1. An organizational framework for logistic platform and its subtypes in a search for more logistically attractive regionsBrigita Gajšek, Jure Kovač, Benjamin Hazen, 2018, original scientific article Abstract: Background and Purpose: Regional sustainable economic growth on logistics bases requires the coordinated development of infrastructure, information and communications technology, and proactive education of logistics specialists. The goal is reachable with regional logistics platforms (RLPs). This current research develops a theoretical model for RLPs, consisting of (1) basic constituents, (2) an implementation area, and (3) stakeholders' and operational benefits.
Design/Methodology/Approach: We employed a balanced qualitative and quantitative approach using multiple case study and survey methods.
Results: Systematic case study research has identified 12 “most frequently” highlighted RLP constituents and 3 areas of implementation, which were further proven by a survey. RLP's beginnings may be spontaneous until a critical mass of interested stakeholders emerges with a clear vision and start-up energy for a breakthrough. A theoretical model for RLPs is proposed.
Conclusion: The secret of a successfully developing a logistics region lies in its ability to develop a mechanism for the managing and coordinating a particular logistics system's development and operation, an area that should be further researched. This study's findings provide valuable insights into the many aspects of RLPs, which can be useful for regional authorities and business owners who are eager to stimulate regional economic growth. Keywords: logistics platform, organizational structure, networking, governance, regionalization, transportation Published in DKUM: 07.05.2018; Views: 1776; Downloads: 336 Full text (877,86 KB) This document has many files! More... |
2. Individual and organisational creativity and innovation : their managementRudi Rozman, Jure Kovač, 2015, original scientific article Abstract: Due to the development of technology, production and other business functions, customers have entered in the focus of enterprises’ endeavours, displacing mass-produced standardized products. Efficiency is no longer sufficient: flexibility, creativity and innovation have become vital. Creativity and innovation processes started to be studied, first at the level of individuals and then within organizations. It became obvious that creativity and innovation depend on individuals themselves and, within social units, also on their organisation. From the organisational point of view, practitioners and researchers attempt to determine the organisational variables that positively influence creativity. In this paper, the authors describe both the process and characteristics of creativity and innovation conducted by an autonomous individual as well as the same process conducted by members of a social unit. The appropriate organisation supporting the development of a creative and innovative social unit is established by management whose responsibility is to assure a rational achievement of new useful ideas and their development into products, services and processes. Therefore, the authors focus on three processes, emphasizing their relationships: individual creativity and innovation processes, organizational creativity and innovation processes, and the management of creativity and innovation. Keywords: creativity, innovation, management, organisational creativity and innovation process, management of creativity and innovation Published in DKUM: 04.08.2017; Views: 1183; Downloads: 199 Full text (640,89 KB) This document has many files! More... |
3. Contemporary network organizations in SloveniaJure Kovač, Brigita Gajšek, 2014, original scientific article Abstract: Modern organisations are confronted with enormous challenges. The need to continuously adapt to changing environments represents a main challenge for modern organisations. In order to adapt to the requirements of modern environments more easily and more rapidly, organisations become connected into networks. A network organisation is fast becoming a favourite form of the modern organisation. On the basis of an analysis of members in the field of network organisations, this contribution presents the dimensions and definitions of network organisations. In the follow-up, the starting point for a theoretical explanation of network organisations and their different existing forms is presented. The emphasis of the empirical part of the contribution focuses on presenting an analysis of forms of network organisations that are present in Slovenia from the perspective of their shape, development and actual state. Based on an analysis of relevant documentation, it may be concluded that it was the institutional environment which initiated and directed the start-up processes that led to the establishment of contemporary network organisations within Slovenia. Keywords: organisation, network organisation, types of network organisations, Slovenia Published in DKUM: 04.08.2017; Views: 1307; Downloads: 193 Full text (234,01 KB) This document has many files! More... |
4. The values, objectives and management styles of managers in SloveniaJure Kovač, Manca Jesenko, 2004, original scientific article Abstract: Managers play a key role in the restructuring and transformation of economic structures in transitional countries. It is, therefore, not surprising that they are at the centre of attention for experts and others as well. This paper describes the results of two studies conducted in 1998 and 2003 regarding the values governing the life, work and leadership styles of managers. Special attention was paid to the shifts in values that occurred in the five-year period between the two studies, and to demonstrating the correlation between an individual's values and his/her leadership style. Keywords: Slovenia, management, manager, leadership, types, research, comparisons, 1998, 2003 Published in DKUM: 17.07.2017; Views: 1486; Downloads: 167 Full text (787,66 KB) This document has many files! More... |
5. Network organizationsJure Kovač, 2002, original scientific article Abstract: Modern organisations are confronted with enormous challenges. The need to continuously adapt to changing environments is the main challenge for modern organisations. In order to adapt to the requirements of modern environments more easily and more rapidly, organisations become connected into networks. A networked organisation is becoming a favourite form of a modern organisation. This paper describes the basic features of networked organisations and their diverse forms. Special attention is paid to the presentation of management processes in networked organisations. Keywords: organization, network organizations Published in DKUM: 04.07.2017; Views: 1205; Downloads: 93 Full text (511,82 KB) This document has many files! More... |
6. Dimensions of organizational changeJure Kovač, 2000, original scientific article Abstract: A basic characteristic of business operations in developed economic environments is their continuous search for responses to very rapid changes in their broader and closer environment. Adjustment to the changing situation of market and technology is an inevitable challenge to every company. This means a neverending search and verification on the market, as well as preservation of the acquired position. The tasks connected with the company's adjustment to the requirements of the market are very complex. Due to the increasingly turbulent business environment, the management responsible for the implementation of the change process is taking on new obligations. Change management is moving away from the traditional understanding of that notion as being just a set of functions, comprising the tasks of both designing and implementing a process of changing the organization. The request to establish such an organization which will be able to follow the extremely rapid and perpetual urge for adaptation to the requirements of the environment is coming to the forefront. Keywords: organization, organization development, organization changes Published in DKUM: 04.07.2017; Views: 1050; Downloads: 128 Full text (488,72 KB) This document has many files! More... |
7. The impact of demographic changes on the organization of emergency medical services : the case of SloveniaTatjana Kitić Jaklič, Jure Kovač, 2015, original scientific article Abstract: Background and Purpose: The modern environment requires that organizations (profit and non-profit) continually harmonize their organizational models with changes in their respective environments and with their own visions and strategies for further development. The organizational structure of Emergency Medical Services (hereinafter EMS) is currently a very topical issue in Slovenia, given that a project to establish a new organization of EMS is currently underway at the national level. By examining the case of one region in Slovenia, this article presents an analysis of factors that impact on the number and types of EMS activities and depicts a forecast of future trends for the requirement of EMS. The analysis presents the initial phase of a strategic planning process for the mentioned activity and consequently, a starting point for the formation of an organizational EMS model.
Methodology: This article presents an analysis of factors that impact on the formulation of an EMS model on the basis of research carried out for one geographical region of Slovenia. For the previous period, data was collected from 2002 to 2014. The software tool used for the analysis was STATA 13.0. For the purpose of forecasting a five-year period trend we used statistical package RStudio and Hyndman’s Forecast package given that this package contains algorithms for forecasting univariate time series including exponential smoothing using automated spatial models and ARIMA modelling.
Results: The research has confirmed a correlation between social/environmental factors and the rate of increase in the demand for EMS. A population’s age structure has been identified as the key social factor that increases the need for EMS. On the basis of this finding, this article presents a model for forecasting growth trends in the scope of EMS activities.
Conclusion: The research study has identified some important elements that are imperative to take into consideration when formulating an EMS network at the prehospital level. Population ageing has emerged as a key social factor. In the accordance with forecasted trends, an increase in the burden placed on EMS activities may also be anticipated in the future. Keywords: strategic planning, foresight, trends, emergency medical services, Slovenia Published in DKUM: 04.04.2017; Views: 1545; Downloads: 176 Full text (1,13 MB) This document has many files! More... |
8. Key factors for the successful operation of clusters : the case for SloveniaBrigita Gajšek, Jure Kovač, 2016, original scientific article Abstract: Background and Purpose: Companies are increasingly specializing and developing those key areas with which they can compete on the global market and are linking in clusters that are ingredient of territorial competitiveness. Clusters can play a competitive role in global value chains but once being successful, they may decline. For this reason, researching key factors for the successful operation of clusters in Slovenia is beneficial.
Methodology: This study is based on an extensive review of scientific literature. Theoretical findings are tested by a study of clustering in Slovenia. In practice, we determine the number of operating clusters fifteen years after they were initiated by the institutional environment with help of web pages, e-mails and telephone calls. Using interviews, we determine reasons for the cessation of operations on the part of former directors and factors of successful operations with directors of successful clusters.
Results: The institutional environment initiated start-up processes of creating clusters in Slovenia. After the termination of institutional financial support, Slovenian clusters, which have failed to develop their own financing system, ceased operation. Directors of still operating clusters confirmed that trust between cluster members is the most important success factor in the operation of clusters.
Conclusion: The institutional environment in Slovenia adopted cluster policy and successfully leveraged the establishment of clusters using start-up financing. Less than half of these clusters continue to prosper under their own stream after policy retreatment. Clusters were not prepared for a dramatically different way of working. Trust has become a major driving force of adjusting to new conditions. Keywords: network organizations, key success factors, clusters, Slovenia Published in DKUM: 04.04.2017; Views: 1269; Downloads: 144 Full text (357,93 KB) This document has many files! More... |
9. Dvotirni sistem vodenja v slovenskem pravnem reduJure Kovač, 2016, bachelor thesis/paper Abstract: V vsaki delniški družbi skupščini družbe kot »organu lastnikov« pripada hierarhično najvišje mesto v strukturi organov delniške družbe. Toda praksa kaže, da to ni tudi najpomembnejši organ v družbi. Skupščini družbe so pridržane le najpomembnejše lastniške upravljavske pravice, medtem ko je vodenje poslov in nadzor nad vodenjem poslov prenesen na druge organe. Empirični podatki so pokazali, da učinkovit »corporate governance« doprinese k učinkovitosti družb, stabilnemu finančnemu sistemu in blagostanju gospodarstva kot celote.
Delniška družba potrebuje dva organa, preko katerih oblikuje in izvršuje svojo voljo, da bi bila opravilno sposobna. Ta organa sta skupščina in organ vodenja. Za obstoj in funkcioniranje družbe ni nujni potreben poseben nadzorni organ, saj je mogoče izvajati nadzor znotraj teh organov. Ta sistem upravljanja imenujemo enotirni sistem in je značilen za ZDA, VB in je prevladujoč v svetu in EU. Če se oblikuje še tretji organ, poseben nadzorni organ govorimo o dvotirnem sistemu. Ta sistem je razvila Nemčija z nadzornim svetom, poleg Slovenije pa so ga prevzele še številne druge države (Avstrija, Poljska, Slovaška, Hrvaška, Madžarska, Estonija, Latvija in Litva).
V diplomski nalogi bom v prvem delu predstavil podjetje Petrol d.d. kot eno največjih slovenskih trgovskih družb, največjo slovensko energetsko družbo, največjega slovenskega uvoznika in največje slovensko podjetje po prihodkih. Podjetje spada med velike po številu zaposlenih in številu delničarjev.
V drugem delu bom predstavil možnosti upravljanja podjetja, sprva bomo omenili dvotirni model, nato evropsko delniško družbo(SE), ki je bila temelj za uveljavitev enotirnega sistema tako v državah EU kot tudi pri nas. Predstavil bom prednosti in slabosti enega in drugega modela.
V zadnjem delu diplome bom poskušal dokazati trditev, da je dvotirni sistem upravljanja bolj primeren, oziroma, da ni potrebe da velike družbe, kot so Petrol, Zavarovalnica Triglav, Krka, Luka Koper in druga velika slovenska podjetja, ki uspešno poslujejo menjajo model upravljanja. S pomočjo intervjuja s predsednikom uprave Petrola, bom poskušal odgovoriti na vprašanje zakaj Petrol ni prešel na enotirni model upravljanja. Svojo nalogo bom zaključil s spoznanjem, da ni idealnega modela upravljanja in da je bistvo uspešnosti podjetja tim ljudi, torej prave osebe na pravem mestu in da sama sprememba brez podrobne študije še ne bo prinesla izboljšave. Keywords: Delniška družba, enotirni sistem, dvotirni sistem Published in DKUM: 18.10.2016; Views: 1828; Downloads: 138 Full text (412,92 KB) |
10. Competency management in Central Europe : a comparison of Czech, Hungarian and Slovenian competency needsJürgen Mühlbacher, Jure Kovač, Adam Novotny, Ana Putnová, 2013, original scientific article Abstract: After a strong focus on transition processes in Central East European countries (CEE), this topic has been displaced by more dramatic merger and reorganization processes or the recent financial crisis. This obscures the fact that we know almost nothing about the management competencies in these countries, which is an important building or stumbling block for future development. Therefore, we will examine the individual competencies of almost 300 top and middle managers in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovenia, and we will compare the different sets of competencies and interpret them according to the given economic situation in these countries Keywords: competency management, human resources, transition economies Published in DKUM: 30.12.2015; Views: 1473; Downloads: 171 Full text (341,73 KB) This document has many files! More... |