1. Impact analysis of the young farmers' support program on Slovenian dairy sector development using econometric modeling approachLazar Pavić, Jernej Turk, Ivo Grgić, Jernej Prišenk, 2020, original scientific article Abstract: This study analyzes the effects that action 112 of the Rural Development Policy had on the socioeconomic status of Slovenian dairy farms. The data used in this paper were collected from Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN), a database for applicants in action 112 (young farms transferees), from whose applications for participation in this action the data were obtained. Twenty-eight different econometric models were developed during the first stage of the research. The evaluation of the models was subsequently performed by applying valid statistical and econometric criteria. The results reveal the main positive effects that action 112 had on socioeconomic indicators of the dairy farms: number of full-time labor power, number of head of large livestock, total revenue (in euros) and net value added. Statistically significant differences in benefits from action 112 among dairy farms were determined by using two sets of dummy variables: region and level of education. The research in the field of the effect of the rural development policy action support of young farmers on socioeconomics performance of milk farms can make a significant contribution to developing the researchers' work and policy makers' decisions. Furthermore, this research is important from the agronomic point of view, since its results support two of the basic goals of Common agricultural policy after 2020: environmental care and conservation of landscape and biodiversity. Keywords: dairy farmers, econometric analysis, rural development, socio-economic situation Published in DKUM: 31.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 0
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2. An Assessment of socio-economic status of women on family farms: Slovenian case studyJernej Prišenk, Urška Vesenjak, Črtomir Rozman, Jernej Turk, Karmen Pažek, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: The question of gender equality is increasingly being raised today and is present at all
levels of society. The topicality of the issue on farms is particularly evident, due to the particular
inheritance processes on farms, the clear division of labour, and intergenerational cooperation that
characterise the agricultural sector. In this research, a multi-criteria model (DEX-SOCIAL) was
developed to understand the broader aspect of rural sociology and the issue of women’s status on
the farm. The paper discusses the status of women on a farm and assesses their social and economic
situation. The methodology includes an online questionnaire in which women in the Eastern and
Western Cohesion Regions participated, as well as other farm members and owners. Subsequently,
the questions were transformed for the requirements of the assessment model, which assessed the life
prospects of women on farms in both the Eastern and Western Cohesion Regions who were aged both
over and under 40 years (criteria for “young successor”). The results of the study show that there
is a clear difference in the qualitative assessment of women’s socio-economic position in relation
to the East–West cohesion region. The social position of women does not differ according to age
structure. The conclusions of the study also present broader applications of the results in the field of
rural development and rural sociology. Keywords: woman, socio-economic status, family farms, multi-criteria model, DEX Published in DKUM: 29.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 2
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3. An Assessment of food value chains to identify gaps and make recommendations for further development: ǂA ǂ Slovenian case studyJernej Prišenk, Jernej Turk, Karmen Pažek, Črtomir Rozman, Andreja Borec, Nejc Zidar, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: The content of this paper presents the research results of a three-year research project in
which a multi-criteria evaluation model (according to the DEX methodology) was developed for
the evaluation of three different food sectors (represented by a cattle breeding chain, a pig farming
chain, and a milk production chain) with added value in Slovenia. Indicators for the assessment
of the economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable development of food chains were
taken into account. The data for the analysis, such as prices and costs of food, wage levels by sector,
food miles and others, were obtained from various public services between 2020 and 2023. The
final qualitative assessment of the food sectors was uniform (“average”), while the longest analysis
of the results using the plus-minus-1 analysis method showed the reasons for such an assessment
in individual sectors (such as the ratio between the price of agricultural products and the price of
agricultural inputs is poor, the ratio between average gross salary in the individual food sector and
gross salary in the agricultural sector is poor, etc.). In addition to the results already mentioned,
recommendations or suggestions for building a sustainable food chain were made using the results of
the modelling. The research results contributed to a better understanding of the importance of stable
relationships between different groups of indicators and later showed their importance for improving
the functioning of agri-food chains. The results of the research will help various stakeholders (such
as the agricultural advisory service, decision-makers at the level of agricultural policy, researchers
in further analyses, and especially the international professional public interested in various case
studies from EU countries) to further analyse and plan for the organisation of the agricultural sector. Keywords: food sectors, value added, DEX methodology, plus-minus-1 analysis, Slovenia Published in DKUM: 29.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 8
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4. Assessment of concept between rural development challenges and local food systems : A combination between Multi-criteria decision analysis and econometric modelling approachJernej Prišenk, Jernej Turk, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: This study investigates the influence of social, economic, and environmental impacts on the promotion and marketing systems of local food products from mountain areas in Slovenia. These impacts were assessed using an econometric modelling approach. Two econometric models were developed (one for production and one for marketing). The case studies of local food products were selected from Slovenian mountain regions, most of which were from less-favored areas (LFAs). A majority of the selected food commodities were of high quality, with or without protected designations. Data collection was carried out via interviews. Due to production limitation on mountain areas in Slovenia and other constraints in LFAs, the socio-economic and environmental impacts on success of production and marketing systems need to be clarified. These relations present a potential impact on the wider socio-economic development in the region. The empirical results, obtained using an econometric modelling approach, clearly show the importance of encouraging the socio-economic and environmental impacts in ensuring the marketing and production potentials of local food products. The result express good relationships, and cooperation between the actors in the food supply chains contributing to a successful marketing system and production system of local food products (small, average, large) is dependent on the available local labour in mountain rural areas. Keywords: local food products, mountain areas, econometric modelling, socioeconomic impacts, evironmental impacts Published in DKUM: 02.07.2024; Views: 117; Downloads: 12
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5. Evaluation of traditional and indigenous horse breeds for wider intended use : Case study from SloveniaJernej Prišenk, Nina Filipič, Črtomir Rozman, Karmen Pažek, Jernej Turk, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: In this work, a new multi-criteria model for the evaluation of traditional and indigenous horse breeds, the HORQUAL model, was developed by applying the DEX (Decision Expert) method. The idea for this study culminated from brainstorming among researchers who had the importance of conserving traditional and indigenous horse breeds in Slovenia and their universal uses (recreative and sport) in mind. The conservation of native domestic animal breeds is one of the important indicators of sustainable agricultural development in particular countries. Here, the assessment process considered the horse breeds in terms of lifestyle, expectations, requirements and experiences. The development process was based on the multi-criteria decision analysis approach, and it was applied to seven traditional and indigenous Slovenian horse breeds. The horse breeds were classified into four groups of breed ratings according to the chosen criteria. The horse breeds were categorised as follows: “does not correspond to the criteria”, “less correspondence with the criteria”, “corresponds to the criteria” and “completely corresponds to the criteria”. The results of the HORQUAL model clearly show that it is easier and more effective to choose the most suitable breeds for specific purposes (i.e., recreative/sport horses with the potential for breeding along with acceptable costs, favourable temperament and suitable price) as they can easily be analysed or compared with each other, according to the criteria chosen in this paper. The rating by group takes the criteria for the multi-attribute evaluation that were identified by an expert group into account and balances between the assessment of recreational and sports needs for riders and the life expectancy for breeders. Additionally, incorporating the Plus-minus-1 analysis proved to be a useful support tool to analyse the assessments and to further improve horse breeding plans. Keywords: traditional horse breeds, indigenous horse breeds, multi-criteria model, DEX-model Published in DKUM: 02.07.2024; Views: 132; Downloads: 40
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6. Ocena scenarijev razvoja dopolnilne dejavnosti turizma na kmetijah s simulacijskim modelom sistemske dinamike : doktorska disertacijaMaja Borlinič Gačnik, 2022, doctoral dissertation Abstract: V doktorski disertaciji je bila izvedena analiza pomembnosti diverzifikacije nekmetijskih dejavnosti na kmetijah v Sloveniji – dinamike prehodov potencialnih kmetijskih gospodarstev v turistične kmetije, in sicer s pomočjo razvitega matematičnega simulacijskega modela. Izvedeni sta bili validacija in verifikacija modela. Opredeljene so bile ključne spremenljivke modela, tj. diverzificirane kmetije, izbris iz registra in prehodi. Ob spremembi vrednosti nabora ključnih parametrov je bilo izvedenih več simulacijskih tekov in obravnavanih več različnih scenarijev razvoja. Rezultati simulacije potrjujejo, da lahko s pomočjo modela sistemske dinamike ocenimo vplive ključnih spremenljivk na proces prehoda kmetijskih gospodarstev v turistične kmetije. Z modelom je bila ugotovljena pomembnost vloge subvencij in promocije. Opredeljena sta bila vpliv pojava bolezni covid-19 na celotni sistem obravnavane kmetijske problematike, ki pomembno vpliva na proces prehoda kmetijskih gospodarstev, in odziv sistema na omenjeno bolezen. Keywords: sistemska dinamika, modeliranje, diverzifikacija, turizem na kmetijah, kmetijska politika, simulacija scenarijev Published in DKUM: 25.04.2022; Views: 1130; Downloads: 174
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7. Vpliv različnih barv protitočnih mrež na naravno redčenje, mikroklimatske in svetlobne razmere v nasadu ter parametre kakovosti jabolk (Malus domestica Borkh.) : doktorska disertacijaMarinka Brglez Sever, 2021, doctoral dissertation Abstract: V intenzivnem nasadu jablan sorte ‘Braeburn Maririred’, v Brezju pri Oplotnici, smo raziskovali vpliv različnih barv protitočnih mrež na spektralne značilnosti svetlobe (transmisijo in refleksijo) in njenega vpliva na vegetativne in generativne kazalce razvoja ter parametre zrelosti in kakovosti. V štiriletni raziskavi smo preučevali vpliv interakcije med nekaterimi geomorfološkimi značilnostmi nasada (nadmorsko višino in naklonom terena) in svetlobo ter mikroklimatskimi razmerami v nasadu. Obravnavanja so predstavljala različne barve protitočnih mrež (rdeča, siva, modra, zelena in črna mreža), ki so imele enake tehnične lastnosti, ter nepokriti del nasada – kontrola. Rezultati potrjujejo statistično značilno zmanjšanje fotosintetskega aktivnega sevanja (PPFD) pod protitočnimi mrežami, najizraziteje pod modro in rdečo mrežo (v povprečju za 38,7 in 45,6 %). Rdeča, modra in zelena mreža vplivajo na različne spektre svetlobnega sevanja, medtem ko imata črna in siva mreža v celotnem območju svetlobnega sevanja enako refleksijo in transmisijo. Barva mreže nima enoznačnega vpliva na mikroklimatske razmere (povprečna temperatura zraka, minimalna temperatura zraka, maksimalna temperatura zraka, relativna zračna vlaga, temperatura rosišča, temperaturna točka vodne kapljice in toplotni indeks) razen na maksimalno temperaturo zraka pod modro mrežo, ki je bila v povprečju za 0,6 °C višja. Uporaba protitočnih mrež zmanjšuje hitrost vetra (v povprečju za 56,3 %) in pretok zraka (v povprečju za 63,4 %) ter izrazito spreminja razporeditev padavin v primeru močnega deževja ali rosenja. Geomorfološke lastnosti nasada so v pozitivni povezanosti z naklonom terena in PPFD. Prisotnost in barva protitočne mreže ne vplivata na vigor jablan in vsebnost topne suhe snovi v plodovih, medtem ko uporaba protitočnih mrež lahko vpliva na začetek zorenja (nižji škrobni indeks). Protitočne mreže, ne glede na barvo, pospešujejo naravno junijsko redčenje plodičev, kar lahko vpliva na velikost plodov, ki je odvisna tudi od obremenjenosti dreves. Manjša trdota plodov je v primeru uporabe protitočnih mrež posledica večjega naravnega redčenja pod mrežo oz. vremenskih razmer v nasadu. Mreže nimajo neposrednega vpliva na dinamiko zorenja (Streifov indeks zrelosti) in na razlike v barvi plodov. Kljub temu lahko modra, kot tudi rdeča in zelena mreža, vplivajo na hitrejšo dinamiko razvoja krovne barve plodov. Vpliv najpogosteje uporabljenih črnih protitočnih mrež na kakovost in zrelost plodov se ne razlikuje od drugih barvnih mrež. Keywords: jablana, barvne protitočne mreže, mikroklima, refleksija, transmisija, kakovost, barva, zrelost, nadmorska višina terena, naklon terena Published in DKUM: 15.12.2021; Views: 1225; Downloads: 109
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8. Swot analiza možnosti koriščenja naravnih energetskih virov v PomurjuInes Korošec, 2020, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Diplomsko delo je izdelano z namenom spoznavanja naravnih energetskih virov, tako so predstavljeni sončna, vetrna, vodna, geotermalna energija in biomasa. Ob tem smo želeli prikazati možnosti njihovega izkoriščanja v Pomurju. Raziskave so pokazale, da so med najbolj zastopanimi naravnimi viri v Pomurju biomasa, zatem sledi uporaba Sonca in geotermija. Vetra zaradi njegove šibkosti in vode zaradi zaščitenosti v obravnavani regiji ne izkoriščamo. Na kratko smo povzeli tudi ovire, na katere naletimo ob izkoriščanju naravnih energetskih virov in ugotovili, da so največje prepreke v okoljski in prostorski zakonodaji, zato bi morala država nastopiti bolj suvereno. S pomočjo SWOT analize smo s stališča štirih vidikov (prednosti, slabosti, priložnosti, nevarnosti) ovrednotili lastnosti in posebnosti posameznega naravnega energetskega vira. Analiza nam je pomagala, da smo podrobno spoznali določen vir ter nam na preprost način pokazala, kje so njegove močne in šibke točke. Keywords: obnovljivi viri, SWOT analiza, biomasa, Pomurje, geotermalna energija, hidroenergija, vetrna energija, sončna energija Published in DKUM: 03.12.2020; Views: 1398; Downloads: 189
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9. Analiza učinkov ukrepa Politike razvoja podeželja za pomoč mladim prevzemnikom kmetijskih gospodarstevLazar Pavić, 2019, doctoral dissertation Abstract: Namen doktorske disertacije z naslovom Analiza učinkov ukrepa Politike razvoja podeželja za pomoč mladim prevzemnikom kmetijskih gospodarstev je ugotavljanje rezultatov oziroma učinkov, ki jih je ukrep 112 (Pomoč mladim prevzemnikom kmetij) imel na izbrane agrarnoekonomske dejavnike kmetijskih gospodarstev na območju Slovenije. S tem namenom smo v prvem koraku razvili večje število modelov s pomočjo multiple regresije, ki smo jih v naslednjem koraku nadgradili z vključevanjem več skupin umetnih spremenljivk, ki opisujejo lastnosti kmetijskih gospodarstev in mladih prevzemnikov. Cilj doktorske disertacije je bil na podlagi razpoložljivih podatkov ugotoviti, v kolikšnem obsegu je sodelovanju v ukrepu 112 izboljšalo agrarnoekonomske dejavnike kmetijskih gospodarstev, in na podlagi tega podati smernice pri načrtovanju Skupne kmetijske politike (SKP) po letu 2020 za področje mladih prevzemnikov kmetijskih gospodarstev na območju Slovenije. Raziskava, ki je bila izvedena v okviru doktorske disertacije, je bila zasnovana na vzročno-posledičnih odnosih med dvema skupinama spremenljivk: odvisnimi in neodvisnimi. Za dodatno ugotavljanje uspešnosti izvedbe ukrepa 112 smo uporabili analizo skupin oziroma na podlagi rezultatov, ki jih ukrep imel na spremembo izbranih agrarnoekonomskih dejavnikov, poskušali vse kmetije razvrstiti v tri skupine glede na uspešnost izvedbe omenjenega ukrepa. Za razvrščanje v skupine smo uporabili nove spremenljivke, ki smo jih ustvarili z metodo glavnih komponent. Rezultati, ki smo jih predstavili v okviru doktorske disertacije, imajo tudi v širšem kontekstu pozitivne neposredne in posredne učinke na izzive, opredeljene v literaturi. Z njimi se bo Skupna kmetijska politika srečala po letu 2020, predvsem pa bodo prispevali k rasti delovnih mest, ki so podprta z inovacijami in prehodom na nove modele proizvodnje. Keywords: razvoj podeželja, kmetijska politika, mladi prevzemniki, regresijski modeli, analiza skupin Published in DKUM: 19.11.2019; Views: 2473; Downloads: 228
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10. Pregled in analiza uvedbe davčnih blagajn in davčno zakonodajnih novosti vezanih na dopolnilne dejavnosti na kmetijiMojca Kramberger, 2018, master's thesis/paper Abstract: Namen magistrskega dela je pregled novejše zakonodaje s področja obdavčitve dopolnilnih dejavnosti na kmetiji in ugotoviti ali ZDavPR vpliva na število dopolnilnih dejavnosti na kmetiji. V analizo smo vključili 90 nosilcev dopolnilnih dejavnosti. Ugotovili smo, da je ZDavPR najbolj prizadel dopolnilne dejavnosti, katerih letni promet ne presega 3.500 EUR, saj je kar 62 % respondentov v času uvedbe davčnih blagajn razmišljalo o opustitvi dopolnilnih dejavnosti. 26 % nosilcev tistih dopolnilnih dejavnosti, ki so ustvarili manj kot 3.500 EUR letnega prometa, pa je dejavnost zaprlo. ''Iz analize izhaja, da omenjeni zakon ni bil glavni razlog za opustitev dopolnilnih dejavnosti. Kljub temu je zaradi uvedbe davčnih blagajn dopolnilno dejavnost opustilo 5,75% vseh nosilcev. Keywords: ZDavPR, davčne blagajne, dopolnilne dejavnosti na kmetiji, davčna zakonodaja Published in DKUM: 12.10.2018; Views: 2286; Downloads: 140
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