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History-dependent phase transition character
Juš Polanšek, Arbresha Hölbl, Szymon Starzonek, Aleksandra Drozd-Rzoska, Sylwester Rzoska, Samo Kralj, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: We consider history-dependent behavior in domain-type configurations in orientational order that are formed in configurations reached via continuous symmetry-breaking phase transitions. In equilibrium, these systems exhibit in absence of impurities a spatially homogeneous order. We focus on cases where domains are formed via (i) Kibble-Zurek mechanism in fast enough quenches or by (ii) Kibble mechanism in strongly supercooled phases. In both cases, domains could be arrested due to pinned topological defects that are formed at domain walls. In systems exhibiting polar or quadrupolar order, point and line defects (disclinations) dominate, respectively. In particular, the disclinations could form complex entangled structures and are more efficient in stabilizing domains. Domain patterns formed by fast quenches could be arrested by impurities imposing a strong enough random-field type disorder, as suggested by the Imry-Ma theorem. On the other hand, domains formed in supercooled systems could be also formed if large enough energy barriers arresting domains are established due to large enough systems’ stiffness. The resulting effective interactions in established domain-type patterns could be described by random matrices. The resulting eigenvectors reveal expected structural excitations formed in such structures. The most important role is commonly played by the random matrix largest eigenvector. Qualitatively different behavior is expected if this eigenvector exhibits a localized or extended character. In the former case, one expects a gradual, non-critical-type transition into a glass-type structure. However, in the latter case, a critical-like phase behavior could be observed.
Keywords: topological defects, domains, disorder
Published in DKUM: 01.07.2024; Views: 140; Downloads: 5
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Analitična mehanika
Milan Ambrožič, Arbresha Hölbl, 2023, reviewed university, higher education or higher vocational education textbook

Abstract: Pri predmetu Analitična mehanika obravnavamo številne probleme iz mehanike, predvsem dinamike, na bolj matematično sistematičen način, kot je navada pri običajnih fizikalnih nalogah, npr. v zvezi z drugim Newtonovim zakonom. S tem lahko vključimo tudi kompleksnejše geometrije pri gibanju teles. Ključni del analitične mehanike je vpeljava generaliziranih koordinat kot neodvisnih spremenljivk gibanja, s katerimi izrazimo Lagrangeevo funkcijo ali pa Hamiltonian. Nazadnje moramo rešiti ustrezne diferencialne enačbe, da najdemo časovno odvisnost generaliziranih koordinat. Gravitacija in nihanje sta značilni področji, kjer koristno uporabimo matematični formalizem analitične mehanike.
Keywords: Lagrangeeva funkcija, Hamiltonian, Euler-Lagrangeeve enačbe, mehanika, variacijski račun, enostavna telesa in sistemi teles
Published in DKUM: 07.12.2023; Views: 410; Downloads: 48
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Stable assemblies of topological defects in nematic orientational order
Arbresha Hölbl, Luka Mesarec, Juš Polanšek, Aleš Iglič, Samo Kralj, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: We considered general mechanisms enabling the stabilization of localized assemblies of topological defects (TDs). There is growing evidence that physical fields represent fundamental natural entities, and therefore these features are of interest to all branches of physics. In general, cores of TDs are energetically costly, and consequently, assemblies of TDs are unfavorable. Owing to the richness of universalities in the physics of TDs, it is of interest to identify systems where they are easily experimentally accessible, enabling detailed and well-controlled analysis of their universal behavior, and cross-fertilizing knowledge in different areas of physics. In this respect, thermotropic nematic liquid crystals (NLCs) represent an ideal experiment testbed for such studies. In addition, TDs in NLCs could be exploited in several applications. We present examples that emphasize the importance of curvature imposed on the phase component of the relevant order parameter field. In NLCs, it is represented by the nematic tensor order parameter. Using a simple Landau-type approach, we show how the coupling between chirality and saddle splay elasticity, which can be expressed as a Gaussian curvature contribution, can stabilize Meron TDs. The latter have numerous analogs in other branches of physics. TDs in 2D curved manifolds reveal that the Gaussian curvature dominantly impacts the assembling and stabilization of TDs. Furthermore, a strong enough curvature that serves as an attractor for TDs is a respective field that could be imposed in a fast enough phase transition. Assemblies of created TDs created in such a disordered environment could be stabilized by appropriate impurities.
Keywords: topological defects, nematic liquid crystals, Gaussian curvature, topological charge
Published in DKUM: 17.07.2023; Views: 421; Downloads: 23
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Fizikalne lastnosti intermetalne katalizatorske spojine ZnPd
Arbresha Hölbl, 2017, master's thesis

Abstract: Kataliza se uporablja v znanosti in tehnologiji za spreminjanje poteka kemijskih reakcij preko znižanja aktivacijske energije, ki je potrebna za reakcijo. Najpreprostejši katalizator dobimo, če vzamemo kovinski element brez podlage. Slabost take izbire je zelo omejeno število elementov, ki so katalitsko aktivni za dano kemijsko reakcijo. Alternativni materiali za heterogeno katalizo so strukturno urejene intermetalne spojine. Gre za spojine iz dveh ali več kovinskih elementov, ki se nahajajo levo ali v okolici Zintlove črte v periodnem sistemu elementov. Njihova struktura je popolnoma ali delno urejena in se razlikuje od strukture elementov, ki tvorijo spojino. Stabilnost intermetalnih spojin med kemijsko reakcijo je povezana z njihovo elektronsko in geometrijsko strukturo. Prednost uporabe intermetalnih spojin za katalizo je možnost izbire elektronske in geometrijske strukture. Intermetalne spojine lahko razpadejo pred ali med katalizo, tako da iz njih nastane katalizator z veliko aktivno površino. Intermetalne spojine lahko nastanejo tudi med kemijsko reakcijo pri reakciji med aktivno kovino in podlago ali med različnimi materiali s podlago. V izogib tem težavam je bil nedavno sprejet pristop, da se kot stabilne katalizatorje brez podlage uporablja intermetalne spojine z urejeno kristalno strukturo. V Magistrskem delu smo opravili karakterizacijo vzorca ZnPd s pomočjo mikroskopije SEM, ki je bila izvedena na Kemijskem institutu v Ljubljani. Ostale meritve so bile izvedene na Institutu »Jožef Stefan« v Ljubljani. Z napravo PPMS (angl. Physical Property Measurement System) proizvajalca Quantum Design smo izmerili fizikalne lastnosti ZnPd. Pri določanju magnetnega stanja vzorca pa smo uporabili magnetometer MPMS (angl. Magnetic Property Measurement System) XL-5 proizvajalca Quantum Design. V Magistrskem delu smo prav tako dopolnili nedavne študije fizikalnih lastnostih intermetalnih katalizatorjev GaPd in InPd.
Keywords: kataliza, katalizator, kompleksne kovinske spojine, intermetalne spojine, paladij, specifična toplota, električna upornost, magnetizacija, magnetna susceptibilnost
Published in DKUM: 21.12.2017; Views: 1786; Downloads: 134
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