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Globalizacija in prihodnost kadrovske funkcije v slovenskem okolju
Marjetka Lucija Prelog, 2024, master's thesis

Abstract: magistrske naloge z naslovom Globalizacija in prihodnost kadrovske funkcije v slovenskem okolju obravnava vpliv globalizacije na upravljanje človeških virov v slovenskih podjetjih. Naloga raziskuje, kako globalni trendi in tehnološki napredek oblikujejo kadrovske prakse ter kakšne izzive to predstavlja za slovenske organizacije. Namen raziskave je analizirati vpliv globalizacije na kadrovsko funkcijo, prepoznati glavne izzive pri implementaciji globalnih praks in predlagati rešitve za prilagoditev tem spremembam. V teoretičnem delu naloga pojasnjuje ključne pojme globalizacije, njen zgodovinski razvoj in vpliv na svetovno gospodarstvo. Obravnava tudi razvoj in vlogo kadrovske funkcije v sodobnih organizacijah ter spremembe, ki jih prinašata globalizacija in tehnološki napredek. Poseben poudarek je na izzivih, kot so iskanje in zadrževanje talentov, prilagajanje multikulturnim delovnim okoljem in implementacija digitalnih orodij v kadrovske procese. Raziskovalni del temelji na kvalitativni analizi, ki vključuje intervjuje s petimi slovenskimi kadrovskimi strokovnjaki. Namen teh intervjujev je bil pridobiti vpogled v aktualne prakse in izzive, s katerimi se soočajo slovenska podjetja. Ugotovljeno je, da globalizacija povečuje potrebe po fleksibilnih delovnih pogojih, raznolikosti v kadrih in uporabi digitalnih rešitev. Vendar pa so slovenska podjetja omejena z dostopom do naprednih kadrovskih orodij in s težavami pri prilagajanju globalnih praks lokalnim razmeram. Zaključek naloge poudarja pomen prilagoditve globalnih trendov lokalnim specifikam ter potrebo po stalnem izobraževanju kadrovskih strokovnjakov. Med priporočili so uvedba prilagodljivih delovnih pogojev, večja vlaganja v razvoj digitalnih kompetenc zaposlenih in večja usmerjenost v strateško kadrovsko načrtovanje. Globalizacija predstavlja izziv, vendar hkrati ponuja priložnosti za razvoj bolj konkurenčnih in inovativnih kadrovskih praks v Sloveniji.
Keywords: globalizacija, kadrovska funkcija, tveganja, tehnološki napredek, slovenska podjetja
Published in DKUM: 20.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 8
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Selekcijski postopki v podjetju x
Neža Videmšek, 2024, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Zaključno delo obsega celovit pregled procesa selekcijskih postopkov v podjetju X. V raziskovalnem delu je predstavljena podrobna analiza potreb po novem kadru, kjer so vključeni koraki, kot so analiza trenutnega stanja, identifikacija vrste delovnega mesta in določitev ciljev. Nadalje je opisan proces definiranja poklicnega mesta, ki zajema opis delovnega mesta, določitev zahtevanih kvalifikacij in profil idealnega kandidata. Uporabljene metode vključujejo kvalitativno analizo obstoječih praks podjetja ter intervjuje z vodilnim kadrom in predstavnico kadrovskega oddelka. Glavni rezultati raziskave so pokazali pomembnost natančnega opisa delovnega mesta in jasno definiranih kvalifikacij za uspešno zaposlitev novega kadra. Zaključki poudarjajo, da strateško načrtovanje in natančna opredelitev zahtev vodijo k boljši izbiri kandidatov in večji zadovoljnosti zaposlenih. Priporočila za podjetje X vključujejo redno posodabljanje opisov delovnih mest, nadaljnje izobraževanje kadrovskih strokovnjakov in implementacijo digitalnih orodij za učinkovitejše upravljanje selekcijskih postopkov.
Keywords: Selekcijski postopki, kadrovanje, opis delovnega mesta, kvalifikacije, profil kandidata
Published in DKUM: 15.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 9
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Climate change and agriculture management : Western Balkan region analysis
Franc Željko Županič, Danka Radić, Iztok Podbregar, 2021, review article

Abstract: Background: This paper aims to analyze the possibilities of the agricultural sector of the Western Balkan to assess compliance with the European Green Deal, which provides for the implementation of activities, which should enable the transition to sustainable agriculture and climate change mitigation. This paper is among the first to present the causality of agriculture and climate change (status, mitigation, and perspectives) in general and in light of the European Green Deal for the Western Balkan territory. Main text: Agricultural production is a leading industry in the Western Balkan. Climate change and predictions that temperatures will increase by 4 °C in the coming decades pose a risk not only to agricultural production but also to the safety of the population, because agriculture is the main source of income for a significant part of it. Uncontrolled floods and droughts caused by climate change are a particular danger for agriculture and human existence. This paper demonstrates that agriculture in the WB can be considered critically affected by climate change. Conclusions:Unless appropriate measures are taken and risk management for water resources and agriculture is improved, there will be a further decrease in precipitation and an increase in dry days by 20%. Such a scenario endangers not only the already vulnerable climate sustainability and biodiversity of the region but also the existence of a population employed in agriculture and the contribution of the agricultural sector to the gross domestic product. However, future planning based on the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) and European Green Deal, the adoption of a related regulatory framework, the establishment and regular monitoring of supporting financing mechanisms, regional cooperation, and improving risk management (with emphasis on the local level) can mitigate the present impact and decrease the expected negative impact of climate change on agriculture and biodiversity in the WB region.
Keywords: climate change, sustainable agriculture, risk management, Western Balkan countries, European Green Deal
Published in DKUM: 08.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 5
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Impact of car sharing on urban sustainability
Vasja Roblek, Maja Meško, Iztok Podbregar, 2021, review article

Abstract: The article gives us an insight into the key issues of car sharing and its impact on urban sustainability. A selection of 314 articles published in peer-reviewed journals from the Scopus database were analysed using Leximancer 5.0 for Automated Content analysis. A total of seven themes were identified explaining the researched topic of the car sharing situation in Europe, which are sharing, economy, model, systems, electrical car sharing, policy and travel. There are two ways of sharing owned cars in Europe; access to cars from the fleet of private organisations and P2P car sharing. Sustainable environmental solutions in the context of the electrification of cars are used. Car sharing usually takes place online and can be free or for a fee as defined by The European Economic and Social Committee. The article provides an overview of understanding the concept of urban car sharing in Europe.
Keywords: sustainability, urban sustainability, car sharing, Europe
Published in DKUM: 11.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 5
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Ovire pri ženskem vodenju: Primerjava Severne Makedonije in Slovenije
Mihaela Mihajloska, 2024, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Zaključno delo obravnava vprašanje enakosti spolov v vodstvenih položajih v Sloveniji in v Severni Makedoniji. Poudarja ovire, s katerimi se soočajo ženske na poti do vodstvenih mest, vključno s kulturnimi in družbenimi normami, strukturnimi izzivi, ravnotežjem med poklicnim in zasebnim življenjem ter diskriminacijo in spolnimi stereotipi. Raziskava analizira vpliv teh ovir na možnosti za napredovanje žensk ter preučuje primere dobrih praks in možnosti za izboljšanje enakopravnosti spolov v obeh državah. Poleg teoretičnega pregleda pa diplomsko delo vključuje empirične podatke iz intervjujev in analize statističnih podatkov.
Keywords: Ženske v vodstvu, enakost spolov, vodstveni položaji, Severna Makedonija, Slovenija
Published in DKUM: 11.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 1
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Electricity prices and consumer behavior, case study Serbia - randomized control trials method
Iztok Podbregar, Sanja Filipović, Mirjana Radovanović, Olga Mirković-Isaeva, Polona Šprajc, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: The aim of this research was to identify energy saving instructions effect on household’s electricity consumption. The research was conducted using Randomized Control Trials, which implied defining a treatment and control group on a sample of 330 households. The research was carried out in Republic of Serbia, where electricity prices are the lowest in Europe and electricity is used inefficiently. For quantitative analysis of data, the Difference in Difference method was used, which compares the changes in electricity consumption over time between the treatment and control group and estimates the overall impact of the energy saving instructions. The research showed that in situations where electricity price is very low, energy saving information does not have the significant impact on change in consumer behavior. However, inefficient use of electricity might be due to the different efficiency of heating devices used. Not only that the low impact of information on energy saving habits may be a consequence of the low will to change habit, but also of the impossibility to change the habit (unless changing the heating device, but this implies expenditures). Results can be used for consideration of changes in organization and regulation of the electricity market in all South Eastern European countries (SEE).
Keywords: electricity consumption, consumersʹ behavior, randomized control trials method, difference method, case study, Serbia
Published in DKUM: 10.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 5
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Vodenje sistema zaščite in reševanja (zir) v občini vrhnika s poudarkom na delovanju operativnih gasilskih enot
Benjamin Svenšek, 2024, master's thesis

Abstract: V magistrski nalogi obravnavamo organiziranost sistema zaščite in reševanja v Občini Vrhnika. Ob večjih intervencijah se štab najprej organizira operativno glede na področje nesreče, nato pa v celoti. Štab združuje člane Gasilske zveze Vrhnika in Civilne zaščite Občine Vrhnika, vodi enote za zaščito in reševanje ter načrtuje prihodnje korake. Pri tem je ključno skupno koordinirano vodenje, zato je pomembna analiza trenutnega stanja in ugotovitev potreb po nadgradnji. Cilj prvega dela magistrske naloge je analizirati delovanje štaba in usposobljenosti članov, ki pokrivajo različna področja sistema zaščite in reševanja. To so gasilci, zdravstveni delavci, logistiki in druge strukture organiziranega delovanja. Cilj drugega dela naloge se osredotoča na analizo organiziranja in vodenja operativnih gasilskih enot ter na njihovo opremljenost. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da ima večina članov številne izkušnje, preostale pa je treba dodatno usposobiti. Analiza je tudi potrdila, da se trenutno velika pozornost posveča na usposobljenosti, gasilcev kot so npr. izobraževanje za gasilskega častnika, usposabljanje za vodenje intervencij za vse poveljnike gasilskih društev in za člane štabov Civilne zaščite in Gasilske zveze Vrhnika. Ena izmed prednosti takšnega sistema je zagotovo medsebojno spoznavanje udeležencev in usklajevanje strokovnih postopkov. Analiza je potrdila pomembnost usposabljanja, saj je hiter odziv na nesrečo pogosto potreben. Povezovanje med gasilci na obmejnih območjih omogoča hitrejše posredovanje, prav tako pa je ključno tudi sodelovanje z ekipo nujne zdravstvene pomoči za zagotovitev učinkovitega reševanja v nujnih primerih.
Keywords: vodenje, SVOD, štab CZ Občine Vrhnika, poveljstvo GZ Vrhnika
Published in DKUM: 30.08.2024; Views: 110; Downloads: 7
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Primerjava nacionalnih strategij kriznega managementa med Slovenijo in Bosno in Hercegovino
Minela Kaltak, 2024, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Tema diplomskega dela je analiza in primerjava nacionalnih strategij kriznega managementa v Sloveniji ter Bosni in Hercegovini. V teoretičnem delu smo se osredotočili na pomen managementa, krize, kriznega managementa in strategij kriznega managementa. V svojih raziskovalnih dejavnostih raziskujemo strukturo, koordinacijo in strategije Slovenije ter Bosne in Hercegovine z namenom identifikacije ključnih razlik in podobnosti ter podajanja predlogov za izboljšanje kriznega upravljanja.
Keywords: kriza, krizni management, nacionalne strategije
Published in DKUM: 30.08.2024; Views: 85; Downloads: 17
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Climate change in the Western Balkans and EU green deal : status, mitigation and challenges
Sandi Knez, Snežana Štrbac, Iztok Podbregar, 2022, review article

Abstract: Background: The European Commission (EC), based on the European Green Deal (2019) and the Recovery plan for Europe (2021), envisages investing 30% of the budget in climate-related programs, projects, and initiatives, which clearly shows Europe's commitment to becoming the first climate-neutral region by 2050. Activities are also planned for countries that are not members of the European Union (EU), which require complex changes in the field of legislation, strategic planning, implementation, and monitoring. To successfully plan short-term and long-term activities on these grounds, it is necessary to have a realistic picture of the state of climate change in each country—as they spill over into the entire region of Europe. The main objective of this paper is to answer the following questions: (i) is climate change observed in Western Balkans? (ii) how are certain sectors vulnerable to climate change in Western Balkans? (iii) what are the climate change adaptation strategies in the six countries of the Western Balkans? The answers to these questions can help in planning activities and initial alignment of Western Balkan countries with the EU plan to achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050. Main body: The main results of the research show that in all countries of the region, the average annual temperature increased by 1.2 °C compared to 1970, with stabilization and the beginning of the decline which can be expected around 2040. The main reasons for climate change in the region are: industry, energy, and heating sector based on coal exploitation, low energy efficiency, etc. Conclusions: It can be concluded that Croatia as a member of the EU has adopted, and other five Western Balkans countries are in the process of adopting the necessary regulations and strategies towards climate change mitigation, but the implementation of specific activities is at a low level. The reason for this most often lies in the insufficient commitment of decision-makers to make significant changes in the field of climate change transition (lower level of economic development, lack of investment, and preservation of social peace). Finally, this paper provides an overview of climate change by country, scenario analysis, and policy recommendations.
Keywords: climate change, Western Balkans, European union, European green deal
Published in DKUM: 11.07.2024; Views: 85; Downloads: 9
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Decarbonisation of Eastern European economies : monitoring, economic, social and security concerns
Mirjana Radovanović, Sanja Filipović, Simonida Vukadinović, Milovan Trbojević, Iztok Podbregar, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: Background Decarbonisation of the European economy is one of the main strategic goals of energy transition in the European Union (EU), which aims to become a leader in this process by 2050 and to include other European countries making thus the European continent the first carbon neutral region in the world. Although decarbonisation is an important goal of the EU, the models for monitoring the progress of this process have not yet been clearly defined, and views on the social, economic, and security implications in terms of prioritising decarbonisation are conflicting. The main objective of this paper is to determine the methodological correctness of the existing method of decarbonisation monitoring, to develop a new monitoring model indicating the differences in the EU and European countries that are non-EU and to point out the underlying social, economic and security implications that must certainly find their place in the decision-making process in this field. Results The main results showed that there is no clearly defined model for monitoring the success of decarbonisation, while the indicators that are commonly used for this purpose make a model that, as the analysis shows—is methodologically incorrect. In the case of EU countries, the following indicators proved to be the most reliable: consumption-based CO2 and share in global CO2. For non-EU countries, the best monitoring indicators are CO2 per unit of GDP, consumption-based CO2, and renewable energy consumption. These indicators can explain 99% of the variance in decarbonisation success. Conclusions The basic conclusion of the paper is that even before the implementation, the decarbonisation monitoring model should be defined and methodologically tested, and the use of a single model for all EU countries or for all countries is not recommended. It is proposed to simplify the monitoring model, with an emphasis on monitoring of consumption-based CO2, which proved to be the most efficient in all sampled countries. The current method of monitoring is based exclusively on environmentally related indicators while ignoring the fact that decarbonisation is associated with almost all aspects of development. The additional social, economic and security aspects need to be developed and included in the further monitoring process.
Keywords: decarbonisation, Eastern European economies, monitoring, social implications, security aspects
Published in DKUM: 02.07.2024; Views: 144; Downloads: 14
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