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36th Bled eConference – Digital Economy and Society: The Balancing Act for Digital Innovation in Times of Instability : June 25 – 28, 2023, Bled, Slovenia, Conference Proceedings, Second Edition
2023, proceedings

Abstract: The Bled eConference, organised by the University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, has been shaping electronic interactions since 1988. The theme of the 36th conference is "Digital Economy and Society: The Balancing Act for Digital Innovation in Times of Instability". In times of instability, which include political, economic, resource, health, and environmental challenges on the one hand, and technological disruption on the other, it is critical to ensure that digital innovation continues to lead to the right and sustainable solutions that are tailored to the needs of all people, enterprises and society. It is very important to keep in mind the protection of our planet, including fauna and flora. These efforts include adopting appropriate regulatory frameworks, fostering digital literacy and skills development, promoting inclusive access to digital technologies, and addressing the ethical, social and environmental implications of digital transformation. The papers in this conference proceedings address digital transformation of enterprises, artificial intelligence and data science solutions, decision analytics for business and societal challenges, new, digital and data driven business models, digital consumer, digital education, digital health, digital ethics, restructured work and solutions for smart and sustainable cities. We continue to provide an open forum for academia, including students, industry, and policy makers where everyone can contribute to creating a better world.
Keywords: digital economy, digital society, digital transformation, digital innovation, instability, balancing
Published in DKUM: 12.12.2023; Views: 472; Downloads: 56
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36th Bled eConference – Digital Economy and Society: The Balancing Act for Digital Innovation in Times of Instability : June 25 – 28, 2023, Bled, Slovenia, Conference Proceedings

Abstract: The Bled eConference, organised by the University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, has been shaping electronic interactions since 1988. The theme of the 36th conference is "Digital Economy and Society: The Balancing Act for Digital Innovation in Times of Instability". In times of instability, which include political, economic, resource, health, and environmental challenges on the one hand, and technological disruption on the other, it is critical to ensure that digital innovation continues to lead to the right and sustainable solutions that are tailored to the needs of all people, enterprises and society. It is very important to keep in mind the protection of our planet, including fauna and flora. These efforts include adopting appropriate regulatory frameworks, fostering digital literacy and skills development, promoting inclusive access to digital technologies, and addressing the ethical, social and environmental implications of digital transformation. The papers in this conference proceedings address digital transformation of enterprises, artificial intelligence and data science solutions, decision analytics for business and societal challenges, new, digital and data driven business models, digital consumer, digital education, digital health, digital ethics, restructured work and solutions for smart and sustainable cities. We continue to provide an open forum for academia, including students, industry, and policy makers where everyone can contribute to creating a better world.
Keywords: digital transformation, digital business, digital technologijes, innovations, digitalization, sustainable development, smart and sustainable cities and societies, digital health, artificial intelligence and data science, digital ethics, digital education, restructured work, digital consumer, smart and sustainable cities
Published in DKUM: 26.06.2023; Views: 664; Downloads: 170
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Vpliv informacijskih tehnologij na trajnostno uspešnost organizacij
Doroteja Vidmar, 2021, doctoral dissertation

Abstract: Organizacije se v današnjem času spopadajo z zahtevami po hitrih prilagoditvah poslovanja, ki prihajajo s strani njihovih strank, poslovnih partnerjev, konkurentov in s strani zakonodaje. Tako digitalna kot trajnostna preobrazba sta v zadnjih letih postali nujni strateški usmeritvi, ki se ju organizacije poslužujejo z namenom dolgoročnega preživetja in izboljšanja konkurenčne prednosti. Predstavljena raziskava prikazuje, da je trajnostni in digitalizacijski vidik sprememb, ki se v organizacijah odvijajo sočasno, mogoče integrirati. Povezava je prikazana v interdisciplinarnem raziskovalnem modelu, ki povezuje področja informacijskih sistemov, poslovnih modelov in trajnostnega razvoja. V okviru raziskave smo izvedli intervjuje in anketiranje v malih, srednje velikih in velikih organizacijah v Sloveniji. Raziskali smo, kateri dejavniki informacijskih tehnologij, organizacijski dejavniki in dejavniki poslovnega okolja vplivajo na spremembe, uvedene v poslovni model, s poudarkom na digitalizaciji poslovnega modela. Prav tako smo se osredotočili na vpliv sprememb poslovnega modela na tri sestavine trajnostne uspešnosti: finančno, okoljsko in družbeno. Gre za prvo tovrstno integracijo raziskovalnih področij informacijskih sistemov, poslovnih modelov in trajnostnega razvoja. Izsledki raziskave ponujajo globlji vpogled v spremembe, ki se v organizacijah odvijajo pod vplivom informacijskih tehnologij ter organizacijskega in poslovnega okolja. Rezultati raziskave so zanimivi tako za deležnike v organizacijah kot za raziskovalce, ki iščejo nove načine za spodbujanje trajnostnega razvoja in digitalizacije v organizacijah.
Keywords: informacijske tehnologije, IT, IS, poslovni modeli, trajnostna uspešnost
Published in DKUM: 03.11.2021; Views: 1451; Downloads: 225
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34th Bled eConference Digital Support from Crisis to Progressive Change : June 27 – 30, 2021, Online Conference Proceedings
2021, proceedings

Abstract: Bled eConference, organized by University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, has been shaping electronic interaction since 1988. In 2021, Bled eConference was held online for the 2nd time due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The role of digital technologies has never been more important than during the pandemic, allowing people to interact, collaborate and find new opportunities and ways to overcome challenges. The theme of the 34th conference is "Digital Support from Crisis to Progressive Change". Society is beginning to envision what the post-crisis world will look like and is calling for different economic models for the well-being and sustainable development of society. Digital technologies play an important role in achieving these goals. We address the opportunities and challenges of digital transformation and provide guidance for organizations. Topics of the conference proceedings include Digital Transformation, Digital Business, Business Models, Data Science, Digital Health, Digital Wellness, Digital Ethics, Digital Education, Sustainable Cities and Digital Consumers.
Keywords: digital, support, crisis, progressive, change
Published in DKUM: 23.06.2021; Views: 1008; Downloads: 27
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32nd Bled eConference Humanizing Technology for a Sustainable Society : June 16 – 19, 2019, Bled, Slovenia, Conference Proceedings
2019, proceedings of peer-reviewed scientific conference contributions (international and foreign conferences)

Abstract: Bled eConference, organized by University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, has been shaping electronic interactions since 1988. Bled eConference is the oldest, most traditional and well renowned conference in the field with more than 30 years of tradition. The theme of this year’s 32nd conference is dedicated to “Humanizing Technology for a Sustainable Society”. In 2018, European Commission emphasized that in the future, competitiveness will be dependent on the ability to move towards sustainability, resource-efficiency and the ability to exploit the advantages of digital technologies. In the context of digital society, implementation of digital technologies to achieve higher efficiency and competitive advantage is insufficient. Society calls for different economy models; more responsible, righteous and less exploitative. In this year’s conference, we address various aspects of these challenges and provide directions and guidelines for organizations to meet and overcome these challenges on their way towards successful digital transformation. Themes covered in the papers of these proceedings are focused on: digital transformation; business model innovation; blockchain and social media; big data, data science, and decision support systems; e-health, digital wellness and wellbeing; new applications and organizational models; and novel approaches and cases in education in digital economy.
Keywords: digital transformation, digital technology, innovation, digitalization, sustainability
Published in DKUM: 13.12.2019; Views: 1533; Downloads: 115
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Testiranje protireklamnih vtičnikov
Doroteja Vidmar, 2017, master's thesis/paper

Abstract: V magistrski nalogi smo raziskali različne vrste spletnih oglasov in protireklamnih vtičnikov (ad blockerjev). Zanimalo nas je, kaj je privedlo do njihovega nastanka in priljubljenosti ter na kakšne načine delujejo. Teoretična spoznanja smo strnili in jih nato preverili v praksi, oziroma uporabili za izdelavo spletne strani, katere namen je testiranje delovanja protireklamnih vtičnikov s pomočjo oglasov. Gre torej za združitev oglasov in uporabnika, ki se oglasov izogiba. Hkrati želimo na spletni strani objavljati vsebino, vezano na področje blokiranja oglasov. Gre za koncept, za katerega predvidevamo, da bo pritegnil tako bralce kot tudi oglaševalce.
Keywords: protireklamni vtičnik, testiranje, oglaševanje
Published in DKUM: 14.09.2017; Views: 1203; Downloads: 288
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Doroteja Vidmar, 2014, bachelor thesis/paper

Abstract: V diplomski nalogi je predstavljena izdelava spletne strani "Kje je moj bicikel?". Ideja o spletni strani, na kateri bi postavili spletno odložišče odtujenih koles, se je rodila ko smo izvedeli, da je na letni ravni samo v Sloveniji ukradenih več tisoč koles. Lotili smo se izdelave. Spletno stran smo izdelali na platformi Wordpress z uporabo vtičnikov in zgolj osnovnim poznavanjem php kode. Izdelek je spletna stran, ki združuje informacije o preventivi in ravnanju v primeru kraje kolesa, aktualen seznam ukradenih koles, ki ga urejajo uporabniki, v bodoče pa jo želimo razširiti tudi s trgovino neukradenih rabljenih koles.
Keywords: spletna stran, kraje koles, Wordpress, PHP
Published in DKUM: 28.01.2015; Views: 2198; Downloads: 248
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