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Translation of ethnographic terminology, characteristic of Markovci
Doroteja Kostanjevec, 2009, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Slovenia has a rich diversity of ethnographical heritage and its customs and habits. In the diploma work with the title Translation of ethnographic terminology characteristic for Markovci the characteristic vocabulary of the ethnographic heritage of Markovci and its surroundings is presented. The village Markovci is known for its traditional carnival mask "korant" in Slovenia as well as elswhere in the world. Besides the korant there are also many other carnival masks like the cockerels, spearsmen, rusas, melikas, hens, ploughmen, fairies and bears, which are typical of this place. Different experts have already described and mentioned the korant in their works. The korant and his outfit and other traditional carnival figures are described in the interdialect, which is spoken in Markovci. In Markovci a special kind of interdialect is spoken, which is a mixture between the dialect of Prlekija "prleško narečje" and the speech of eastern Haloze. The purpose or aim of this diploma work is to represent the Markovci municipality and its carnival heritage. We will be faced with the problem how to translate special terms connected with the ethnographical heritage. I looked for some sentences, vocabulary and terms that were difficult to translate because of the interdialect from Markovci. I looked for some psycholinguistic problems in the text. In the theoretical part of the diploma work I did a research on masks, masquerading and translating dialects. In the empirical part I translated a text about the traditional ethnographical masks from Markovci. Then I have made an analysis about the translational problems concerning lexis, grammar and context. At the end of the diploma work all of the vocabulary is collected in a dictionary, where one can find the written word, its meaning, usage in a sentence and the origin of the word.
Keywords: KLJUČNE BESEDE: prevajanje narečij, panonska narečna skupina, prleško narečje, markovsko mednarečje, narečno besedje pustnih običajev, kontrastivna analiza, slovar etnografskega besedja
Published in DKUM: 13.01.2010; Views: 3019; Downloads: 309
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Besedje pustnih običajev v Markovcih
Doroteja Kostanjevec, 2009, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: V diplomskem delu z naslovom Besedje pustnih običajev v Markovcih je predstavljeno besedišče, ki je povezano z etnografsko dediščino Markovcev in okolice. Kraj Markovci je poznan v Sloveniji in svetu po svoji tradicionalni pustni maski korant. Poleg koranta je kraj bogat še z mnogimi ostalimi pustnimi maskami, kot so piceki, kopjaši, rusa, melika, kurika, orači, vile in medvedi. Različni strokovnjaki so koranta že velikokrat opisali in omenjali v svojih delih. Korant in njegova oprava ter ostali tradicionalni pustni liki pa še nikjer in nikdar niso bili opisani v markovskem mednarečju. V Markovcih se namreč govori posebno mednarečje, ki je nekakšna mešanica med prleškim narečjem in vzhodno haloškim govorom. Namen oziroma cilji diplomske naloge so najprej predstaviti občino Markovci ter njeno pustno dediščino ter iz različnih virov poiskati že obstoječe opise korantov in ostalih pustnih likov. Zbrani so tudi posnetki člana etnografskega društva Korant Markovci, ki opisuje vse pustne like v domačem narečju. Posebej podrobno bo opisan potek priprave korantove opreme, ki ga je opisoval izdelovalec korantij. Govori so zapisani s fonetično transkripcijo. Vse besedje je na koncu diplomske naloge zbrano v slovar, kjer je zapisana beseda, njen pomen, uporaba v stavku in izvor besede.
Keywords: KLJUČNE BESEDE: dialektologija, panonska narečna skupina, prleško narečje, markovsko mednarečje, narečno besedje pustnih običajev.
Published in DKUM: 23.12.2009; Views: 3185; Downloads: 410
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