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Teaching Literature in Slovene Grammar Schools and Preparation for the General Matura Examination
Barbara Melanšek, 2019, master's thesis

Abstract: The place of literature in English language teaching has been challenged by the emergence of the Communicative approach to teaching English language, the growing emphasis on spoken language and the teaching of English for specific purposes. However, recent years have brought renewed interest in this field, in how literary texts can best be exploited, and how the use of literature in the English classroom can help students improve their English. The main purpose of this Master’s thesis is to investigate what approaches to teaching literature are employed by English teachers at Slovene grammar schools, in general and in connection to the preparation for the General Matura Examination. We also wish to examine if and to what extent the requirements of the General Matura for English Language affect the teaching of literature in Slovene Grammar Schools, as well as to unveil the general attitude of Slovene secondary school students toward literature and reading. In the theoretical part of the Master’s thesis, we provide a theoretical framework for using literature in an English classroom, present the main aspects of using English literary texts with grammar school students and provide a few didactic ideas for the in the classroom.
Keywords: literature teaching, English teaching, grammar school, the General Matura
Published in DKUM: 23.10.2019; Views: 1189; Downloads: 111
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Tomaž Becket in Henrik II.: prijateljstvo, izdaja, umor
Barbara Melanšek, 2019, master's thesis

Abstract: Leta 1154 je po dolgi in krvavi državljanski vojni na angleški prestol sedel Henrik II. - prvi v vrsti plantagenetskih kraljev - in začel novo obdobje v zgodovini Anglije. Vojskovanje, diplomacija in premišljena poroka z Eleanoro Akvitansko so mu kmalu prinesli imperij, ki se je raztezal vse od škotske meje pa do Pirenejev; imperij, ki mu je zgodovinopisje po smrti njegovega snovalca nadelo ime Anževinski imperij. Obdobje vladanja Henrika II. so zaznamovali številni dolgoletni spori: s francoskim kraljem Ludvikom VII., s Henrikovimi sinovi in pa s Tomažem Becketom, canterburyjskim nadškofom, katerega srhljivi umor na oltarju canterburyjske katedrale je odmeval skozi srednjeveško Evropo in pomembno vplival na odnose med posvetno in cerkveno oblastjo v Angliji, pa tudi v Evropi. Thomas Becket, sin preprostega trgovca z blagom, je bil po tem, ko se je izkazal za izjemno učinkovitega in zanesljivega tajnika canterburyjskega nadškofa Theobalda, leta 1155 imenovan na mesto kraljevega kanclerja. Le nekaj let kasneje ga je Henrik II. po Theobaldovi smrti imenoval za canterburyjskega nadškofa. Kraljeva usodno napačna presoja moža, ki ga je izbral za Theobaldovega naslednika, je sprožila začetek dolgoletnega spora med angleškim kraljem in canterburyjskim nadškofom glede vprašanja sodnih pristojnosti in razmerja moči med posvetno in cerkveno oblastjo v Angliji. Spor so zaznamovale globoko zakoreninjene osebnostne in ideološke razlike med glavnima akterjema ter dolgotrajna in zapletena diplomacija, v katero so bili vpleteni največji mogočneži tistega časa in katere končni neuspeh je razkril Becketov umor leta 1171.
Keywords: Henrik II., Tomaž Becket, srednjeveška Anglija, Canterbury, cerkvena oblast, umor.
Published in DKUM: 22.07.2019; Views: 1182; Downloads: 156
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