1. Developing a diversification strategy of non-agricultural activities on farms using system dynamics modelling : a case study of SloveniaMaja Borlinič Gačnik, Boris Prevolšek, Karmen Pažek, Črtomir Rozman, Andrej Škraba, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: Purpose: This paper aims to analyse the main variables and causal relationships in the system structure of the diversification of non-agricultural activities on agricultural holdings using system dynamics (SD) modelling. The SD model aims to simulate depictions of the behaviour of the real system while testing the effects of alternative decisions over time.
Design/methodology/approach: An SD methodology was chosen to model diversification in farm tourism.
Findings: A system approach increases the authors’ understanding of the transition of agricultural holdings to farm tourism. The results indicate that the transition to farm tourism depends on the level of tourism development in a certain area. The system is influenced by subsidies allocated by authorities to expand primary agricultural activities. The model describes a situation in which the tourism and agricultural industries have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Research limitations/implications: The research is limited by the small set of available data due to the limited number of farms in Slovenia. One major problem is the difference in statistical data on the same activity collected from different institutions in Slovenia.
Practical implications: The paper includes implications for understanding the transition process to farm tourism, allowing policymakers to experiment with subsidies and promotion to explore the efficacy and efficiency of proposed policies.
Originality/value: This study provides a structured, systemic view of the diversification of non-agricultural activities on agricultural holdings, where the simulation results are a reliable reflection of the behaviour of the actual system being modelled. Keywords: system dynamics, modelling, simulation, diversification, farm tourism, farm policy, Slovenia, simulation scenarious Published in DKUM: 11.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 0 Full text (1,20 MB) This document has many files! More... |
2. Applying integrated data envelopment analysis and analytic hierarchy process to measuring the efficiency of tourist farms : The Case of SloveniaBoris Prevolšek, Maja Borlinič Gačnik, Črtomir Rozman, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: This paper examines the efficiency of tourist farms in Slovenia by adopting an approach using a framework of non-parametric programming—Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), combining the two because the DEA analysis by itself does not take into account all attributes, especially qualitative ones. The beforementioned two methods rank the farm tourism units with respect to their efficiency. By using the DEA method, an input- and output-oriented BCC and CCR model were introduced to upgrade the criteria by including the additional non-numerical criteria of the AHP. The results of the models showed that there are possible improvements on all levels of efficiency, as well as on the criteria of the additional offer of tourist farms, which were analyzed in the AHP model with additional criteria. According to the estimated efficiency, the ranking of tourist farms differed according to the two methods. Within the group of farms assessed as efficient by DEA, the AHP model allowed a more accurate ranking. Keywords: farm tourism, tourist farms, efficiency, data envelopment analysis (DEA), analytic hierarchy process (AHP), Slovenia Published in DKUM: 09.04.2024; Views: 281; Downloads: 19 Full text (1,06 MB) This document has many files! More... |
3. Development of a local event 'Summer in Samobor'Nika Martina Mišić, 2023, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Events are one of the main factors of tourism development of a destination. Also, local events are one of the biggest factors that influence tourism in every town, city or community, and they are of great importance for a tourist destination. Summer in Samobor is a particularly successful new event that is in the process of development. In the theoretical part of the graduate thesis, the following topics are explained: the significance of the event, the type and size of the event, the planning and realisation of the event and the sustainability of the event. In the first part of our research, we presented
the theoretical knowledge on the subject. Then we presented the event Summer in
Samobor taking into account the following factors: aims and visions of the event, programme of the event, place and time of the event, registrations and permits, financial management, sponsors, media and promotion, food and beverages, and finally the sustainability of the event. As part of our research, we conducted interviews with the representative of the external agency Wanderlust Events and the representative of the Samobor Tourist Board. Using the interviews mentioned, we found out how the event developed, what factors influenced the success of the event and how sustainable the event is. The results of this research show that this event is developing every year and that the quality of the event is constantly being raised. Also, as some of the main success factors of the event Summer in Samobor, the following were emphasized: improvement of socio-cultural awareness, strong promotion of sustainable events, rich and high-quality content,uniqueness, cooperation and support of partners, good organization and creative ideas. Keywords: event management, local event, sustainability, Samobor, factor of
successful development Published in DKUM: 23.02.2024; Views: 416; Downloads: 50 Full text (2,26 MB) |
4. The Phenomenon of (Sustainable) Tourism Activities on Farms in Slovenia During the COVID-19 PandemicMaja Borlinič Gačnik, Boris Prevolšek, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic is the reason why the development trends of the tourism industry are changing today. The purpose of this article is to address issues of future tourism industry development, linking it to elements of sustainable development trends. The article presents the main elements of the sustainable concept of rural and farm tourism. Using the method of compilation and description, we want to check, based on statistical data related to farm tourism activities in Slovenia (before and during the COVID-19 pandemic), whether it is possible to detect development trends in Slovenia, in the direction of sustainability that are linked to the concept of farm tourism. This study also aims to identify a number of measures that can improve sustainability at the farming tourism level in Slovenia, in a post-COVID phase. According to the findings of numerous comparisons and statistical analysis, it can be stated that the future development trends show a great need to develop the decarbonisation of the industry, digitalisation of industry, and the involvement of the local population in the provision of services. In the present global situation, we have reached a point where it will be necessary to focus on sustainable and digital forms of the industry, in order to further post-COVID development of the tourism industry. Keywords: COVID-19, post-COVID world, sustainable tourism, farm tourism, Slovenia, future development Published in DKUM: 25.01.2024; Views: 322; Downloads: 13 Full text (1,04 MB) This document has many files! More... |
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6. Zeleno poslovanje turističnih kmetij z nastanitvijo : orodje razvoja ruralnih destinacijMaja Borlinič Gačnik, Martina Senekovič, Tanja Lešnik Štuhec, 2023, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph Abstract: Turizem na podeželju strokovna literatura enači s pojmom turizem na kmetiji oziroma ga predstavlja kot podredno vejo. Jasno je, da razvoj podeželskega turizma kot oblika podjetniške dejavnosti zahteva utemeljitve številnih vidikov, ki spodbujajo nadaljnji razvoj dejavnosti, zato se sprašujemo, ali dejavnosti, vezane na razvoj in upravljanje podeželskih destinacij, neposredno naslavljajo tudi elemente trajnostnega razvoja. S polstrukturiranimi intervjuji smo med nosilci dejavnosti turizma na kmetijah preverili, kaj posameznim kmetijskim gospodarstvom z nastanitvijo pomeni vključenost njihove dejavnosti v okoljske sheme in kaj jim ob tem predstavlja Zelena shema slovenskega turizma. Prav tako smo med odločevalci na različnih ravneh upravljanja družbe, posredno ali neposredno povezanih z nosilci dejavnosti turizma na kmetijah, preverili, kakšno je njihove mnenje o vključevanju turističnih kmetij z nastanitvijo v okoljske sheme. Ugotavljamo, da imamo v Sloveniji še veliko priložnosti za nadaljnji trajnostni razvoj podeželja. Med možnimi načini vidimo tudi vključevanje ponudnikov nastanitvenih obratov na podeželju v okoljske sheme in kolektivne blagovne znamke, vzpostavljene po modelu Izvorno slovensko. Keywords: turistična kmetija, nastanitev, okoljski znak, Zelena shema slovenskega turizma, Izvorno slovensko Published in DKUM: 05.10.2023; Views: 437; Downloads: 36 Full text (29,07 MB) This document has many files! More... |
7. Contemporary Issues in Tourism2022, proceedings Abstract: The scientific monograph on current topics of tourism development, which is intertwined with the field of health, well-being, and the role of local authorities in planning, implementing, and evaluating policies and practices related to public health issues, offers the reader a systematic theoretical review of scientific literature, as well as case studies of the topics discussed. The content is presented by numerous researchers and experts who are active in Slovenia or other countries of the former Yugoslavia. The topics address current issues in the development of tourism science. The content is multidisciplinary and interconnects various views and concepts that provide an insight into the profession for the needs of further development of the sector. Keywords: tourism, development, thematic tourism, sport tourism, well-being, public health, the role of local authorities Published in DKUM: 28.10.2022; Views: 818; Downloads: 68 Full text (19,73 MB) This document has many files! More... This document is also a collection of 15 documents! |
8. Ocena scenarijev razvoja dopolnilne dejavnosti turizma na kmetijah s simulacijskim modelom sistemske dinamike : doktorska disertacijaMaja Borlinič Gačnik, 2022, doctoral dissertation Abstract: V doktorski disertaciji je bila izvedena analiza pomembnosti diverzifikacije nekmetijskih dejavnosti na kmetijah v Sloveniji – dinamike prehodov potencialnih kmetijskih gospodarstev v turistične kmetije, in sicer s pomočjo razvitega matematičnega simulacijskega modela. Izvedeni sta bili validacija in verifikacija modela. Opredeljene so bile ključne spremenljivke modela, tj. diverzificirane kmetije, izbris iz registra in prehodi. Ob spremembi vrednosti nabora ključnih parametrov je bilo izvedenih več simulacijskih tekov in obravnavanih več različnih scenarijev razvoja. Rezultati simulacije potrjujejo, da lahko s pomočjo modela sistemske dinamike ocenimo vplive ključnih spremenljivk na proces prehoda kmetijskih gospodarstev v turistične kmetije. Z modelom je bila ugotovljena pomembnost vloge subvencij in promocije. Opredeljena sta bila vpliv pojava bolezni covid-19 na celotni sistem obravnavane kmetijske problematike, ki pomembno vpliva na proces prehoda kmetijskih gospodarstev, in odziv sistema na omenjeno bolezen. Keywords: sistemska dinamika, modeliranje, diverzifikacija, turizem na kmetijah, kmetijska politika, simulacija scenarijev Published in DKUM: 25.04.2022; Views: 1130; Downloads: 163 Full text (2,35 MB) |
9. Stališča predstavnikov lokalne samouprave do uporabe vina za namen turistične promocijeMaja Borlinič Gačnik, 2017, master's thesis Abstract: Vinarstvo in vinogradništvo imata v Sloveniji za gospodarski razvoj, za kulturno podobo države ter za turizem velik pomen. A kljub bogati tradiciji in pomenu panoge, vino, vinarstvo ter vinogradništvo v strateških dokumentih na nacionalnem nivoju nimajo mesta/vloge, kot bi si je želeli. V raziskovalnem delu smo dokazali, zakaj vino predstavlja identifikacijski element države Republike Slovenije in zakaj si zaslužijo strateško pozicijo v pomembnih dokumentih na lokalni in nacionalni ravni. V teoretičnem delu smo razložili pomen vina za Slovenijo in Slovence, opredelili in umestili smo pojem vinskega turizma in govorili o njegovi promociji. Obrazložili smo tudi, zakaj so pomembna stališča predstavnikov lokalne samouprave za strateške odločitve in načrtovanja. V empiričnem delu smo raziskovali stališča predstavnikov lokalne samouprave do vina kot elementna turistične promocije. Spoznali smo, da imajo župani Republike Slovenije pozitivna stališča do vina, elementa turistične promocije, in da v vinu vidijo pomembni identifikacijski element tako na državni kot lokalni ravni. Keywords: vino, uporabnost vina, vinski turizem, promocija vinskega turizma, župani, Slovenija Published in DKUM: 17.01.2018; Views: 1661; Downloads: 319 Full text (3,21 MB) |