1. Environmental factors influencing the distribution of habitat types in the highlands of the Kamnik - Savinja AlpsSonja Škornik, Igor Paušič, Tone Novak, Franc Janžekovič, Danijel Ivajnšič, Mihaela Tostovršnik, Peter Kozel, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: In this work, we investigated the relationship between habitat types (HTs) and selected environmental factors in the highlands at altitudes of 1800–2558 m in the Kamnik-Savinja (KS) Alps in Slovenia. For 275 sampling sites, we identified seven HTs in their typical form and 11 ecotones, and provided field and modelled data for 14 environmental factors. HTs-environment relationships were analysed using multivariate ordination methods. In addition, binomial generalised linear mixed models were applied to reveal the influence of environmental factors on the occurrence of most frequent HTs in the study area [Outer Alpine Pinus mugo scrub (EUNIS code F2.4/Natura 2000 code 4070*), Southern rusty sedge grasslands (E4.413/6170), Cushion sedge carpets (E4.433/6170) and Fine calcareous screes (H2.43/8120)]. Results showed that certain modelled data (e.g. average annual air temperature) combined with field measurements (e.g. inclination, soil surface and soil moisture) can be effective predictors of most representative HTs in the study area, and thus useful for further refining of monitoring. Our study contributes to the knowledge and understanding of the relationships between environmental conditions and the occurrence of highland HTs in KS Alps, which probably concerns a great part of the Alpine highlands. Such knowledge is essential for assessing credible long-term conservation planning. Keywords: Alpine habitat types, multivariate analysis, Pinus mugo, alpine and subalpine calcareous grasslands, Natura 2000, Slovenia Published in DKUM: 10.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 4
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2. Factors influencing habitat selection of three cryptobenthic clingfish species in the shallow North Adriatic SeaDomen Trkov, Danijel Ivajnšič, Marcelo Kovačić, Lovrenc Lipej, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: Cryptobenthic fishes were often overlooked in the past due to their cryptic lifestyle, so knowledge of their ecology is still incomplete. One of the most poorly studied taxa of fishes in the Mediterranean Sea is clingfish. In this paper we examine the habitat preferences of three clingfish species (Lepadogaster lepadogaster, L. candolii, and Apletodon incognitus) occurring in the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic). The results show that all three species have a cryptic lifestyle and are well-segregated based on their depth distribution and macro- and microhabitat preferences. L. lepadogaster inhabits shallow waters of the lower mediolittoral and upper infralittoral, where it occurs on rocky bottoms under stones. L. candolii similarly occurs in the rocky infralittoral under stones, but below the lower distribution limit of L. lepadogaster, and in seagrass meadows, where it occupies empty seashells. Such hiding places in seagrass meadows are also occupied by A. incognitus, which mostly occurs below the lower distribution limit of L. candolii. Despite the overlap of depth and macrohabitat, the probability of individuals of two species encountering each other or competing in the same habitat is low when the depth range is combined with the microhabitat preferences of these species. Keywords: cryptobenthic fish, clingfish, habitat selection, depth distribution, Lepadogaster lepadogaster, Lepadogaster candolii, Apletodon incognitus Published in DKUM: 18.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 3
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3. GIS-based modelling reveals the fate of antlion habitats in the Deliblato SandsDanijel Ivajnšič, Dušan Devetak, 2020, original scientific article Abstract: The Deliblato Sands Special Nature Reserve (DSSNR; Vojvodina, Serbia) is facing a fast successional process. Open sand steppe habitats, considered as regional biodiversity hotspots, have drastically decreased over the last 25 years. This study combines multi-temporal and -spectral remotely sensed data, in-situ sampling techniques and geospatial modelling procedures to estimate and predict the potential development of open habitats and their biota from the perspective of antlions (Neuroptera, Myrmeleontidae). It was confrmed that vegetation density increased in all parts of the study area between 1992 and 2017. Climate change, manifested in the mean annual precipitation amount, signifcantly contributes to the speed of succession that could be completed within a 50-year period. Open grassland habitats could reach an alarming fragmentation rate by 2075 (covering 50 times less area than today), according to selected global climate models and emission scenarios (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5). However, M. trigrammus could probably survive in the DSSNR until the frst half of the century, but its subsequent fate is very uncertain. The information provided in this study can serve for efective management of sand steppes, and antlions should be considered important indicators for conservation monitoring and planning. Keywords: antlions, biodiversity, climate change, Serbia Published in DKUM: 03.09.2024; Views: 32; Downloads: 13
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4. A spatial decision support system for traffic accident prevention in different weather conditionsDanijel Ivajnšič, David Pintarič, Jaša Veno Grujić, Igor Žiberna, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: Natural conditions play an important role as determinants and cocreators of the spatiotemporal road traffic accident Hot Spot footprint; however, none of the modern commercial, or open-source, navigation systems currently provides it for the driver. Our findings, based on a spatiotemporal database recording 11 years of traffic accidents in Slovenia, proved that different weather conditions yield distinct spatial patterns of dangerous road segments. All potentially dangerous road segments were identified and incorporated into a mobile spatial decision support system (SLOCrashInfo), which raises awareness among drivers who are entering or leaving the predefined danger zones on the street network. It is expected that such systems could potentially increase road traffic safety in the future. Keywords: GIS, mobile application, spatial databases, spatial patterns, traffic safety Published in DKUM: 20.08.2024; Views: 63; Downloads: 11
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5. Revealing the spatial pattern of weather-related road traffic crashes in SloveniaDanijel Ivajnšič, Nina Zver, Igor Žiberna, Eva Konečnik Kotnik, Danijel Davidović, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: Despite an improvement in worldwide numbers, road traffic crashes still cause social, psychological, and financial damage and cost most countries 3% of their gross domestic product. However, none of the current commercial or open-source navigation systems contain spatial information about road traffic crash hot spots. By developing an algorithm that can adequately predict such spatial patterns, we can bridge these still existing gaps in road traffic safety. To that end, geographically weighted regression and regression tree models were fitted with five uncorrelated (environmental and socioeconomic) road traffic crash predictor variables. Significant regional differences in adverse weather conditions were identified; Slovenia lies at the conjunction of different climatic zones characterized by differences in weather phenomena, which further modify traffic safety. Thus, more attention to speed limits, safety distance, and other vehicles entering and leaving the system could be expected. In order to further improve road safety and better implement globally sustainable development goals, studies with applicative solutions are urgently needed. Modern vehicle-to-vehicle communication technologies could soon support drivers with real-time traffic data and thus potentially prevent road network crashes. Keywords: GIS, hot spot analyses, traffic safety, spatial modelling, weather patterns Published in DKUM: 20.08.2024; Views: 92; Downloads: 9
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6. The Lyme borreliosis spatial footprint in the 21st century : a key study of SloveniaDaša Donša, Jaša Veno Grujić, Nataša Pipenbaher, Danijel Ivajnšič, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: After mosquitoes, ticks are the most important vectors of infectious diseases. They play an important role in public health. In recent decades, we discovered new tick-borne diseases; additionally, those that are already known are spreading to new areas because of climate change. Slovenia is an endemic region for Lyme borreliosis and one of the countries with the highest incidence of this disease on a global scale. Thus, the spatial pattern of Slovenian Lyme borreliosis prevalence was modelled with 246 indicators and transformed into 24 uncorrelated predictor variables that were applied in geographically weighted regression and regression tree algorithms. The projected potential shifts in Lyme borreliosis foci by 2050 and 2070 were calculated according to the RCP8.5 climate scenario. These results were further applied to developing a Slovenian Lyme borreliosis infection risk map, which could be used as a preventive decision support system. Keywords: CART, climate change, MGWR, Lyme disease, infection risk, spatial modelling Published in DKUM: 12.08.2024; Views: 69; Downloads: 10
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7. Krajinski elementi v luči ukrepov skupne kmetijske politike : primer Dravske ravniDanijel Ivajnšič, Daša Donša, Damjan Strnad, Igor Žiberna, 2024, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph Abstract: V luči ciljev Skupne kmetijske politike za obdobje 2023–2027 obravnavamo problematiko biodiverzitete agro-ekosistemov, s posebnim poudarkom na Dravski ravni. Mali lesni krajinski elementi lahko pripomorejo k ohranjanju in potencialnemu povečanju biodiverzitete kmetijsko intenzivnih območij. Rezultati razvitega prostorskega modela izpostavijo Dravsko ravan kot območje z visoko prioritetno stopnjo (sicer za Slovenskimi goricami in Savsko ravnjo) za implementacijo prostorskih ukrepov za ohranjanje, predvsem pa revitalizacijo malih lesnih krajinskih elementov. Po drugi strani so neugodno okoljsko stanje na teh območjih povzročili procesi spreminjanja rabe prostora (razdrobitev in zmanjšanje gozdnih zaplat, nastajanje in združevanje njiv ter pozidanih površin) in način upravljanja s kmetijskimi površinami (pretežno intenzivno kmetijstvo). Hkrati se ob vse večji homogenizaciji kmetijske krajine številne dobre kmetijske površine Dravske ravni zaraščajo. Keywords: Dravsko polje, agro-ekosistemi, daljinsko zaznavanje, prostorsko modeliranje, skupna kmetijska politika Published in DKUM: 29.07.2024; Views: 100; Downloads: 16
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8. Spremembe izbranih podnebnih kazalcev in klimatskih tipov v Evropi do konca 21. stoletja : magistrsko deloMatej Meško, 2024, master's thesis Abstract: V magistrskem delu so analizirane spremembe izbranih podnebnih kazalcev in spremembe razporeditev podnebnih tipov od leta 1981 do leta 2100 na podlagi štirih 30-letnih obdobij. V teoretičnem delu sta orisana geografsko in podnebno stanje Evrope, kjer so izpostavljeni ključni dejavniki, ki so vzajemno vplivali na razporeditev podnebnih tipov, v našem primeru po Köppenovi podnebni klasifikaciji. Predstavljeni so tudi naravni in antropogeni vzroki za podnebne spremembe, ki jih že širša stroka vsakoletno bolj raziskuje. Pri tem se uporabljajo različni podnebni modeli in scenariji, ki napovedujejo različne intenzitete sprememb. Delo je nastalo na podlagi podatkov modela MPI-ESM1-2-HR in pesimističnega scenarija SSP-585. Pridobljene podatke iz CHELSA CLIMATE smo oblikovali v orodjih GIS za svoje potrebe ter analizirali spremembe razporeditev podnebnih tipov in sedmih izbranih kazalcev: letne povprečne temperature zraka, povprečne maksimalne temperature zraka, povprečne minimalne temperature zraka, letne višine padavin, dolžine rastnih dob, število dni s temperaturo nad 10 °C in število dni s snežno odejo. Analize so ugotovile spremembe pri vseh kazalcih, pojavile pa so se velike regionalne spremembe v intenzivnosti sprememb. Predvsem zahodni deli celine in tudi osrednji deli so izkazovali manjše spremembe, medtem ko se pri vseh kazalcih izpostavljajo prostori Južne, Severne in Vzhodne Evrope za območja največjih sprememb. Napovedi prikazujejo visok porast temperatur, zmanjšanje padavin, povečanje rastnih dob in števila dni s temperaturo nad 10 °C ter zmanjšanje števila dni s snežno odejo. Kot posledica sprememb kazalcev je tudi sprememba v razmestitvi podnebnih tipov. Na večino Evrope bi se razširili toplejši podnebni tipi, medtem ko bi hladnejši ostali omejeni le na visokogorje in skrajne severne dele celine. Spremembe kazalcev imajo in bodo imele katastrofalne posledice za naravo in človeka. Keywords: Evropa, podnebne spremembe, podnebje, temperatura, padavine, Köppen, 21. stoletje. Published in DKUM: 08.07.2024; Views: 158; Downloads: 42
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9. Krčenje morskih travnikov v slovenskem morju zaradi vpliva podnebnih sprememb in drugih posrednih dejavnikovLovrenc Lipej, Borut Mavrič, Domen Trkov, Martina Orlando-Bonaca, Danijel Ivajnšič, 2022, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph Abstract: V zadnjih desetletjih smo priča postopnemu izginjanju morskih travnikov na globalnem nivoju, pri čemer naj bi se njihova površina skrčila za tretjino. Tudi v slovenskem delu Jadrana prihaja do krčenja morskih travnikov, glavne vzroke za to moramo pripisati dejavnikom, kot so plovne poti in pristaniške dejavnosti, poglabljanje morskega dna, komercialne in rekreacijske dejavnosti, kot sta ribolov in privezovanje, odtekanje vode z urbanih in kmetijskih območij, v zadnjem času tudi vse intenzivnejše podnebne spremembe in kisanje oceanov. V pričujoči publikaciji predstavljamo rezultate kartiranja morskih travnikov v Krajinskem parku Strunjan, kjer je bilo v zadnjih letih, zlasti od leta 2018, opaženo obsežno upadanje. Ob tem razpravljamo o dejavnikih, ki vplivajo na razširjenost in regresijo morskih travnikov. Uporaba digitalnih ortofoto posnetkov in satelitskih podob (daljinsko zaznavanje) sta se izkazali za obetavni metodi, ki sta omogočili ugotavljanje prostorskih sprememb v času. Na predelih notranjega dela Strunjanskega zaliva so se travniki kolenčaste cimodoceje (Cymodocea nodosa) skrčili za več kot 80 % površine iz leta 2017. Upoštevaje pokrovnost morskih travnikov v celotnem slovenskem morju se je ta v letih od 2017 do 2018 zmanjšala za približno dobro petino. Keywords: morski travniki, izginjanje, kartiranje, podnebne spremembe Published in DKUM: 03.06.2024; Views: 129; Downloads: 15
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10. Vpliv podnebnih sprememb na gnezdenje obrežnih pticDanijel Ivajnšič, Iztok Škornik, Mitja Kaligarič, Lovrenc Lipej, 2022, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph Abstract: Podatki 6. poročila IPCC nakazujejo še intenzivnejši trend dviga morske gladine v drugi polovici stoletja. Piranski zaliv bi lahko bil v primeru uresničitve pesimističnih napovedi (ssp585) izpostavljen dvigu morske gladine tudi za 120 cm (v primerjavi z obdobjem 1995–2014). Nedvomno bodo zaradi tega prizadeta nizko ležeča obalna mokrišča in nanje vezani organizmi. Obrežne ptice (še posebej gnezdilke) bodo, zaradi visokega položaja v prehranjevalnem spletu obmorskih mokrišč, prvi pokazatelj okoljskih sprememb. V raziskavi obravnavamo odziv štirih vrst obrežnih ptic, kot so polojnik (Himantopus himantopus), beločeli deževnik (Charadrius alexandrinus), navadna (Sterna hirundo) in mala čigra (Sternula albifrons), na dvosmerni okoljski pritisk (dvig morske gladine in širjenje antropogenih dejavnosti) v Krajinskem parku Sečoveljske soline (KPSS). Oceno potencialne spremembe gnezditvene površine ptic zaradi dviga morske gladine smo izračunali na podlagi modelov razširjenosti vrst (Mahalanobisova tipičnost in Maxent). Ugotovitve kažejo, da se bosta beločeli deževnik in polojnik v KPSS kmalu soočila z zmanjšanjem potencialne gnezditvene površine, medtem ko so napovedi za obe vrsti čiger manj dramatične. Odkrit individualistični odzivi preučevanih vrst ptic na dvig morske gladine kot posledice podnebnih sprememb je lahko pomembna informacija za varstvene biologe v zavarovanih območjih, ki pripravljajo načrte za ublažitev negativnih vplivov na zavarovane habitate. Keywords: obalna mokrišča, dvig morske gladine, gnezditveni vzorci, modeli razširjenosti vrst, Krajinski park Sečoveljske soline Published in DKUM: 03.06.2024; Views: 127; Downloads: 12
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