1. The impact of changing collaborative workplace parameters on assembly operation efficiencyKlemen Kovič, Aljaž Javernik, Robert Ojsteršek, Iztok Palčič, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: Human–robot collaborative systems bring several benefits in using human and robot capabilities simultaneously. One of the critical questions is the impact of these systems on production process efficiency. The search for high-level efficiency is severely dependent on collaborative robot characteristics and motion parameters, and the ability of humans to adjust to changing circumstances. Therefore, our research analyzes the effect of the changing collaborative robot motion parameters, acoustic parameters and visual factors in a specific assembly operation, where efficiency is measured through operation times. To conduct our study, we designed a digital twin-based model and a laboratory environment experiment in the form of a collaborative workplace. The results show that changing the motion, acoustic and visual parameters of the collaborative workplace impact the assembly process efficiency significantly. Keywords: collaborative robot, collaborative workplace, digital twin, assembly operation, efficiency Published in DKUM: 26.02.2024; Views: 301; Downloads: 16
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2. Audio-visual effects of a collaborative robot on worker efficiencyAljaž Javernik, Klemen Kovič, Iztok Palčič, Robert Ojsteršek, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: Collaborative workplaces are increasingly used in production systems. The possibility of
direct collaboration between robots and humans brings many advantages, as it allows the simultaneous use of human and robotic strengths. However, collaboration between a collaborative robot
and a human raises concerns about the safety of the interaction, the impact of the robot on human
health, human efficiency, etc. Additionally, research is unexplored in the field of the collaborative
robot’s audio-visual effects on the worker’s efficiency. Our study results contribute to the field of
studying collaborative robots’ audio-visual effects on the worker’s behavior. In this research, we
analyze the effect of the changing motion parameters of the collaborative robot (speed and acceleration) on the efficiency of the worker and, consequently, on the production process. Based on the
experimental results, we were able to confirm the impact of robot speed and acceleration on the
worker’s efficiency in terms of assembly time. We also concluded that the sound level and presence of
a visual barrier between the worker and robot by themselves have no effect on the worker’s efficiency.
The experimental part of the paper clearly identifies the impact of visualization on work efficiency.
According to the results, the robot’s audio-visual effects play a key role in achieving high efficiency
and, consequently, justifying the implementation of a collaborative workplace. Keywords: collaborative robot, worker efficiency, motion parameters, visual contact, sound, human-robot symmetry, repeated measures ANOVA Published in DKUM: 11.12.2023; Views: 332; Downloads: 29
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3. Simultaneous use of digital technologies and industrial robots in manufacturing firmsKlemen Kovič, Robert Ojsteršek, Iztok Palčič, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: This paper presents the use of digital technologies and industrial robots in manufacturing firms. More importantly, we look at the relationship between the use of digital technologies and industrial robots within the Industry 4.0 concept. We also use a specific Industry 4.0 Readiness index to assess manufacturing firms’ Industry 4.0 readiness level and analyze the relationship between the achieved readiness level and the use of industrial robots. The research is based on data from 118 manufacturing firms from a European Manufacturing Survey. Based on statistical analysis, we present the results that show a significant correlation between the use of specific digital technologies and two types of industrial robots. Our study also points out that manufacturing firms with a higher Industry 4.0 readiness level tend to use industrial robots more frequently. Keywords: digital technology, industrial robot, industry 4.0, manufacturing firms, European manufacturing survey, readiness index Published in DKUM: 11.12.2023; Views: 410; Downloads: 34
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4. Uporaba strojnega učenja za modeliranje tehnoloških procesov : magistrsko deloKlemen Kovič, 2020, master's thesis Abstract: V magistrski nalogi predstavimo metode strojnega učenja in njihovo rabo za modeliranje treh različnih tehnoloških procesov: trdega struženja, visokohitrostnega struženja in rezkanja. Podatke smo pridobili iz znanstvenih člankov, objavljenih v mednarodnih revijah. Za modeliranje tehnoloških procesov smo uporabili multiplo linearno regresijo, naključne gozdove, stohastično gradientno pospeševanje in metodo cubist. Na koncu predstavimo prediktivne sposobnosti posameznih metod in primerjamo rezultate. Napovedi omenjenih štirih metod tudi primerjamo z rezultati, ki so jih poročali avtorji člankov, in identificiramo najuspešnejšo metodo strojnega učenja za vsak proces. Za zaključek še teoretično raziščemo vpliv strojnega učenja na industrijo in poslovanje podjetij. Keywords: tehnološki procesi, struženje, rezkanje, visokohitrostne obdelave, modeliranje, strojno učenje, optimizacija poslovnih procesov Published in DKUM: 01.07.2020; Views: 1313; Downloads: 123
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5. Organizacija proizvodnega procesa v podjetju TALUM IZPARILNIKI d.o.o.Klemen Kovič, 2016, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Diplomska naloga je razdeljena na dva dela. Prvi del je teoretični in vsebuje teorijo načrtovanja proizvodnje, zalog ter organizacije podjetij. Drugi del je praktični del in vsebuje podatke o strojih, izračunanih proizvodnih časih, številu zaposlenih ter razmestitvi delovnih mest. Glede na izračune je razvidno, da lahko novo proizvodnjo postavimo v obstoječi hali. Ugotovili smo, da bo potrebna reorganizacija obstoječega skladišča, saj so nekatere komponente dokaj velikih dimenzij. Na koncu je dodana tabela pričakovanih prihodkov ob trenutni preračunani prodajni ceni izdelka. Keywords: Talum, načrtovanje proizvodnje, organizacija podjetja, zaloge, kapacitete. Published in DKUM: 06.10.2016; Views: 2216; Downloads: 145
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6. Možnost uvedbe avtomatiziranega skladišča za polizdelkeKlemen Kovič, 2014, bachelor thesis/paper Abstract: V diplomskem delu bomo predstavili delo skladišča polizdelkov v proizvodnem podjetju. Oddelek dostavlja material v proizvodnjo na podlagi delovnih nalogov. Z večjim obsegom proizvodnje se pojavlja problem nepravočasne oskrbe s polizdelki in s tem posledično slabšega servisa. Zaradi rasti proizvodnje ta problematika narašča.
V okviru diplomskega dela bomo skozi nekatere teoretske koncepte in z analizo dejanskega stanja na področju skladiščenja polizdelkov predlagali možnost rešitve identificiranega problema. Predlagali smo avtomatizirano skladišče za polizdelke, ki bi omogočili prostorsko, kvalitativno in kvantitativno rešitev ter nadgradnjo obstoječega SAP-sistema z vmesniki in moduli. Predlagano se je izkazalo kot ustrezno samo v primeru, da se v naslednjih letih rast proizvodnje nadaljuje kot do sedaj.
V zaključku naloge smo predstavili učinke in potrebne pogoje za uvedbo ter možnost nadaljnjega razvoja avtomatiziranega skladišča za polizdelke. Keywords: avtomatizacija skladišč, skladiščne tehnologije, skladiščna oprema, optimizacija, informacijska podpora Published in DKUM: 02.02.2015; Views: 1606; Downloads: 269
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