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Neoendogenous in- and output of selected rural areas: the case of economic cycles in Slovenia
Irma Potočnik Slavič, 2010, review article

Abstract: The article focuses on neoendogenous rural development that enables development of endogenous potentials of rural areas (human, social, economic, environmental etc. as development resources of the local territorial level) and external resources (i. e. RD programmes on national and EU level). Four Slovenian case study areas were chosen to test the existence, functioning and outcomes of economic cycles. The survey was undertaken on the smallest spatial-social unit (household), additionally existing voluntary local network (associations) and locally and widely connected economic structures (entrepreneurship) were observed. The research partly confirmed that the activation of endogenous potentials of rural areas is evident through the empowerment of (regional) economic cycles.
Keywords: economic geography, agricultural geography, rural areas, rural development, Slovenia
Published in DKUM: 29.03.2018; Views: 1069; Downloads: 96
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Prst kot učna snov v šolski geografiji
Milena Petauer, 2006, professional article

Abstract: Prst kot učna snov v šolski geografiji še vedno spada med zahtevnejše in manj priljubljene učne vsebine. Zato bi bilo potrebno prenoviti učne načrte tako za osnovno šolo kakor za gimnazije, kjer bi morali upoštevati boljšo vertikalnoin horizontalno povezanost vsebin. Prenova učnih načrtov bi prinesla tudi potrebo po novih učbenikih in delovnih zvezkih.
Keywords: pedogeografija, šolska geografija, učni načrti
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1488; Downloads: 62
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New challenges for sustainable rural development in the 21st century
2009, proceedings of peer-reviewed scientific conference contributions (international and foreign conferences)

Published in DKUM: 07.06.2012; Views: 1993; Downloads: 32
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