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Tourism climate change adaptation : The case of Slovenia
Maja Turnšek, Chris Cooper, Barbara Pavlakovič Farrell, Katja Kokot, Tomi Špindler, Zala Žnidaršič, Tjaša Pogačar, 2024

Abstract: This monography is a result of the national research project “V7-2128 Climate change and sustainable tourism development in Slovenia”. It prepares the groundwork for adaptation within the tourism sector in Slovenia, assesses the risks and vulnerabilities of Slovenian tourism to climate change, and identifies possible adaptation options of Slovenian tourism. The analysis uses past climate data and three scenarios of climate change until the end of the 21st century. Two databases were used to get a wider range of available data: the Copernicus Climate Change Service and Slovenian Environment Agency archive data. The analysis focuses on four main areas of Slovenian tourism: (a) water related tourism, (b) urban and cultural tourism and MICE tourism, (c) winter outdoor tourism and (d) summer outdoor tourism. The results confirm past comparative research about Slovenian tourism being less vulnerable to climate change, with the important exception of winter tourism. While some of the climate change impacts are expected to even benefit Slovenian tourism, adaptation processes are still highly recommended both with regards to direct impacts, such as the increase of temperature, and indirect impacts such as the expected increase of tourism impacts on biodiversity due to the prolonged summer season.
Keywords: tourism, climate change, adaptation, tourism climate index, Slovenia
Published in DKUM: 20.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 3
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Program održivog razvoja Svete Nedelje, Jastrebarskog i Samobora

Abstract: Zagrebačka okolica poznata je kao plodan i pitom kraj koji odiše obiljem prirodnih ljepota, ugodnim životnim ritmom, a krasi ga duga povijest i očuvana baština, tradicija domaće kuhinje i autentičnih vina. Omiljeno odredište brojnih posjetitelja bilo je mjesto edukacije studentima u sklopu terenske nastave studentima iz područja turizma, marketinga i ruralnog razvoja s 9 visokoobrazovnih institucija iz Hrvatske, Slovenije, Srbije, Crne Gore i Nizozemske. Studenti su se kroz vođeni obilazak različitih lokacija u gradovima Sveta Nedelja, Jastrebarsko i Samobor upoznali s turističkom ponudom s ciljem prepoznavanja potencijala za daljnji razvoj ruralnog turizma. Studenti su pod vodstvom domaćina i svojih mentora osmislili inovativna i kreativna rješenja, koja čine glavni sadržaj ove monografije, s ciljem unapređenja poslovanja i optimizacije trenutne turističke ponude. Znanstvena monografija „Program održivog razvoja Svete Nedelje, Jastrebarskog i Samobora“ rezultat je inicijativa lokalnih dionika za promicanjem strateškog razvoja turizma u središnjoj Hrvatskoj i Zagrebačkoj županiji.
Keywords: održivi turizam, ruralni turizam, Sveta Nedelja, Jastrebarsko, Samobor
Published in DKUM: 22.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 38
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Staza rudara i rudnik; "stopama Tršćanskih rudara"
Katja Kokot, Alen Nikola Rajković, 2021, independent professional component part or a chapter in a monograph

Published in DKUM: 24.01.2024; Views: 274; Downloads: 26
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Digitalizacija kulturne dediščine na primeru UNESCO vrednot v EU
Nejc Pozvek, Urška Starc Peceny, Boštjan Brumen, Maja Turnšek, Tjaša Alegro, Katja Kokot, Matevž Straus, 2021, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: Raziskava v okviru projekta Turizem 4.0 je bila izvedena s ciljem ustvariti boljši pregled nad evropskim ekosistemom na področju digitalizacije kulturne dediščine % skozi prizmo razvoja turizma. Zanimalo nas je, kdo so ključni akterji, kakšni so odnosi med njimi in kakšni trendi na področju digitalizacije kulturne dediščine z namenom razvoja turizma; vse skupaj tudi skozi prizmo odziva na pandemijo korona virusa, kar je hkrati pred-stavljalo aktualizacijo raziskave glede na razmere, ob enem pa tudi ključno omejitev zaradi relativno slabega odziva. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da večina lokacij UNESCO vrednot uporablja tehnološko relativno manj zahtevne rešitve, katerih ni nadgrajevala v času pandemije; več pozornosti je bilo v tem času s strani upravljavcev izbrane dediščine namenjene inovativnim spletnim rešitvam. Te so bile ustvarjene tako s pomočjo specializiranih IT podjetij in strokovnjakov (tudi iz kreativnih in kulturnih industrij) kot brezplačnih/nizkocenovnih spletnih rešitev za podporo produktom, financirane iz raznolikih (v največji meri javnih) virov in ponujene v uporabo med pandemijo večinoma brezplačno. Delež spletnih obiskovalcev UNESCO vrednot se je v povprečju le minimalno povečal, bistveno pa je upadel na lokacijah samih. Izstopa potreba (in želja) po več sredstvih, znanja in povezovanja na področju digitalizacije dediščinskih vsebin.
Keywords: kulturna dediščina, digitalizacija, UNESCO, vrednote, tehnologija, turizem
Published in DKUM: 24.01.2024; Views: 266; Downloads: 14
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Motivations for hosting on Airbnb : the case of Slovenia
Katja Kokot, Maja Turnšek, 2022, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Abstract: The ‘platform economy’ has evolved over the years into a global phenomenon. The focus of this paper is the motivations of Slovene hosts to use the Airbnb platform. While Airbnb was originally optimistically discussed as an element of ‘the sharing economy’, it has become known as one of the key players of the ‘platform economy’, belonging to the area of the so-called capital platforms, which allow participation-based primarily based on ownership of capital. Our research amongst a sample of 103 officially registered accommodation providers in Slovenia has shown that Airbnb is the second-most used platform, on average bringing a third of income for the surveyed participants, while Booking.com brings about half of their income. Furthermore, the results show that monetary motives prevail among Slovene hosts. However, social and moral motives are also strongly expressed. These findings indicate that the perceived primary purpose of Airbnb is generating additional earnings due to a surplus of real estate capital. A higher share of income from hosting in comparison to other types of income is correlated with the expressed importance of monetary motives. In contrast, the prevalence of social motives is influenced by fear of loneliness, cultural openness, and hosts’ global prosociality.
Keywords: Airbnb, motivation for accommodation provision, sharing economy, platform economy, hospitality, Slovenia
Published in DKUM: 17.01.2024; Views: 390; Downloads: 8
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Health tourism and physical literacy : a qualitative exploration of elderly visitors' experiences after rehabilitation at Slovenian health resorts
Katja Kokot, Maja Turnšek, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: The promotion of physical literacy is an opportunity to multiply significant health benefits in an ageing society. In Slovenia, health resorts are one of the most common prime areas for health enhancement, offering numerous services for individuals to improve their health and forming an important pillar of the social tourism and healthcare sector. The aim of this research is to explore the role of medical rehabilitation at Slovene health resorts in the processes of increasing the physical literacy of their patients. Twenty-one semi-structured interviews were conducted with previous guests of Slovene health resorts who have undertaken medical rehabilitation. The analysis indicates that the most common approach is providing lectures about physical activity followed by group or individual physical regimes organised for patients with similar health concerns. These actions target two dimensions of physical literacy: the competence and the knowledge/understanding dimension. However, the eventual omission of prescribed physical activity following the rehabilitation is an issue concerning the motivation dimension of physical literacy, which should thus be addressed more in the future. The findings contribute to understanding the role of medical rehabilitation at Slovene health resorts by applying the physical literacy model for older adults. The study provides valuable insights regarding the long-term benefits of rehabilitation at the health resorts on individuals’ level of physical literacy. The results are helpful for both the tourism and medical sectors.
Keywords: health resorts, physical literacy, health tourism, rehabilitation, health literacy, elderly
Published in DKUM: 15.01.2024; Views: 358; Downloads: 8
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Analiza možnosti vključevanja slovenskih zdravilišč v »Evropsko pot zgodovinskih termalnih mest« : diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija
Vera Stepanov, 2023, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Evropska pot zgodovinskih termalnih mest je kulturna pot Sveta Evrope, ki neguje in ohranja evropsko zdraviliško tradicijo ter povezuje mesta z zgodovino in tradicijo uporabe termalnih vrelcev. Analiza je pokazala, da Evropska pot zgodovinskih termalnih mest najbolje deluje na lobiranju in mreženju ter povezovanju na evropski ravni in s pomembnimi evropskimi institucijami; promocija zdravilišč je obrobna dejavnost. Slovenija je država z bogato in dolgo zdraviliško tradicijo ter razvitim zdraviliškim turizmom. Kljub temu Slovenija ni del Evropske poti zgodovinskih termalnih mest. Raziskava predstavlja analizo možnosti vključitve Slovenije v Evropsko pot zgodovinskih termalnih mest. Iz izbranega vzorca 15 verificiranih naravnih zdravilišč v Sloveniji lahko le tri kandidirajo za vstop v mrežo. Slovenska zdravilišča slabo poznajo Kulturno pot in prednosti članstva v njej. S pomočjo intervjujev s predstavniki občin, ki bi lahko kandidirale za članstvo v mreži, smo ugotovili interes za vstop v mrežo ter odnos do kulture in tradicije v svojih občinah.
Keywords: Evropska pot zgodovinskih termalnih mest, slovenska naravna zdravilišča, Skupnost slovenskih naravnih zdravilišč, kultura, tradicija
Published in DKUM: 09.10.2023; Views: 508; Downloads: 89
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Dobro počutje, velneške in zdravstvene storitve : dobrobit turistov na destinacijah
Milica Rančić Demir, Katja Kokot, 2023, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Abstract: Potovanja v vseh oblikah prispevajo k vsem vidikom človekovega zdravja, vključno s fizičnimi, duševnimi in socialnimi koristmi za dobro počutje posameznika. Velneški turizem zajema potovanja z namenom ohranjanja ali izboljšanja dobrega počutja, medtem ko je zdravstveni turizem širši izraz za potovanja, osredotočena na zdravljenje in uporabo zdravstvenih storitev. Čeprav se ti vrsti turizma razlikujeta po vrsti storitev, ki jih turistom ponujata, imata eno skupno stvar: težnjo po izboljšanju zdravja in dobrega počutja turistov na destinaciji. Zaradi vse hitrejšega tempa vsakdanjega življenja in negativnih učinkov stresa se povečuje pomen skrbi za zdravje in dobro počutje. Posledično se danes povečuje povpraševanje po zdravstvenih in velneških storitvah. Zdravilišča in terme v Sloveniji predstavljajo idealno mesto za razvoj ponudbe, ki učinkovito odgovarja na to povpraševanje, saj je termalna voda, eden od bistvenih elementov velneškega razvajanja, osnova ponudbe v vseh zdraviliščih. Tako zdravstveni kot velneški turizem sta med najpomembnejšimi turističnimi panogami v slovenskem turističnem gospodarstvu, saj predstavljata velik delež prihodkov od turizma.
Keywords: velneški turizem, dobro počutje, zdravje, zdraviliški turizem, destinacija
Published in DKUM: 06.10.2023; Views: 397; Downloads: 50
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Turizem in podnebne spremembe : vloga destinacijskega managementa
Maja Turnšek, Barbara Pavlakovič Farrell, Nejc Pozvek, Tomi Špindler, Katja Kokot, 2023, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Abstract: Turizem pomembno prispeva k podnebnim spremembam in je tudi eden od sektorjev, ki jih to močno prizadene. Turizem znatno prispeva k ogljičnemu odtisu, saj turistične aktivnosti temeljijo na energiji, ki se pridobiva iz fosilnih goriv, zato je v prihodnosti nujno izboljšati spremljanje izpustov, opredeliti vloge različnih oblik turizma in identificirati ukrepe za zmanjševanja ogljičnega odtisa turizma na destinaciji. Osrednje pričakovane posledice podnebnih sprememb, ki bodo pomembno vplivale na turizem, so čedalje več ekstremnih vremenskih pojavov, spremembe temperature zraka, drugačen padavinski režim in dvigovanje morske gladine. Poglavje izpostavlja aktivno vlogo in potenciale destinacijskega managementa pri oblikovanju analiz ranljivosti destinacij in tveganj za ponudnike, spodbujanju medsektorskega sodelovanja za dosego boljše podnebne odpornosti destinacij ter ozaveščanju o kolektivni soodgovornosti za učinke podnebnih sprememb in o vlogi turizma pri trajnostnem prehodu.
Keywords: podnebne spremembe, blaženje podnebnih sprememb, prilagajanje na podnebne spremembe, destinacijski management, turizem
Published in DKUM: 04.10.2023; Views: 766; Downloads: 72
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Spas as health literate organizations with a focus on educational value
Katja Kokot, 2020, master's thesis

Abstract: This master thesis is focused on health literacy in health tourism settings. Health literacy is a concept connected to an individual’s responsibility to understand and act on health information in modern environments. Our assumption is that health tourism is one of the main stakeholders in processes of increasing health literacy levels in the population. For that reason, we questioned what level of health literacy the guests report and whether they recount any cases of improved health literacy during and after their visit. The main goal of the research was discovering whether Slovene health spas are organizations that promote health literacy and what steps they must take for future improvements. For the empirical research we conducted semi-structured interviews with previous guests of Slovene spas that have undertaken stationary rehabilitation due to various health concerns. The analysis method was qualitative content analysis by Philipp Mayring. The transcripts were coded with ATLAS.ti 8 software. The results indicate that guests gain useful information about how they should behave after rehabilitation in everyday life. This information is directly linked to increasing the health literacy of the patient as it is essential for successful rehabilitation and future behavior. The most common process in increasing health literacy levels are the lectures organized for the patients. The topics covered are a healthy diet, suitable exercise and sports, and common medical procedures. With these processes health resorts directly target the health literacy level of their patients.
Keywords: thermal spas, health tourism, health literacy, healthy habits, wellness
Published in DKUM: 09.07.2021; Views: 1247; Downloads: 134
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