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Razvoj in integracija sistema za regulacijo osvetljenosti prostora v okolju internet stvari : magistrsko delo
Gregor Jeromel, 2019, master's thesis

Abstract: Namen magistrskega dela je bil izdelati sistem za regulacijo osvetljenosti prostora s pomočjo zunanjih žaluzij z uporabo koncepta internet stvari. Za sistem smo izdelali vezje za regulacijo z možnostjo povezave v internetno omrežje preko brezžične tehnologije WiFi. Glavno vezje podatke sprejema in posreduje na posrednik MQTT preko komunikacijskega protokola MQTT, ki deluje na način objavi/naroči. To da sistemu zmožnost, da ga upravljamo in nadzorujemo s pomočjo pametne naprave na daljavo na dokaj enostaven način. Glavno vezje in koncept sta zasnovana tako, da omogočata razširitev sistema v pametno okolje Smart Lab. Poleg izdelave vezja je bilo treba izdelati strojne elemente, strojno programsko opremo za vezje ter uporabniški vmesnik na aplikaciji za pametno napravo. Magistrsko delo zajema tudi opis teorije uporabe protokola MQTT, izdelavo merilnika za osvetljenost, meritev potrebnega navora za premik žaluzij in testiranje sistema.
Keywords: Internet stvari, IoT, MQTT, regulacija osvetljenosti, koračni motor
Published in DKUM: 04.12.2019; Views: 1381; Downloads: 147
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An analysis of the geomechanical processes in coal mining using the Velenje mining method
Gregor Jeromel, Milan Medved, Jakob Likar, 2010, original scientific article

Abstract: With in-depth geomechanical analyses of sub-level mining using the longwall mining method we can identify the relationships between the physical and mechanical parameters of geological materials, depending on the intensity of the coal extraction. The extent and the intensity of the mining operations impose impacts on the stresses and cause deformation changes in the rocks and in the coal seams on a broader area of excavations. The method of sub-level coal extraction requires multi-caving of the hanging-wall layers, which are recompressed, and in sub-level stoping each represents a hanging wall. The repeating processes of caving-in and compression, from the aspect of the theory of plasticity, have been relatively little researched because every such process brings about structural changes in natural, multi-caved and recompressed materials in the hanging wall. The intensity of the coal extraction has direct impacts on the surrounding and distant mining areas. Extensive stress and deformation changes in the surrounding area, and in the mine, represent a safety hazard for the employees, since the supporting system in the mine roadway could collapse. Therefore, a controlled excavation of the coal, and a good understanding of the geomechanical properties of all the materials and processes involved, is extremely important for planning and managing economic production, while also ensuring safe mining operations. A numerical model that allows for in-depth analyses of the geomechanical processes that occur in the hanging wall, the footwall and in the coal seam during sub-level coal excavation, is broadly applicable and highly relevant for analysing the intensity and the level of the caving processes in sub-level coal mining, and for making realistic plans for coal excavation with workers’ safety in mind.
Keywords: coal mining, sub-level mining method, longwall coal mining method, carving processes, finite-difference method, FLAC, mathematical model
Published in DKUM: 11.06.2018; Views: 1117; Downloads: 99
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Gregor Jeromel, 2016, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Vsebina diplomskega dela zajema potek meritve cevke s pomočjo strojnega vida, opis merilne naprave, opis uporabljenih komponent, opis programa za vrtenje merjenca, predstavitev programa za delovanje uporabniškega vmesnika, opis krmilnega programa in navodila za upravljanje s programom uporabniškega vmesnika. Zahteva ponudnika je bila, da naj bo meritev krajša od 2,5 s, mi pa smo jo uspeli izvesti z zadostno mero kvalitete pri 650 ms. Za pridobitev teh rezultatov smo uporabili metodo z vrtenjem servomotorja po korakih v dolžini koraka po 5°. Ideja in izvedba merilnega sistema je zadovoljila pogoje naročnika in je bila prodana.
Keywords: Merilni sistem, Sysmac, Sysmac studio, strijni vid, uporabniški vmesnik
Published in DKUM: 24.10.2016; Views: 1527; Downloads: 103
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