1. The Linguistic and Discursive Construction of Gender and Sexuality in the Translation of English TextsBarbara Majcenovič Kline, 2016, master's thesis Abstract: Studies show that our ideas of gender and sexuality are closely linked with the language that is used to define and describe these two notions. It has been further proven that there is a very close relationship between issues related to sexuality and concepts such as gender, (political) power, exploitation, supremacy and mobbing, to name but a few. Social, cultural, political, historical and other discussions regarding questions such as what sexuality is and what is permissible, acceptable and even “normal”, are inevitably part of linguistic discourse.
In this MA thesis I thus research and analyze the complexity and multifacetedness of the relationship between language, discourse, gender and sexuality in the translations of English texts. I focus on the translations of texts which could be considered ambiguous in regards to expressing gender. This refers to the co-dependence between the source text, male or female translator and culture, as well as the broader circumstances that influence the translation or target text.
In the first part of the thesis I focus on the theoretical background and critical insights into the relationships between language, gender and sexuality. The next stage comprises a comparison of English texts from various media sources (classical and electronic) on both linguistic and discursive levels, with the translations of these texts into Slovene, Croatian and German provided by future translators.
The second part of the thesis, the research, comprises two parts: first, I am interested in how these texts and their translations are dealt with by the students – future translators – from four faculties in Maribor, Graz, Zagreb and Split.
I am further interested in the level of the respondents’ awareness regarding the appropriate use of politically correct expressions, which I assume they are able to use accordingly in their translations.
The second part of the research presents data collected based on the questionnaire, which was answered by future translators immediately after completion of the survey. Since the students come from different backgrounds, I am mostly interested in the reasons and possible factors that have influenced their translation choices (of individual words, expressions (terms), phrases, etc.).
There are two general assumptions based on the literature review and the analysis of the translations and answers to the questionnaires provided by the future translators.
The first one refers to the target text – translation – which, in most cases, depends on the current culture, social environment and time period. The emphasis is placed on the co-dependence between the source text, translator (male or female) as well as culture and other broader background circumstances which influence the translation or the target text.
This assumption emphasizes the importance of translators possessing a high level of knowledge and intercultural awareness. The latter was noticable in the translations under research, yet we are still, as regards politically correct expressions, in the process of introducing norms and guidelines on a higher, state level, which might be later generally applied.
The second general assumption refers to cultural, social, political, historical and ideological paradigms which annul the ideal of a translation as embodying or reflecting neutral, impartial linguistic and discursive text fidelity.
From the translations into three languages, I was able to establish that there are no ideal translations. Furthermore, it was extremely difficult to find gender neutral translations, because of the differences between the three languages analyzed in the study, which would fulfill expectations in the three culturally and politically different cultures according to their individual ideological guidelines. We also have to be aware of the rapid degree of globalization, progress and change which create differences and shape new rules, rendering the old ones obsolete. Keywords: gender, sexuality, language, discourse, translation, political correctness Published in DKUM: 11.08.2016; Views: 1931; Downloads: 169 Full text (5,15 MB) |
2. English for Specific Purposes - Students of Nursing Bridging the Gap between Theory and PracticeSofia Ha Vela, 2016, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Theoretical framework: Mastering a foreign language is a necessary component in the pursuit of a successful nursing career. Needs analysis identifies the purposes of learning, the best teaching methods, and the possible problems in implementing the language program.
Purpose: This thesis explored the academic and professional needs of the English language for nursing students at the Faculty of Health Sciences in Maribor and for health care employees within the region in order to build a bridge between theory and practice.
Methodology: The quantitative method of research was applied and a survey questionnaire was used as an instrument to collect data. Questions included in the survey were mostly of the closed type. Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel were used to analyze, examine, and edit the acquired information.
Results: It was determined that the learning needs of the students should focus on verbal communication and listening comprehension and less on grammar. More emphasis should be placed on conversational English, as both the student and employee groups felt that this was the most efficient method for learning.
Conclusion: The necessary information is now available to make improvements to the English language courses at the Faculty of Health Sciences in Maribor to better meet the needs of future health care professionals. Ultimately, this can improve communication between nurses and patients in a foreign language and increase the quality of care. Keywords: English for Specific Purposes (ESP), student nurse, foreign language, needs analysis, health care workers, communication. Published in DKUM: 12.05.2016; Views: 2008; Downloads: 79 Full text (2,22 MB) |
3. Vocabulary acquisition for future nursing staff : authenticity in the classroomKirsten Hempkin, Barbara Majcenovič Kline, 2012, original scientific article Abstract: Research suggests that many ESL teachers either modify or supplement the set textbooks they use in class, or develop their own materials for classroom use. Indeed, in recent years, the internet in particular has opened up a rich and at times perhaps baffling array of resources for those ESL practitioners who wish to incorporate authentic materials into their teaching. While the benefits of authentic materials are well-documented, their use is, however, not entirely unproblematic, and as research into the field of material (authentic or otherwise) development grows, this raises a number of issues as to the form these materials should take and how they can best be employed. This article presents a set of vocabulary building activities for future nursing staff; these activities are in use at the Faculty of Health Sciences in Maribor. The article explains the rationale behind them in light of the theoretical framework of language acquisition that underpins them. Keywords: ESL teachers, vocabulary acquisition, authentic materials, trainee nurses, theoretical framework Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1248; Downloads: 95 Full text (105,48 KB) This document has many files! More... |
4. Akreditacija dvopredmetnega pedagoškega študijskega programa druge stopnje Poučevanje angleščine : vloga za pridobitev soglasja k dvopredmetnemu pedagoškemu študijskemu programu druge stopnje Poučevanje angleščine Filozofske fakultete Univerze v MariboruMelita Kukovec, Slavko Cvetek, Michelle Gadpaille, Kirsten Hempkin, Dunja Jutronić, Klementina Penelope Jurančič, Victor Kennedy, Agata Križan, Barbara Majcenovič Kline, Tomaž Onič, Katja Plemenitaš, Nada Šabec, 2011, treatise, preliminary study, study Keywords: študijski programi, podiplomski študij, Maribor, pouk angleščine Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1415; Downloads: 53 Link to full text |
5. Akreditacija univerzitetnega študijskega programa 1. stopnje Angleški jezik in književnost : vloga za pridobitev soglasja k univerzitetnemu dvopredmetnemu študijskemu programu prve stopnje Angleški jezik in književnost Filozofske fakultete v MariboruNada Šabec, Victor Kennedy, Dunja Jutronić, Michelle Gadpaille, Darja Darinka Hribar, Tomaž Onič, Klementina Penelope Jurančič, Katja Plemenitaš, Simon Zupan, Melita Kukovec, Kirsten Hempkin, Barbara Majcenovič Kline, Agata Križan, 2007, treatise, preliminary study, study Keywords: študijski programi, dodiplomski študij, Maribor, angleščina Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1755; Downloads: 58 Link to full text |
6. Lost identities - gender and computer-mediated communicationBarbara Majcenovič Kline, 2008, published professional conference contribution Abstract: In this paper I shortly present some gender-related features of spoken interaction and then compare those with the features of the modern online communication. With a few short study cases I support my belief that computer-mediated communication enables individuals to hide their true identity by means of manipulation in virtual reality. Published in DKUM: 07.06.2012; Views: 1121; Downloads: 39 Link to full text |
7. Otherness - challenge or obstacle in multimedia translationBarbara Majcenovič Kline, 2011, professional article Abstract: As the world becomes increasingly unified, there is a growing tendency for language transfer in audiovisual media. Media are one of many different channels through which globalization is rapidly occurring. Although audiovisual (or multimedia) translation may not have been discussed much until recently, in the last twenty years, awareness of the importance of this kind of communication has grown considerably because the development of new technologies. This paper will examine whether translation training is keeping up with theory on the translation process and its product. It will address such issues as how to acquire multimedia translation competence, how to design a lesson to achieve long-term goals, and how to determine the teacher's and the student's roles in translation activities. I will discuss possible ways of introducing the predominant and/or prevailing types of multimedia translation to students of translation, giving some practical examples for classroom dynamics. Keywords: translation, theory of translation, multimedia translation, audiovisual translation, classroom dynamics Published in DKUM: 07.06.2012; Views: 1863; Downloads: 55 Full text (157,13 KB) This document has many files! More... |
8. Prevod neverbalnih prvin na primeru Grimmovih in Andersenovih pravljicTina Dobravc, 2011, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Diplomsko delo je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega dela, kjer so obravnavane pomembnejše neverbalne prvine mladinske književnosti, in iz praktičnega dela, v katerem so analizirani angleški in slovenski prevodi nebesednih prvin v izbranih pravljicah Pepelka, Janko in Metka ter Cesarjev slavec.
Osnovni namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti v kolikšni meri so se prevodi nebesednih prvin v izbranih pravljicah spreminjali skozi obravnavana obdobja in kakšno pozornost so nebesedni komunikaciji avtorji posvečali. Hipoteza, ki jo v diplomskem delu poskušamo dokazati je, da prevodi sodobnejšega obdobja posvečajo manjšo pozornost prevajanju izbranih neverbalnih prvin v primerjavi s prevodi starejših obdobij. Primerjana so sekundarna besedila, t.j. prevodi pravljice iz izvornega besedila (nemščina in danščina) v angleški jezik, z njegovimi prevodi v slovenski jezik. Izbrane so bile takšne neverbalne prvine, ki jih je v besedilu moč opaziti brez razumevanja pomena besed. Pri neverbalnih prvinah rima, aliteracija in onomatopeja je pomemben učinek, ki ga imajo na bralca besedila in ne njihov pomen. Sekundarni prevodi v slovenski jezik so razdeljeni v tri različna obdobja, pri čemer se ugotavljajo pristopi k prevajanju neverbalnih prvin v vsakem posameznem obdobju. Z analizo primerov je bilo ugotovljeno, da so avtorji sekundarnih slovenskih prevodov v starejših obdobjih posvečali manjšo pozornost pri uporabi neverbalnih prvin v besedilu kakor avtorji sodobnejših prevodov izvornega besedila. Keywords: Ključne besede: književno prevajanje, rima, aliteracija, onomatopeja, nebesedna komunikacija Published in DKUM: 18.11.2011; Views: 2965; Downloads: 353 Full text (865,30 KB) |