1. Cataract progression associated with modifications in calcium signaling in human lens epithelia as studied by mechanical stimulationMarko Gosak, Dajana Gojić, Elena Spasovska, Marko Hawlina, Sofija Andjelić, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: human eye lens, lens epithelial cells, calcium signaling, mechanical stimulation, mechanical stimulation, calcium waves, paracrine signaling Published in DKUM: 14.02.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 0
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2. Načrtovanje usedalnika sedimentov in izračun parametrov male hidroelektrarne : diplomsko deloMarko Sinđelić, 2024, undergraduate thesis Abstract: V svojem zaključnem delu smo se osredotočili na razvoj malih hidroelektrarn (MHE) kot trajnostnega vira energije. Preučili smo različne vrste usedalnikov in njihove značilnosti, ter izračunali ključne parametre za optimizacijo delovanja MHE, kot sta padec tlaka in hidravlični udar. Namen dela je bil izboljšati učinkovitost MHE s pravilnim dimenzioniranjem usedalnika, kar vodi k zmanjšanju abrazivnega delovanja sedimentov na turbinske sisteme. Delo se torej nanaša na področje obnovljivih virov energije in hidroelektrarne. Zaključili smo, da je optimizacija ključna za učinkovito delovanje MHE. Priporočamo nadaljnje raziskave v smeri izboljšanja učinkovitosti usedalnikov in večjega izkoriščanja obnovljivih virov energije. Keywords: mala hidroelektrarna, usedalnik sedimentov, obnovljivi viri energije, padec tlaka, optimizacija Published in DKUM: 11.02.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 2
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3. Vizualizacija hidroelektrarne z uporabo Unity 3D : diplomsko deloAleksa Kaličanin, 2024, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Namen diplomskega dela je predstavitev predvidene hidroelektrarne Mokrice na spodnji
Savi v virtualnem okolju s pomočjo programskega orodja Unity. Za vizualizacijo
hidroelektrarne smo uporabili poenostavljen model ustvarjen v sistemu CAD. Prenos
modela v virtualno okolje je izveden s pomočjo standardnih formatov, vmesnika VRML
in Blender. Opisan je večfazni postopek prenosa, kakor tudi proces kreiranja grafičnih
predstavitev materialov in tekstur s pomočjo programa Blender. V virtualno okolje so
vključene animacije in interaktivnost. Virtualno okolje je implementirano na sistemski
opremi za navidezno resničnost z uporabo aktivne opreme za interakcijo in vizualizacijo
v programskem orodju Unity. Keywords: virtualni prototip, Unity, VRML, Blender Published in DKUM: 11.02.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 3
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4. The changing world dynamics of research performanceMarko Marhl, Rene Markovič, Vladimir Grubelnik, Matjaž Perc, 2025, original scientific article Abstract: In recent years, a notable diversification in the geographical representation of the World's top universities could be observed. Chinese universities play an increasingly prominent role in these rankings, thus indicating that we might be in the midst of a regional shift in academic performance. To explore this dynamics, we analyze seven years' worth of data used for university rankings by academic subjects from the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU). We focus on China, Europe, the USA, and other global regions of the world. We find that China has indeed seen an unprecedented growth in Engineering and Life Sciences research, positioning itself rather firmly as a leader in these fields. Conversely, the USA leads in the Social Sciences, while Europe excels in Geography, Ecology, Public and Business Administration, and Pharmacy. Other regions worldwide stand out in Transportation Science, Nursing, and Hospitality & Tourism Management. These results reveal the evolving landscape of global academic research, highlighting regional strengths and emerging world trends in subject-specifc excellence. Keywords: research dynamics, academic excellence, geographical diversifcation, University rankings Published in DKUM: 11.02.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 3
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7. Analysis of study engagement of students in sloveniaDaniil Riumin, 2021, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Education at every time of our history was an important part of peoples’ lives. Society developed and so developed education, stating new goals and requiring more time, and becoming more complicated. Today we are living in the era of information. Information nowadays has the greatest value. The modern world’s market is based on information and operations around it. Education has also adjusted to modern trends and now higher education became in demand. The more information you obtain and can operate with the more successful you are today. The GDP of developed countries is strongly connected to the success of higher education institutes. That is why many countries nowadays invest in higher education. One of these countries is Slovenia that made higher education free. Investing so many resources Slovenia is interested in getting high-quality human resources of university graduates. That is why it is very important to consider all factors that affect study success to make them all work. One of the main factors affecting it is study engagement. The main goal of this Diploma work is to research the level of study engagement of university students in Slovenia and analyze the reasons for it.
We use the student version of the “UWES” questionnaire to find the level of study engagement of Slovene students and our part of the questionnaire to detect reasons and understand better the situation with study engagement. Three hypotheses were stated to help to perform accurate research.
Results of the research showed, that there is no correlation between an average grade in high school and level of study engagement. It also showed an absence of correlation between the level of parents’ education and student’s level of study engagement. According to research results, students that are working on the side of their studies are less engaged in classes, than their colleagues that do not work. Keywords: study engagement, higher education, education, university, Slovenia Published in DKUM: 10.02.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 3
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8. Brezizgubno stiskanje rastrskih slik z uporabo genetskega algoritmaTomaž Klobučar, 2025, master's thesis Abstract: V magistrskem delu je predstavljena uporaba genetskega algoritma za brezizgubno stiskanje rastrskih slik. Poudarek je na kombiniranju genetskega algoritma z različnimi tehnikami stiskanja podatkov, vključno z aritmetičnim kodiranjem, metodo RLE (angl. Run Length Encoding) in Huffmanovim kodiranjem. Podrobno je opisano teoretično ozadje genetskega algoritma in njegovih osnovnih postopkov, kot so selekcija, križanje in mutacija. Prav tako je predstavljena implementacija genetskega algoritma, kodirnika in dekodirnika. Opravljene so bile analize vhodnih parametrov kodeka, stiskanja splošnih in risanih slik, vpliva napovedi genetskega algoritma na stopnjo stiskanja, vpliva pretvorbe barvnega prostora na stopnjo stiskanja ter analiza časovne zahtevnosti. Rezultati so pokazali, da predlagan kodek doseže stopnjo stiskanja primerljivo z izbranimi formati, njegova učinkovitost stiskanja pa se izboljša z uporabo pretvorbe barvnega prostora. Keywords: brezizgubno stiskanje slik, risane slike, genetski algoritem, Huffmanovo kodiranje, aritmetično kodiranje, RLE Published in DKUM: 06.02.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 2
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9. Strategies for managing time and costs in speech corpus creation : insights from the Slovenian ARTUR corpusDarinka Verdonik, Andreja Bizjak, Andrej Žgank, Mirjam Sepesy Maučec, Mitja Trojar, Jerneja Žganec Gros, Marko Bajec, Iztok Lebar Bajec, Simon Dobrišek, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: Parliamentary debates represent an essential part of democratic discourse and provide insights into various socio-demographic and linguistic phenomena - parliamentary corpora, which contain transcripts of parliamentary debates and extensive metadata, are an important resource for parliamentary discourse analysis and other research areas. This paper presents the Slovenian parliamentary corpus siParl, the latest version of which contains transcripts of plenary sessions and other legislative bodies of the Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia from 1990 to 2022, comprising more than 1 million speeches and 210 million words. We outline the development history of the corpus and also mention other initiatives that have been influenced by siParl (such as the Parla-CLARIN encoding and the ParlaMint corpora of European parliaments), present the corpus creation process, ranging from the initial data collection to the structural development and encoding of the corpus, and given the growing influence of the ParlaMint corpora, compare siParl with the Slovenian ParlaMint-SI corpus. Finally, we discuss updates for the next version as well as the long-term development and enrichment of the siParl corpus. Keywords: recording speech, transcribing speech, transcription guidelines, Less-resourced language Published in DKUM: 04.02.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 6
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10. Modeling and optimization of anaerobic digestion technology : current status and future outlookTina Kegl, Eloisa Torres Jiménez, Breda Kegl, Anita Kovač Kralj, Marko Kegl, 2025, review article Keywords: renewable energy, anaerobic digestion, biogas plant, mathematical models, optimization algorithms, products utilization Published in DKUM: 31.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 7
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