodenik, 2018, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Cilj diplomskega dela je nadgradnja merilnega sistema za testiranje univerzalnih motorjev. Zaradi potrebe po preverjanju zanesljivosti delovanja motorja želimo izmeriti njegovo elektro mehansko karakteristiko. Na voljo smo imeli obstoječ merilni sistem, ki ga je bilo potrebno preučiti in nadgraditi za čimbolj avtomatizirane meritve. Uporabili smo merilno opremo proizvajalca MAGTROL, ki je vodilni izdelovalec opreme za takšna testiranja. Izvajali smo meritve motorja z in brez regulacije vrtljaje. Pri reguliranemu sistemu smo tudi preverjali učinkovitost regulacije.
Keywords: univerzalni motor, elektro mehanska karakteristika, MAGTROL
Published in DKUM: 19.10.2018; Views: 1493; Downloads: 123
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