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Charpy toughness of vibrated microstructures
Bogdan Pučko, Vladimir Gliha, 2005, original scientific article

Abstract: The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of vibration on impact toughness of weld metal. Studies were carried out on two welds, of which one had been welded with applying vibration during welding. From test plates samples were made to simulate heat affect in combination with or without vibration after solidification. In this way conditions at multi-pass welding were simulated. According to different conditions Charpy toughness on non standard specimens and fracture appearance were observed. Vibration during welding benefits impact energy of weld metal, especially if weld metal undergoes further heatb treatment.
Keywords: welded joints, impact toughness, vibration, Charpy toughness, SAW
Published in DKUM: 03.07.2017; Views: 1109; Downloads: 116
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Vpliv vibriranja med varjenjem in po njem na mehanske lastnosti zvarov, zavarjenih v zaščiti močno ioniziranega večkomponentnega plina
Bogdan Pučko, 2000, review article

Abstract: Vibriranje za odpravo napetosti (VON - VSR) je eden od načinov odpravljanja zaostalih notranjih napetosti v zvaru. Pri tem se lahko spremene tudi nekatere druge mehanske lastnosti zvarnega spoja. Namen raziskave je bil primerjati lastnosti večvarkovih zvarnih spojev, zavarjenih in vibriranih v različnih razmerah. Z osnovnim stanjem smo primerjali žarjeno stanje, stanje z vibriranjem med varjenjem in po njem ter kombinacijo vibriranja in žarjenja. Varili smo po postopku T.I.M.E. (varjenje v zaščiti močno ioniziranega večkomponentnega plina). Z metodami verifikacije varilnega postopka in dodatnimi raziskavami lomne žilavosti smo ocenili razlike med različnimi stanji. ...
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1063; Downloads: 47
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Effect of vibration on weld metal hardness and toughness
Bogdan Pučko, Vladimir Gliha, 2005, original scientific article

Abstract: Vibration of welded parts is usually applied to achieve effects similar to thermal stress relief. With vibration, it is not only residual stresses that are affected. Using two different welding processes, the influence of vibration on hardness and toughness of the weld was measured. For each weldingprocess, two series of Charpy specimens were made over the temperature range from -60 to +20°C. The only difference between the two series was in performing welding with or without vibration. Slight differences in weld metalhardness were observed. Toughness measurements show an increase in impacttoughness and a significant increase in fracture toughness in samples which were vibrated during welding.
Keywords: welding, welded joints, residual stresses, vibrational stress relief, hardness, toughness, steel
Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 2601; Downloads: 97
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Charpy toughness and microstructure of vibrated weld metal
Bogdan Pučko, Vladimir Gliha, 2006, original scientific article

Abstract: Vibration during welding can be used to obtain certain changes in mechanical properties of weld metal. Research work on the influence of vibration on the secondary microstructure of welds and hence on the Charpy toughness was performed. Vibration during welding exhibits positive effects on the microstructure constituent formation. Multipass welding was simulated with reheating of the original single pass weld in order to obtain similar microstructure to multipass welds. Microstructures were examined with an optical microscope. Additionally, fractographic examination of the rupture of Charpy specimens was performed. Changes in the microstructure according to vibration were observed which affect toughness of the weld metal. Vibration during welding was rated more effective in the case of reheating the weld metal, which is the case in multipass welding.
Keywords: welding, welded joints, mechanical properties of metals, ferrite, vibration, microstructure, toughness, notched bar testing, weld metal
Published in DKUM: 31.05.2012; Views: 2485; Downloads: 107
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