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Analiza hrupa v urbanem okolju proizvedenega v industrijski coni : magistrsko delo
Anja Polajžer, 2019, master's thesis

Abstract: Hrup je problem civilizacije. Povzroča poškodbo sluha in vrsto psihofizioloških motenj. Vpliva tudi na delovno učinkovitost. Hrup je tako problem varstva okolja in humanizacije delovnega mesta. Stroji in naprave so glavni povzročitelji hrupa tako na delovnem mestu kot v naravnem in življenjskem okolju. Tihi izdelek je zelo dober prodajni argument. Da bi znali izdelati tihi stroj ali zmanjšati hrup delujočega stroja moramo znati vir hrupa locirati, definirati, ga popisati v časovni in frekvenčni domeni in določiti njegovo zvočno moč. V magistrski nalogi se seznanimo z merilno opremo, potrebno akustično okolico in predpisi, katere je treba upoštevati za pravilno merjenje in definiranje vira hrupa. Seznanimo se z metodami in tehnikami za zmanjševanje hrupa na mestu vira, na poti prenosa ali sprejema hrupa.
Keywords: okoljski hrup, motnje, merjenje, mejne vrednosti
Published in DKUM: 07.10.2019; Views: 1491; Downloads: 179
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Identification of noise emmision of a gear unit
Aleš Belšak, Jurij Prezelj, 2007, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: zobniška gonila, izvori hrupa, vizualizacija izvorov hrupa, akustična analiza, časovno frekvenčna analiza, meritve
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1471; Downloads: 54
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Zasnova in konstruiranje komore za merjenje hrupa
Niko Srt, 2014, master's thesis

Abstract: Magistrsko delo je nastalo v sodelovanju s podjetjem Doorson d.o.o., ki izdelujejo avtomatska drsna vrata za prehod ljudi. Magistrsko delo (v nadaljevanju naloga) obravnava podroben opis zasnove in izdelave komore za merjenje hrupa, s čimer si bo lahko podjetje v prihodnje pomagalo pri razvoju novih vrat za prehod ljudi, ki bi naj povzročala čim manj hrupa. Naloga spada v področje tehnične akustike, zato je v uvodnih poglavjih opisan zvok, kaj zvok sploh je, kako nastaja in kako se širi. Nato sledi predstavitev in opis gluhe, polgluhe sobe, odmevnice in cevi, ki predstavljajo različne vrste laboratorijskih testnih polj. V tem delu naloge je opisan tudi koeficient absorpcije zvoka, kako ga izmerimo in kaj nam pove. Glavni del naloge pa opisuje nastanek komore za merjenje hrupa. V tem delu je podrobneje opisano kako smo izmerili in določili frekvenčno območje ter spodnjo mejno frekvenco, potem kako smo določili dimenzije komore, zvočno izolacijo in kako je potekala izdelava celotne komore z vsemi pomembnimi elementi. Na koncu naloge so predstavljeni rezultati in razprava o le teh.
Keywords: : komora za merjenje hrupa, gluha soba, polgluha soba, zvok, vibracije, akustika
Published in DKUM: 07.01.2015; Views: 2265; Downloads: 206
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Analysis of vibrations and noise to determine the condition of gear units
Aleš Belšak, Jurij Prezelj, 2011, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Abstract: The main goal of maintenance is to maintain the characteristics of a technical system at the most favourable or still acceptable level. Maintenance costs can be reduced, operation can become more reliable and the frequency and complexity of damages can be reduced. To evaluate the condition of a technical system, it is necessary to collect precise data, and the to analyse, compare and process this data properly. Gear units are the most frequent machine parts or couplings. They consist of a housing, toothed wheels, bearings and a lubricating system and are of various types and sizes. Durable damages in gear units are often a resulta of the following factors: geometrical deviations or unbalanced component parts, material fatigue, which is a result of engagement of a gear pair, or damages caused to roller bearings. To monitor the condition of mechanical systems, methods for measuring vibrations and noise are usually used; data about a gear unit can be acquired in this way. Afterwards certain tools are used to analyse the data. Features that denote the presence of damages and faults are identified in this way.
Keywords: vibrations, noise source identification, maintenance, gears
Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 1836; Downloads: 88
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Analysis of noise sources produced by faulty small gear units
Aleš Belšak, Jurij Prezelj, 2007, original scientific article

Abstract: Noise source vizualization represents an important tool in the field of technical acoustics. There are many different techniques of noise source visualization. Most of them, however, are intended for a specific noise source in a specific type of acoustic environment. Consequently, a certain visualization method can be used only for certain types of noise sources in a specific acoustic environment and in a restricted frequency area. This paper presents a new visualization method of complex noise sources on the basis of the use of an acoustic camera. A new algorithm has been used, which makes it possible to visualize all types of different complex noise sources. Monopole, dipole or quadropole noise sources can be observed simultaneously. It is possible to track a moving noise source by means of an acoustic camera. In addition to that it is possible to observe various transient acoustical phenomena. Through the use in diagnostics, it is possible to define, by means of noise, the condition of mechanical systems at an advance level.
Keywords: gears, failure, noise sources, visualization of noise sources, sound, acoustic analysis, acoustic camera, signal analysis, acoustic image, measurements
Published in DKUM: 31.05.2012; Views: 2203; Downloads: 42
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