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2. Intercultural differences in the purchase and information behaviour of young consumersBeno Klemenčič, Gabrijel Devetak, Darko Števančec, 2012, original scientific article Abstract: Pressures in the contemporary marketing environment are getting bigger and companies and marketers are required to know consumers and their purchase and information behaviour. In this article we studied the behaviour of consumers and the factors of purchase and information behaviour of young consumers when choosing clothes. We found out about the meaning of individual clothing characteristics having impact on the purchase decision making (price, trademark, fitting of clothing, design, quality, etc.). Consumers receive and look for information at different sources (radio commercials, TV commercials and shows, fashion magazines, catalogue sales, social networks, friends and acquaintances, etc.). With the empiric research we wanted to find out to what measure individual sources influence the purchase decision of an individual. We studied young people aged from 15 to 24 in the countries of the EU (Slovenia, Austria and Germany) and the United States of America. We especially focused on characteristic differences. Knowing intercultural differences is important for global companies of the clothing industry for forming their marketing strategies. On the sample of 440 young people who took part in the survey we found out that intercultural differences exist regarding the influence of individual information sources and regarding the factors of purchase decision making. Considering the stated we propose companies operating in global markets on both continents to prepare differentiated marketing strategies. Keywords: consumer behaviour, clothing, marketing strategies, intercultural differences Published in DKUM: 23.01.2018; Views: 1560; Downloads: 381
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3. Relation between knowledge management and turnover in Slovenian micro and small start-up organisationsRiko Novak, Vasja Roblek, Gabrijel Devetak, 2013, original scientific article Abstract: This article discusses the importance of knowledge management and employee turnover, using the example of selected Slovenian organisations, in particular, technology parks. The purpose of this article is to point out statistical characteristics between employee turnover and certain selected independent variables. The empirical research was conducted on a population of 667 Slovenian organisations gathered from the subjects of an innovative environment database, and a further sample of 51 chosen technology parks from the A group. By implementing multivariate regression analysis, we sought to examine whether knowledge requirements and knowledge transfer paths in these organisations have a statistically significant influence on employee turnover. The aim of this article is to present the results of empirical research that defines the development of a conceptual framework for understanding the influence of knowledge management on employee turnover. The results have shown that the importance of intellectual and social capital, intangible capital assets and their continuous measurement must be acknowledged within an organisation. Keywords: employee turnover, knowledge management, organisations, employees Published in DKUM: 22.01.2018; Views: 1348; Downloads: 432
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4. Importance of motivating factors for international mobility of students : empirical findings on selected higher education institutions in EuropeRiko Novak, Anja Slatinšek, Gabrijel Devetak, 2013, original scientific article Abstract: This article explores the importance of motivating factors for the international mobility of undergraduate students who participated in a mobility programme and completed part of their studies at selected higher education institutions. The empirical research was conducted on a population of 3,539 mobile undergraduate students, who took part in mobility programmes between 2006 and 2011 at three selected higher education institutions in three different European countries (1 - Germany: Duale Hochschule Baden‑Württemberg Karlsruhe, 2 - Norway: University of Tromsø, 3 - Slovenia: University of Primorska, Faculty of Management). The purpose of this article is to present the underlying motivating factors in relation to the selected institution on a sample of 288 undergraduate students during the period studied. On the basis of these findings, we came to the conclusion that most of the students participated in students’ mobility programmes especially to gain international study and life experiences. Furthermore, we established a statistically significant difference in the duration of a mobility period in connection with gender and the satisfaction with the mobility programme. Keywords: international mobility, mobility motivating factors, higher education institution Published in DKUM: 30.12.2015; Views: 1917; Downloads: 191
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5. Zen vodenja : zelo enostaven način vodenjaGabrijel Devetak, 2006, review, book review, critique Keywords: vodenje, menedžment, poslovna komunikacija, trženje, Bric, R., Straže B., Djukić, D., Bogdanovski J., Šimac, I., Robnik, L. in Jug, A.: Zen vodenja Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1402; Downloads: 48
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6. Management kakovostiGabrijel Devetak, 2006, review, book review, critique Abstract: Management kakovosti, Janez Marolt in Boštjan Gomišček Keywords: menedžment, management, kakovost, standardi, Marolt, J. in Gomišček, B.: Management kakovosti Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 3643; Downloads: 423
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9. Raziskava marketingaGabrijel Devetak, 2007, review, book review, critique Abstract: Raziskava marketinga, Dušan Radonjič in Matjaž Iršič Keywords: marketing, raziskave, informacijski sistem, trženje, Radonjič, Dušan in Iršič, Matjaž: Raziskava marketinga Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 2054; Downloads: 170
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