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Impact analysis of the young farmers' support program on Slovenian dairy sector development using econometric modeling approach
Lazar Pavić, Jernej Turk, Ivo Grgić, Jernej Prišenk, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: This study analyzes the effects that action 112 of the Rural Development Policy had on the socioeconomic status of Slovenian dairy farms. The data used in this paper were collected from Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN), a database for applicants in action 112 (young farms transferees), from whose applications for participation in this action the data were obtained. Twenty-eight different econometric models were developed during the first stage of the research. The evaluation of the models was subsequently performed by applying valid statistical and econometric criteria. The results reveal the main positive effects that action 112 had on socioeconomic indicators of the dairy farms: number of full-time labor power, number of head of large livestock, total revenue (in euros) and net value added. Statistically significant differences in benefits from action 112 among dairy farms were determined by using two sets of dummy variables: region and level of education. The research in the field of the effect of the rural development policy action support of young farmers on socioeconomics performance of milk farms can make a significant contribution to developing the researchers' work and policy makers' decisions. Furthermore, this research is important from the agronomic point of view, since its results support two of the basic goals of Common agricultural policy after 2020: environmental care and conservation of landscape and biodiversity.
Keywords: dairy farmers, econometric analysis, rural development, socio-economic situation
Published in DKUM: 31.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 0
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Sustainable synergy: unveiling the symbiotic relationship between personal lifestyles and corporate sustainable business practices
Matevž Obrecht, Tina Cvahte Ojsteršek, Lazar Pavić, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: This study, conducted among 596 employees across various industries, investigates the interplay between personal sustainable lifestyle scores and corporate sustainable business practices, including energy consumption and renewable energy use. The research reveals a strong correlation between individuals’ personal sustainable lifestyles and their organisations’ sustainable business practices. Notably, employees consistently practising personal sustainable behaviours, including energy efficiency, tend to work in companies with robust sustainability initiatives and low-carbon strategies. Women, in particular, displayed higher engagement in sustainable behaviours. Age-related trends suggest younger employees prioritise corporate sustainability policies more than older counterparts, who focus more on personal sustainable behaviour. Among all studied sectors the production sector stands out for its high sustainable lifestyle and sustainable business practices, reflecting the impact of industry-specific sustainability trends like lean and green operations. On the one hand, sustainable lifestyle involves making choices and taking actions that enable rational consumption of goods and products, protecting natural resources, using renewable energy sources, and utilising low-emission transport means. These findings underscore the critical link between personal sustainability habits and organisational sustainability business practices, highlighting a significant avenue for promoting sustainability and reduced energy consumption in the workplace and at home
Keywords: sustainable lifestyle, sustainable business practices, sustainable logistics, behaviour, energy consumption
Published in DKUM: 06.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 6
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The perception of sustainability competences in logistics and supply chains
Mateja Čuček, Sonja Mlaker Kač, Matevž Obrecht, Lazar Pavić, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: The European Union (EU) has adopted a huge number of guidelines and policies to promote sustainability in different sectors. The study focuses on the twin green and digital transformation, which is particularly highlighted in the context of the European Green Deal, a comprehensive strategy to tackle climate change and environmental degradation while embracing digital innovation for economic growth and societal progress. These guidelines and policies show the EU's commitment to promoting sustainability in different sectors and to achieving the objectives of climate change, environmental protection and sustainable development. One of the areas that plays an important role for the individuals as well as for the economy is logistics and supply chain management. The main research question of this study is to investigate the relationship between the basic sociodemographic characteristics and their perception of the importance of sustainability competences in logistics and supply chains in the future. The study was carried using survey questionnaire on employees in the field of logistics and supply chains in Slovenia. The results show the main statistically significant differences in these perceptions are primary based on differences in employees demographic characteristics, such as gender, age and level of education of the employees.
Keywords: sustainable competences, sustainability, environmental impact, corporate social responsibility
Published in DKUM: 29.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 2
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Agrowellness goods distribution in the light of sustainability : the consumer perspective and the case of slovenia’s eastern cohesion region
Lazar Pavić, Milica Rančić Demir, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: This study explores the distribution of agrowellness products and services from a sustainability perspective, focusing on consumer perceptions in Slovenia’s Eastern Cohesion Region. Utilizing an empirical approach through an online survey, the research assesses how sustainable lifestyle practices influence the frequency of agrowellness goods consumption and their perceived availability. The study employs structural equation modeling (SEM) to test four hypotheses, revealing that sustainable lifestyle practices positively affect the frequency of agrowellness product usage, enhancing the perception of product availability. A critical novel contribution of the research is identifying sociodemographic factors as significant moderators of these relationships, offering more profound insights into consumer behavior. Additionally, the frequency of use mediates the link between a sustainable lifestyle and perceived availability, with gender, age, education, and the place of residence as essential moderators. The findings contribute to theory and practice, offering actionable recommendations for marketing and distribution strategies to enhance the accessibility and appeal of agrowellness products. These insights provide valuable guidance for stakeholders in agriculture, rural development, and wellness tourism, with broader implications for policy development aimed at promoting sustainable lifestyles and supporting rural economies.
Keywords: agrowellness, sustainability, consumer behavior, rural development, wellness tourism, distribution, supply chain, Slovenia
Published in DKUM: 11.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 1
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A sustainable distribution model for agrowellness: strategies for tourist farm innovation and growth
Tina Cvahte Ojsteršek, Lazar Pavić, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: The concepts of “agrotourism” (or agritourism), focusing on farm-based tourism, and “wellness tourism,” which emphasises health and well-being through travel, are common and well-researched. As the paper explores, this combination presents a strategic approach to enhance the tourist farms’ offer by aligning it with contemporary desires for health, relaxation, and nature immersion. Based on exploring the existing offerings on tourist farms in rural Slovenia and a survey among potential users, we identified some aspects of why agrowellness is not yet developed to the extent one would expect. Focusing on six main areas—local identity, sustainability, community engagement, innovation, digitalisation, and sports activities— the developed distribution model outlines what steps farms can take to reach a broader audience and contribute to sustainable development. By integrating authentic local experiences, eco-friendly practices, community collaboration, innovative activities, a robust digital presence, and opportunities for active outdoor recreation, tourist farms can offer unique, enriching experiences that appeal to modern tourists seeking wellness and connection with nature in the spirit of agrowellness. This comprehensive strategy aims to elevate the agrowellness sector’s appeal. It supports the preservation of rural heritage and promotes healthy lifestyles, positioning tourist farms as crucial players in a sustainably focused tourism industry.
Keywords: agrowellness, distribution, tourist farms, innovation, wellness tourism
Published in DKUM: 11.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 2
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Sistemi souporabe koles v urbanem okolju in vremenske razmere: primerjava Barcelone in Celja : diplomsko delo
Nejc Podkoritnik, 2024, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Diplomska naloga obravnava povezavo med vremenskimi razmerami in sistemi souporabe koles v urbanem okolju, pri čemer analizira in primerja rezultate med dvema izbranima sistemoma – Bicing v Barceloni in KolesCE v Celju. Glavni cilj raziskave je bil ugotoviti, ali so vremenske razmere, kot so temperatura, padavine, veter ter različna vremenska stanja, statistično značilno povezana z uporabo kolesarskih sistemov za souporabo v obeh mestih. Za potrebe razumevanja tematike je bil najprej izveden pregled literature in obstoječih raziskav, kjer smo povzeli dosedanje ugotovitve o obravnavani tematiki. Temu je sledila raziskava, ki je osnovana na kvantitativni statistični analizi sekundarnih podatkov, pridobljenih iz sistema Bicing v Barceloni in sistema KolesCE v Celju ter podatkov vremenskih meteoroloških postaj za celotno leto 2022. V raziskavi je bila uporabljena deskriptivna in inferenčna statistična analiza, ki je bazirala na dveh statističnih testih (enostavna analiza varianc (angl. Analysis of Variance; v nadaljevanju: ANOVA) in Pearsonov korelacijski test). Rezultati statističnih analiz so v obeh obravnavanih sistemih pokazali obstoj statistično značilnih povezav med vremenom in karakteristikami uporabe sistemov souporabe koles. Omenjeni rezultati pa so tako doprinesli pomemben vpogled za oblikovalce mestnih politik in operaterje sistemov souporabe koles, kar lahko v prihodnje izboljša tako načrtovanje kot tudi opravljanje sistemov v različnih vremenskih razmerah.
Keywords: sistemi souporabe koles, vremenske karakteristike, Barcelona, Celje, primerjava sistemov souporabe koles
Published in DKUM: 04.09.2024; Views: 65; Downloads: 53
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Transformacija sistema edukacije v kmetijskem svetovanju v smeri trajnosti študija primera v sloveniji : doktorska disertacija
Marina Nikšić, 2024, doctoral dissertation

Abstract: Nova vloga kmetijskega svetovanja v inovacijskih procesih in razvoju kmetijstva v smeri trajnosti zahteva izboljšanje učinkovitosti svetovanja v kmetijstvu. Osnovni predpogoj za uresničevanje potenciala kmetijskega svetovanja na navedenih področjih je močno razvit izobraževalni sistem, ki bo omogočil razvoj močnih svetovalnih kapacitet. Zato je bilo ključnega pomena preučiti delovanje izobraževalnega sistema v kmetijskem svetovanju, identificirati ovire in omejitve, prepoznati priložnosti in orisati smer trajnostnega razvoja sistema. Na podlagi percepcij kmetijskih svetovalcev je doktorska disertacija preučila delovanje izobraževalnega sistema za kmetijske svetovalce, pri čemer se je osredotočila na tri vidike: organizacijo izobraževanja, zadovoljstvo z izvajalci izobraževanj in oceno izobraževanja ter posameznikovega potenciala znotraj organizacije. V vseh treh opazovanih segmentih izobraževalnega sistema so bile opažene pomanjkljivosti. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da delovanje izobraževalnega sistema spodbuja razvoj tradicionalne vloge kmetijskih svetovalcev, identificirani pa so bili tudi principi, na katerih temelji delovanje sistema. Rezultati analize večkratne regresije kažejo, da večje ovrednotenje izobraževanja in potenciala posameznikov v organizaciji pomeni večje vključevanje kmetijskih svetovalcev pri izbiri tem, ki jim bodo ponujene prek izobraževanja, in naprednejše kapacitete učiteljev, odgovornih za izobraževanje. Analiza enofaktorske variance (ANOVA) kaže, da ni statistično pomembnih razlik na ravni p < 0,05 v stopnji percipirane kompetentnosti svetovalcev za trajnostne kmetijske prakse glede na pogostost obiskovanja izobraževanja. Za učinkovito delovanje kmetijskega svetovanja v njihovi novi vlogi je potrebno izboljšati izobraževalni sistem za kmetijske svetovalce, pri čemer je poseben poudarek na preoblikovanju temeljnih načel, na katerih sistem deluje, in vzpostavitvi boljšega sistema vrednotenja izobraževanja in potenciala kmetijskih svetovalcev.
Keywords: kmetijsko svetovanje, kmetijski svetovalec, izobraževalni sistem, svetovalne kapacitete, trajnostno izobraževanje, trajnostno kmetijstvo
Published in DKUM: 01.08.2024; Views: 119; Downloads: 35
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Inovativno izobraževanje za zeleno in trajnostno logistiko za prehod v družbo 5.0 : diplomsko delo
Nikolina Golemović, 2024, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Diplomsko delo je povezano s temo trajnostnega poslovanja in zelene logistike. Najprej je predstavljena problematika tega dela, ki je povezana z varstvom okolja, in je določeno raziskovalno vprašanje. Raziskovalno vprašanje se je nanašalo na podjetja na primeru dveh držav, Slovenije ter Bosne in Hercegovine. Skozi teoretični del so predstavljene opredelitve zelene logistike in trajnostnega poslovanja z zbiranjem podatkov ter nekaj primerov, povezanih s to temo. Poleg tega so predstavljeni tudi drugi izrazi, povezani s to temo, kot je taksonomija. V raziskovalnem delu smo izvedli anketo podjetij, katere rezultati so dali odgovor na naše raziskovalno vprašanje. Poleg raziskovalnega vprašanja smo preverili tudi štiri hipoteze, ki smo jih določili. V zadnjem poglavju smo razpravljali o pridobljenih rezultatih in vzroku stanja v državah. Podani so tudi nekateri primeri, ki lahko pripomorejo k izboljšanju.
Keywords: zelena logistika, trajnostno poslovanje, taksonomija
Published in DKUM: 21.05.2024; Views: 213; Downloads: 92
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Transformation of the education system in agricultural advisory towards sustainability - A Case study in Slovenia
Marina Nikšić, Lazar Pavić, Črtomir Rozman, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: The new role that agricultural advisory plays in innovation processes and the development of agriculture towards sustainability requires the improvement of its performance. The basic prerequisite for realizing the potential of agricultural advisory in the areas mentioned is a strongly developed education system that will enable the development of strong advisory capacities. This survey is based on three areas of the education system: organization of education, satisfaction with educators, and evaluation of education and the potential of individuals in the organization. The basic principles on which the education system is based are outdated and, therefore, inadequate for developing the performance that the new role of agricultural advisors in innovation processes requires. Multiple regression analysis results indicate that a greater evaluation of education and the potential of individuals in the organization implies greater involvement of agricultural advisors in the selection of topics that will be provided to them through education and more advanced performances of educators responsible for educating. One-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA) determined that there are no statistically significant differences, at the p < 0.05 level, in the level of perceived competence of advisors for sustainable agricultural practices depending on the frequency of attending education.
Keywords: agricultural advisory, advisoral advisor, education system, advisory capacities, sustainable education, sustanable agriculture
Published in DKUM: 18.04.2024; Views: 204; Downloads: 16
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Oskrbovalne verige znanja : smernice za zeleni in digitalni prehod
Matevž Obrecht, Tina Cvahte Ojsteršek, Mateja Čuček, Martin Fale, Nena Orel Šanko, Polona Vičič, Lazar Pavić, Bojana Slomšek Šlamberger, 2024

Abstract: Znanstvena monografija zajema najsodobnejše ugotovitve s področja trajnostnega razvoja in digitalizacije in njihovo aplikacijo na področje managementa v logistiki in oskrbovalnih verigah. Teoretični del monografije odpirajo poglavja, ki se nanašajo na pojasnitev osnovnih pojmov s področja trajnostnega razvoja, kot so cilji trajnostnega razvoja, okoljska politika, trajnostna proizvodnja in potrošnja, delitvena ekonomija, koncept odrasti in ekonomija blaginje. V nadaljevanju so predstavljeni najsodobnejši trendi s področja trajnosti in povezovanja področij digitalizacije s poudarkom na tem, kaj je aktualno in kaj mlajše generacije vidijo kot priložnosti za prioritetni razvoj. Teoretični del se zaključi s predstavitvijo kompetenčnih modelov s področja trajnosti in digitalizacije ter s predstavitvijo vseživljenjskega učenja kot rešitve za hitrejše pridobivanje znanj s področja trajnostnega razvoja in digitalizacije, saj je zaznano pomanjkanje teh znanj pri posameznikih, ki so končali formalno izobrazbo v času, ko sta trajnost in digitalizacija predstavljali obrobni tematiki in še nista bili tako vpeti v izobraževanje in prioritete logistike in oskrbovalnih verig. Raziskovalni del monografije se začne s predstavitvijo vključenosti trajnostnega razvija v obstoječi zakonodajni okvir. V nadaljevanju so predstavljeni rezultati vključenosti trajnostnih in digitalnih kompetenc v slovenske visokošolske programe in analiza prekrivanja le teh. Ključni raziskovalni del pa predstavljajo rezultati kvantitativne raziskave, ki se nanašajo na identifikacijo nujno potrebnih znanj, spretnosti in veščin s področja trajnostnega razvoja in digitalizacije v logistiki in oskrbovalnih verig, za nemoten hkratni zeleni in digitalni prehod v družbo 5.0. ter razlike v ključnih prioritetnih področjih, ki jih zaznavamo med gospodarstvom, mladimi in akademiki.
Keywords: trajnostni razvoj, digitalizacija, oskrbovalne verige, vseživljenjsko učenje, zeleni in digitalni prehod
Published in DKUM: 25.03.2024; Views: 411; Downloads: 85
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