21. Impact of soil composition on fall cone test results : technical noteBojana Dolinar, Ludvik Trauner, 2005, original scientific article Abstract: The cone penetrometer method is being increasingly used for the determination of the liquid limit of cohesive soils. The same method can be used to determine the plastic limit according to the known relationship between soil moisture content and depth of cone penetration. This relationship is non-linear, yet becomes linear on a log-log scale resulting in a simple methodof determination of liquid limit and plastic limit values. This technical note determines the soil properties that define these index parameters. Experimentally obtained results suggest that the index parameters primarily depend on the type, size, and quantity of the clay minerals in soil.Soil index parameters such as the liquid limit and plastic limit can be determined from knowledge of the mineralogical properties of the soil because this dependence appears well defined. Keywords: soil mechanics, soil tests, clays, cohesive soils, soil properties, Attenberg limits, cone penetration tests Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 2316; Downloads: 63 Link to full text |
22. Relationship between the undrained shear strength, water content, and mineralogical properties of fine-grained soilsLudvik Trauner, Bojana Dolinar, Miha Mišič, 2005, original scientific article Abstract: The relationship between the undrained shear strength of fine-grained soils and the water content can be described with a nonlinear function in which the type of soil is determined by two parameters. It is well known that these parameters depend mainly on the mineral compositions of soilsč these relationships, however, have not yet been investigated. The findings describedin this paper define those mineralogical properties of soils which determine the values of both parameters. Experimentally obtained results suggest that the parameters primarily depend on the size of the clay minerals,their quantity in soil composition, and the interlayer water quantityin the expanding clay minerals. As this dependence is well defined, the parameters, and thus the undrained shear strength at different water content, can be defined from knowledge of these mineralogical soil properties. Keywords: soil mechanics, clays, fine-grained soils, shear strength, water content, mineralogy Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 2792; Downloads: 118 Link to full text |
23. The impact of structure on the undrained shear strength of cohesive soilsBojana Dolinar, Ludvik Trauner, 2007, original scientific article Abstract: The relationship between the undrained shear strength and the water content ofcohesive soils can be described with a two parameter non-linear function. Parameter a is the water content at the undrained shear strength su=1 kPa, andb is the slope of the linear function which represents the ratio between the water content logarithm and the undrained shear strength logarithm. These parameters depend mainly on the type and amount of clay minerals in the soils,the particle sizes and shapes, their arrangements, the forces between the clay particles, and the chemical composition of the pore water. The impactof quantity, type and size of clay grains on the water content at a uniform undrained shear strength in different soils has been studied previously, whilst the impact of structure is less understood. Particle associations and arrangements (i.e. fabric), and the interparticle forces determine the structure of soil. This paper focuses on an investigation of therelationship between water content and undrained shear strength in kaolinite samples with different structures. The various arrangements of clay particles that resulted from the changed of interparticle forces were obtainedby salt addition (NaCl). Microfabrics of wet kaolinite samples were studied using a field emission scanning electron microscope. The results showed that clay structure exerts a strong influence on the relationship between the quantity of water and undrained shear strength. This was reflectedin the values of both soil-dependent parameters, a and b. Values of parameter a varied between 39.16% and 62.96%, and b between 0.100 and 0.139, for well crystallized kaolinite with salt concentrations of 0- 175 mmol/l. Forpoorly crystallized kaolinite with salt concentrations of 0-300 mmol/l, thevalues of a range between 46.96% and 100.30%, and b between 0.090% and 0.148%. Keywords: geomechanics, clay, kaolonite, structure, fabric, undrained shear strength Published in DKUM: 31.05.2012; Views: 2362; Downloads: 105 Link to full text |
24. The impact of mineral composition on compressibility of saturated soilsBojana Dolinar, 2006, original scientific article Abstract: This article analyses the impact of soils` mineral composition on their compressibility. Physical and chemical properties of minerals which influence the quantity of intergrain water in soils and, consequently, the compressibility of soils are established by considering the previous theoretical findings. Test results obtained on artificially prepared samples are used to determine the analytical relationship between the water content and stress state, depending on the mineralogical properties of the soils. A practical applicability of the established interdependence is verified on fiverandomly selected samples of natural soils. The selected approach to the analysis of the influence of soils composition on the water content at different stress states allows for the first time to establish generally validcriteria for determining such relationship. Keywords: soil mechanics, clays, specific surface, compressibility, mineral composition Published in DKUM: 30.05.2012; Views: 1869; Downloads: 149 Link to full text |
25. SLOVENSKI NARAVNI KAMENAndreja Hohnjec, 2011, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Diplomsko delo podaja pregled kamnolomov naravnega kamna v Sloveniji.
V uvodu se spoznamo z nameni in cilji diplomske naloge. V drugem poglavju so kamnine razdeljene v vrste, opisan je nastanek ter nahajališča naravnih kamnin v Sloveniji.
V tretjem poglavju je natančneje opisano pridobivanje kamnin, kako se obdelujejo ter za kaj vse se lahko uporabljajo. S slikovnim gradivom so prikazani primeri te uporabe slovenskega naravnega kamna na domačih tleh.
Četrto poglavje opisuje slovenske delujoče kamnolome. Opisane so vrste kamnin, ki jih pridobivajo ter njihove fizikalne in kemijske lastnosti. Podane so lokacije kamnolomov, njihova velikost in izplen ter informacije kako oziroma za kaj se te kamnine lahko uporabljajo. Keywords: kamnine, naravni kamen, kamnolomi, geologija Slovenije Published in DKUM: 29.09.2011; Views: 5684; Downloads: 720 Full text (2,99 MB) |
26. POHORSKI TONALIT V SLOVENSKI ARHITEKTURITea Urh, 2011, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Pohorski tonalit je eden izmed mnogih naravnih virov, ki jih pridobivamo v Sloveniji. Zaradi dobrih fizikalnih lastnosti se lahko kot naravni kamen uporablja zunaj za različne obloge, tlakovanje in tudi spomenike, vse več pa je tudi poseganja po njem za obloge v notranjih prostorih kljub njegovi monumentalnosti.
Diplomsko delo zajema predstavitev lastnosti pohorskega tonalita, nahajališča v Sloveniji in načine pridobivanja. Glede na te podatke smo povzeli možnosti njegove uporabe v arhitekturi. Osrednji del naloge je opis večjega števila objektov v Sloveniji, kjer je ta naravni vir uporabljen, z mnenjem o primernosti uporabe glede na okolje, tip objekta, kombinacijo vzorcev kamnine, načine obdelave kamnine itd. Glede na znane lastnosti kamnine smo analizirali tako smotrnost uporabe na danem mestu kot estetski učinek. Keywords: kamnina, naravni kamen, granodiorit, Cezlak I, Josipdol Published in DKUM: 29.09.2011; Views: 5396; Downloads: 241 Full text (75,78 MB) |
27. Magični realizem v trilogiji Isabel AllendeBojana Dolinar, 2009, undergraduate thesis Abstract: V diplomski nalogi sem se ukvarjala z analizo magičnega realizma v trilogiji ene najbolj znanih čilskih pisateljic Isabel Allende, ki je tudi predstavnica latinskoameriškega postmodernističnega romana, saj je navzočnost magičnega realizma v njenih delih ena glavnih oblik latinskoameriškega postmodernizma, brez katerega bi njeno trilogijo težko označili za postmodernistično. Trilogija, katero sestavljajo romani Hiša duhov, Hči sreče in Portret v sepiji, nam predstavi magično-realistično sago družine del Valle. Njeno trilogijo bi lahko označili kot življenjepis, saj so njeni literarni liki, ki nastopajo v delih, pravzaprav podobe realnih oseb iz pisateljičinega življenja, vendar so v opisih pretirani in imajo predvsem ženski liki superiorno vlogo, saj je ženske osebe v romanih izoblikovala po feminističnih idejah. Prav tako kot prikazani liki pa je tudi politika imela pri njej pomembno mesto. Dogodke iz preteklosti je poskušala obnoviti z ustvarjanjem drugačnih, alternativnih različic, s tem pa je zadevala ob spomin uradne zgodovine.
Magija in realnost sta v vseh treh romanih močno prepleteni, saj sta obe ravni, nadnaravna in realna, enakovredni. Tako je nadnaravni dogodek opisan kot nekaj povsem običajnega in navadnega, v pripoved pa je vključen kot sestavni del resničnosti. Takšno nenavadno resničnost pa v magičnem realizmu poleg nadnaravnih elementov oblikujejo še ciklični čas in alternativna zgodovina. Keywords: KLJUČNE BESEDE: Isabel Allende, Hiša duhov, Hči sreče, Portret v sepiji, magični realizem, postmodernizem, feminizem Published in DKUM: 13.08.2009; Views: 5751; Downloads: 433 Full text (537,29 KB) |
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