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Didactics and communications criterion of distance education
Ivan Gerlič, 2009, original scientific article

Abstract: Last decade's technological development in the field of information technology has boosted the range of varieties of its use in the distance education and given new dimensions to this type of education. Distance learning nowadays is practised by several theory's, each differing from the other in its formal access, in the analyse of its teaching and learning materials, in its ways and range of counselling and the range of its communication with the participants, as well as in its didactic concept of preparing and forming learning materials, etc. Distance education is important criterion for new communication trends in education. Therefore it shall be covered more thoroughly in this work.
Keywords: education, didactics, distant learning, ICT, teacher training
Published in DKUM: 15.12.2017; Views: 1519; Downloads: 118
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Conceptual learning of physics in Slovenian primary schools
Ivan Gerlič, Robert Repnik, 2009, original scientific article

Abstract: Teaching and learning with computers (ICT) encompasses her help in educational process everywhere there where is this perhaps and reasonable. Using ICT as educated accessory mean search of optimal elements for teaching efficiency and for better achieving teaching objectives. Learning process of science, mathematic and technical subjects in elementary school in many situations demands practically and problem solved work. Conceptual learning of physics is computer based and its strategies lead pupils to a better understanding and use of more difficult processes (thinking, inferencing, using the knowledge). By conceptual way of learning we used "fizlets" as simulatory models. They are interactive materials, where processes happen in certain intervals and there is interaction between the model and the pupil. The main goal of study was to research the effects of conceptual way of learning in comparison with traditional classroom education when teaching the topics "Pressure and lifting power" in the eighth class of primary school. We tested four thinking processes of pupils (knowledge, analyses, inference and comparison). The main expected ascertainment of research was that the pupils, who were taught through the conceptual way achieved better results than those who were taught traditionally in the classroom. Hypotheses were confirmed. In general this article will show other users of teaching physics and science some didactic manners of preparing interactive educated materials.
Keywords: education, primary education, educational system, computers in education, ICT, sciences, physics, information technology, communication technology
Published in DKUM: 15.12.2017; Views: 1847; Downloads: 134
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Analiza elektronskih učbenikov za didaktiko fizike
Urška Zabavnik, 2016, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: V diplomski nalogi pojasnimo pomen klasičnega in elektronskega učbenika v izobraževanju, ter predstavimo njune prednosti in slabosti. V poplavi elektronskih gradiv in elektronskih učbenikov bi radi vedeli kakšno osnovo mora imeti e-učbenik, da ga lahko tako tudi imenujemo. Zato tudi predstavimo strokovna in didaktična izhodišča za izdelavo e-učbenikov, ki pa so vodilo k analizi primerov e-gradiv in e-učbenikov, ki smo jih izbrali. Predstavimo različne formate e-gradiv in e-učbenikov, ter njihove prednosti in slabosti. Na koncu pa z dovoljenjem avtorjeve knjige ( izr. prof. dr. Ivan Gerlič – Metodika pouka fizike v osnovni šoli) predstavimo knjigo v različnih statičnih in interaktivnem formatu. Na podlagi predelanih gradiv, narejene analize in izdelanih formatov smo lahko prišli do zaključkov prednosti, slabosti klasičnih in različnih tipov elektronskih učbenikov.
Keywords: e-učbenik, e-gradiva, fizika, analiza, didaktični pristopi, i-učbenik
Published in DKUM: 11.11.2016; Views: 1566; Downloads: 154
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Primerjava eksperimentalnega dela v učilnici in opazovanj v naravi pri poučevanju astronomskih vsebin v interesni dejavnosti osnovne šole
Alenka Ribič, 2016, master's thesis

Abstract: Pri raziskavi priljubljenosti fizike v osnovni in srednji šoli se je izkazalo, da je astronomija med najbolj priljubljenimi interesnimi dejavnostmi naravoslovja. Mnenja smo, da bi lahko vključevanje astronomskih vsebin v pouk osnovne šole povečalo priljubljenost fizike in tako povečalo vpis na fakulteto za fiziko. Astronomske vsebine lahko učitelj v osnovni šoli, razen v interesni dejavnosti, izvaja še pri pouku naravoslovja, fizike in pri izbirnih predmetih iz astronomije. V interesni dejavnosti Astronomija se izvaja predvsem metoda praktičnega dela. V magistrski nalogi smo na dveh osnovnih šolah analizirali uspešnost dveh modalitet metode praktičnih del eksperimentov v razredu in opazovanj v naravi pri pouku Astronomije kot interesne dejavnosti. Po izvedbi pouka smo znanje analizirali s testom, ki je vseboval vprašanja strategij presoje. Zanimalo nas je, pri kateri modaliteti bodo učenci usvojili več znanja na različnih nivojih. Predvidevali smo, da bodo učenci, ki so opazovali v naravi, pokazali več znanja. Preučili smo znanje učencev glede na razred in obisk astronomskih izbirnih predmetov. Izvedli smo intervjuje z učitelji osnovnih šol, na katerih izvajajo interesno dejavnost Astronomija, da bi ugotovili razlike in podobnosti v poučevanju. Opravili smo intervjuje z ravnatelji šol, na katerih izvajajo izbirne predmete iz astronomije oziroma interesno dejavnost Astronomija, da bi ugotovili način njihovega izvajanja.
Keywords: didaktika astronomije, interesne dejavnosti, eksperimentalno delo, opazovanja, osnovna šola
Published in DKUM: 10.08.2016; Views: 1816; Downloads: 177
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Konceptualno učenje in interaktivna učna gradiva
Ivan Gerlič, 2006, other scientific articles

Abstract: Pouk s pomočjo računalnika (IKT) obsega njeno pomoč v vzgojno-izobraževalnem procesu povsod tam, kjer je to mogoče in smiselno. Namen računalnika oz. IKT kot učnega pripomočka je iskanje optimalnih elementov in pripomočkov za pedagoško učinkovitost ter za boljše doseganje vzgojno-izobraževalnih smotrov. Pouk naravoslovno-matematičnih in tehniških predmetov v osnovni šoli v mnogih učnih situacijah zahteva praktično delo in problemski pouk. V prispevku bomo prikazali nekaj didaktičnih načinov za pripravo interaktivnih spletnih učnih gradiv - listov (z uporabo simulacij oz. javanskih programčkov - apletov)
Keywords: vzgoja in izobraževanje, izobraževalni sistem, računalnik v izobraževanju, naravoslovje, informacijska tehnologija, komunikacijska tehnologija, interaktivno učenje, interaktivna programska oprema, učenje na daljavo
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 3282; Downloads: 156
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Distance education models and new communication trends in education
Ivan Gerlič, 2007, original scientific article

Abstract: Last decade's technological development in the field of information technology has boosted the range of varieties of its use in the distance education and given new dimensions to this type of education. Distance-learning nowadays is practised by several theory's, each differing from the other in its formal access, in the analyse of its teaching and learning materials, in its ways and range of counselling and the range of its communication with the participants, as well as in its didactic concept of preparing and forming learning materials, etc. Distance education is important criterion for new communication trends in education. Therefore it shall be covered more thoroughly in this work.
Keywords: vzgoja in izobraževanje, izobraževanje na daljavo, učenje na daljavo, modeli učenja, didaktični modeli, komunikacijski modeli, spletno izobraževanje, education, distance education, distance learning, teaching models, didactic models, communication models, web-based education
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 2238; Downloads: 98
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Challenges of advanced technologies and school of the future
Ivan Gerlič, 2010, original scientific article

Abstract: The era of advanced technology claims a different individual. The individual that would undisturbed function in the era of digitalization and would better perceive and protect our environment with the help of accomplishments and benefits of advanced information and communication technology (ICT). There is no better time for learning and concretization of these values as in school. Nowadays pupils, the pupils of digital era, are more and more experienced in the usage of contemporary media and networks. That is why they require the modification of conditions and teachers' role in the school. Will new information and multimedia or hypermedia support for classrooms and new didactical ideas improve learning results, and stimulate innovation and greater pleasure towards learning and knowledge? All these questions will be answered in our contribution.
Keywords: education, traditional education, future education, computer classroom, multimedia classroom, educational networks
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 2028; Downloads: 399
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The conceptual learning of physics in Slovenian secondary schools
Simon Ülen, Ivan Gerlič, 2012, original scientific article

Abstract: In the last decade, educational researchers have been intensively searching for new, innovative teaching approaches. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has a great didactic potential and project COLOS (Conceptual Learning of Science) encourages the use of ICT in the contemporary educational process. In this paper we present the conceptual learning of Physics. With experimental research we investigated the effectiveness of such learning in Slovenian secondary school. Two groups of third-year students who were enrolled in an introductory Physics course participated in the study. In the experimental group students were taught through the conceptual learning and in the control group a traditional expository instruction was used. We examined the knowledge of students after carrying out lessons specifically on the topic of Electricity. Five thinking processes were assessed - Knowledge (Recall), Analysis, Comparison, Inference and Evaluation. We found that the conceptual learning was more effective than the traditional instruction.
Keywords: traditional instruction, conceptual learning, physics, ICT, simulations, physlets
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1288; Downloads: 360
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Učinkovitost računalniško podprtega pouka fizike v srednji šoli
Simon Ülen, Ivan Gerlič, 2012, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: V zadnjih štirih letih poteka v Sloveniji intenzivna posodobitev srednješolskih učnih programov. Osnovno vodilo posodobitve je poiskati tiste učne pristope oziroma metode poučevanja, ki bi omogočale dijakom doseganje globljih - višjih nivojev znanja. V posodobitvi aktivno sodelujemo tudi raziskovalci na področju poučevanja fizike. V prispevku prikazujemo del aktivnosti avtorske skupine, s poudarkom na analizi učinkovitosti računalniško podprtega pouka fizike v srednji šoli. V raziskavi smo, po izvedenih učnih urah iz izbranih poglavij Elektrike, preverjali znanje dijakov, pri čemer smo eno skupino dijakov (eksperimentalna skupina) poučevali z uporabo interaktivnih gradiv, ki smo jih posebej izdelali za raziskavo. Drugo skupino dijakov (kontrolna skupina) smo poučevali na tradicionalni način - frontalno, z metodo razlage in demonstracije. Testirali smo pet taksonomskih stopenj oziroma nivojev znanja dijakov: poznavanje, analizo, sklepanje, primerjavo in ovrednotenje. Rezultati dijakov eksperimentalne skupine so bili boljši od rezultatov dijakov kontrolne skupine na vseh taksonomskih stopnjah. Z rezultati študije smo potrdili našo domnevo, da je računalniško podprt fizike v srednji šoli eden izmed možnih učnih pristopov, ki omogoča doseganje višjih taksonomskih nivojev znanja ter tako lahko predstavlja uspešno dopolnitev, v izbranih primerih pa tudi alternativo tradicionalnemu poučevanju fizike.
Keywords: tradicionalni pouk, informacijska in komunikacijska tehnologija, simulacije, IKT
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1062; Downloads: 54
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