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Občina Lendava kot učilnica v naravi
Laura Gerenčer, 2011, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: V diplomskem delu je zasnovana učilnica v naravi za ožje območje Občine Lendava. Učilnica v naravi predstavlja inovativni pristop k pouku, ki pomeni pouk na prostem oz. povsod tam, kjer se lahko iz okolja kaj naučimo. Na območju Občine Lendava so tako njene zgodovinske in geografske poteze kot predlaga zasnova, lahko uporabljene v izobraževalne namene; torej pri pouku zgodovine in geografije, prav tako pa za ostale obiskovalce kraja. V diplomskem delu so podana tudi teoretična izhodišča terenskega dela, učnih poti in učilnice v naravi kot podlaga za pravilno razumevanje in zasnovo učilnice v naravi. Znotraj učilnice v naravi je nato zasnovanih 19 učnih točk, ki prikazujejo bistvene zgodovinske, naravnogeografske in družbenogeografske značilnosti območja. K vsaki od učnih točk so dodani učni cilji iz učnih načrtov geografije in zgodovine za osnovno šolo in splošno gimnazijo ter primeri nalog ob obisku posamezne točke.
Keywords: Občina Lendava, učilnica v naravi, terensko delo, učna pot
Published in DKUM: 05.09.2011; Views: 2999; Downloads: 448
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Attitudes of different age groups of Slovene speakers toward English
Laura Gerenčer, 2011, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: English is the most widely spread language of today's world. Its functions exceed the ones of a lingua franca, as it is not used only for the purpose of international communication, but is also more and more widely used within non-English-speaking countries in different domains. Thus English exerts a great influence on other languages, their lexis, syntax, orthography and cultural aspect. All this brings up certain attitudes towards the language. Language attitudes are opinions, ways of thinking, feeling and reacting toward a language or its speakers, and can significantly affect people’s behaviour. The purpose of this paper was to research the attitudes of three different age groups of Slovene speakers toward English. In the theoretical part the theory behind language attitudes, the current status of English and its presence in Slovenia are presented. In the empirical part the results of the questionnaire, which was filled out by four different groups – the 8th grade pupils, the students of English, the students of other study programmes and the adult learners of English – three age groups in total, are analysed and interpreted.
Keywords: the English language, language attitudes, lingua franca, World English, World Englishes
Published in DKUM: 05.09.2011; Views: 2391; Downloads: 155
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