Three-Phase load current reconstruction using singleshunt current measurement and modified vector modulation for three-level DC-AC converter : doctoral dissertationHaris Kovačević, 2022, doctoral dissertation
Abstract: This doctoral thesis focuses on the development of Space Vector Modulation (SVM) techniques adjusted for single-shunt current measurement and applied to the three-level three-phase voltage source inverter. Based on the single-shunt current measurement, three-phase load currents are then reconstructed.
An overview of existing multilevel topologies and their main operating principles is provided within the thesis. To evaluate proposed SVM techniques adjusted for single-shunt current measurement, a three-level three-phase diode clamped voltage source inverter topology is selected. The main advantages of the selected topology are high efficiency, reduced semiconductor stress, the low capacitance of DC-link capacitors, etc. To reconstruct the three-phase load currents, a single-shunt is positioned inside the middle branch of the DC-link.
An overview of existing modulation techniques for two-level and multilevel inverters is provided within the thesis. To reconstruct three-phase load currents, three SVM methods are proposed within the thesis. Due to the lack of a current measurement window, while the voltage vector is positioned near sector or region boundary areas, additional modifications are required. The first SVM method shifts the SVM signals to ensure the minimum current measurement window needed for measurement with minimum additional vector injection. Such an approach ensures the high modulation index values greater than 0.8 with the smallest current ripple due to the SVM signal symmetry. The second method intentionally injects the colinear voltage vector into the existing vector combination to ensure the minimum time window required for current measurement. As a drawback, a smaller modulation index compared to the first method can be achieved. As an advantage, a very low modulation index of less than 0.2 can be achieved. The third method simplifies the second method by using a single SVM pattern. Such a method can be used only for very low modulation indexes and can be applied for two-level and three-level inverters.
The proposed SVM methods are implemented within the Digital Signal Processor (DSP). Experimental results confirm the proper operation of the proposed methods applied to the three-level diode clamped voltage source inverter.
Keywords: single-shunt, three-level inverter, SVM modification, current reconstruction, vector injection
Published in DKUM: 09.03.2023; Views: 396; Downloads: 64
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