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Measurements of the characteristics of an electric motor for an electric vehicle's drive
Klemen Srpčič, Gregor Srpčič, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: This paper aims to present the performance and measurement results of a load test performed on a brushless DC motor built into the wheel of a solar-powered vehicle. A brushless DC motor's theoretical background and operation are presented at the beginning of the paper. The article covers the technical specification of the solar-powered vehicle and the inbuilt brushless DC motor. The measurements were performed with the described equipment at the Institute of Energy Technology, Faculty of Energy Technology, University of Maribor. Due to the unique design of the measured electric motor, it was also necessary to make a special housing, which was intended for connecting the electric motor to the test bench. The article concludes with an analysis of the measurement results in comparison with the data provided by the electric motor manufacturer.
Keywords: electric vehicles, electric motor, brushless DC motor, solar-powered vehicle
Published in DKUM: 13.11.2023; Views: 400; Downloads: 16
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Energetska sanacija starejše hiše
Klemen Srpčič, 2019, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: V diplomskem delu je prikazana ena izmed možnosti energetske sanacije starejše hiše. Gre za hišo, zgrajeno leta 1964, ki je brez ustrezne toplotne izolacije, zaradi česar so prisotne velike toplotne izgube skozi ovoj stavbe, kar pomeni višjo potrebo po toploti za ogrevanje. Predlagana je primerna izboljšava toplotne zaščite ovoja stavbe in menjava stavbnega pohištva. S predlaganimi ukrepi sanacije se energetska učinkovitost hiše izboljša, tako da je v skladu z zahtevami, kot jih podaja Pravilnik o učinkoviti rabi energije v stavbah. Za sanirano hišo je izdelana energetska izkaznica, ki potrjuje ustrezno energetsko učinkovitost.
Keywords: energetska učinkovitost stavb, energetska sanacija, toplotne izgube, toplotna izolacija, energetska izkaznica
Published in DKUM: 30.09.2019; Views: 3077; Downloads: 408
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